• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 17 - Family Ties

Arc awakens early the next morning. Looking out the window at the early morning light he sighs contentedly and looks to the mare lying next to him. Derpy slowly opens her eyes as she raises her head.


“Yes, Derpy?”

“I… um… thank you… for last night.”

Arc strokes her mane. “It was my pleasure.”

“It was really nice what you did for me.”

“Nothing anyone else wouldn’t have done given the circumstances.”

“Nevertheless, I do appreciate you putting Dinky and I to bed.”

Arc chuckles. “It was nice for me too.”

There is a small knock at the bedroom door. Arc turns to it and calls out.

“Come in!”

The door opens and Dinky trots inside. Hopping up on the bed she giggles happily.

“Good morning mom and dad!”

Derpy pats her daughter’s head. “Somepony’s in a good mood today.”

Arc grins at the filly. “You must’ve had more fun yesterday than I thought you would.”

“I did, yes. But I’m more happy that we’re all home again together.”

Arc chuckles as he swings his legs over the side of the bed. “We’ll see how long that lasts this time.”

“I’m sure mom enjoyed it too!”

Derpy nods. “Yes, I did. Arc sleeping next to me just makes me feel so… so…”

Dinky cuts in. “Secure?”

“That’s the word.”

Arc rests his chin on Derpy’s head playfully. “Glad to help.”

“Um… dad?”

“Yes sweetheart?”

“Can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Is everypony okay with you spending more time with mom?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I talked it over with them and they understand that Derpy needs some extra care. As do you.”

Dinky giggles. “I just like having you home.”

“That and it’s not like I’m neglecting them. I saw the others yesterday while you and your mother were at the orphanage.”

Derpy grins approvingly. “A wise use of the time.”

“But I thought you were supposed to be inspecting the work done on the town.”

Arc shrugs as he stands up. “I did both.”

“Well, we should hurry up and get a move on, Dinky.”

“You two don’t eat breakfast at home anymore, Derpy?”

Dinky shakes her head. “We got out of the habit of doing that in Abyssinia.”

Derpy shrugs. “Living in a barracks does that.”

“Mom and I just kinda eat while we’re cooking now.”

Arc sighs. “We’ll that’s a shame.”

Derpy hops out of bed and stretches. “So what are your plans for the day, Arc?”

“I was going to pop back over to the castle and see how Mio and Hammer are doing first thing.”

Dinky appears concerned. “Is Miss Hammer’s sister doing okay?”

“She was improving last I saw her, yes.”

Derpy smiles. “That’s good. I’m sure it’s a load off Hammer’s mind too.”

“Yeah. After that I need to see if Auriel’s mom figured anything out from those papers I got for them.”

“Do you really think she can help Miss Shelly, dad?”

“I sure hope so, sweetheart.”

A short time later Derpy and Dinky head out the door. Arc waves after them as they turn and waves back.

“Bye dad!”

“We’ll see you for supper hopefully!”

“Have a nice day you two!”

As they disappear down the path Arc closes the door behind himself. Calling forth his gauntlet he opens a portal and steps through. Reappearing back in his room in the castle Arc heads to the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, combing his hair, and brushing his teeth (while not expressly mentioned in the past, yes he has been doing that regularly) Arc heads for the Infirmary. He spots Doctor Whooves leaving the semi-private area and motions for him to follow him into the office. Once the door is closed Arc turns to the doctor.

“How are things going in there?”

“The patient is growing stronger by the day, sir. She’s been able to get up and walk around as of yesterday.”

“And the infection?”

“Almost knocked out completely by the medicine.”

“That’s good. And Hammer?”

“She’s hardly left her sister’s side since arriving with her. However she did have some complaints.”


“She didn’t really approve of sponge baths for Mio, since her sister is apparently a bit of a… how should I say this…? A neat freak.”

“Mio is?”

“Yes. So Hammer has been helping her sister to the toilet so she doesn’t need to use a bedpan. That and she insisted on showering her as well.”

“Sounds like a lot of work.”

“Nurse Redheart oversaw the showering the first time on my orders. Safety first, after all.”

“Any problems?”

Doctor Whooves shakes his head. “None at all. Lieutenant Hammer simply turned on the shower, carried Mio into the bathroom, set her on the toilet, pulled off her hospital gown, and carried her into the shower. She couldn’t figure out a way not to get wet herself so naturally Hammer was soaked before stepping back.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, at least she was in a good place to get changed.”

