• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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REMASTERED - VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 14 - The Aftermath

The sun is setting as the ponies all leave the gates of Tartarus behind them. They make camp for the night with supplies brought through the rifts from the Crystal Empire. Many campfires dot the meadow as the various ponies recall the day’s events happily. Arc, Derpy, Ember, Mythic Honor, the Mane 6 (minus Twilight and Fluttershy) and Princess Cadance sit around one such campfire. Derpy has not left Arc's side since the battle's end. Arc leans back against a large rock and sight contentedly.

“Ah... it feels good to relax after all that.”

Derpy looks up to Arc as she nuzzles his side. “Agreed. I think I've gone through a lifetime of stress today.”

Applejack looks over at Arc happily. “I second that. But we're all just glad to see you again, safe and sound.”

Rainbow Dash jumps into the air and does a flying back-flip before landing back where she started. “You were totally awesome back there, Arc! Definitely 20% cooler than anything I’ve ever seen before!”

Rarity nods. “You were marvelous, darling!”

Pinkie bounces in place clearly unable to contain herself. “As soon as we get back to Ponyville, I'm throwing you the biggest victory party EVER!”

Arc looks around the circle. “This was a larger victory than all of you know. Not only did you help liberate me from that place, but also righted a terrible wrong against an entire town of innocent ponies.”

Mythic Honor stands up. “Yes! On behalf of the entire Vile Tribe, I thank you for allowing us the privilege of seeing the sun and moon again after so many generations of darkness!”

Arc turns to the elderly unicorn. “Mythic Honor, if I may... what will you and the Vile Tribe do now?”

“I admit, neither I or any other member of the Vile Tribe has given it much thought, as we never dreamed we would ever escape that place! We spent all our time just trying to survive! However, sitting around this fire has given me some time to reflect on our future! With permission of the princess, I believe we will settle right here and guard the Gates of Tartarus.”

Princess Cadance looks over at him. “While that would be fine with me, are you certain? I would have thought you would like to get as far away from that place as possible.”

“As terrible a place as Tartarus was, it really is all we knew! Some of my people are quite apprehensive to be here! It would be a comfort to be able to see our old home from our new one!”

Applejack pipes up. “If that's truly what you want, I'll lend a hoof in the morning to help build a Town Hall. We all will.”

Rarity nods. “Here, here!”

Rainbow Dash grins as she stands. “We'll make this town AWESOME!”

Arc chuckles. “I’ll travel back to Ponyville tomorrow with the others to make sure they get back safely. Then I’ll return here with supplies and help you build.”

Mythic Honor nods happily. “Thank you all! You have already done so much for us! Especially you Arc. I am constantly humbled by your Generosity and Loyalty! Not to mention your Kindness...!”

Rainbow Dash looks around at the other fires around their camp. “Hey! Has anypony seen the ‘Heroes of Light’ around? We never actually thanked them for their help!”

Cadance looks over to Rainbow Dash suspiciously. “What do you know of the ‘Heroes of Light’?”

“Not much, other than they're AWESOME! They really kicked flank during the battle!”

Cadance looks over at Rainbow Dash, wide-eyed. “WAIT! The “Heroes of Light” were here?!”

Rarity nods. “Yes indeed! They protected me while I channeled that Strange Crystal. I too would like to thank them for their help.”

Cadance shakes her head sadly. “But… but that's impossible! The Heroes of Light fell in battle years ago!”

Applejack looks at her in disbelief. “That can't be. They joined our cause in Ponyville. Said something about owing Arc a favor, but didn't go into detail. Arc hasn't been here for years.”

Cadance puts a hoof on her chin, thoughtfully. “This is most puzzling. Their last mission went sideways but they somehow managed to pull it off. While it is true their bodies were never recovered I suppose if anypony could survive that, they could.”

Arc nods. “I saw them fighting bravely during the battle. Let's just say I hope I never have to fight those two. Not sure even I could pull that one off.”

Cadance looks over at Arc. “Yes, your prowess in combat is impressive. However, I am even more impressed by the selfless acts I witnessed during the battle. But forgive me for not introducing myself first. I am Princess Cadance, ruler of the Crystal Empire.”

He nods to her. “And I am Arc, a human from Earth. But I suppose you knew that already.”

“Yes. Twilight mentioned you back when you first arrived in Ponyville. I am glad to finally get to meet the one whom she has put so much faith.”

“I’m sorry it was not under better circumstances.”

Cadance smiles at him as Ember sits down on the other side of Arc. “I am just glad my forces made it here in time! Had we not arrived the battle may have ended much differently!”

“Can't argue that point! Name's Ember by the way!”

“Hello. I also saw you bravely fighting against the demons in the battle. Can I ask how you know Arc?”

Ember recounts meeting Arc in Tartarus and how they fought together on numerous occasions. Cadance nods.

