• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - The Cave

Arc slowly regains consciousness. He looks all around but can see nothing around him as a voice rings out in his head.

“Arc?! Can you hear me?

Groaning, Arc nods. “Yes, Cherry.”

“At last! I thought you’d never wake up!”

“Wha… what happened?”

“Truthfully I’m not really sure! It all happened so fast!”

Arc lies there a moment in the darkness trying to get his bearings.

“The… that crane… fell on me?”

Shaking his head in attempt to clear it, Arc raises a hand to his earring.

“Max? Rose? Anyone hear me?”


“I guess the fall knocked my earring out of service… or something.”

“Arc, you need to get out of here! If we really were knocked down here by that thing overhead it might still be above us.”

Arc attempts to cast a Light Spell, but fails.

“Oh yeah. That crazy witch sealed my magic.”

As he attempts to sit up, Arc hits his head on something a few inches above his head. He lies back and thinks for a moment.

“I just need a little bit of… I know!”

Activating one of his Magic Blades the room is suddenly dimly illuminated by the green energy blade. Arc looks up to see a large chunk of what appears to be the factory floor hanging over him.

“Good thing that didn’t fall another six inches!”

He crawls out from the rubble and slowly stands up.

“This isn’t the factory. Where am I?”

Cherry sighs. “I didn’t feel us being teleported, so we must still be in the vicinity.”

Turning his head to one side to gauge his surroundings, Arc frowns.

“No lights, no sounds, no nothing.”

Looking the other direction Arc spots something reflective.

“What the…?”

Walking toward it he sees a strange looking crystal. However it is smashed into a hundred pieces.

“This looks like what’s left of Mio’s wand.”

Cherry sounds indignant. “Good riddance!”

Glancing around he spots the heavily damaged shaft. Arc picks it up and shakes his head.

“Guess that’s the end of this thing.”

Suddenly the still air is broken by a small voice nearby.

“Give… it… back…!”

Arc whirls around to see Mio pinned under a pile of debris. She stretches her one free hand toward him frantically.

“I… need it!”

Arc drops the wand and hurries over to her. “Let me help you.”

As he approaches, Mio grabs a rock and lobs it at him.

“Get away!”

She look ready to faint. Arc steps forward again.

“I said let me help you!”

“No way! I just need to rest and regain my mana. Give me back my wand and I can save myself!”

Arc turns around and picks up the wand again. “You mean what’s left of it, right?”

Mio looks at her wand, clearly horrified.

“What did you…?!”

“ME?! You’re the one who…!”

The rubble above Mio shifts suddenly. Rocks and dirt fall covering her completely. Arc rushes forward and frantically digs with his gauntlets.

“I got you!”

A few moments later Mio’s head comes into view. She gasps for breath feverishly.

“Go away! I’m fine!”

“Seriously? You WANT me to leave you pinned under rubble and in the dark?!”

Mio is silent for a time. Arc sighs.

“How about a truce for now?”

“I suppose I can let you live that long.”

Arc goes back to digging. “Lucky me.”

In a short time Mio’s torso comes into view. Mio gasps as the debris is moved away.

“My arm!”

“Does it hurt?”

Mio nods. “Something hit it on our way down.”

“Let me get these rocks off of you. Then I’ll take a look at it.”

A few moments later Arc comes to the last boulder. Mio winces.

“Wait! My leg’s under there!”


“I hope that’s all it is! Sure hurts!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I can’t lift this one. Too big.”

“Then push it off!”

“And what about your leg?”

Mio frowns. “I…”

“It it’s not already crushed, rolling this thing over it will finish THAT job!”

“If you’re so smart…”

“Help me dig.”

“What for?”

“We’re going to dig your leg out. Leave the rock where it sits and loosen the dirt around it. Then maybe I can pull you free.”

“Not much of a plan.”

“You have a better one?”

Mio is silent as Arc continues digging.

“I thought not.”

Half an hour later Arc steps back.

“That should do it. Is your leg free now?”

“I think so. Maybe I can pull it out now.”

She tries, but fails.

“I can’t.”

Arc carefully digs a little more dirt out. Inch by inch Mio’s leg is freed. Eventually her foot comes into view.

“Ow! Careful!”

“Is it broken?”

Mio sweats from the pain. “I… think so!”

Arc reaches over to help her. “Let’s get you moved out of there.”

