• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - ...For Changes to Take Effect...

The next morning Arc, Gallus, and Rose appear on the sigil in Arc’s quarters in Canterlot Castle. Gallus follows Arc down the corridor.

“Why exactly don’t you just open a portal back to the Griffon Kingdom, sir?”

“Well, for starters, I don’t have a sigil in Griffon’s Gate anymore. Second, I’m not coming along to give you a return portal.”

Gallus shrugs. “Fair enough. It just seems like such a large undertaking. Sending a fully armed battleship to retrieve orphans. Are you expecting trouble?”

Rose frowns. “After last time, I would hope so!”

Arc nods. “Let’s just say I’m being cautious after what happened during my last visit. That and you said yourself the rebels were looking to recruit them.”

“What about it?”

“Think about it this way. All the orphans in town will be in one place. That would be a tempting target.”

Gallus shudders. “A sobering thought! Is Griffonstone going to send reinforcements to help?”

“I didn’t ask for any, no.”

“But what if they attack in force?! To say nothing for the guards firing on a foreign warship!”

“I already have Lord Gestal’s permission to bring the Lunar Destiny to Griffon’s Gate. Anything happens while the ship is docked and the guards will respond.”

Rose frowns. “And when we leave the city?”

“He’s sent out a bulletin giving standing orders to all airships in the country to not approach the Lunar Destiny. Not that I think any would, given its size and armaments.”

Gallus appears relieved. “That’s reassuring. And if someone does?”

“We have written permission from the Council of Lords allowing us to shoot to kill.”

Rose appears nervous. “Will we?!”

“I’ve already told Captain Tight Ship about this. He assures me that should something happen, he’ll give them every chance to retreat before doing anything rash.”

“Sorry for all the questions, sir. This whole thing just has me worried.”

“That’s understandable, Gallus. The rebels are probably still licking their wounds from their last encounter with me though. Hopefully they’ll believe I’m aboard and steer clear.”

They arrive at the Hanger. Gallus looks up at the ship clearly impressed.

“I’m going back to Griffon’s Gate in THIS?!”

Arc nods. “The younglings are important to me, and to Equestria. Their safety must come first after all.”

“I’m really impressed that you’re taking this so seriously, sir!”

“They’ve already had a hard life. Let’s make it a bit easier, shall we?”

Gallus nods happily as they walk up the gangplank together. “Yes sir!”

The pair make their way to the Bridge. Captain Tight Ship and Commander Soarin meet them there. Soarin announces Arc.

“Hero of Light on the Bridge!”

The crew stands and salutes.

Arc looks around. “At ease everyone.”

Tight Ship approaches Arc. “The ship is prepped and ready to move out, sir.”

“Good. Have you briefed the rest of the crew on the mission?”

“Yes sir.”

“I’m confidant everyone will do their jobs to the best of their ability.”

Wrangler looks over. “Sir? Are we really going to shoot civilian airships?”

“Only if they get too close. The captain will have the final say over that. Just keep the weapons ready at all times.”

“Aye, aye sir.”

“Moon Dancer, watch the radar. If anyone approaches I want Lemon Hearts to tell them to back off!”

The pair nod as Arc removes a paper and hands it to Tight Ship.

“Here is written authorization to enter Griffon Kingdom airspace with the Lunar Destiny. It also gives you the right to shoot any ship that tries to overtake you.”

Tight Ship nods as he takes the paper. “I hope we don’t need this, but I appreciate the option, sir.”

“Agreed. I’ll show Gallus to my quarters before disembarking. At that time I’ll give the all clear to get underway.”

He turns to Gallus.

“Please follow me.”

“Y-yes sir.”

The pair leave the Bridge. Rose follows closely behind them. Soarin turns to Tight Ship.

“What’s your take on this mission, sir?”

“A bit dangerous, but necessary. We’ve been given everything we need to complete it safely. Let’s make the princesses and the Hero of Light proud.”

Meanwhile, Arc leads Gallus to his quarters. He looks around before turning to Arc.

“Sir? Is this all for me?!”

“For this mission, yes.”

Rose giggles. “The bed is quite comfortable.”

Arc blushes slightly as he clears his throat. “Yes, well… you and the younglings will have full run of the upper and middle decks. If you could keep everyone out of the Lower Deck and the Bridge though I’m sure the captain would appreciate it.”

“I’ll do my best, sir.”

“I’m sure you will. In any case, do you have any questions before I leave?”

