• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - A Difference of Opinion

Arc and Ashe look out the window on the Observation Deck.

“The world looks so peaceful from up here.”

“Nothing but ocean for miles, Lady Ashe.”

Ashe turns to him and narrows her eyes.

“It would have been a good place for you to dump my body.”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m not doing that.”

Ashe puts a talon to her knife wound. “I’m sure your princess had other plans for me.”

“Maybe. But cooler heads prevailed.”

They are silent for a time. Ashe sighs.

“Look, I’m sorry for what happened the other day.”

“Which part?”

“Me attacking you in your room.”

“Why’s that?”

“Our earlier assaults were in an attempt to prevent the treaty from being signed.”

“That much I figured.”

“My most recent attack was purely for revenge.”

“You really had nothing to gain from it?”

Ashe shrugs. “Peace of mind mostly.”

“Anything else?”

“Yes. I was going to leave evidence of the rebel’s involvement near your corpse. If we could take out Equestria’s famed Hero of Light, the clout we’d gain would be substantial!”

Arc nods. “I suppose that’s right. But think about this from my point of view.”

“What are you talking about?”

“After I beat you, I could have taken your rebel’s uniform and presented it as a gift to your king.”

Ashe thinks for a moment. “It certainly would have cemented relations between the Griffon Kingdom and Equestria. They would have lauded you as a hero for slaying the rebel leader. So why didn’t you?”

“Because of your father.”

Ashe appears surprised. “You don’t owe him allegiance or loyalty of any kind.”

“He’d never know what became of you. Lord Gestal would drive himself to an early grave wondering your true fate.”

“He would have figured it out.”

Arc shakes his head. “Figured out that his own daughter was the rebel kingpin? Fate has served me its fair share of plot twists. But I never dreamed YOU were behind the… what did you call it?”

Ashe looks to Arc proudly. “The Griffon Liberation Army.”

“Yes, that. But let me turn the question around.”

“To what end?”

“What if Lord Gestal had vanished? Taken by masked assailants. Wouldn’t you wonder what became of him?”

Ashe looks away. “I… I don’t know.”

“Pray you never have to answer that question.”

Silence again reigns for a time.

“Lord Arc, might I ask something of you?”


“I, uh… was wondering if you could tell me more about your country?”

“Which one?”

Ashe frowns. “What do you mean?”

“I’m assuming you mean Equestria. But I’m not originally from there.”

Ashe nods. “That thought had crossed my mind, yes. But I’m interested in learning more about Equestria.”

“I’ll try to answer your questions. What do you want to know?”

“Let’s start with the government. The princesses rule together?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Think of it a bit like your Council of Lords.”

“Is one higher than the others?”

“I’m told Princess Celestia is sort of like your Lord Gestal in that regard.”

Ashe appears confused. “Told?”

“I’ve yet to meet her. Looking forward to it though.”

“Let’s change the subject. We spoke earlier about how happy the servants looked. Are their lives really that bearable?”

“Yes. It wasn’t that long ago I was a commoner myself.”


Arc chuckles. “I came to Equestria over a year ago. While I didn’t have a bit to my name, I was happy living in a small town called Ponyville.”

“How did you survive?”

“Mostly doing odd jobs around town. Nothing really important mind you. But it did keep me quite busy.”

Ashe giggles. “From commoner to Hero of Light to Lord Regent in one year?!”

Arc shrugs. “What can I say? I like to stay busy.”

“How did you take the throne?!”

“The princesses were ill at the time and unable to carry out their duties. I was merely doing what needed to be done until they were again ready to do their jobs.”

Ashe frowns. “I see. How about the food? Is it like what we ate for lunch?”

“It depends who’s cooking it.”

“Admittedly lunch wasn’t too bad.”

“Equestria has ample food for everyone, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

“Is it edible?”

Arc nods. “I’ve yet to have a truly bad meal there, yes.”

“In the castle?”

“Anywhere. Quality ingredients are quite affordable everywhere I’ve been.”

Ashe looks out the window. “Equestria sounds like a veritable paradise compared to the Griffon Kingdom thus far.”

“While I haven’t seen all there is to see in your land, I’d have to agree.”

Ashe turns back to Arc. “I’d like to see how you Equestrians do things. Turn the ship around at once!”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s not happening.”

“You dare defy me?!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Uh, yeah! What are you going to do about it?!”

“When my father hears about this…!”

Arc laughs. “Again with your father?! Can’t you do anything yourself?”

Ashe glares at him. “How DARE you! I’ll have you know I am more than capable of getting by without my father!”

“Are you now?”


“How are you planning on leading the Griffon Kingdom without him then?”

Ashe scoffs. “What are you talking about?! He’ll still be there after I overthrow the king!”

