• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Moving On

Arc and the others leave the Dining Room together. Evening has fallen over the land. General Blackbeak looks to Arc.

“That was quite the meal, Lord Arc! Not quite what I was expecting, but nice!”

He laughs! “Next time I’ll have my chef make us some Roast Cockatrice!”

Ember drools slightly as Natalya looks to her with concern.

“Are you alright, miss?”

“Yes! Fine!”

Flash Sentry turns to the general. “Can I show you to your room, sir?”

“Thank you, but I think I’ll stay with my daughter.”

Arc nods. “Very well. Ember, can you ask Doctor Whooves to supply the general with a cot?”

“Yes sir. No need for him to sleep on the floor.”

Flash Sentry smiles at the lieutenant. “This way, Natalya. I’ll show you where you can bed down.”

“Thank you.”

Arc calls out after them. “Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast.”

General Blackbeak and Natalya nod as they leave. A Royal Guard approaches Arc and salutes.

“Sir! The princesses request your presence!”

“Lead the way.”

The Royal Guard leads Arc down the corridor.

“What’s this about?”

“I don’t know sir. They only said it was for your ears only.”

Arc nods. “A secret, huh?”

“Yes sir!”

They arrive at Princess Luna’s room. The guard points nervously at the door.

“Both princesses are in there, sir!”

“Thank you.”

He knocks on the door but hears no response. Opening the door slowly, Arc calls inside respectfully.

“Princess Luna? May I come in?”

“Yes Arc! Please do!”

He enters the room to see both princesses sitting on the couch together. Closing the door behind him, Arc turns to the princesses.

“You wanted to see me?”

Cadance nods. “Yes! We’ve already taken the liberty of casting a silence spell on this room so we can talk in privacy.”

Arc walks over and sits down on the couch across from them. “I guess the explains why neither of you responded to my knocks.”

Luna nods. “We knew you would figure it out.”

“I suppose you want to talk about my mission, huh?”

Cadance smiles at him. “We do. But first, how is the young griffon doing?”

“Doctor Whooves sewed her tail back on. We’ll know tomorrow if the nerve endings were still viable.”

Luna shudders! “A frightening thought! The doctor is a very skilled surgeon. I’m sure he did everything he could.”

“The general is staying with her tonight.”

Cadance nods. “He’s very dedicated.”

“Yes, well… he has his reasons.”

Luna looks nervous. “In any case. How are things going in the Griffon Kingdom?”

“Things are moving along well! I believe I’ve already impressed General Blackbeak and Lord Gestal. He’s the head of the Council of Lords.”

Cadance giggles. “Sounds like you’ve been social lately!”

“I have! There was a bit of trouble at a party recently though.”


“Lord Gestal’s estate was attacked by what’s called the Griffon Liberation Army.”

Cadance frowns. “Rebels?”

“Yup. Does Equestria have any problems with dissidents?”

Luna sighs. “The closest thing we have to rebels would be the Nightborn. But, seeing as they don’t really do anything too threatening, my sister always left them alone.”

Cadance turns to her. “Other than attack Arc’s base, that is.”

Arc nods. “They had their reasons.”

“Yes, well… my sister was always worried that forcefully disbanding them would only serve to turn other factions against us.”

“Makes sense. For all they knew, they could be next.”

Cadance nods. “Exactly! Now, what can you tell us about these rebels?”

“I’ve learned that they claim to want to do away with the caste system.”

Luna nods thoughtfully. “A noble goal.”

Cadance sighs. “Aunt Celestia told me before that the very system they cling to was at the heart of our land’s problems for many years before she came to power. At that time, there was only so high a commoner could rise.”

“The commoners live in deplorable conditions. Houses in disrepair, terrible food, that sort of thing. I tried eating what they do, and question if it could even be considered food!”

Luna grimaces! “Unspeakable!”

Cadance nods in agreement. “Even the lowest in our society still have decent food to eat!”

“Tell me, Arc. Do you think the rebels really would do away with such a system?”

“I think they would certainly try. However when I met with them, it quickly became clear they were more of the ‘acceptable losses’ mindset when it came to the rank and file citizen.”

Cadance’s eyes grow wide! “You MET with them?!”

Luna nods approvingly. “Quite a feat! How did you locate them?”

Arc chuckles.

“Truth be told, they found me.”

“They wanted to open a dialogue with Equestria?”

“Yes, Princess Cadance. They appear very well supplied. Where those supplies come from is beyond me though.”

“What did they want?”