Gallus looks nervous. “Um… what do I do if something goes wrong?”

“Ask Captain Tight Ship for a radio before you leave. Something happens and he’ll contact the authorities and get some help.”

“What if he can’t?!”

“Then he’ll radio me and I’ll call Lord Gestal personally. Trust me, if that happens things will get done FAST! Just get everyone to the ship and tell the captain when you’re ready to return here. You should arrive shortly before dawn.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?”

“The ship is secure. You’ll be assigned a landing pad some distance from the other ships. Wait for daylight before starting out though. No unnecessary risks, okay?”

“Yes sir. I won’t let you down!”

“You’ll do fine. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to talk to the princesses while I’m here.”

Arc and Rose turn to leave.

“Uh, sir?!”


“I… I just wanted to say… thank you. Thanks for helping when no one else did.”

Arc nods. “It’s the Equestrian way.”

“I don’t understand that.”

Rose smiles at Gallus. “Stay here long enough and you’ll pick it up.”

“Looking forward to it.”

They nod and leave the room. Gallus walks over to the bed and lies down.

“This… it’s so soft! I could fall asleep right now!”

He sighs contentedly as he looks around the room.

“The others are going to love Equestria! I just know it!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Rose leave the ship and walks toward Audience Chamber. Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts. Come in please.”

“I read you sir.”

“I’ve disembarked. You may begin the mission at any time.”

“Understood. We’ll be off in a few minutes.”

“Good. Be careful over there. Arc out.”

Rose looks to Arc as he severs the connection . “Do you really think they’ll be okay?”


“What about the rebels though?!”

“The rebels are one of the reasons I’m sending him right now.”

Rose looks confused. “I don’t understand.”

“With their leader bedridden it stands to reason they’ll be disorganized and unable to mount a significant offensive against this operation. That and we did agree to get started as soon as possible.”

“I hope you’re right about this, Arc.”

“So do I. But waiting won’t make it any safer.”

They make their way to the Audience Chamber. Rose waits outside. The princesses are seated on their thrones but stand and walk toward him as he approaches. Luna gestures to the office.

“Let’s speak in private.”

Arc nods. “Good idea.”

They enter the office and sit down. Arc is the first to speak.

“Any word from Sunburst on that bolt?”

“Actually yes. His tests show that the Sanguine Azolla’s effects, when combined with that particular material, amplifies the poison.”

“That would explain why I felt ill after only a single dose.”

Cadance shudder. “A frightening thought!”

Arc pulls the knife from Lord Gestal from his ring. “Here’s the knife I mentioned the other day. Sunburst is welcome to look it over if he wants.”

Luna picks up the weapon with her magic and looks it over. “I will instruct him not to damage such a fine weapon.”

Cadance looks over. “It certainly appears to be the same material. Is it rare?”

“It must be. Ashe told me it’s something only very wealthy individuals have.”

Luna frowns. “That troubles me. Whomever is backing the rebels must be very wealthy indeed.”

“Well, I’m sure Lady Ashe has a sizable allowance.”

Arc shakes his head. “It can’t be THAT big. Outfitting a whole group plus hyper-expensive ammo?”

Luna turns back to Arc. “Did she confess to anything else?”

“Just that she’s a spoiled brat. Not surprising really.”

Cadance sighs. “That’s why Aunt Celestia had me do things like foalsitting when I was younger. She told me it was to understand the commoner’s everyday lives.”

“She was right.”


Luna sets the knife down on the table between them. “Maybe we can learn more about the reaction between the plant material and the metal. That would certainly go a long way in defending against it.”

Arc nods. “You mean like some kind of vaccine?”

Cadance shrugs. “At this point we need to consider all possibilities.”

Luna shudders. “Yes. Had I been hit with such a bolt it would have undermined our entire mission. You were able to stay under wraps. I could not.”

“Under… wraps?”

“You don’t remember what happened?”

“Not really, no.”

“Rose stayed with you to make sure you didn’t cause any trouble. Although it was fortunate you showed up when you did.”

“I really wish I could remember that night.”

“There’s always the projector and crystals. I’d be willing to show you what happened through my point of view.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, thank you. Hearing about it was bad enough.”

Cadance grimaces. “Yes, well… perhaps we should change the subject.”

“Agreed. Any movement from Griffonstone?”

“No. Which can only mean your plan was a complete success.”

“Good. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure what to do if Lady Ashe had rejected my plan.”

Luna frowns. “There was always my idea.”