“I thought so as well. However Redheart told me that Hammer simply stripped down to nothing and got into the shower with Mio.”

“So she bathed her too?”

“Indeed. Redheart was a bit surprised at first but later told me that she enjoyed the firsthoof experience.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Experience?”

“The situation allowed her to further examine a female human’s body. For educational purposes only, I assure you.”

“Mio was okay with that, right?”

“Oh yes, very much so. In fact it started a very in-depth conversation between the two regarding the differences and similarities between human and equine anatomy.”

Doctor Whooves chuckles as he continues.

“I wondered what was taking so long in there. That shower took well over an hour, after all.”

“Well, as long as the job got done and everyone was satisfied.”

“Hammer may have been a bit upset about the length of time she was in there though. But Redheart, satisfied that she was capable of safely handling her sick sister, allowed future showers without supervision. That led to much shorter times.”

“Good. “

“Mio also had a request for certain literature after that. However we weren’t sure if we were allowed to grant it.”

“I’ll talk to her about it. Now then, as long as we’re here, how’s Maria Knowles doing?”

“Recovering nicely as well. I allowed her to get out of bed yesterday and do a bit of walking around with her husband and daughter.”

“So how long until she’s fully recovered?”

“A day. Maybe two. However she’s the ultimate judge of that.”

“I’ll go see her after talking with Mio and Hammer.”

“Sir? Might I speak to you freely?”

“Um… certainly. What is it?”

“The lieutenant informed me that you still have not told Mio your true identity.”

Arc looks away nervously. “No. She’s… not fond of me.”

“But she appears very happy when you’re here.”

“Only in my armor. She doesn’t understand that the Hero from Earth is actually Arc.”

“I figured as much when you told Redheart and I to refer to you by your title around her. However I don’t believe putting that off will help anypony.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, I know. But before I left the matter alone since she was sick. I’ll get with Hammer soon and try to figure out a way to break the news to her gently.”

“We’ll do our part to keep up the ruse going, sir. However please understand the we aren’t infallible, nor is Hammer. The longer this goes on the higher the chances of somepony making a mistake.”

“It won’t be much longer.”

“And the more upset she’ll be with both you and her sister.”

Arc groans as he calls forth his armor. “Point taken.”

The pair leave the office together. Arc heads for Mio’s bed as the doctor busies himself elsewhere. He finds Hammer and Mio eating breakfast.

“Good morning you two.”

Hammer grins. “Hey! How was the party?!”

“It went okay. Well, other than Filthy Rich showing up and wanting his will to be done.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Filthy Rich?”

Hammer frowns. “I know him! He’s the lout that didn’t want to wait his turn for an audience a while back!”

Mio turns to Arc. “So this individual is a… pony?”

“An Earth Pony, yes. He’s a very wealthy individual whom doesn’t have much in the way of social skills or manners.”

Hammer chuckles. “I took care of him though.”

“What did you do?”

“Executed your standing orders and tossed him in the dungeon for a few hours.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I don’t recall giving that order.”

“Really? Remember when Twilight took over and you threatened to do that to anyone whom got out of line?”

“Vaguely, yes.”

“Well, Colonel Flash Sentry took it as being your will and made it a standing order in your name.”

Arc shrugs. “Oh well. I’m sure he deserved it.”

“It kinda worked out. When word got out that he of all stallions was in the dungeon, the rest of the nobles were more careful to mind their manners.”

Mio giggles. “They must’ve understood that this new leader wouldn’t be intimidated. However I’d still like to meet them.”

Hammer grimaces. “Maybe when you’re stronger.”

Arc nods. “And when there’s time. Twilight’s a very busy mare, after all.”

Mio smiles at Arc. “You must be too.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I haven’t seen you in a couple days. It seemed like you had forgotten all about me.”

Hammer groans. “Come off it, Mio! I told you that the Hero’s a busy guy too! He can’t just drop everything to come and see you!”

“Sorry about that. However I am here now. Oh, and the doctor said you had some kind of request, Mio.”

“Yes. I’d like to read some of the book on this land’s way of doing things.”

Hammer shrugs as she looks to Arc. “I don’t get it either.”

“Hammer gave me a rudimentary lesson on the comings and goings of this country. However I’d still like to know more about the history of this land. That and read about pony anatomy.”

“The doctor told me you had a very long shower while talking to the nurse about it recently.”

Mio nods. “I learned a lot. However there are a number of rather embarrassing questions that I’d rather read about than ask.”

