• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,619 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 4 - The Planning Stage

Meanwhile, back at Canterlot Castle, the Mane 6, Sunburst and Auriel make their way toward Princess Celestia's airship. Sunburst motions to the case in Twilight’s saddlebags.

“Are you sure this is all you need, miss?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. These blood samples will do for now.”

“Very well. Please contact me if you require anything else.”

“Thank you, I shall!”

Applejack turns to her friend. “I hope you can figure this mess out soon Twilight!”

Auriel nods to Twilight. “I'll lend a claw as well. I have plenty of experience analyzing things!”

Rarity trots along, confident in her friend’s abilities. “I'm sure if you two put your heads together this whole ordeal will be over in no time at all!”

Pinkie hops along! Yeah! I'm sure the princesses are getting tired of sleeping as well!”

Rainbow Dash rubs her chin with a hoof. “Tired of sleeping... huh? Now there's an oxymoron if I ever heard one!”

Fluttershy looks toward the small craft ahead of them. “Um... who's going to fly the airship?”

Sunburst looks to her and smiles! “Don't worry! The ship has a full-time pilot.”

Rainbow Dash zips around the hanger! “Cool! Are they going to be here soon?!”

“Truth be told, he never leaves the ship.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Come again?! Doesn't he have a home to go back to at the end of the day?”

“He does not. ‘The Blitztorte’, as Princess Celestia calls it, IS his home! Grand Aviator Tight Ship, as his name suggests, does his best to keep the ship ready and available at any time of day or night! The princesses have been known to take small excursions in this very ship after particularly taxing days!”

Rainbow Dash looks at the sleek vessel. “So, to them it's like a mini vacation?”

Sunburst nods. “Yes. They can get away from it all and still be close at hoof if something goes wrong. The ships range is rather small, given its size. However, as Canterlot is fairly centrally located, it can take you almost anywhere in Equestria!”

Rarity looks around the hanger. “What of the new airship? Does it also have a designated pilot?”

“As of right now, no. It hasn't actually been taken out for its maiden flight yet. Grand Aviator Tight Ship will most likely be reassigned to it when the time comes.”

Pinkie falls over on her back as she looks! “Wowie! Going from a pleasure craft to a battleship?! That's quite the promotion!”

“Yes, well... he IS Equestria's finest airship pilot after all. Although I'm sure he's happier on ‘The Blitztorte’, his sense of duty to the princesses would never allow him to leave this to another less skilled pilot!”

The group boards the small airship, as they step onto the deck a brown pegasus stallion with blue eyes comes out of a small cabin, he is wearing a simple gray flight suit with many decorations on it and a pilot's headset!

“Sunburst? What brings you here today?”

Sunburst motions to the Mane Six and Auriel. “These mares need transport to Ponyville. The Lord Regent has given orders to temporarily assign you to their service.”

“Lord Regent?!”

“The princesses have fallen ill and cannot carry out their duties at this time. The Hero of Light is currently acting as Equestria's Lord Regent. These seven are trying to figure out what malady has befallen the princesses.”

Tight Ship nods! “Very well. If it helps the princesses, I'm in!”

“Thank you old friend! Well, I'll leave you to your duties then.”

Sunburst leaves the ship.

“Welcome aboard ladies. Next stop... Ponyville!”

Twilight nods! “Thank you for doing this sir!”

The stallion turns around and heads over to the small fight deck. “Anything to help my oldest friends! Do your best to help them recover and I will be eternally grateful!”

Meanwhile, back at the Little Hooves Orphanage, Arc leaves the classroom and heads for the kitchen. Inside he finds Derpy and Dinky hard at work preparing the midday meal. Dinky looks up as he enters.


She runs over and gives her father a hug! He kneels down to return it with one of his own as Derpy walks over happily!

“I'm sorry lunch isn't ready yet Arc. I hope you're not too hungry to wait another half hour or so.”

“Sadly, I just came in to see the two of you before I leave.”