“You know how I felt about that, Luna.”

“Yes. But our national security trumps my personal feelings.”

Arc sighs. “I understand what you’re saying. But I just want you to know that as a father, I can’t condone such actions.”

Luna bows her head. “Sometimes I have to do things that cause others to suffer. Believe me when I say I take no pleasure in such decisions.”

They are silent for a time. Luna looks up at him.

“Thank you, Arc.”

“What for?”

“You’re the only one in this entire land, other than another princess that is, who is not afraid to be Honest with me. I want you to know such a character trait is very important in a Hero of Light.”

Cadance nods. “Even though you don’t have to be, we both trust you to be Honest with us at all times.”

“I find Honesty to be much easier than deceit personally. Keeping all the lies straight just sounds like a lot of work to me.”

Luna sighs. “It is. That is why my sister and I always tried to keep to the high road. Getting caught in deception is not something one’s reputation recovers from easily.”

Arc frowns. “Yes. If Goldstone had learned that lesson, he wouldn’t be in my sights.”

Cadance gestures to several massive stacks of papers in the corner of the room. “We’re currently wading through the red tape and paperwork to bring a court case against him.”

“Let me guess. That’s going to take quite some time, isn’t it?”

Luna nods soberly. “Yes. But we will see to it this is done!”

“I appreciate that. As does Raven, I’m sure.”

Cadance nods soberly. “Worry not, Arc. She will have justice! It’s just going to take time.”

“Yes. I do believe you two are doing everything you can. But the longer this takes the more victims there will be.”

Luna sighs. “Indeed.”

Arc stands up. “I need to get back to Light’s Hope and have a conference with Raven and Flash Sentry. Anything you want me to tell them?”

“That we aren’t giving up on this!”

“Yes, Arc. Tell her that their justice, while slow, is coming!”

“I’ll do that.”

As Arc turns to leave there is a knock at the door. Luna appears surprised.

“Who could that be? I gave strict instructions we were not to be disturbed when speaking with you, Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “One way to find out.”

He walks over to the door and opens it. Sunburst is trotting in place on the other side.

“Sir! Just the one I needed to see!”

Arc steps aside to allow him to enter. Luna looks to the Lead Sage quizzically.

“Is something awry, Sunburst?”

“Yes and no, your highness!”

Cadance walks over to Sunburst. “Calm down. We can’t get anything out of you when you’re like this.”

“Yes, your highnesses.”

He takes a few deep breaths. Arc nods.

“Much better. Now, what seems to be the problem?”

“I’ve found something on your human friend, sir?”

“WHAT?! Where is he?!”

Luna rises from the couch. “I believe it is your turn to calm yourself, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, you’re right. Continue Sunburst.”

“I haven’t been able to pinpoint his location for some reason. All I can say right now is he’s somewhere in the vicinity of your town.”

Cadance frowns. “Can you explain why the lack of details, Sunburst? Usually scrying isn’t that hard for you.”

“I have a theory. Some magical force, whether natural or artificial, is somehow sending out masked or false readings.”

Luna looks confused. “I wasn’t aware that was possible.”

“Nor I. However that would make the most sense.”

“Anything else? Even if it’s just a guess!”

“It gets harder to focus on the target when certain other magical forces are near it.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “What does that mean?”

“The difficulty I’m having seems to spike and retreat seemingly at random. At first I simply believed this to be fluctuations in the transdimensional barrier’s energies.”

Luna nods. “But…?”

“They seem to coincide with certain energies being near the target.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I know this may sound strange, but could the problems be caused by magical energies from living creatures?”

“Certainly. However nopony on Earth has magic, right sir?”

“That is no longer true. “

Cadance looks to him. “Other than you Arc?”

“Yes. On my last trip to Earth I was attacked three times on separate occasions by those whom possessed interesting abilities. Two of them I originally thought were simply highly gifted. However, one of them was clearly using magic.”

Sunburst’s eyes grow wide. “Are you certain of this, sir? Typically magic requires some kind of focus. Did she have a horn of some kind?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. But she was holding some kind of weird looking staff while casting.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin. “An external focus. Very interesting.”

Cadance thinks for a moment. “You mentioned one of them suppressing your own magical abilities, Arc. Are you suggesting they’re somehow hindering our efforts to find your friend?!”

“Maybe. Sunburst?”

“I suppose it is possible. But that would take quite a bit of magical know-how.”

Luna nods. “Could they be doing it unintentionally?”

