• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - To the Heavens

Later that evening, as the sun slowly sets, Arc and Scootaloo walk down a dirt road together toward the center of town. Arc frowns.

“There has to be an Inn around here somewhere.”

“We can check the map next to the Writ Board.”

“Good idea. Not that I mind wandering around this town.”

Scootaloo giggles. “It’s a lot nicer than Manehattan was, that’s for sure.”

“Maybe not ‘nicer’ as much as… um… more personal. Homelike even.”

“Hey, what’s going on over there?”

Looking ahead, they see a table set up next to the Writ Board. A long line of ponies stand in front of it. Arc looks it over from afar before responding.

“Remember, that stallion told us everyone comes here to get paid for their writs.”

“Oh… right.”

Walking past, they consult the town map. Arc points to a spot.

“There it is.”

“Makes sense. It’s the one place we didn’t look. Wanna head over there now, Big Brother?”

“Why don’t we check out that restaurant next to it first?”

“What’s a restaurant?”

“It’s a place where you can get food that’s already prepared.”

Scootaloo sighs. “I’m not really up for that to be completely honest.”

“Something wrong?”

“Not… really. I just kinda want to head to the Inn, if that’s okay.”


Arriving, Scootaloo approaches the bed and flops down on it. Arc walks over to her and sits down.

“Something bothering you?”

“I just… feel like such a fake!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Being the Scarlet Filly.”

“But you ARE the Scarlet Filly.”

Scootaloo sighs and shakes her head. “No. You are.”


“You do all the work, Big Brother.”

“I don’t understand. What brought this on all of a sudden?”

“Today at the library when I was telling everypony that story the truth hit me. That wasn’t MY story to tell. It was yours.”

“You’re part of it too.”

“I was just kinda there though. Considering what I did, I really don’t have any right to take credit for anything.”

“No, Scootaloo. You have every right to take the credit.”

“How so?”

“Think about it. Someone needs to be there to take the spotlight.”

“But that honor should be yours!”

“Mine, huh? The nation’s number one most wanted criminal? The one whom everyone wants to take in? The one who can’t show their face in public?”

“It’s not right!”

“Maybe it is. We won’t really know until I get my memories back.”

“I couldn’t do anything without you though, Big Brother!”

“You could also look at it this way. I couldn’t do anything without you, Scootaloo.”


Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I suppose I COULD have done what I did without you. But it would have only led others to question who was really behind it. With you there it made everything a bit more plausible.”

“But other than that, what did I contribute?”

“You seamlessly went along with whatever I did, which only added to the illusion.”

Arc puts a hand on her back and pats it gently.

“That and you were very brave to face whatever foe stood before us. After all, it wouldn’t have worked if you had been quaking in fear the whole time.”

“I don’t know, Big Brother. Right now I still feel like just a fake.”

“Those foals at the library didn’t think so. Remember, you showed them something they’d never seen before. A very strong, brave filly.”

There is a knock at the door. Arc stands and cloaks as Scootaloo sits up.

“Who could that be?”

Arc shrugs. “Only one way to find out.”

Hopping to the floor, Scootaloo walks slowly to the door. Opening it, she sees what appears to be a messenger pony. He holds out a small scroll.

“Special delivery for the Scarlet Filly.”

“Th-that’s me.”

Giving her the scroll, he nods and walks away. Scootaloo closes the door and look at it closely.

“I don’t recognize this seal.”

“Open it and we’ll see what’s up.”

Breaking the seal, Scootaloo unrolls the parchment and begins to read.

“Scarlet Filly. Word of your arrival here in Trottingham have reached my tired ears. I have been told of your exploits on the mainland and believe you to be a brave and capable filly. It is for that reason that I’m writing to you now in my darkest hour. While my story is long and convoluted, I’ve come to find that I have need of your special services for a very difficult job. Should you succeed and complete my task, the reward will indeed be great. While I know the hour is late, please come visit me at the address below as soon as you finish reading this. My apologies for the hasty message and equally cryptic tone, but I don’t have time to waste. I await your arrival with earnest anticipation. Signed… Iron Hooves.

She look to Arc, confused.

“Who is this?”

“Let me see.”

Accepting the letter, Arc looks it over and scans it.

“Don’t you recognize the address? It’s the same place we delivered those clothes to earlier.”