“I can do it myself!”

He steps back. “Suit yourself.”

Mio drags herself several feet from where she was trapped with her one good arm. Arc walks behind her holding his Magic Blade aloft to light the way. She stops to lean against a nearby rock. Arc kneels down next to her.

“Now then, how about we look at that foot?”

“It… it’s not that bad. Really.”

“Oh? Then why don’t you stand up and let’s get moving?”


Mio slowly gets to her feet. She takes a few steps before stumbling. Arc moves to catch her.

“I got you!”

She falls backwards into his arms. Mio pushes him away.

“Take your hands off me!”

Trying again to walk Mio suddenly finds herself falling forward. She crashes to the ground and rolls onto her back. Her face contorts in pain as she holds an arm to her chest.


Arc stoops down again. “Want me to look at it now?”

Mio frowns as she looks at his Magic Blade. “Fine. Just keep that thing away from me.

Arc removes his gauntlet and carefully sets it aside.


Mio nods as he moves toward her and carefully removes her boot.

“Let’s see what we have here.”

Arc carefully rolls up her pant leg and look at her leg and ankle.

“Your foot looks okay. But this ankle is pretty swollen.”

Mio grimaces. “Yeah, I can feel that!”

“Sorry. In any case, I have a med-kit here…”

Arc reaches for his ring, but nothing happens. He turns back to Mio.

“Looks like you were able to seal my ring too.”

“When I want to figure out a spell, I really put everything into it.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, I can see that.”

“Normally I could just dispel it, but…”

She looks over to her destroyed wand.

“…that’s not really an option right now.”

“Well, I have to bandage this up somehow. Let me think a moment.”

Arc looks around before turning back to Mio.

“This will do.”

“What are you…?”

Arc grabs her shoulder with one hand and the arm of her jacket with the other. Giving it a quick tug he pulls the sleeve clean off.


“Why did you…?!”

“I need to wrap your ankle. It’s probably just sprained, but this is the best I can do right now.”

Mio frowns as Arc forms a makeshift bandage with the leather. Finishing he looks up to her.

“How does that feel?”

“A bit better.”

“And your arm?”

“The pain is pretty bad.”

“I don’t think you did any favors falling on it. Want me to take a look?”

Mio sighs. “Whatever.”

Arc carefully removes her leather jacket and rolls up her sleeve.

“I’m not a doctor, but I think you just fractured it.”

“It sure hurts for a fracture!”

Arc runs two fingers up and down her arm. “There aren’t any breaks that I can feel. I can wrap it up nice and tight. That should at least help with the pain and protect it from further harm.”

Mio nods. Arc rips her jacket’s other sleeve into makeshift bandages and wraps her arm.

“That’s the best I can do.”

“It does help a lot.

Arc stands back up as he retrieves his gauntlets. “You still can’t walk on that leg though. And I can’t carry you with my Magic Blades out.”

Mio puts a finger to her cheek thoughtfully. “I think I can help with that.”

She concentrates for a moment before casting a small Light Spell.

“Sorry it’s not much brighter than a candle. But without the wand, my powers are limited.”

“That should work. Want me to carry you?”

Mio narrows her eyes as she shoots him a withering look. “You can’t be serious.”

“Come on! You’ve already proven you can’t walk like that.”

“It’s undignified to be carried!”

“Okay. So what are we going to do then?”

“I… I don’t know!”

Arc sighs and thinks for a moment. “Would you be happier if I carried you on my back?”

“That would be preferable, yes.”

He turns around and kneels down. “Go ahead.”

“And do what?!”

“Put your good arm around my neck and pull yourself up.”

“I can’t hold myself up with one arm!”

“I’ll help you.”

Arc puts his gauntlets under Mio’s thighs and lifts. She blushes heavily.

“Wh-what are you DOING?!”

“Holding you up. You okay back there?”

“I… um… yes.”

Arc looks around and starts walking.

“Where do you suppose we are?”

Mio frowns. “How would I know?!”

“I thought maybe you used your magic to teleport us somewhere else.”

Her eyes grow wide. “Magic can DO THAT?!”

“Um… forget I said anything.”

Mio giggles. “It appears the boss was correct in gauging your abilities. Your magic is certainly powerful.”

“Boss? You mean Frank? Where is he?!”

“I… I can’t tell you that. “

“Is he at least alive?!”

“That I can say for certain, yes.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “Good!”