“Very unlikely. However not out of the questions completely, as we know nothing of them or their abilities.”

Arc sighs. “So where do we go from here?”

Sunburst produces a map from his robe pocket. “Here are the possible locations of your friend, sir. I’ve done the best I could with the interference.”

Arc takes the paper. “Thank you. When is the next window?”

“There is a somewhat small one tomorrow mid-morning.”

Luna narrows her eyes. “Elaborate.”

“Think of it as a bit of a rougher ride than you’re accustomed to, sir.”

Cadance shudders. “Is it dangerous?”

“Honestly, a bit yes.”

“I’ll take that chance.”

Luna walks over to him. “Arc, please wait for something a bit safer.”

Cadance join her. “Yes! Equestria needs you to come home in one piece!”

“I appreciate the concern, but my friend Frank needs help! This is very important to me!”

Luna sighs. “We understand that Arc, but think of the bigger picture.”

Arc frowns. “This is pretty big to me.”

Cadance nods. “Very well. Sunburst, do your absolute best to get Arc back to Earth safely tomorrow.”

Sunburst bows. “You have my word, Princess Cadance.”

“Thank you. Now I need to head back to Ponyville and take care of a few things.”

Arc turns to Sunburst.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“Very well sir.”

Arc leaves the office as Sunburst turns to Luna.

“Why didn’t you stop him your majesty? You could certainly forbid him from using the S.P.E.A.R.!”

Luna shakes her head. “Arc will do what he will do. Had I tried to stop him, we know he would have just found another way.”

“Agreed. We just have to trust his judgment.”

Meanwhile, Arc leaves the Audience Chamber.

“Time to go, Rose.”

“Okay. Where to now?”

He calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Ponyville.”

“You mean…?”

“Yeah. I need to talk to someone back at Light’s Hope. Then we’ll head over to see Twilight. That is, if you still want to.”

Rose nods. The pair step through and find themselves back at Light’s Hope.

“Do I have time to clean myself before we go?”

“Sure. Want to look your best, huh?”

Rose nods. “Yes. For some reason I feel it’s important right now.”

“I’ll come to my quarters and get you when I’m done.”

“Okay. See you in a bit.”

Rose heads for his quarters as Arc walks over to Raven’s desk.

“You have a minute, Raven?”

“Always, sir! What do you need?”

“I’d like to speak with you and Flash Sentry.”

“He should be in your office with Sandstorm Mirage. Shall I call for him?”

“No. Let’s head over there.”

“Yes sir.”

Raven follows Arc down the corridor toward his office. Entering they find the sergeant and lieutenant busy going over paperwork. They stand as Arc enters. Sandstorm Mirage salutes.

“Welcome back, sir!”

“It’s good to be back, sergeant. But I’ll be heading out again tomorrow morning.”

Flash Sentry walks over. “Where to this time, sir?”

“Earth. I’ve got a lead on the location of a friend of mine.”

Sandstorm Mirage eyes grow wide. “They need rescuing?”

“Probably. Why don’t you take a walk? I need to talk to these two privately.”

“Yes sir.”

Sandstorm Mirage leaves the room and walks slowly down the corridor.

“The commander is always so busy! While I really wish I could help, I understand I really shouldn’t…”

Meanwhile back in Arc’s office, he motions toward the couches.

“Sit down you two.”

Flash Sentry and Raven sit down next to each other on the sofa as Arc sits across from them.

“The treaty is now fully in force.”

Raven smiles. “Yes. Flash Sentry told me all about your heroics in getting the job done.”

“Well, it’s not done yet.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Indeed. Lord Goldstone remains free.”

Arc frowns. “Our next goal should be to change that.”

Raven looks worried. “What are you going to do, sir?”

“The princesses are working on the proper paperwork to put forth a complaint against him.”

“Th-they are?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, Raven. They were very upset when I told them what Lord Goldstone had done to you.”

“They’re too kind! I’m nopony important.”

“You’re still a victim, Raven. We aim to see this end.”

Flash Sentry turns to Arc. “Sir? What makes you think their courts would listen to us?”

“Equestria’s profile in their region has risen significantly since this all started. Originally we were just some country across the sea. Now we’re official allies.”

Raven nods. “That and I’ve heard about your own standing with them increasing.”

“I told her, sir. I hope that was okay.”

“It’s fine. But let’s keep this circle small, shall we?”

“Yes sir.”

Raven appears nervous. “If we get a court appearance, what then commander?”