Scootaloo gasps. “You’re right! How did I miss THAT?!”

Arc chuckles. “No one’s perfect.”

“So do you want to see what this stallions wants?”

“Truth be told, not really.”


“We’re still in the middle of trying to figure out how to get to the Dragon Lands. Everything else really should be secondary.”

“But he went out of his way to write this. That and it was sent via special courier.”

Arc sighs. “I guess we could listen to his story and tell him we’ll get to it when we can.”

“That’d work.”

She trots over to the door.

“Let’s go!”

“Right now?”

“Why not?”

“Well, for starters, we haven’t eaten anything for supper.”

“Come one, Big Brother! We can wait a little while longer!”

Arc sighs. “I guess.”

Heading out the door, the pair walk down the path toward the address. Coming to the manor Scootaloo knocks. Before long the butler from before answers.

“Please come in, Scarlet Filly. Master Iron Hooves is expecting you.”


Stepping inside, the butler closes the door behind her and walks toward a large ornate stairway.

“This way please.”

Ascending the stairs, the stallion leads them down a long corridor. Paintings hang on the wall of a handsome young stallion and an equally beautiful mare sitting together happily. Scootaloo pipes up.

“What’s this about, sir?”

“I’m afraid I don’t know, miss.”

“Has your employer been feeling better?”

The butler sighs. “No. Which is why I’m worried about this meeting. He’s so weak right now and should be resting.”

Coming to a large, beautifully ornate oak door the butler stops and turns to Scootaloo.

“This is the master’s bedchambers. Now then, I ask that you do your best to keep this visit as short as possible. As I said before, the master needs his rest.”

“I’ll do my best, sir.”

Opening the door, the butler enters first and looks to the massive bed before him. Scootaloo looks around.

“This place is just beyond extravagant!”

“Yeah! Our room in Canterlot Castle wasn’t this nice!”

The butler walks over to the bed and speaks in a hushed tone.


The stallion lying on the bed slowly turns his head to look at him.

“The Scarlet Filly is here to see you.”

“Thank you. Leave us.”

The butler nods as he turns. Closing the door behind him, he sighs and sits down to wait.

“I hope you receive the answer you’re looking for, sir.”

Meanwhile, the bedridden stallion looks to Scootaloo and motions to her weakly with a hoof.


Taking a deep breath, Scootaloo slowly walks toward the bed. Sitting on her haunches, she looks up at the stallion as he speaks.

“Are you… the one I’ve heard about…from the princess’… speech?”

Scootaloo nods. “I’m the Scarlet Filly, yes.”

“Then I must ask… for your help.”

“Um… I might be able to, mister… Iron Hooves, was it?”

Iron Hooves nods weakly. “Yes. You… are the only one… in this town… that I can entrust… with so important… a… task.”

“What is it?”

“A delivery… to somepony very… special.”

He puts a hoof on the bedside table.

“Open… the drawer. Remove… what you… find.”

Scootaloo steps forward and pulls on the handle. As the drawer slides open she spots a small combination lockbox on top of a large manila envelope. Pulling them out she sets them on the table before her.

“What is this?”

“Open… the envelope.”

Nodding, Scootaloo complies. Pulling out an 8x10 photograph of a sad looking gray mare with an unkempt blonde mane she looks to Iron Hooves as he speaks again.

“This… this is a picture… of my daughter… Derpy.”

“She’s not here I’m assuming.”

Iron Hooves shakes his head. “No… she’s not. That’s your… task.”

“Find her and bring her home?”

“Not… exactly.”

He pats the ornate lockbox affectionately before continuing.

“I’m… not proud… of what I did… in the past. Nothing… nothing will ever… erase the things… that were said and… done. Many mistakes… many… regrets. Many… many things left… unsaid. But there is… no time for that.”


“Take… this lockbox. Find my… daughter and give… give it to her. Sh-she’ll know what… to do… with it.”

“I’ll try. Um… where should I start?”

Iron Hooves puts a hoof to his face. “No… idea. More regret… there too.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Sir, I’m going to be honest with you. This might very well be like looking for a needle in a haystack. If there’s ANYTHING at all you can give me to go on, I’ll need to know.”

Iron Hooves shakes his head sadly before speaking.