“I see. So... you too were imprisoned in Tartarus?”

“Yup. Been there for a while now. Happy to be out of that dump, though.”

“If I may ask, what crime did you commit to be sent there?”

Ember looks over at Arc apprehensively. He nods. Ember tells the story of her being scapegoated for crimes she didn't commit and summarily sent to Tartarus. Cadance appears to be thinking.

“Hmmm... well this does put me in quite the position. While you did fight bravely, I'm afraid you are still an escaped prisoner of Tartarus. I'm very sorry about this, but I'm going to have to insist that you return with me to the Crystal Empire. I will see to it that you receive a proper trial before Princess Celestia when she returns, of course. But the law quite clearly states that you must remain under guard until your trial date. I am sorry about this.”

Ember moves to stand in defiance but Arc quickly puts a hand on her shoulder and pulls her back down. Mythic Honor stands in Ember’s defense.

“But you can't do that! Ember has been there for the Vile Tribe when we needed her! She's no criminal!”

Cadance sighs heavily. “I'm sorry, truly I am. If I could pardon you miss I would. However, the law clearly states that non-citizens who wish to appeal their case must do so before Princess Celestia.”

Arc looks over at Cadance. “While I understand your position, I don't believe you have the necessary... facilities to imprison a dragon. You've seen her in combat and seen her strength first hand. Can you honestly say your guards could handle such a ‘dangerous’ captive?”

“Your words are indeed true, Arc. But what would you propose I do?”

“Put her under house arrest in Ponyville. I'll guard her myself and take personal responsibility for her actions. Unless of course, you know of someone more powerful than I to watch her.”

Mythic Honor looks over at Princess Cadance yet again. “It's true! Arc has already defeated Ember in one-on-one combat!”

“Very well, Arc. Ember is entrusted to your care until her trial can commence. Until that time, you will be personally responsible for her every action. Do you understand and accept this?”

“I do.”

Cadance nods. “Very well. The petition is granted.”

“Thank you.”

Cadance stares at Arc, looking him over from top to bottom. “Arc, you are quite the mystery...”

“Really? How so?”

“While we ponies know very little about humans, what we do know is that they are supposedly greedy, jealous, untrustworthy, and often compared to the demons in Tartarus.”

“Um… ouch?”

Cadance holds up a hoof. “However, from what I have heard about your exploits in Equestria since arriving here, it seems you are the opposite of what we thought humans are like.”

“I admit, there are many humans that would fit the mold on what you just described. But there are also many who are far more selfless than I.”

“You have given me much to think about, Arc. Although I do have another question for you and Ember.”

Ember appears confused. “Me?”

Cadance motions to their spears. “Can the two of you explain where you acquired your weapons? Your spears are like nothing I have ever seen before.”

Ember recounts the story of how she received her spear from a mysterious shadow creature. Cadance nods.

“I have never heard of such a creature. This enigma keeps growing and growing! And you Arc?”

Arc pats the spear leaning on the rock next to him. “The Spear of Hope was not actually given to me, but also originated from a shadowy creature. Derpy, can you tell us the story please?”

Derpy recounts her and Arc's adventure in the Dream World where she received the Spear of Hope. Cadance sighs.

“The more questions I ask, the more questions I have! I will have to think more on these matters. Has anyone seen Twilight? I would like to hear her thoughts on these matters.”

Arc looks down at Derpy who is still leaning against his side. “Have you seen Twilight?”

Derpy bites her lip as she looks up at him. “She said she wanted to be alone for a while. I think... I think she's afraid to face you after all the trouble she caused.”

Arc rises to his feet. “Well, I had better go see her then.”


“Yes Derpy?”

“I know it won't be easy, but... please forgive Twilight, as I have.”

As Arc leaves, Princess Cadance turns to the others. “You don't think he would... hurt her, do you?”

Derpy looks over at the princess. “As much pain as Twilight has inflicted on Arc from her mistake, she certainly deserves it. But... if I know Arc, he doesn't want revenge. He just wants to set things right between them.”

Cadance relaxes. “Thank you for putting my mind at ease.”

Applejack looks around. “Hey! Has anypony seen Fluttershy?”

Rarity sighs. “She went to bed as soon as she finished pitching her tent. I think the day's activities were just too much for her.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Nah. She's afraid of the moon.”

Pinkie appears confused. “Really, Dashie! Why’s that?!”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “I don't know. But she’s avoided being out after dark as long as I can remember though.”

Cadance smiles. “We all have our fears, my little ponies.”

Meanwhile… Twilight sits at a small campfire, alone. She does not look up as Arc approaches and calls out to her.


Twilight says nothing, but continues to stare sadly into the fire as Arc continues talking.

“Are you alright? Princess Cadance and your friends are worried about you.”