Dinky frowns. “Awwww... you're not staying for lunch?”

“Sorry, but I have other things to do in Canterlot today, sweetheart. Not sure what, but I'm sure Kibitz has everything lined up already. Dinky, could you do something for me?”

“What is it, dad?”

“The orphans just met their new teacher. She's a really nice individual and all, but they're a little... nervous at the prospect of having a strange mare around. So tomorrow when school starts, do you think you could help the others... adapt? They all look up to you, after all.”

Dinky nods! “Sure dad! I'll give it my best!”

“Thanks! If you like her, the others will follow!”

Arc turns to Derpy.

“Sorry I can't stay Derpy. It feels like forever since we had the chance to just sit around and talk.”

“I understand. You're even more busy now as Lord Regent! Hopefully soon though! I... we both miss you...”

Arc gives them both a parting hug. “And I miss you two as well! Take care of the orphans, and remember that I love you both!”

Derpy nuzzles Arc's chest! “And we love you too!”

“Take care dad!”

Arc stands and turns to leave. “Goodbye! I'll do my best to keep in touch!”

He proceeds out the front door of the orphanage to where his squad and Kibitz are napping.

“Okay, break time is over boys! Time to get up!”

The squad stands and stretches.

Max yawns. “Thanks for the rest, sir!”

Viktor stretches. “Yeah! We really needed it!”

Hugh shudders at the thought of their return trip! “You're heavier than you look, sir!”

Xenos smiles and nods his head at the others. “You guys need to buff up!”

Arc laughs! “Well, if I have a lot more appearances to make, that shouldn't be an issue Xenos!”

Kibitz nods. “Indeed sire! However, we need to get back to the castle now.”

Arc jumps onto the chariot and they are soon flying back to Canterlot Castle.

“So, how did I do Kibitz?”

“Very well sire! Your speech, while not exactly riveting, was certainly heartfelt and genuine! Truth be told, I actually budgeted more time for that appearance than you used! Good show, keeping us on schedule and all!”

“Can I assume the rest of my day's schedule is already decided?”

Kibitz looks over a scroll. “Yes sire! I've taken into account every moment! Stick to the schedule and you will be able to accomplish everything!”

Arc sighs. “Fine... let's get on with it.”

A short time later Arc and company arrive back at Canterlot Castle's Hanger. He jumps off the chariot and turns to his squad.

“Thanks for the ride boys. I hope that trip was a bit... lighter.”

Max nods relieved! “Much!”

Xenos shakes his head. “You guys need more bran in your diet!”

Hugh glares at him! “Well not all of us can eat it breakfast, lunch and supper like you do, Xenos!”

Viktor laughs! “Yeah! We're ponies! Not garbage disposals!”

Xenos shrugs. “You guys could at least exercise more often!”

Arc interrupts them. “Alright. Head out and grab some lunch!”

The squad salutes and heads off to carry out his orders. Arc turns to Kibitz.

“So, what's next on the agenda?”

“It looks like were a bit early, but you're scheduled to meet with the Head of the Military next.”

“What about lunch?”

Kibitz shakes his head, not looking up from his notes. “The princesses always ate when they could. I've ordered a light meal be delivered to the conference room, where your next meeting is to take place.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. I can eat quickly if I have to.”

Kibitz leads Arc to the conference room. A plate of light refreshments is waiting for him.

“Please eat with due haste sire! The Head of the Army will be here soon!”

Arc sits down quickly and begins to eat.

“So... what can you tell me about this grizzled war veteran I'm about to meet?”

“General Virtuous Lance has served Equestria as Head of the Army for many years! He is as loyal an officer as one would ever hope to find! A few years ago, he led our military against a bugbear incursion. Thanks to his tactics and cunning, our forces sustained only minor casualties and zero fatalities!”

Arc nods, clearing impressed! “A war where no one dies! What a great concept!”

“Indeed! The previous Heroes of Light relied heavily on him for intel on their own excursions!”