Hammer looks to him. “How about it, Hero? Can she get some books from the Royal Library?”

“Fine. Just be sure the courier fetching them realizes that the reader does not have any Equestrian security clearance.”

“I’ll make a special point about it, yes.”

Mio appears happy at this. “Thank you, sir. I do appreciate all you’ve done for me. Recently and in the past, I mean.”

“Think nothing of it, Mio. After all, it’s sorta our fault what happened to you.”

Hammer grits her teeth. “I blame Brightwing for that!”

“Well, you can’t exactly go after her now. But in any case, was there anything else you needed, Mio?”

“Please don’t take this the wrong way, but…”

She looks away, blushing, before continuing.

“I’d… like some alone time with you. After I’ve healed, I mean.”

Hammer frowns. “What for?”

“Just to say a few things that I’d like kept between us.”

Arc nods. “When there’s time, yes. However when that will be is unknown to me at this time.”

“Don’t worry. I’m patient.”

Hammer chuckles. “You’d better be. This guy is always busy with something or other.”

Arc pats her foot through the blanket. “You just focus on getting better, okay?”

Mio nods. “I will, yes.”

“And don’t stay up too late reading. I already have two friends here that do that far too often.”

Hammer grins. “I’ll keep an eye on her.”

“Thanks, Hammer.”

“But could I see you outside for a minute? I need to talk to you about something regarding security measures.”


The pair head out into the corridor. Arc turns to Hammer as they round a corner.

“So what did you want to say?”

“Just this.”

Stepping forward, Hammer whips his helmet off, raises his mask, and plants a passionate kiss on Arc’s lips before lowering the mask and plopping the helmet back on his head.

“Thanks for the talk.”

Arc chuckles. “Don’t mention it.”

“But seriously, you need to come clean with Mio about who you really are.”

“Doctor Whooves already said the same.”

“I’m serious! You don’t understand just how much she talks about you!”

“The big thing is that she be well enough to do so.”

“That’s coming very soon according to the doctor.”

“I’ll have to think about the scenario in which I level with Mio then. Try to ease her into it.”

“Want my help?”

Arc shrugs. “Probably wouldn’t hurt.”

Hammer grins. “You come up with a plan and I’ll help you make it happen.”

“Thanks Hammer.”

Hammer turns and looks over her shoulder as she winks. “Don’t mention it, tiger.”

The young woman returns to the Infirmary as Arc heads down the corridor toward Auriel’s room. He arrives just as a Hoof Maiden leaves pushing a cart. She bows respectfully as he recalls his armor.

“Good morning, sir.”

“Hello. Um… did they just finish eating?”

“Yes they did, sir. Miss Auriel requested breakfast over two hours ago though.”

“Why so early?”

The Hoof Maiden shrugs. “I have no idea, sir. But we received the request for food and filled it immediately.”

“Good work then.”

She bows again respectfully before walking away with the cart. Arc turns to the door and knocks lightly. A few moments later Auriel answers. Her hair is unkempt and there are bags under her eyes.


Auriel yawns. “Good morning, Arc.”

“Have you been up all night?!”

“Pretty much, yes. Won’t you come in?”

Auriel steps aside to allow Arc to enter. He sees papers strewn over the bedspread and Maria looking over a clipboard. She appears to be going over her notes as Arc walks over to her.

“Good morning.”

Maria does not look up from her work. “Is it already?”

Auriel sighs. “I told you that when breakfast arrived, mother.”


Arc facepalms. “For the love of… have you been up all night too?!”

Maria nods as she writes. “Apparently, yes. Although I think I dozed off at one point.”

Auriel groans. “We both did. Father coming back from his evening conference woke us up though.”

Arc looks around. “And where is the king?”

Maria sighs. “He popped out for more breakfast.”

“Well, he has always had a healthy appetite, mother.”

“That I can attest to.”

Maria stops writing and looks to Arc before continuing.

“However I don’t believe you came here to talk about my husband’s dietary idiosyncrasies.”

“You’re right. Any word on those papers?”

Maria pats a stack of notes on the nightstand. “Starting with the subject known as John Smith, also known as Bloodletter… it would appear he was injected with a failed prototype of mine.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “Yours, mother?”

Maria nods. “Yes. I knew it was too unstable and unpredictable for practical use. That’s why I labeled it a failure and moved on to different projects.”

“Can he be cured?”