“She… she left home… about a year… ago. I said… I said things… did things… to her… that I… I shouldn’t have.”

“I won’t ask for the details, sir.”

“That is… appreciated.”

He stares up at the ceiling as he continues.

“Can you… find her?”

“The picture isn’t much to go on. But I’ll certainly try.”

“Thank… you.”

“Well, I should probably let you rest now. Your butler told me to keep this short.”

The stallion nods as she takes the lockbox and the envelope before turning away.

“Scarlet… Filly?”

Scootaloo turns. “Yes?”

“Do you… have a family? Parents… whom care for you?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “Not anymore.”

“I’m… sorry to hear that. Hopefully… they did a better… job… than I… did.”

“They really didn’t.”

“So… certain?”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t… know the details. But… from what I can… see, you became… somepony… somepony strong… and brave. While they… might not have… been the best… parents… they made you… into the young mare… you were meant… to be.”

“Maybe. But that doesn’t excuse the rest.”

“No. But… it is… whom you are.”

“Rest now, sir. I’ll see what I can do.”

Leaving the room, Scootaloo closes the door behind her. The butler stands and approaches her. Looking at the lockbox he bows his head soberly.

“Can I assume you’ve concluded your business with the master?

Scootaloo nods as she looks to the lockbox in her hoof. “Yes. He wanted me to…”

“Whatever was said in there was for your ears only.”

“Um… okay.”

“The day is late. Would you like to stay the night as the master’s guest?”

“I, uh…”

Arc calls out to her. “Say yes.”

“…would like that, thank you.”

“Please follow me.”

Scootaloo is lead down wide hallway to a large double door. Pushing it open, the butler gestures for her to enter. Doing so, the filly sees a room nearly as resplendent as the one the lord of the manor was in earlier.

“I… this is just…!”

“Will this suffice, miss?”

“Y-yeah! Thanks!”

“Very good. Now then, can I get you something to eat?”

“I am kinda hungry, yes. Nothing too elaborate though please.”

“Anything in particular you’d like?”

“Not really. Just… bring a lot of it.”

“Very good.”

He bows at the waist, turns, and leaves the room. Arc appears and looks through the curtained windows.

“This place is huge!”

“That it is. But why do you suppose the butler asked us to stay?”

“I’m guessing his master told him to extend an invitation. Not that he’d notice anyway, as big as this house is.”

A short time later the butler returns with a large dinner cart. On it are numerous delicacies kept warm under heat lamps along with cold food on a lower shelf that are on ice. He carefully steps back.

“Is everything to your liking, Scarlet Filly?”

“It sure is! Thanks!”

“Do you need anything else?”

Scootaloo shakes her head as she sits down at the table. “I don’t think so. But I’d like to be alone with my thoughts to eat if that’s okay.”

“Very well. Should you require anything else, feel free to use the telephone next to the bed to call for room service.”

Bowing again, the butler leaves the room. Arc steps over to the door, locks it, and heads to the table to join Scootaloo.

“This should be a meal and a half!”

“Yeah! Let’s eat!”

The pair eat their fill (and then some) before stacking the remainder on the cart and pushing it into the corridor. Turing back, Scootaloo closes and locks the door.

“Now what?”

“Try calling room service.”

Scootaloo giggles. “Why? Do you want more desert?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. They should send someone by to get that cart. Wouldn’t want it sitting there attracting flies, would we?”

“I guess not.”

Walking over to the phone, Scootaloo picks it up and puts the receiver to her ear as a mare’s voice comes over the line.

“How can we serve you, Scarlet Filly?”

“I… just wanted to call and tell you that I finished my meal. The cart’s in the hallway since I don’t know where to take it. Is that okay?”

“Yes, ma’am. Did you get enough to eat?”

“Oh yes. Thank you.”

“Very good. Will there by anything else?”

“No, thank you. I think I’ll head to bed now.”

“Pleasant dreams.”

Hanging up the phone, Scootaloo removes her cloak and tosses it onto a nearby chair as Arc does the same.

“Ready for bed?”


The pair lie down together. Scootaloo snuggles up to Arc as he pats her back.

“Big Brother?”


“What are we going to do now?”


“I mean about getting to the Dragon Lands.”

Arc sighs. “No idea. Worst case scenario I suppose we could head back to Canterlot and ask Captain Decimus for transport.”