“Then I’ll head over there and make the charges… personally.”

“Y-you don’t have to do that, sir! I know how busy you are!”

Arc sighs. “I might be the only one who CAN do this!”

Flash Sentry nods. “I must agree, sir. After your adventures in Griffonstone, they wouldn’t DARE ignore you!”

“Hopefully that’s true. But this is still a long shot.”

“Sir? May I speak freely?”

“Always, Flash Sentry.”

“I… I’ve been giving this a lot of thought, and might it be easier to…”

He appears to be having trouble finding the right words.

“Perhaps the case would go smoother with a different governing body in place.”

Raven looks to him, confused. “Flash Sentry? What are you suggesting?”

“The rebels hate the Council of Lords. Wouldn’t they more easily convict Lord Goldstone if there were in power?”

Raven sighs. “I’ve heard about the things that happen over there. While I hate to say it, perhaps it is time for a change in leadership.”

“Yes, well… I’ve considered that as well. However if we go that route, we can just throw the treaty in the garbage.”

Flash Sentry looks Arc in the eye. “So many are suffering over there though. Wouldn’t ANY change be welcome?”

“I’ve spoken to the Rebel Leader at length. While they certainly do want things to change, I didn’t get the feeling they would be any different from the current regime. Had I felt differently I might have covertly helped them reach their goals.”

Raven sighs. “We respect your decision, commander.”

“Yes sir. You’ve always done the right thing by us and Equestria. It’s just…”

He takes Raven’s hoof in his.

“…I just want to see that monster deposed!”

“You will. But if we don’t at least try to follow the rules, are we any better than he is?”

Raven shudders. “I don’t think anypony could be any lower, commander.”


Arc nods. “This isn’t over yet. I just wanted you to hear it from me, Raven.”

“Thank you, sir. For everything.”

Arc stands and walks over to the pair. He puts a hand on Raven’s shoulder.

“I’ll see this through to the end, Raven.”

Flash Sentry nods. “As will I!”

Raven smiles as she lays her head on Flash Sentry’s shoulder and puts her other hoof on Arc’s hand. “Thank you. It’s good to know I can trust you two.”

“How are the therapy sessions going?”

“Okay, I guess. I’m going to see her twice a week now.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Emerald Dream says she’s much better these days.”

“She tells me that I’ll get better with time. But… who knows how long that will take!”

Flash Sentry puts a hoof around her shoulders. “We’ll get through this together, Raven.”

Arc smiles at the sight before him. “I’ll let you two have some alone time now. Carry on, lieutenant.”

Flash Sentry nods as Arc turns and leaves the room. Returning to his quarters he finds Rose sitting on the couch waiting for him.

“You sure got cleaned up fast.”

“I know many females take quite some time in the Bathroom. Doing what though eludes me. Did your meeting go well?”

“Uh… yeah. Do you still want to go?”

Rose stands and nods. “I do.”

Arc walks over to her. “Rose, if you don’t want your directives removed I completely understand. This is risky after all.”

Rose wraps her arms around Arc’s midsection and pressing her cheek against his chest. “Would it make you happy?”

“Your freedom would, yes.”

She looks up at him happily. “Then that is also my wish.”

“Very well. Let’s go.”

Rose and Arc leave and head for the Golden Oaks Library. As Arc knocks Auriel answers the door.

“Arc! This is a surprise! Please come in!”

He steps inside with Rose.

“Thanks. Is Twilight around?”

Auriel points a claw toward the basement door. “She’s downstairs tending to the Dragon Berry bushes. Follow me.”

They walk downstairs together. Auriel turns toward the makeshift greenhouse.

“Twilight? Arc and Rose are here to see you.”

She sets down a watering can and trots over to them. Rose smiles at her.

“Good morning, mother.”


She looks at the clock on the wall nearby and sighs.

“Looks like I lost track of time again.”

Arc chuckles. “We’ll try not to take up too much of your time then. I know you must be tired.”

Twilight walks over to a nearby table. “I’ll be fine after some coffee.”

“I’ll bring you a cup, Twilight.”

“Thank you, Auriel.”

Auriel walks over to a coffeemaker nearby as Twilight turns back to Arc.

“So what can I do for you today?”

“I wanted to talk to you about Rose’s directives.”

“Oh? Something wrong with them?”

“Well… kinda.”

Rose looks down. “Arc asked me to change them, mother.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem for you, Rose. Go ahead.”

Arc sighs. “She said as much the other day when I made the request.”