“Indeed. In fact, I’ve just finished formulating the mixture that will purge the toxin from his body.”

Auriel appears nervous. “And the method of administration?”

“A simple injection.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That’s it?”

Maria nods. “When you are the one whom originally created something, countering it is that much easier.”

“Makes sense. But what about Shelly, mother?”

Maria sighs and looks to Auriel before speaking.

“Would you please help me up, dear?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Auriel does so as her mother motions to the nearby table.

“Why don’t we sit down? It’ll make this easier.”

Arc frowns. “Um… okay.”

As they walk over to the table Maria looks to Auriel.

“I am glad to see that you’ve grown into a fine young woman, my dear.”

“Does this mean you’re proud of me, mother?”

Maria smiles. “Yes indeed. However we can talk more about your accomplishments later.”

Auriel helps her mother sit down as she looks to Arc.

“I was telling mother about essence extraction and my artificial sun last night.”

Arc nods approvingly. “Very impressive feats.”

“That they are. I’d like to know more about these things later. However right now we have work to do.”

Arc frowns. “Work?”

“First though you’ll need a bit of context regarding the Ascension Program.”

“I thought we were going to talk about Arc’s friend Shelly, mother.”

“We will, my dear. Trust me.”

Turning back to Arc, she continues.

“The program was started under the orders of General Mustang as a way of moving beyond what was currently possible.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What does THAT mean?”

“The general believed mankind was capable of so much more than we were currently accomplishing. However, he thought us limited by so many external sources.”

Auriel gasps. “But mankind has so many wonderful things!”

“Indeed. But we can always be more than we currently are. Originally the Ascension program’s goal was to be able to readily infuse subjects with the gift of magic. However, as I told you previously, this at the time was a long and drawn out process.”

“So you’re saying it was possible but not efficient, mother?”

Maria nods. “Or cost effective. The general knew that a new method would have to be found if he was going to be able to change the world.”

Arc frowns. “So he wanted to give everyone on Earth magic?!”

“That was the plan, yes. However to accomplish that, not only would every person need to undergo such treatments to use magic but so would every future born person.”

Auriel puts a hang on her chin thoughtfully. “So he wanted you to figure out a way to give humans magic without the standard treatments… how exactly?”

“I presented him with a theory. If we could use nanotechnology to infuse a subject internally with magical based chemicals the time to Ascend would be cut from years to weeks. While not a perfect idea, it was a step in the right direction.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide. “The Shards!”

Auriel gasps. “Arc? Are you saying…?”

“Yes! Frank and his guys were down there for some time!”

Maria frowns. “In Damocles Base?!”

Arc nods. “Diva kidnapped them. When discovered during a recon mission they were inside glass tubes with some kind of green liquid.”

“Tell me more about this liquid.”

Auriel pipes up. “Arc brought some back for analysis. It somehow provided nutrients to the subject via transdermal transfer.”

“Were they conscious?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. All of them were out cold the whole time.”

“Probably so that all their energy could go into Ascending. But how are they doing?”

“Um… fine, I guess.”

“So the process was successful?”

“Yes, mother. They had issues with controlling their powers originally. But Arc was able to help them with that.”

Maria grimaces. “That means Rieper is further along than I originally thought.”

“Well, he has had years to do so. But getting back to Shelly…”

“I’m coming to that. Back then there was the issue on how to test our theories. For safety’s sake we used animals at first. However it was clear that eventually we would have to move on to human trials. I suspected something was amiss in this regard, as every time it was brought up Rieper would say that we just weren’t ready yet.”

“Could he just have been erring on the side of caution, mother?”

“Had it been anyone else I would have thought so, yes. However, Rieper was not known for safety in his methodology. ‘Progress over all else’ was his motto. At the time I thought him to simply be trying to make a name for himself. However it turned out that wasn’t the case.”

Arc groans. “He had ulterior motives?”

“That he did. Do you remember when I told you how I was to help Rieper in his lab?”

Auriel nods soberly. “And he betrayed you?”

“Yes. Well, that wasn’t the entire story.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You left something out?”

“One detail, yes. You see, I arrived early that day. Partially because I’m very punctual. But also to see if I could figure out what he was really up to. So I booted up his experiment data and skimmed it. In the few minutes I had to look it over I found results from a very strange entry. Unbeknownst to everyone else, he was actively performing experiments on his own daughter.”

Arc clenches a fist. “You don’t mean…?!”

Maria looks Arc in the eye and nods soberly before responding.


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