“But he’ll be taking orders from you then, right?”

“I… suppose so, yes.”

“Do you really think he and the other lords will just roll over and bow at your feet?”

Ashe nods indignantly. “Why wouldn’t they?! The rebels would be in charge at that point!”

Arc shakes his head. “So you topple the king and everyone’s just supposed to kiss your ring and obey your every word?”

“Something like that!”

“What about your father’s clout? Do you think it will serve your purposes at that point?”

“I won’t need it! As the Griffon Kingdom’s queen, I’d have my own respect and obedience to fall back on!”

Ashe grins contentedly.

“What do you have to say about THAT for a plan, Hero of Light?!”

Arc shakes his head.

“You truly are delusional, miss.”

Ashe looks to him genuinely confused. “Delusional?”

“You think putting on a crown and sitting on a throne makes you worthy of respect?”

“Of course!”

Arc laughs. “You have a very narrow opinion on what it takes to lead then.”

Ashe seethes. “That doesn’t make sense! I’ll be QUEEN! They’ll HAVE to listen to me!”

“And if they don’t?”

“Then I’ll make them wish they had!”

“Jail time or execution?”


“Interesting concept you have there Lady Ashe. Why would you do such a thing to them?”

“Is that not how disloyal subjects are supposed to be treated?!”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s not how we do it in Equestria.”

“HA! No wonder everyone is so happy there! You let them run wild!”

“I prefer to think of it as freedom.”

“So NO ONE gets locked up?!”

“For speaking their minds, no. If they hurt someone though, yes I’d drag them to the dungeon personally.”

Ashe rolls her eyes. “You’re setting yourself up for trouble.”

“By not suppressing talk I disagree with?”


“So if someone were to say or do things… disloyal they should be imprisoned?”

Ashe nods. “Now you’re catching on.”

Arc stands up. “Are you certain that’s what you believe is right?”

“It’s how things should ALWAYS be done!”

“Very well. Lady Ashe, you’re under arrest.”

“Are you out of your MIND?!”

“No. I’m just doing what you said I should. Imprisoning a dissident.”

Ashe laughs. “Dissident?! I’ve never even set talon on Equestrian soil!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Oh? What about your actions against the Griffon Kingdom?”

“That… that’s different! I’m trying to make things better for the citizens of the land!”

“I see. So in your eyes there’s two sets of rules. One for the common rabble to follow, and another for the aristocracy?”

“I never said that!”

“True. But that is what you meant.”

“NO! I just want to make things more… bearable for everyone!”

“Are you sure? Because all I see is someone trying to take power for their side.”

Ashe scoffs. “See what you want! I’m going to help others by becoming queen!”

“With that attitude all you’ll become is another tyrant.”

So you’re going to stop me?!”

Arc sits back down. “No. As your father and the rest of the Council of Lords has told me, the rebels are a griffon problem.”

Ashe shakes her head. “Pride.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

Ashe narrows her eyes. “I get the feeling that was directed at me.”

“It was. But I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree on that particular matter. Now then, I want you to know one thing.”


Arc looks to her sternly. “Should you somehow ascend to the throne, understand this. The treaty that we worked so hard for will be invalidated should your current king and Council of Lords be ousted.

Ashe waves her talon dismissively. “I could care less for such things. The Griffon Kingdom shouldn’t have signed such a document in the first place. After all… I believe we have oceans for a reason! To separate the races from one another!”

“You would prefer isolationism to peace?”

“Isolation IS peace!”

“If that’s what you believe, I guess I can’t change your mind, eh?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No! I’ve seen what little the rest of the world is worth! They shouldn’t share in our prosperity!”

“Very well. Just remember those words.”

“I shall not forget them! That I can assure you!”

Arc stands up. “Good. Why don’t I escort you to one of our private rooms then?”

“Very well. I shall allow you that honor.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Lucky me.”

He wheels Ashe to one of the VIP suites. As Arc opens the door Ashe looks around and turns to him.

“Don’t you have anything more spacious?”

Arc frowns. “What were you expecting?”

“Something like that room I found you in, of course.”

“Are you sure it’s enough?”

“No, but I’m willing to put up with it for one night.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

Ashe frowns. “Why not?!”

“Because that’s MY room!”

“Am I not a guest though?!”

“Of course not! You’re a prisoner, remember?”

Ashe turns to him with a look of confusion on her face. “When did THAT happen?!”

“After you said dissidents should be locked up. Remember?”

“I didn’t mean ME!”

“Make up your mind!”

Ashe looks down her beak at him. “I’m growing tired of this conversation. Take me to your finest room at once!”

“It’s this or the Infirmary. Your choice.”

“You wouldn’t dare leave me in this cramped box!”

“The guards I’m stationing outside should make sure you stay in here.”