“For me to call for reinforcements from Equestria, Princess Luna. They had a plan to take the city swiftly! But needed more troops to pull it off.”

“I don’t know if I like that idea, Luna!”

Luna frowns. “Me either! Your thoughts, Arc?”

“I refused, as they really didn’t really seem any better than the leaders currently in power. We don’t want to have to deal with those whose first instinct is to fight! At least the leaders I’ve met thus far have been… approachable. I recommend that we try to establish diplomatic ties with the current governing body.”

Luna nods. “Do you think it’s possible?”

“I do. So far I’ve made some headway in that regard. The rebels, should they rise to power, would be a constant thorn in our side! When I refused to help, they threatened me physically and even sought to blackmail me!”

“Very well, Arc. As per your recommendation, Equestria will only deal with the legitimate government of the Griffon Kingdom.”

Cadance nods. “Can I assume you didn’t tell anypony else about your meeting with the rebels?”

“Just Ember, Sereb and Flash Sentry. They won’t tell anyone.”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief! “Good! If it became well known, our chances for lasting peace would be jeopardized.”

Cadance turns back to Arc. “Have you come up with any ideas on how to punish Lord Goldstone yet?”

“Not yet. He’s in Abyssinia at the moment.”

“Oh? Doing what?”

“Lord Gestal didn’t elaborate, but apparently he’s their emissary for all the surrounding nations.”

Cadance looks suddenly worried. “Arc? You don’t suppose he’s doing… certain things to citizens of other nations, do you?!”

“There’s no way to know. One thing I’ve read about sex offenders though… once usually isn’t enough for them!”

Luna shudders! “A sobering thought! Arc, you absolutely MUST find a way to stop Lord Goldstone! The marehood of the innocents he encounters cannot be violated!”

Cadance nods soberly. “Agreed! The methods we will leave up to you! But you must act quickly, before others share a similar fate!”

“I’ll do my best! But I think it would be in our best interests if we officially engaged in diplomacy with the Griffon Kingdom. They might be more willing to listen to the words of a bona-fide ally, rather than just a neighboring country.”

Luna nods. “Agreed. You have our permission to extend official diplomatic ties to the Griffon Kingdom. Kibitz will have the papers drawn up and signed by us before you leave in the morning with General Blackbeak.”

Cadance sighs. “The hard part will be finding the right moment to present them.”

“I think the really hard part will be gaining an audience with King Guto.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “You mean you haven’t?”

“Not yet, no.”

Cadance looks confused. “That is VERY strange! One would think he would WANT to meet with you!”

“I’ve only met with Lord Gestal, General Blackbeak and Chief Advisor Gunter. The other lords are out the capital on business. I’ll speak with the general on how best to proceed in this matter.”

Luna nods. “A wise move! He is indebted to you at the moment!”

“I’ll talk to him about it next time he’s in his office. No need to disturb him about it now.”

Cadance smiles empathetically. “We understand.”

“There is one other thing I needed to tell you about my trip thus far.”

Luna nods. “Go ahead.”

“They… don’t seem to value higher learning anymore.”

Cadance looks at him, confused. “Come again?”

“While I was touring the city, I saw their library. To say it was run down would have been an understatement!”

Luna frowns. “How bad was it?!”

“Books littered the floor and the ground outside.”

Cadance appears horrified! “That’s terrible! Can anything be done?!”

“I’ve already acted. Since no one was reading them, I figured no one would notice if someone rescued them from the elements.”

Luna nods. “Good thinking, Arc! How many did you save?!”

“Every book on the shelves and the floor.”

“What?! HOW?!”

Arc pats his magic ring. “I shrunk them down with a spell and put them in a crate. They’re safely stored away in here for now. Hopefully Twilight can restore them when I get back to Ponyville.”

Luna nods. “Are you certain that was the best course of action?”

Arc nods. “I am. I did it in secret and told no one other than my friends who were with me. Those books hold the collective knowledge of their nation. Forgive me, but I had to protect it.”

Cadance sighs. “Maybe one day they will remember the importance of books.”

“The ones that can be restored will be kept in my vault at Light’s Hope. That is unless you want them brought back to Canterlot.”

Luna shakes her head. “You may keep them at Light’s Hope if you wish. I know they will be safe with you!”

He stands up. “Thank you, Princess Luna. Well, I should probably let you two get some sleep now. Morning comes early these days.”

Luna sighs. “For all of us it seems.”

Cadance smiles up at him. “Thank you for bringing us up to speed on this task.”

Luna nods. “Do tread carefully, Arc. The griffons will not be pleased with you, no matter when you bring your charges forward.”