“Interesting. I'll keep that in mind. Anything else I should know about him?”

Kibitz looks nervous as he speaks. “Well... it's hardly worth mentioning but... he's a big fan of cupcakes and other sweets, sire.”

“A man after my own heart then! I look forward to this meeting!”

Arc quickly finishes his meal. Shortly thereafter there is a knock at the door.


The door opens and a rather elderly stallion enters. He is wearing light armor and has a short-sword on his back. An aide marches behind him and two steps to his right. She appears ready for battle as she is clad in heavy full plate armor and has a sword and shield strapped to her back.

“I will take my leave, sire.”

Arc stands and walks toward the pair. “Very well Kibitz. General Virtuous Lance I presume?”

The stallion removes his helmet respectfully as Kibitz leaves the conference room. ”Yes, your majesty.”

“Thank you for coming on such short notice! I am Hero of Light Arc. From what I've heard, you are just the one to help me keep this land safe!”

“I will do my best, your majesty. Your accomplishments precede you, as your name is now spoken respectfully by our forces and our enemies alike!”

Virtuous Lance gestures to his aide.

“This is my aide, Lieutenant Spitfire. She also fancies herself as my personal bodyguard.”

Arc nods to her. “A pleasure to meet you lieutenant! Uh... are you expecting trouble?”

She salutes him! “Sire... I must always be ready to defend the general! Should any harm befall him it would be disastrous to our national security!”

Virtuous Lance laughs! “Forgive her, sire! She is worried somepony is going to try and assassinate me!”

“The possibility is very real sir! After all... somepony already got to the princesses!”

Arc turns back to Virtuous Lance. “She does raise a valid point. A senior officer such as yourself would be a high value target.”

“Ha! If they haven't gotten me after all these years, I doubt their luck will change now!”

He nods. “Very well. I'll leave the matter of your personal security in your hooves. Now, shall we get down to business?”

“As you wish, sire.”

Arc and Virtuous Lance take a seat at the table. Spitfire remains standing near the general.

“So... where do we stand?”

“Word of your speech has traveled into the neighboring lands quickly, your majesty. Our covert operatives are already reporting military movement from Yakyakistan to the northwest, the Changeling Empire to the southeast, Abyssinia to the southwest, and the Griffon Kingdom to the east.”

Spitfire appears disgusted at the fourth nation on the list. Arc notices the look on the lieutenant's face.

“Do you have something to add, Lieutenant Spitfire?”

Spitfire nods. “The first two nations mentioned were a surprise to me! However, I am certain the Griffon Kingdom will be the first to attack!”

Arc nods. “And why do you think that is so?”

Spitfire looks suddenly angry! “Because they hate us! They've ALWAYS believed us to be below them! To a filthy griffon, were nothing but ANIMALS!”

Virtuous Lance’s head snaps quickly to his subordinate!

“Lieutenant! That will be QUITE enough! You WILL show Lord Arc the respect he deserves! And you WILL refrain from making any more racist comments! Do I make myself absolutely clear?!”

“Y-yes sir!”

The lieutenant turns to Arc.

“Please forgive my earlier outburst, sire.”

Arc nods. “I will let it go... this time, lieutenant.”

He turns back to Virtuous Lance.

“Any other threats looming on the horizon?”

“Well, as of this morning the Bugbear Nation has been abuzz with activity. We don't actually know what they're doing. But I'm certain it can't be good!”

Arc nods. “Can I assume diplomacy is out of the question?”

Spitfire nods! “Yes sire! The Bugbears have yet to master the art of speech, written dialogue, or diplomacy. Trying to talk to them would be like trying to have a conversation with a cow!”

Virtuous Lance sighs. “Sadly, my aide is correct. There has been some research done on that particular race, from a great distance I might add. However, while there is still much to learn, scholars can agree on only two things... one, the Bugbears cannot be reasoned with. And two... they are intelligent enough to live under a basic hierarchy!”