Twilight replies but does not look away from the fire. “I... I had a whole speech written up on what I wanted to say to you right now. But... I realize now... that isn't what I want to say.”

Arc sits down on the ground on the other side of the fire as Twilight continues.

“I realize there really isn't anything I CAN say at this point. By now I’m sure you probably hate me, so I decided I wanted to be far away from the others when I say this.”

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

“I will accept any punishment you deem appropriate to inflict upon me. Do whatever you wish, but please, let your anger fall on me, and me alone.”

Twilight slowly gets up, walks over to Arc and sits on her haunches in front of him.

She closes her eyes. “Go ahead.”

“Put your head down, Twilight.”

She silently obeys. Twilight is completely terrified of what will happen next and begins to cry softly.

“Are you ready?”

Twilight, unable to speak, nods her head. Moments later she feels Arc's hand on her head. He slowly runs it down her mane and back before returning it to her head. This continues for several minutes. Twilight's body has gone limp and she is completely relaxed as Arc whispers to her..

“I missed you, Twilight…”

Twilight opens her eyes and looks up at him, surprised. ”What?! But... why?! How can you...?! Don’t you hate me for what I did?!”

Arc looks down at her and smiles. “Twilight, I could never hate you. Please know that I thought of you and Derpy every day I was in Tartarus, hoping you were alright. I admit, when you banished me I did feel betrayed. However, I knew you were doing it, at least in your mind, to protect others.”

Twilight smiles. “I... don't deserve such a good friend.”

“Twilight, I have a friendship lesson to share with you.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“Friendship isn't about deserving or earning your friends.”

“Then what…?”

Arc moves to stand up. “I'll tell you if a little while. Come on. The others are worried about you.”


Arc and Twilight rejoin the others. Cadance looks over to her friend.

“Glad to have you back with us Twilight.”

“Yes, and sorry for making you all worry about me.”

Cadance returns her gaze to Arc as he returns to his place. “There is one last thing I need to address before retiring for the night. Arc… there are many ancient laws, many of which are forgotten by all but the princesses themselves. One such law states that a princess cannot be indebted to anypony for any reason. When you risked your life to save my good friend Twilight here, I became indebted to you, and as such I am bound to repay you in whatever way you see fit.”

Cadance produces a scroll from the bag next to her and a quill.

“Simply write down what you would like and I will do my best to accommodate you. Princess Celestia will also be indebted to you for saving her most faithful student. But until she returns, I guess you will have to take a rain check on that.”

He takes the parchment and quill. “I can think of only one thing.”

Arc writes his request on the scroll and hands it back to Cadance. She reads the request with a strange look on her face before turning back to Arc.

“Are you certain this is all you would like?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I've never been more certain of anything.”

Cadance takes the quill, signs her name, rolls up the scroll and walks it over to Arc. “Very well. With my signature this Royal Decree becomes law.”

She gives it to him and stares into his eyes for a few moments.

“I would have thought you would have asked for great riches, property, or perhaps power, but this... I never would have guessed. Perhaps there is more to humans than meets the eye.”

Ember bows her head and sighs. “That there is, princess.”


“I learned something in Tartarus. Something that changed me.”

Twilight appears confused. “What was it?”

“That you can’t really go by common knowledge sometimes. I mean, just because everyone believes that a group is bad doesn’t mean it necessarily is.”

Mythic Honor nods. “Right! The Vile Tribe was thought to be criminals simply because everyone’s ancestors were! But we hadn’t done anything wrong! After all, when on is born into prison what real chance do they have in life?!”

Rarity nods. “I agree. You and the others deserve a fair chance at freedom. Just like all of us do.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah! It’s not right to keep ponies locked up like that!”

Derpy turns to Cadance. “Can’t something be done to make sure something like this never happens again, your highness?”

“I will have to speak it over with Luna and Aunt Celestia when she returns. This matted does have great merit.”

Twilight sighs. “But this is how things have always been done.”

Pinkie frowns. “Then maybe things need to change!”

Applejack nods. “Right. After all, keeping ponies in Tartarus for the crimes their parents committed… that just ain’t right!”

Arc looks out over the sea of campfires and Vile Tribe members gathered around them. “Right. But now they have their shot at a normal life.”

Mythic Honor nods. “It will be hard, naturally! But we’re willing to put in the work!”

Cadance stands. “And I do believe that you will be successful here. I will personally see to it that this matter is rectified for future generations.”

Arc nods. “That’s for the best, Princess Cadance.”

“While I don’t really know exactly what could be done, I also can’t just sit on my hooves and do nothing. Now then if everypony will excuse me, I need to get back to the Crystal Empire.”

She turns to walk away but stops and looks over her shoulder.

“I don't mind saying that there will be a great many ponies watching you Arc, waiting to see what you will accomplish next... and I will be one of them. I wish you luck in your future endeavors. Good night everypony.”