“I know. Goodnight you two.”

He leaves the room. Cadance looks to Luna.

“If Arc can pull this off without raising hostilities with the Griffon Kingdom, I’ll be amazed!”

“Yes. But I believe he is uniquely suited to this task.”

“How so, Luna?”

“The griffons respect strength. Our Hero of Light embodies that aspect perfectly!”

“But will that be enough?!”

“Time will tell, Cadance. Sooner or later… time will tell.”

Meanwhile, Arc returns to his room in the castle. The moon is full and the stars shine brightly in the dark sky. Sereb is already asleep in front of the fireplace. As he enters, he calls forth his helmet and sets it on the nightstand.

“I guess I finally get to use this bed again.”

Ember peeks out from under the covers. “You mean ‘we’, right?”

Arc sighs. “I should’ve known you’d be here, Ember.

She extends a claw to him. “Someone needs to watch your back. Now why don’t you lie down? This bed is amazing!”

Arc sits down on the edge of the bed and removes his boots. “What a day!”

Ember smiles as he lies back and covers himself up. “I’m really proud of you, Arc. It’s not just anyone who would go to such lengths to help a stranger.”

Cherry giggles. “I understand that much!”


“Remember when you two helped me the first time? A complete stranger was in danger and you risked your lives to save me!”

Arc frowns. “Well, I don’t like bullies like Buffalo Bull!”

Ember chuckles. “And I like a good fight!”

“In any case, thank you both! But you two should get some rest now.”

Ember nods and rolls over. She puts a claw on Arc’s chest as she snuggles up to him. “Good night, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “Good night you two.”

The pair are asleep in moments. Cherry watches over them dutifully.

“Ember… you and Arc really do make a lovely couple. Thank you for being there for him.”

The next morning comes sooner than either of them would like! The first rays of light stream through the windows onto Arc’s face as he opens his eyes.

“Time to wake up, Ember.”

Ember grabs a pillow and covers her face with it. “No it’s not! It’s still dark out!”

“You can sleep a bit longer if you want. I need to take a shower anyways!”

She suddenly bolts upright! “Can I…”

“Go back to sleep, Ember.”

Ember flops back down as Arc closes the bathroom door behind him. “Oh well…”

Cherry sighs. “You’re very determined, aren’t you?”

Ember jumps out of bed, wide-eyed and blushing! “S-sorry! I keep forgetting you’re here, Cherry!”

“It’s okay. Anyways, Arc already told me all about your… constant advances before we were engaged.”

“I… um… sorry…”

Sereb stands and heads toward the door. “I believe that is my cue to leave.”

He quietly leaves the room. Neither Ember nor Cherry seem to notice.

“You’re a very forthright young mare, Ember.”

Ember turns away from the helmet. Unable to face Cherry after what she has said. “It… it’s a dragon trait! Go after what you want and make it yours!”

“I see. Is that why you’re so insistent on sleeping with him? Wanting to… bathe with him?”

Ember sighs. “Kinda. You see… no one else has ever treated me so well! Arc was my first real friend, my first real love after all! Until I met him, I didn’t really understand what friendship really was!”

“He was my first love too!”

“A pretty mare like you?!”

“Yes, Ember. I was always so busy with the ranch that I never took the time to really get out there and meet somepony special! And you?”

Ember sighs. “Before I was banished from the Dragon Lands, I always assumed any male dragon that wanted to get close to me was just doing it for my position! It was hard being the daughter of the Dragon Lord.”


She turns around to look at the helmet. “But Arc was different! He was strong… and brave… and… and really handsome! But he was something the others weren’t.”

“Which was…?”

Ember blushes slightly as she smiles. “He was… Kind. Very Kind! And genuinely cared about me!”

“Is that why you always want to be near him?”

“Yes! I want to eat the same food! Breathe the same air! Share the same bed!”

“You love him.”

Ember smiles with a starstruck look on her face. “I do! Call me selfish if you want, but it’s the truth! All I want now is to be close to him! To love him! To be with him!”

“To bathe with him?”

“YES! Wait! I… I…”

Cherry giggles. “You know Arc doesn’t let others see him uncovered! Why then are you so interested in bathing with him? In… in seeing him like that?”

Ember takes a deep breath. “Because… I don’t want anything to come between us.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve made my peace with his insistence on wearing clothes all the time! But… to me at least, they just come between us! I’ve told him before that us being friends is enough. I was lying! I want him to sleep next to me forever! I want him to be my mate! And I want him to… to…

“And you want him to give you a foal.”