Spitfire rolls her eyes. “Begging your pardon general, but so do ants!”

Arc nods. “True. But if an army of ants were to invade, I would just call an exterminator. What do we do about an army of Bugbears?!”

Spitfire draws her sword and shield as she hovers a couple feet off the ground. “We fight, Lord Arc! The citizens of Equestria must be protected!”

“I'm afraid I must agree. There is no reasoning with the Bugbears. Should they invade, we would have no choice but to wipe them out.”

Arc frowns. “By ‘wipe them out’ do you mean chasing them back to their territory and killing all of them?”

Spitfire nods with feeling! “It would be the only sure way to protect everypony!”

“I'm a bit confused. If these creatures are indeed that dangerous, why have the princesses allowed them to stay where they are all this time?”

“The princesses believe that ponies and bugbears can, somehow, live in harmony. That's why they ordered them to be studied and not destroyed.”

Arc sighs. “I do understand their position on this matter. But I hope if the bugbears do invade us, the princesses will understand mine. Any other threats I should know about?”

“It's hardly worth mentioning, as I believe it to be merely a coincidence, but the creatures of the Everfree Forest have become noticeable more aggressive since this morning!”

Spitfire nods. “They're probably just reacting to all the tension in the land!”

“Perhaps. However, should fighting break out we don't really want yet another enemy to fight!”

Arc looks to the elder stallion intently. “What are you suggesting, general?”

Virtuous Lance shakes his head. "It goes against everything the princesses stand for, but I believe it may be in the best interest of Equestria to... invade the Everfree Forest and purge the creatures who live there.”

“General? Are you considering... genocide?!”

Spitfire shrugs. “I see it more as a sacrifice for the greater good of all ponykind.”

Virtuous Lance nods to Spitfire. “Agreed lieutenant.”

He turns back to Arc.

“I'm sorry Lord Arc, but we are sworn to protect ponies... not the creatures of the Everfree Forest. Shall I give the order for our forces to begin the operation?”

Arc stands up. “No, you will not!”

Spitfire looks to Arc, confused. “Sire?”

“I will NOT authorize our forces to enter the Everfree Forest to bring forth death and destruction on such a grand scale!”

“Lord Arc... I understand your hesitancy to take so many lives, but...”

Arc holds up his hand for silence. He walks over to the window and looks out it toward Ponyville and the Everfree Forest.

“Lieutenant, let me ask you a question. Let's say there was a group of ponies headed to this room with the intention of killing General Virtuous Lance. What would you do?”

“I would kill each and every one of them before they got anywhere NEAR the general!”

Arc continues to look out the window. “Very praiseworthy! Now... let's say there was a group of ponies heading toward this room with... unknown intentions. What would you do?”

Spitfire appears a bit confused. “I... I don't know sire. Do they pose a threat to the general's life?”


She puts a hoof on her sword. “Then I...”

Arc interrupts her. “Then again... for all you know they could be coming to deliver a report as emissaries from a far-off land. Maybe they're just here to ask for his help. Possibly a maintenance crew doing repairs on his office.”

Spitfire looks conflicted. “Then... I guess... I would have to... verify their intentions before acting!”

Arc turns around quickly and rushes over to stand behind the general in his chair. He takes hold of the back of his chair as he again speaks!

“No! Learning the reason why they're here would take too long! Wouldn't the best course of action be to do whatever it took to protect the general?!”

Spitfire shakes her head! “What?! No! For all I know they could be completely... innocent.”

Virtuous Lance smiles, understanding the meaning behind Arc’s words. “Very well put, Lord Arc. I think we've both learned something here, lieutenant.”

Arc sits back down in his chair. “Good. Now I want the two of you to know that I'm not against taking life for the greater good! For example... a while back, my squad and I entered the Everfree Forest on a training exercise. I taught them how to spear fish and how to clean and gut them.”

“A bit... unorthodox, to be sure.”