Mio raises an eyebrow suspiciously. “You seem to care quite a bit about your enemies.”

“I could say the same of you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“During out last meeting, you weren’t trying to defeat me, so much as capture me.”

Mio looks away. “I… I had my reasons.”

“Your companions did roughly the same. Why?”

“The… the boss is very interested in meeting with you.”

“Not sure why. I’m no one important.”

“Someone who can take our members on single-handedly is someone of interest! To say nothing of what you did at the apartment fire! Just who ARE you?!”

“Just a guy trying to help out.”

“Like the boss. At least listen to what he has to say.”

“Not interested.”

Mio frowns. “Hmph! You’re quite stubborn! Just like him though, I suppose.”

“I believe your boss and I both want about the same thing.”

“A better world?”


Mio looks confused. “Then why don’t you…?”

“Because we differ on methods.”

They are silent for a time. Arc looks over his shoulder.

“My turn to ask you a question.”

“What is it?”

“Why are you with Stingray and Hammer?”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Unlike them, I feel like I can talk to you rationally.”

“They’re my sisters. We do everything together.”

“Even if it’s wrong?”

Mio frowns as she looks away. “It isn’t!”

“You sound conflicted. Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?”

“Both! Neither! I mean… hey, what’s that?”

“Huh? Now that IS interesting.”

Meanwhile, Max’s group drives toward the factory. Sereb growls.

“Is that…?”

Rose turns to him. “What is it, Sereb?”

“Roll down a window.”

Xenos does so. Sereb sticks his head out. Hugh chuckles.


Sereb shakes his head as he pulls his head back inside the Jeep. “I smell smoke.”

Max looks confused. “Like wood smoke?”

“No. I believe a nearby building is on fire.”

Viktor looks to Rose nervously. “You don’t suppose…?”

“I certainly hope not.”

A few minutes later they round a corner. The factory comes into view. Rose gasps.

“Oh no!”

Xenos frowns. “That does NOT look good!”

Max stops the Jeep. Everyone jumps out and runs towards the building. Hugh turns to Viktor.

“The whole place is going up!”

“I don’t see the commander or Ember anywhere!”

Xenos appears nervous. “You don’t suppose they’re still in there, do you?!”

Sereb sniffs the air. “Stay here!”

He runs toward the building and jumps through a window, shattering it. Sereb looks around a few moments before spotting Ember lying in the remains of some crates. Rushing over to her he quickly picks her up with his magic and sets her on his back. Ember stirs groggily.


Sereb speaks to her as he makes a run for the nearest exit. “Don’t worry! I have you, Ember!”

Diving out the window as the flames spread Sereb hurries back to the others. Xenos and Max grab Ember and lay her on the ground. They quickly pull her helmet off to look her over.

“Hey Ember! Can you hear me?!”

“Where’s the commander?!”

Ember looks around woozily. “Where… where am I?”

Hugh glances back toward the flames. “Outside the factory! You’re safe! But where’s the commander?!”


She looks toward the burning building, suddenly getting to her feet.

“He’s in there!”

Ember limps quickly toward the building. Max turns to Xenos.

“Stop her!”

Xenos quickly chases Ember down and tackles her.

“Ember, NO!”

She struggles to push Xenos off of her. “He won’t last long in that!”

Xenos grabs her wrists and pins her to the ground. “Stop!”

Hugh runs over with the others. “The commander wouldn’t want you to throw your life away like this!”

Viktor frowns. “Right! That and he’s gotten out of worse.”

Sereb nods. “I didn’t see anyone else when I got you out, Ember.”

Rose looks all around. “My scanners don’t show anyone in the building.”

Ember turns to Rose. “So he got out?”

“Either that or he was taken.”

Max frowns. “Are you certain he’s not in there?!”

“I am. Even if he were not alive, I would still pick up the unique chemical composition of his armor.”

Ember stands as Xenos lets her up. “What should we do now?!”

Max turns back to the Jeep. “We should get back to the commander’s house. As soon as he can I’m sure he’ll contact us.”

Sereb nods. “Agreed.”

Ember continues to look at the flames. “I… I’d like to stay here.”

Viktor sighs. “Ember?”

“Arc never gave up on me. I need to do the same.”

Xenos glances around. “The guards will be coming soon!”

“To tell you the truth, I don’t… really… care…”

Ember suddenly collapses. Max hurries over to her.