Ember nods as she chokes up. “Please don’t say anything to Arc about this! Me being a dragon and him a human… I know we can’t have a whelp! But I just want it so badly!”

“I won’t… for now. Can I confess something to you, Ember?”

“What is it?”

“I know how you feel right now.”

Ember smiles slightly. “How could you possibly understand what I’m going through? Arc’s so smitten with you! He has been for a long time!”

“Because… those things you said you wanted… marriage, a long life together and… and a foal? I want those things with him too!”

“You do?!”

“Yes, Ember. We both love and want to be near him always! And… we both want to… bear his foals.“

Cherry sighs.

“We’re the same, you and I. Both of us want things we can’t have… or give.”

Ember nods. “My mind knows that. But my heart…”

“Don’t give up, Ember! My chance has passed! But yours still lives on!”

“What are you talking about? Humans and dragons can’t…”

Cherry interrupts her. “I know! I’m saying you still have a life to live! You and he could still be together! And if he were to choose you, I would be very happy too!”

Ember looks at the helmet with a confused look on her face. “WHAT?! But what about you?!”

“I love Arc very much! So much in fact, that I want him to be with somepony who can make the rest of his life happy!”

“I want that too! But… there’s quite a bit of competition.”

“That much I do know, Ember. But you shouldn’t give up so easily.”

Ember nods. “I won’t. Count on it!”

A short time later Arc emerges from the bathroom wearing his royal raiments. Ember is sitting on the bed holding his helmet.

“You two getting along out here?”

Ember nods sadly. “Yeah…”

“We were just having a little mare talk. Pony to dragon!”

She gives Arc his helmet. He holds it to his temples a moment before returning it to his ring. As he and Ember leave the room, the find Sereb and Flash Sentry waiting in the hallway.

“Sereb? What are you doing out here?”

“Giving the ladies some time and space to talk.”

Ember smiles. “Thanks, Sereb.”

Flash Sentry nods. “He warned me now wasn’t the best time to go in there.”

Arc looks confused. “Uh… okay.”

The group proceeds down the corridor together. Arc turns to Ember and Flash Sentry.

“You know, we ARE in Canterlot Castle now.”

Ember shrugs. “And?”

“I don’t really need Honor Guards here.”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “One must keep up appearances, sir!”

“Very well.”

A short time later they arrive at Natalya’s room. Arc knocks lightly but hears no response. Flash Sentry shakes his head.

“Maybe she’s still asleep.”

Ember chuckles. “I doubt it. She probably didn’t sleep a wink last night!”

Arc nods. “I’ll check on her. You three stay out here.”

They nod as he opens the door and walks in. Arc looks around the room. The bed does not appear to have been slept in. He spots Natalya sitting on the balcony looking at the sunrise. She is still wearing her armor from yesterday. Arc walks over to her.

“Good morning. “

Natalya looks to him with bags under her eyes. “Good morning… Lord Arc.”

“Up all night?”

“Yes. I’ve been trying to figure out how… how I hurt the Trainer so badly yesterday!”

Arc nods. “I’ve been thinking about that as well.”

“Any ideas, sir?!

“I just might. Let’s go inside first though, It’s chilly out here!”

The pair return to the room and close the balcony door behind them. Natalya shivers!

“I guess I didn’t notice how cold I was!”

Arc turns to the fireplace and lobs a fireball toward the awaiting wood. It quickly bursts into flames as he gestures to the fireplace. The pair walk toward it together as Natalya holds her talons toward the fire to warm them!

“Thank you! That feels MUCH better!”

Arc looks Natalya over.

“Something wrong, sir”

“Would you turn around please? I want to see the back of your armor.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc kneels down next to her as she turns around. There is still dried blood on the lower part of her armor.

“I think I know what happened.”

He taps the side of her armor where the blood is the heaviest.

“When you landed, the force of your blow caused you to crouch on your opponent.”

She nods. “I suppose it did. But what does that have to do with her tail?”

Arc calls forth his spear and sets it on the ground next to Natalya. “My spear will represent your opponent’s tail. Crouch down as low as you can.”

She does so. Arc notices where her armor touches his spear.

“Very good. Now I want you to stand up and flop down as hard as you can.”

“Yes sir.”

The edge of her armor crashes down on the Spear of Righteousness’ shaft. Arc puts a hand on the bloody part of the armor.

“Right there! The Trainer’s tail must have been lying next to her when you landed.”

“What does that prove, sir?”

“The armor you were wearing doesn’t protect the belly. It ends at your sides.”