Ashe folds her talons over her chest. “I’ve never been so inhospitably treated in all my life!”

Arc shakes his head as he moves to pick her up. “Your living pretty well here as a prisoner, you know.”

Ashe slaps his hands away. “Don’t you DARE lay a talon on me you uncultured oaf!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Oh for crying out loud…”

Using his magic, Arc lifts Ashe from the wheelchair and into the bed. At this she screams out.


Arc groans. “They’re MY guards. Remember?”


Arc shakes his head as he lays her down. “You keep calling out like that and the guards are going to ignore your future cries.”

“They wouldn’t DARE!”

Arc covers her with a blanket. “I assure you, they’ll do whatever I tell them to.”

Ashe snarls at him. “No harm had better come to me! If it does, the princesses will hear of this!”

Arc sighs as he heads for the door. “You do what you want.”

As he steps over the threshold, Arc turns back to her

“I wish to leave you with a parting thought, Lady Ashe.”


“You want to be queen? How could you possibly solve other’s problems if you can’t even solve your own?”

Ashe opens her mouth to speak but Arc closes the door before she can. She lies down and frowns.

“That pig! Who does he think he is?! Talking to ME that way!”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to the Royal Guards on duty.

“Lady Ashe is not to leave this room without me personally present. In addition, no one else is to enter other than Nurse Redheart. Understood?”

The guards nod and salute.

“Good. I’m heading to bed.”

Arc makes the quick walk to his quarters. Rose is waiting for him with Flash Sentry in the corridor.

“Something wrong you two?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Not… exactly, sir.”

“We just wanted to make sure you were okay after the whole poisoning incident.”

Rose looks him up and down.

“My scanners show that you’re fine. But there’s so much they can’t pick up.”

Arc opens the door to his quarters and motions for them to enter. “Like my state of mind?”

Flash Sentry looks nervous. “Something like that.”

“Actually my scans show you to be a bit… on edge.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “I’m not sure if your scanners are Twilight’s greatest idea or worst.”

“Shall I deactivate them?”

“No, no! Sorry Rose. It’s just that Lady Ashe is a bit… abrasive.”

Flash Sentry rolls his eyes. “That’s putting it mildly, sir.”

“Yes, well… being born into a life of luxury can do that to anyone. She’s not much of a threat as it stands. Being bedridden and all.”

Rose frowns. “She is certainly a dangerous foe though. Would you mind if I stood guard outside her door tonight, Arc? It would certainly give me some peace of mind.”

“If you’d like, sure.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “I’ll be glad to be rid of her. Lady Ashe is nothing but a spoiled brat!”

“Agreed. But there’s just one thing about her I don’t understand.”

Rose looks confused. “What’s that?”

“If she’s so haughty and whatnot, why does she want to bring change to her country so badly?”

Flash Sentry scoffs. “Personally I think that’s a sham, sir.”

Rose nods. “Right! As it stands, her life is most comfortable.”

Arc paces the floor as he talks. “Yes, she would have little to gain by taking the throne. Especially since she already has money, power, and a fancy title.”

Flash Sentry puts a hoof to his chin. “Sir? Do you think she might trying to… I don’t know… get out from under Lord Gestal’s shadow?”

Rose shakes her head. “From the way she tosses his name around, I would have to say she likes that shadow very much.”

Arc sighs. “While it’s certainly a very posh and secure shadow, it IS still a shadow. I’d love to know how she really thinks. But right now we need to get out of this mess without destroying the fragile peace our two countries now share.”

“I’m sure we can. But you should get some rest now, Arc. You must be tired after all this.”

Arc yawns. “That I am. You’d better get some sleep too, Flash Sentry.”

“Yes sir.”

Rose turns to Arc as Flash Sentry leaves the room.

“Is there something else you wanted, Rose?”

Rose blushes slightly as she approaches him. Yes. I… um… just never thanked you for the other night.

Arc looks to her confused. “Letting you sleep in my bed?”

Rose smiles at him happily. “No. For such a wonderful date.”

She leans forward and gives him a small kiss on the cheek

“I had a great time! Maybe we can do it again some time! Goodnight!”

Rose leaves the room. Arc just stands there dumbfounded.

“Wha… what else did I do back then?!”

Shaking his head in an effort to clear it as he walks toward the bed, he lies down and stares up at the ceiling.

“Darn crazy magical plants. Now I see why Princess Celestia ordered them destroyed.”

He closes his eyes and sighs, falling asleep in moments. Arc opens his eyes to the rolling fields of cherry trees swaying lazily in the wind. He stands up and looks out over the orchards as a sigh leaves his lips.

“This place really is beautiful.”

Arc looks over his shoulder to the empty porch swing sadly.

“But it’s not whole without you here with me, Cherry…”

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