“Yes, but this particular change is rather delicate. I wanted your input on it before proceeding, mother.

Auriel walks over with two cups of coffee. “Here you are, Twilight. You too Arc.”

“No thank you. I believe you need it more than I, Auriel.”

Auriel looks at the clock. “Maybe I do.”

Twilight and Auriel down the cup in a few gulps.

“That hits the spot!”

She turns back to Rose.

“Go ahead. I’m listening.”

“Arc wants me to… remove my directives.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide. “All of them?”

Arc looks to her soberly. “Yes.”

“Did something happen?”

“No. I just… I just want Rose to be free.”

Rose shakes her head. “But I am!”

“Free to choose her own path.”

Twilight puts a hoof on Arc’s side. “Arc, I built her for you, remember? She’s supposed to be there for you.”

Arc nods. “I understand that, my friend. But I…”

Rose begins to tear up. “You don’t want me around any longer?!”

“That isn’t it, Rose. You can still stay with me afterwards. But only if YOU want to.”

“Of course I want to!”

Arc turns to Twilight.

“Can it be done?”

Twilight thinks for a moment.

“Everything would probably be fine if her algorithms were rewritten to compensate for the new… directions. Or in this case, lack of directions.”

Rose sighs. “I’ve already done that.”

“Have you uploaded them yet?”

Rose shakes her head and responds in a hopeful tone. “No. I was hoping you could do that, mother.”

“Your subroutines could do a better job than I at that task.”

Arc frowns. “What’s the risk in this?”

Auriel sighs. “If something goes wrong, her memory banks will become unreadable”

Rose gulps. Arc frowns.

“So, she’d be a blank slate?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Worse. She wouldn’t even turn on. No personality, no speech, no memories, no safe mode. Nothing.”

Rose looks up at him. “Do… do I have to do this?! I’m scared!”

Twilight walks over to her. “Don’t worry, Rose. We can download a copy of your memories just in case.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Kinda like making a backup copy?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. If something goes wrong we can format her memory banks and reinstall everything from the backup.”

Rose shudders. “Are you sure, mother?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, Rose. Worst case scenario, you’ll take a couple more hours to bring back online.”

“Is there any chance we could lose her forever, Twilight?”

“No. That much I can guarantee.”

Twilight turns to a table and points a hoof at it.

“If you would please lie down there Rose, I’ll get started.”

“Y-yes mother.”

Rose does as she is told. Twilight gathers up a couple patches which she places on Rose’s forehead.

“I’m going to make a copy of your memories now, Rose. This may feel a little strange.”

Rose nods. Twilight presses a button and a machine behind her begins to hum. Arc takes Rose’s hand.

“Everything’s going to be okay.”

“I… understand.”

A few minutes later the process finishes. Twilight turns off the machine and removes the patches. She turns to her screen.

“Let me just verify everything transferred over correctly. It won’t take but a few minutes.”

Rose stares up at the ceiling as Arc stays by her side.

“Twilight won’t let you down. This will be over in no time.”

Rose says nothing but nods. A minute later Twilight turns around.

“Everything looks good over here. Are you ready to begin, Rose?”

“I… um… I am.”

Arc looks down at her with a smile. “I’m right here, Rose.”

Rose moves her hand a few inches toward him, still staring up at the ceiling.

“Master… please?”

Arc soberly nods and takes her hand. She gives it a quick squeeze. Twilight walks over to Rose.

“Activate Diagnostic Mode. Password… smartypants.”

Auriel turns to Twilight. “Smarty… what now?”

Twilight sighs. “It was a doll I had as a filly.”

Rose’s eyes go out of focus as she enters Diagnostic Mode. Her voice returns to a monotone.

“Enter command.”

“Access Directive Manager.”

“Directive Manager accessed. Input command.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “Go ahead and give her the order, Arc.”

“Rose. I want you to erase all of your directives.”

“Are you certain?”

“I am.”

“Secondary safety protocols require I inform you that this action cannot be undone. Are you certain you want to proceed?”

Arc nods.

“Are you certain you want to proceed?”

Twilight looks to him. “Arc, she can only take verbal commands for this. And you have to say the word ‘yes’.”

Arc nods and whispers. “Y-yes.”

A single tear courses down Rose’s cheek.

“Understood. This unit will restart in ten seconds to apply changes.”

Arc nods and leans down to give Rose a small kiss on her forehead as her eyes slowly close.

“Good night, Rose. Pleasant dreams.”

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