“The next day we hunted Cockatrices. Twenty-four birds fell to our weapons that day.”

Spitfire appears confused. “I don't understand sire! How is that any different from what the general is proposing?”

“The difference is the reason behind the actions. Those fish were caught to fill my belly. And the cockatrices were going to be culled by the Canterlot Conservation Department to balance their population. Had they not acted, many of the birds would have died of starvation! The ones we killed, with a single bullet mercifully to the head I might add, went into my freezer for my chef to cook at a later date.”

Spitfire salutes. “Thank you for the lesson, sire. I now have a lot to think about.”

“Good. After all... I don't want our soldiers to potentially be injured fighting needless battles now!”

Arc turns back to the general.

“What of the other nations? What would you suggest we do about them?”

“At the moment I recommend taking a defensive stance. While we don't want to provoke any of them, we also want to be ready if one of them decides to invade.”

Arc sighs and nods. “Very well. Gather our troops and make preparations to defend the realm! However, should we be invaded, I will personally give the order to attack.”

Spitfire turns to Arc. “Personally, sire? Wouldn't an invasion warrant a swift counter-attack?”

“Yes. But remember this... once we counter their initial attack, there's no going back! For better or worse, we will be embroiled in a war! Remember that!”

Virtuous Lance nods. “As you command, Lord Arc.”

“Thank you both for your service to this land. General, keep our forces on high alert at all times. I just hope we can avoid needless bloodshed.”

Virtuous Lance stands up and salutes him. “As do I, Lord Arc... as do I.”

He and Lieutenant Spitfire both face Arc, salute and leave the room. Arc walks back to the window and looks outside absentmindedly.

“I only hope I'm not making a big mistake here. Dad... what would YOU do?!”

Meanwhile, the Mane 6 and Auriel were on their way back to Ponyville via the Blitztorte.

Rarity looks excited as they pass through a cloud. “My goodness! I now see why pegasus enjoy flying so much!”

Applejack laughs as she holds her hat down! “Darn tootin'! This is fun!”

Pinkie Pie stands on her hind legs at the head of the ship! “WEEEEEEEE!!!”

Fluttershy quietly covers her eyes as she cowers in a corner. “Oh my goodness! I do hope we land soon!”

Rarity looks to her confused. “Whatever could be the matter Fluttershy? I thought all pegasi liked the wind in their manes!”

“Um... well... you see... to tell you the truth... I'm actually... a bit afraid of heights.”

Rainbow Dash stands next to Fluttershy, dutifully. “It feels kinda weird to be flying through the air without actually...flying!”

She moves her wings up and down slowly, somewhat agitated to have nothing to do!

Twilight sighs. “I wish I could enjoy this, but I can't wait to get back to my lab so I can start running some tests!”

Auriel nods and puts a claw on the unicorn’s shoulder. “Please don't worry Twilight. Together I'm sure we can figure something out! All we really need is the smallest clue! Something for Flash Sentry and the others to follow up on.”

Applejack nods! “Darn tootin'! Auriel, if you’re as good in the lab as you were facing The Dark One yesterday, this will be over in no time!”

Rainbow Dash laughs! “Two eggheads, one lab! You two TOTALLY got this!”

A short time later the Blitztorte lands safely behind the Golden Oaks Library. Tight Ship steps out onto the deck.

“Ponyville! All ashore that's going ashore! But in reality, I'll be waiting here until you ladies need a ride somewhere.”

Pinkie Pie bounces down the gangplank happily with her friends! “Again, again, again!”

Fluttershy looks relieved! “Oh goodness! It sure feels good to be on the ground again!”

Twilight turns back to Tight Ship. “Thank you for the ride, sir! Sorry you have to just sit around waiting for us.”

“Think nothing of it. My home is aboard the Blitztorte, so you’re not taking me away from anything.”

Rarity looks back. “Aren't you lonely?”

“No ma'am! This ship and I have been through a lot together! She's more than just my home. She's my best friend!”