Rose looks down at her. “She’s just unconscious.”

“But how…?”

Sereb turns to walks back to the Jeep. His horn aglow. “Now we’re even, Ember.”

The others look after Sereb as he returns to his Cub Form and hops into the back seat. Viktor turns back to them.

“What do you guys suppose he meant by that?”

Xenos shrugs as he picks Ember up. “I don’t think I wanna know.”

Max frowns. “Agreed.”

Hugh sighs as they walk toward the Jeep. “I kinda do.”

Sereb pokes his head out the door. “This is one time when respecting other’s privacy is paramount.”

Max sighs as he get into the driver’s seat and starts the vehicle. “Fine. Keep your secrets.”

They slowly begin the drive home. Meanwhile, Arc and Mio continue walking. Mio looks around as she maintains the Light Spell.

“Where do you suppose we are?”

Arc shrugs. “This area is littered with caves. Although I wasn’t aware that any of them were this extensive.”

They walk on for some time in silence. Eventually Mio breaks it.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Why are you doing all this?”

“Well for starters, you can’t walk.”

“No, no! I mean the whole superhero persona. What is it you want?”

“To make the world a better place.”

“Like us?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, not like… what’s that?!”


Arc nods some distance ahead. Mio squints.

“I don’t see anything.”

“There’s a wall ahead.”

“What’s so special about a…?”

Arc interrupts her. “Not that kind of wall! A man-made one!”

“How can you see that far?! And in this darkness!”

“It’s complicated. But trust me, it’s there.”

They approach the wall. Arc carefully sets Mio down. She stand unsteadily on one leg as they look over the wall.

“This certainly isn’t a natural formation.”


Arc removes a gauntlet and holds his hand up to a crack. He turns to Mio.

“I can feel a draft coming from the other side.”


“That means this leads to the surface.”

“Thank goodness! But that still leaves the matter of how to get to the other side.”

Arc runs a hand over the wall. “It’s feels pretty old. A couple good blows might just take it down.”

Mio frowns. “Are you kidding?! That wall’s solid block!”

“True. But it looks like it’s seen better days.”

“Why not just wait? Your magic will be back by tomorrow morning. I’m sure you’d be able to melt us through it. Or however you got away from me last time.”

Arc nods. “We could wait. But it isn’t exactly warm down here.”

Mio pulls what’s left of her jacket tighter around herself. “It really isn’t! How didn’t I notice that before?!”

“Maybe my back was warmer than I though.”

“Actually, yes. Is that more magic? Or are you dressed warmly under there?”

“My armor has thermal regulators in it.”

Mio looks him up and down. “Fascinating! How do they work?! What’s the power supply?! Do they have limits?!”

“Why don’t we stay on topic here?”

Mio looks embarrassed. “My apologies. Anything magical really piques my interest.”

“As I was saying, staying the night isn’t really an option. While I’d probably be just fine sleeping in my armor, you’d probably freeze to death by morning.”

“But if you attempt to take this down it might cause a cave-in! We’d be killed!”

Arc sighs. “I’ll leave the decision up to you. While I can try to keep you warm, it might not be enough lying on the ground.”

Mio thinks for a moment before looking back to Arc.

“I think I’d rather be crushed than freeze to death. Give the wall a try then.”

“Alright. But first things first.”

Arc picks Mio up. She appears confused.

“What are you…?”

“Moving you back. If there is a landslide or something, you’ll have a better chance of surviving it if you stay back.”

He sets her down behind a large rock a short distance away. Activating his Magic Blades, Arc turns back toward the wall.

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

He walks back to the wall and takes a deep breath.

“Here goes nothing.”

Slashing at the wall Arc’s blades make quick work of the brittle concrete. Soon there is a hole large enough for them to fit through. He returns to Mio.

“Wall’s taken care of.”

Mio looks at his blades. “How on earth did you…?!”

Arc kneels down as he switches off his blades. “Let’s just keep moving, okay? Hop on.”

“Very well.”

Arc carries Mio to the newly formed hole. He carefully kneels down and crawls through. A moment later they find themselves in another tunnel. Mio looks around as her Light Spell illuminates a small area around them.

“This is a bit more man-made.”

“Agreed. Look at those lights up there.”

Mio does so. “What about them?”

“They look REALLY old!”

“Where do you suppose we are now?”