“Think he’d go for it?”

“Worth a shot.”

Arc yawns and closes his eyes. “But right now all I want to do is get some shuteye.”

“Good night.”


Sometime later that night, Arc and Scootaloo are awakened to a loud knock at their room door. Scootaloo sits up groggily.

“What is that?!”

Arc frowns. “I don’t know. But it’s way too early for breakfast.”

“So… do we ignore it?”

Arc shakes his head as he sits up. “No. Go ahead and answer it.”

Sitting up and sighing, Scootaloo jumps down and grabs her cloak. Putting it on, she walks to the door and opens it. A bleary eyed butler looks down at her and sighs.

“I’m… sorry to awaken you at such a late hour, miss. However this cannot wait until morning.”

“What’s going on?”

“Master Iron Hooves has asked to see you.”


The butler nods. “Yes. He was most insistent. Please follow me

Walking quickly toward the master bedroom they hear the sounds of yelling coming from the door. Two nurses run into the room together and shut the door behind them. The butler motions for Scootaloo to wait with him. A short time later the door opens and what appears to be a doctor walks toward them.

“How is the master?”

The doctor shakes his head and sighs. “I’m sorry.”


“We did everything we could. But it wasn’t enough.”

“Did he say anything before passing away?!”

The doctor turns to Scootaloo.

“Just to the Scarlet Filly here.”

“To me?”

“Yes. His last words were ‘Scarlet Filly’, ‘letter’, and ‘table’.”

The butler appears confused. “What does that mean?”

“When we entered the room he was frantically writing something. One of the nurses grabbed it and set it on the nightstand next to his bed so we could work on him. I can only assume it was a message to you, little one.”

“I should go see what he wanted. May I enter the room?”

“Of course. We’ll give you some time before notifying the hospital to come and retrieve his body.”

Scootaloo and the butler enter the room as the nurses leave. Walking over to the bed they spot the still form lying under the covers. The butler walks to his master’s side and bows his head respectfully.

“Rest well, sir. Your pain is at an end.”

Turning to the nightstand he picks up a single piece of paper. Walking over to Scootaloo he gives it to her. She begins to read aloud.

“Dear Scarlet Filly. There were a few things I left unsaid during out last meeting. And judging from the growing pain, I assume we will never meet again. A short time ago I received word that a very special ship is heading this way to pick up an order from one of my suppliers. The captain owes me a favor from a few months ago. Since I’m not going to be around to cash it in, it seems only fair that you use it. Show them this letter and tell them that I will consider their debt repaid if they will ferry you one way to whatever destination you wish to visit. Please use it to find my daughter and give her that lockbox. My butler will know where to meet the ship, and will put you in contact with my foreman of operations. The future of…”

The letter ends abruptly. Scootaloo nods soberly and puts her hooves on the bedside.

“I’ll find your daughter, sir. I promise.”

The butler smiles. “Thank you, miss.”

He turns and opens a wardrobe to reveal a familiar looking outfit. Scootaloo gasps.

“Is that…?”

The butler nods as he takes it down from its hook.

“Yes, miss. The suit my master wanted to be buried in.”

He looks to the bed and sighs.

“I’ll see to it he’s properly laid to rest next to her wife, Lady Silver Hooves. But for now I’ll show you to the docks.”

“But shouldn’t you…?”

“He would want this taken care of immediately anyways. That and we don’t have much time.”

The butler lays the suit out on the bed before motioning for Scootaloo to follow him. Returning to her room momentarily to allow her to grab her saddlebags, he leads the filly to the front door. Kneeling down the stallion opens a cabinet nearby and pulls out a lantern. Lighting it, he steps out onto the porch to walk the path toward town. As expected every window is dark as they make their way toward the docks. Arriving to the sound of waves crashing against the shore they spot a single light in a small office.

“That’s our destination.”

“Who could be up at this hour?”

“The foreman. He sees to it all orders are properly filled. This particular customer always comes at night for some reason, so he stays up to meet them.”

Walking up to the office door he knocks lightly before entering. An elderly stallion sits behind the desk, dozing. He stands as the butler enters with Scootaloo.

“Did the customer call it off?”

“No. But there has been an… incident.”

“The master?”