Cadance’s horn glows and she opens a portal. Stepping through she vanishes as Pinkie rubbernecks over to Arc.

“So! What did you ask for, Arc?!

Rainbow Dash grins. “I bet it was something totally AWESOME!!!”

Ember laughs. “I admit, I can't even begin to guess!”

Mythic Honor looks at the scroll in Arc’s hand. “Considering what you already have, this request must be amazing!”

Derpy smiles and looks up at Arc. “Whatever it was, I think you impressed the princess.”

Twilight looks over at her human friend. “Care to let us in on what you wrote?”

Arc hands the Royal Order to Twilight. “Why don’t you read it aloud for us?”

Twilight does so…

By Order of Princess Cadance...

The human from Earth named Arc is hereby granted amnesty and citizenship in the land of Equestria, with all the rights, responsibilities and privileges granted to every citizen of this land.

None of the ponies quite know what to say. Rainbow Dash looks over to Twilight, confused.

“I don't get it. What does that mean?”

Arc chuckles. “I means that I want to be one of you. Equestria is now my home.”

Twilight appears surprised. “But what about your friends back on Earth?!”

“I’d like to go back temporarily to say my goodbyes, of course. Then I’ll come back to Equestria to stay. That is, when Twilight figures out how I can do that.”

Twilight nods. “I’ll do my best to try and honor that request, Arc. But I think I’ll probably need help from Princess Celestia to make that happen.”

Ember frowns. “Won’t she just get mad at him? I mean… she supposedly doesn’t like humans, right?”

Arc takes the scroll back from Twilight. “That’s what this is for.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “I don’t get it.”

Rarity smiles. “It’s so she can’t just throw him out or refuse to allow him to return.”

Pinkie nods happily. “Yup! You can’t deport a citizen of Equestria. That’s illegal!”

Twilight sighs. “If you wanted to, you could cash in your favor with her to gain the help we need to send you back and resummon you.”

Arc chuckles. “Sounds like a plan. It feels nice to have a place to call home.”

Derpy nuzzles his side again. “We would be honored to have you stay with us, Arc.”

Rarity claps her hooves together. “Here, here!”

Standing, Arc stretches and yawns.

“Well, I think I need some sleep.”

Ember chuckles as she stands. “We all do.”

Twilight smiles at him. “Arc, before you go, could you finish telling me the friendship lesson you learned?”

Arc walks up to Twilight and gets down to her at eye level before putting a hand on her shoulder and answering with a single word.


He gives Twilight a small kiss on the forehead before saying good night to the group. As he rises to leave, so does Ember. She follows him to his tent. Arc groans.

“Okay, it is definitely NOT cold here Ember. You really don't need to do that.”

Ember looks at Arc with a mischievous look in her eye. “But didn't you tell Princess Cadance that you would guard me?”

Arc sighs as he pulls open the tent flap for her. “What have I gotten myself into...?”

Lying down, they get into their respective sleeping bags. Staring up for a time, Ember turns to Arc.



“You asleep, Arc?”

“Almost was.”

Ember chuckles. “Sorry about that.”

“What’s up?”

“I was just… thinking about someone.”


“Esther. Do you suppose she’s okay?”

“Probably. I mean, why wouldn’t she be?”

“We killed a lot of demons and their creatures during our escape. You don’t suppose she was with them, do you?”

Arc shakes his head. “All I saw were beasts and what were clearly soldiers. No civilians caught my eye.”

“That’s good. And I guess it’s a good thing the demons sent their beasts after us.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… I’ve come to view demons in a bit of a different light since we went there. That and what was spoken about over the campfire… it really hit me hard.”

“An epiphany?”

“Not sure what that is, but… the demons… are they also like the Vile Tribe? Victims of their ancestor’s crimes?”

“I don’t really know, Ember. But that is a good point.”

Ember sighs. “Unlike the Vile Tribe though we can’t just let them out. They’ll destroy everything!”

Arc nods. “Probably. Their king seemed like a complete sadist to me though. After all, he honestly wanted to watch Twilight get torn apart.”

“And his soldiers appeared to want to comply.”

“This issue is a complicated one.”

“Yeah. Not sure what to do about it.”

“I’ll ask Twilight to write this down and send it to Princess Cadance. Maybe they can think of something.”

Ember shrugs. “It’s all we can do, right?”

“Pretty much.”

“Sorry for talking your ear off about this. Never thought I’d be wishing for mercy on the demons though. I’ve… really changed.”

Arc chuckles. “We all have, Ember. We all have.”

Author's Note:

The end of Volume 2 was originally supposed to be the end of the story. However, my wife liked it so much she asked for more. Buckle up, because Arc and friends are in for a wild ride. :pinkiehappy:

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