Applejack points a hoof toward her home. “Well, if you ever feel like having some actual pony company for a change, feel free to stop in for supper at Sweet Apple Acres over yonder!”

Tight Ship shakes his head. “Thank you for the offer miss, but my duty is here. I must always be ready and available!”

“Suit yourself! Come on by if you change your mind!”

Twilight and the others disembark.

“Sorry everypony, but I need to get back to the farm. My family is probably worried about what happened this morning!”

Rarity nods! “I too should return home and make sure Sweetie Belle is alright!”

Pinkie hops away! “And I have muffins to bake!”

Rainbow Dash looks up at the clouds in the sky. “Looks like I have work of my own to take care of!”

Fluttershy sighs. “I'm sure Angel is doing just fine without me, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried about him.”

Twilight nods. “It's alright girls! I understand that you all have things to do!”

Rarity looks at Twilight apologetically! “Sorry dear. Do give us a call if you need anything though.”

Applejack nods! “Right! We can be here in no time!”

“I'll be sure to keep the skies clear. You know, in case we need to make a fast take-off or something!”

Auriel looks over to Twilight. “Sorry to interrupt, but we should be getting to work.

“You're right. Take care now girls! Wish us luck!”

Twilight and her friends go their separate ways as she and Auriel make a beeline to the library.

“Spike, we're back!”

The small dragon walks in from the kitchen with a half-washed dish in his claws. He is wearing a pink apron with a red heart on the chest.

“Welcome back Twilight! Hi Auriel! So is everything alright in Canterlot now?”

Twilight sighs. “That's... complicated Spike. The bad news is that both Princess Luna and Princess Cadance are in comas right now!”

Spike drops the dish! Twilight catches it with her magic! “SWEET CELESTIA!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!”

“We don't know.”

Twilight holds up the case from Doctor Whooves.

“Auriel and I are going to try and figure that out.”

Spike breathes a sigh of relief! “Glad to hear that! So who's running the country?”

Auriel smiles! “That's the good news! Right now Arc is acting as Equestria's Lord Regent!

Twilight nods! “He'll be calling the shots until the princesses recover.”

“I'm sure Arc will do a good job and all but... is that... legal? I mean, with him being a human and all.”

“According to Equestrian law, the Hero of Light is next in line in the Order of Succession. To the best of my knowledge, the law doesn't actually say they ruler of the land HAS to be a pony!”

Spike nods happily! “That's good! To tell you the truth, with the princesses in bed, I can't think of anypony else I'd rather see on the throne right now!”

Twilight laughs! “I'm sure Arc would appreciate the vote of confidence! Not many can say they've literally had the weight of the world on their shoulders before. But in any case... how about we get to work Auriel?”

“Right behind you!”

Spike returns to the Kitchen as the pair heads for the basement. Suddenly there is a knock at the front door. Twilight turns back.

“I'll get it!”

She opens the front door to see a delivery stallion standing on the front steps holding a package.

“Miss Sparkle? I have a package for you from Princess Cadance.”

“What?! But... that's impossible! In her conditions she couldn't have sent anypony anything!”

He looks over his clipboard. “Well, according to our records, this package was actually sent over a week ago! There was apparently a bit of a mix-up somewhere along the line and this package has been in postal limbo ever since! We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.”

Twilight shakes her head as she accepts the parcel. “No, no! It's fine! Thank you very much!”

The delivery stallion tips his cap respectfully to Twilight. “My pleasure miss!”

She closes the door and the stallion turns to walk away.

“My pleasure indeed...”

The delivery stallion quickly walks to the outskirts of town and enters the Everfree Forest. Ahead of him is a mare in a black cloak. As he approaches, she reveals her face.

“Are you quite finished fooling around?!”

He chuckles. “I could say the same of you during your battle with Arc yesterday… Tempest.

The form of the delivery stallion melts away to reveal The Dark One!