Natalya nods. “It’s to save material in making armor. Only officers get full plate.”

“Take off your armor and I’ll show you what I mean.”

She does so as Arc takes several pillows off the bed and couch. He stacks them on the floor next to his spear.

“Okay. The pillows will represent the Trainer.”

He picks up her armor and sets it down on top of the pillows.

“This is you.”

Standing up, Arc pushes down hard on the armor! Natalya watches as the edge of her armor smashes into the spear’s shaft!

“You see, the force of your armor’s edge smashing into her tail was the cause of the accident! It really could have happened to anyone!”

Natalya grimaces. “I’ll be glad to wear lieutenant armor again! That wouldn’t have happened! Thanks for figuring this out for me, sir!”

“No problem. Now before we head to the Infirmary, you should probably wash that blood off your armor.”

She nods, picks up her armor and hurries to the bathroom. “Yes sir!”

A few minutes later she returns with her freshly cleaned armor.

Arc looks to her as he recalls his spear. “Ready to go?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

They return to the corridor as Ember frowns impatiently.

“You sure took your sweet time, Arc!”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “You must be quite the heavy sleeper, Natalya!”

Arc clears his throat. “Yes, well… let’s get a move on.”

They make their way to the Infirmary. General Blackbeak is looking out the window at the sunrise as they enter. The cot nearby does not appear to have been used. Ember and Flash Sentry wait in the hallway with Sereb. Arc walks over to him.

“How is she?”

“She’s slept peacefully through the night. Hopefully Doctor Whooves will be here soon to look her over.”

As if on cue Doctor Whooves enters the Infirmary.

“Good morning everypony! Are you ready, general?”


Doctor Whooves walks over to the Trainer and gently nudges her. She does not stir.

“Quite a heavy sleeper. Either that or the sedatives haven’t worn off yet. Well, I have something for that!”

The doctor picks up a nearby syringe and injects the Trainer. A few moments later her eyes slowly open.

“What… happened?”

The general smiles at his daughter. “There was a bit of an accident, dear! How do you feel?!”

“Tired and sore!”

Doctor Whooves pulls back the sheet to reveal the bandaged tail.

“Miss, I need you to lift your tail for me.”

With great effort the tail lifts a few inches off the bed. The doctor smiles as he covers her back up.

“It appears the surgery was a success, miss. Now you’ll need to rest for a few days to finish healing. After that you can get out of bed, but no strenuous activities for at least two weeks!”

Blackbeak nods. “I’ll see to it, doctor.”

The Trainer looks around as she attempts to focus her vision. “Who… who’s back there?”

Doctor Whooves comes into the Trainer’s view.

“A… pony? Father? What’s going on?”

“There was an accident during yesterday’s promotion ceremony. You… lost part of your tail.”


Natalya steps forward. “Don’t worry! The doctor reattached it!”

“Who’s… that?”

Natalya sheepishly comes into the Trainer’s view. “It… it’s me.”


She tries to rise but finds herself too weak to do so. Doctor Horse gently pushes her down.

“You must stay in bed, miss!”

The general looks to her, sternly. “Do as the doctor says! We didn’t go through all the trouble of getting you here for you to set back your recovery time!”

“Where are we?”

Arc walks over to stand next to her father. “Canterlot Castle."

Natalya nods. “Lord Arc arranged for you to be brought to Equestria. They have a doctor here that sewed your tail back on!”

Her father nods. “You should be grateful to him! He restored your honor!”

“Th-thank you, sir.”

She turns to her father.

“Sorry dad. I guess I really let you down.”

“No dear. What happened to you was nothing more than a terrible accident! Don’t worry about it!”

Natalya nods, sadly. “Are you hungry?”

“Kinda. I guess it’s been a while since I ate.”

The general nods. “The lieutenant and I will fetch you some breakfast. You just rest!”

She nods as the pair leaves the Infirmary together. Natalya turns to him as they walk down the corridor together.

“I’m sorry this happened, sir!”

“As am I. But it’s in the past now.”

Meanwhile, Arc stays by the Trainer’s bedside. She appears upset.

“I can’t believe I owe a debt of gratitude to ponies!”

Arc nods. “And me.”

“And you! Who are you?”

“Lord Arc. Equestria’s Hero of Light.”

“I heard you were visiting. Thanks for everything… I guess.”

“If you really want to thank me, forgive Natalya. She really didn’t mean to hurt you after all.”

She shakes her head. “No promises there.”

Arc sighs. “By the way, I don’t think I caught your name, miss.”

The Trainer lies back and shifts uncomfortably.


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