He motions to Scootaloo before continuing.

“The Scarlet Filly here has a very important mission from the master to track down his daughter. His final request was for her to leave with the customer. She has a letter that says as much to show the captain.”

“So… what now?”

“We complete this last order, for starters. After that… I don’t know.”

The sound of engines approaches quickly as the foreman looks out the window.

“Sounds like they’re here.”

“You have their order?”

“It’s already on the dock, as usual. I’ll head out there to make sure everything goes smoothly and to let them know what happened.”

The butler nods as the foreman and Scootaloo leave the office together. They walk down the dock as a simple looking ship lies moored at the end. A single black-robed bipedal individual stands there waiting for them. They are wearing a large mask to hide their appearance.


“You have everything we asked for?”

The foreman nods. “Yes. In those crates there. However, there’s been a incident. Master Iron Hooves passed away a little while ago.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“He did have one request of you. Supposedly you owe him a favor.”

The captain nods warily. “Sort of. Why?”

The foreman gestures to Scootaloo. “This is the Scarlet Filly. She’s been tasked with finding the master’s daughter.”

“What’s that have to do with us?”

Scootaloo pulls out the letter. “He wrote that you’re to take me anywhere I want to go. One way only though.”

The captain takes the letter and looks it over before sighing.

“Guess I don’t have much of a choice.”

Turning back to the gangplank the captain motions for her to follow. Entering the ship, Scootaloo is escorted to a small cabin. The captain stops as she opens the door.

“So… where do you want to go?”

“The Dragon Lands.”

The captain laughs heartily.

“Very funny! Now where do you really want to…?”

“I’m serious. My business there is urgent.”

“That’s not exactly the safest place to moor a ship.”

“If you’d like you can drop anchor while I swim to shore. No need for you to take any more risks.”

“Very well. But remember that this is a one way trip. You’ll have to find your own way back to the mainland.”

“Agreed. How long will it take to get there?”

“I can have you there by dawn.”

Scootaloo gasps. “That soon?!”

“This ship is faster than she looks.”

“Very well, Captain…”

The figure tosses back their mask to expose their face.

“Celaeno. Captain of the Solar Macaw II. Now then, I need to head back up to the deck and make sure our cargo is all present and accounted for. You need anything before I leave you?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No, thank you. I’m just going to turn in for the night.”

“Very well. I’ll let you settle in and get some rest for now.”

“Let me know the moment we arrive though.”

“No problem there. We’re not sticking around that place any longer than we have to.”

Entering the cabin, Scootaloo closes the door. Arc decloaks and looks around.

“Definitely a far cry from the room we left.”

“Yeah. But now we’re on our way. Or at least we will be shortly.”

“Let’s get some rest. There’s no telling what we’ll find in the Dragon Lands.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Yeah.”

They toss their cloaks aside and crawl into the bed together. Scootaloo buries her face in Arc’s side.

“You okay?”

“Are you excited, Big Brother?”


Scootaloo nods. “Tomorrow we’ll find the last ingredient for the potion, and you can finally get your memories back!”

“Kinda. I mean… I do want to know the truth, but… I suppose the truth is not always a pleasant thing to know.”

“But isn’t that better than living like this?”

“Yes. That’s why we’re doing this. I do want to know the truth, even if it hurts.”

“Big Brother? Um… can I…?”

“Can you what?”

“When you get your memories back, do you think you could… take me in?”

“You mean adopt you?”


Arc stares up at the ceiling for a long time.

“I… don’t know if that’s a good idea. After all, I don’t really know what I’ve been doing before I met you.”

“It can’t have been THAT bad.”

“You’re not afraid I’ll hurt you?”

“Big Brother… you’ve had every chance to do so and haven’t so far. That and I just feel so safe when you’re with me. I’d like for you to be my real big bro… no… for you to be my new dad.”

“Are you sure that’s what you really want?”

“More than anything in the whole world!”

Arc sighs. “Very well. If I get my memories back, and you still want me to, I’ll look into how to adopt you.”


“I might not be allowed to, of course. But if I can, and have the ability to care for you, I’ll do it.”

She throws her small hooves around his neck and grins happily.

“I’ll be the best daughter in the whole world!”

Arc smiles as he returns the hug. “You already are, Scootaloo. You already are.”

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