“I think these might be some of the old tunnels under Angel Grove.”


Arc nods as they press on. “My grandfather told me the city was originally built during World War II. All the old factories were connected by tunnel. I didn’t really think much of it until now though.”

“These must lead somewhere.”

“Hopefully at least some of the exits are still around.”

“What do you mean?”

“Most of the old factories have long since been torn down.”

Mio frowns. “That’s not reassuring.”

“Hopefully the exits in the Town Hall or the Post Office are still around. They’re some of the oldest buildings around.”

“But that’s all the way back in Angel Grove!”

“True. But we’ve been walking for a couple hours since our battle. We should be within the town limits by now.”

“How can you be sure?”

“I’m not.”

“Then how…?”

Arc shakes his head. “We just have to keep moving.”

They walk for another hour before coming to a ladder and a large iron cover. Arc looks up.

“That might be our ticket out. Let me check.”

He sets Mio down and climbs the ladder. Putting his shoulder against the cover Arc pushes.

“It’s… not budging!”

Mio sighs. “Maybe they poured concrete over it?”

“That’s one possibility.”

He bangs on the lid with his gauntlet.

What are you doing up there?!”

“There’s an echo.”


“That means there’s just something holding the lid down. Let me try again.”

Are resumes pushing.

“It moved a little that time.”

“Good! Maybe we can get out of here!”

“One more time.”

Arc pushes with all his might. The lid begins to move ever so slightly. With a final heave and a grunt the lid gives way with a colossal crash. Mio looks up.

“What was THAT?!”

Arc shrugs as he makes his way down the ladder. “Whatever was holding this thing down I guess. You ready to go?”

“That I am! But how?”

“What do you mean ‘how’?”

Mio looks down at her arm. “I can’t climb the ladder with only one arm and leg.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “If you trust me, I could help you.”

Mio sighs. “Do I have a choice?”

“Not really.”

Arc helps her up and leads her over to the ladder.

“What do I need to do?”

“Put your good arm around my neck. I’ll support you as we climb together.”

Mio does so and puts her good leg on the bottom rung.

“Okay. Now what?”

“Just hold onto me and I’ll do the rest. Tell me, is your belt made out of real leather?”

Mio nods. “It is. But why…?”

Arc puts his arm around Mio and grabs the back of her belt as he begins to slowly climb. She gasps and blushes heavily.

“What are you…?!”

“Just keep climbing!”

In short order they reach the opening. Arc lifts Mio by her belt through the hole. She drags herself over the edge with her one good arm and rolls over onto her back as Arc climbs up and closes the lid.

“Here we are. Safe and sound.”

“And warm! Where are we?!”

Arc calls forth one of his magic blades and looks around.

“I see a light switch. Let’s find out.”

He walks over to a door and flicks the switch next to it. They appear to be in an office of some kind. Arc looks around as he shuts down his blades.

“This looks like Town Hall.”

Mio points to a fallen filing cabinet as she sits up. “There’s your crash.”

Arc returns to Mio and sets the filing cabinet back up. “It doesn’t seem to be too badly damaged fortunately.”

Mio leans up against a wall, wincing in pain. “I think the cold may have been numbing my arm and leg to a degree.”

Arc points to a nearby desk. “Why don’t I help you to a phone? You can call your gang for a ride back to your base.”


Arc helps her over to a desk chair.

“I need to call for pickup as well.”

She nods as Arc steps a short distance away and picks up another phone. He dials his phone number nervously.

“I sure hope Ember’s okay. If she is, I’m sure she’s worried sick about me.”

A few moments later Ember picks up the phone.

“Um… hello?”

“Ember. It’s me.”

“ARC?! Are you okay?!”

“Yeah. For the most part anyways. And you? Are you unharmed?”

“Forget me! What happened?!”

The sound of the rest of Arc’s friends running over can be heard.

“Sounds like I woke everyone up over there. It’s… complicated.”

“Where are you?!”

“At the Town Hall. Have someone come get me. My magic’s down at the moment.”

Xenos calls out from the background. “I’m on my way, sir!”

Ember turns back to the receiver. “Xenos just left. He’ll be there soon. Now what the heck happened?!”

“I’ll tell you when I get home. But I don’t think you’re going to believe my story this time around.”

“I’ll be the judge of that!”

Arc sighs. “Suit yourself. I'll see you in a bit.”

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