“You had him in your grasp! Yet you let him slip away again!”

Tempest turns away, angrily! “I had my reasons!”

The Dark One nods. “I'm sure you did. However, don't lose sight of the larger picture! Equestria won't save itself!”

“I know that! We have plenty of time until the End of all Things comes though, right?”

“Yes. But I'm sure you understand that one does not get ahead by waiting until the last minute!”

Tempest nods. “I... understand. By the way... what was all that about with Arc's friend? Are you sending her presents now?”

He chuckles wickedly! “In truth, I am! That package contained a great and wondrous gift for her!”

Tempest turns back to The Dark One. “Hmph! And you talk to ME about wasting time!”

“I merely wanted to send a message to Arc.”


The Dark One nods. “Indeed. One of his greatest strengths is his tendency to care for those around him. This caring... this LOVE he feels for his friends makes him strong! But I will use it to make him weak!”

Tempest points a hoof at The Dark One. Do whatever you want! Just don’t forget the larger picture yourself! Arc is MINE!

“Believe me, he will not be harmed physically in any way. I only wish to make him... question his beliefs. That which he holds dear.”

Tempest calls forth Light's Bane and slices the air in front of her. A dark portal opens!

“Well, unlike you I have more important things to do right now. Like train!”

The pair walk toward the dark portal together. “Very well. I will help you. After all... you must be at the top of your game when next you fight Arc.”

She enters the portal with The Dark One.

“Now you're talking my language!”

Meanwhile, back inside the library, Spike has finished the dishes and returns to Twilight's side.

“What was that all about?”

She looks at the package. “Somehow this was lost in transit for over a week.”

Auriel looks at the parcel in Twilight’s hoof. “What is that?”

“Apparently it's a package from Princess Cadance.”

Auriel turns her head, confused. “Is this similar to a letter?”

Spike nods! “Kinda. Instead of just a message though, there's some kind of item in there.”


“There's really only one way to find out what's in here.”

Twilight walks over to the kitchen table and sets the package down. Spike looks on as she carefully opens the box.

“Maybe there's a clue to what happened to her in there!”

Auriel nods. “I sure hope so!”

Twilight pulls out a scroll and begins to read it as she pulls out the other item from the box. A piece of fruit.

“Hmmm... apparently some explorers found this fruit in the farthest reaches of unexplored Equestria! Princess Cadance would like me to analyze it and if possible, grow one of these plants from the seeds. She also says to keep whatever I discover a secret until she and Princess Luna can go over my findings.”

Spike quickly puts his claws over his ears. “Don't worry! I didn't hear a thing!”

Twilight shrugs. “Well I guess it's no use trying to hide this from you and Auriel, Spike.”

Auriel looks the fruit over and frowns. “These look nothing like the cherries we saw in Dodge Junction.”

Spike nods! “Well it's certainly not a cherry. Any idea what this is Twilight?”

“Not a clue. That's not surprising though, as it's unlikely anypony in all of Equestria has ever seen one of these!”

Twilight looks at the fruit in her hoof carefully.

“If Princess Cadance deemed it important enough to warrant further study, we should do as she says!”

Spike looks at her, nervously! “But what about the princesses?! Shouldn't this wait?!”

“Normally I would agree with you Spike. However, for all we know, this fruit and the condition of the princesses could be connected somehow!”

Auriel nods! “I'm sure we could do both. I can start examining this fruit if you want to take a closer look at the blood samples.”

Twilight gives the fruit to Auriel. “Alright! Sounds like a plan!”

“Anything I can do to help you two?!”

Auriel turns to Spike. “Is there somewhere nearby where I can find different kinds of fruit?”

Spike looks at her quizzically. “Uh... the local market?”

“That should do! I need as many different kinds of fruits as are available to compare this to.”

“I can do that! Be back in a bit!”

Spike runs out the front door.

“What do you hope to find, Auriel?”

Auriel holds up the fruit and looks it over carefully.


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