• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Unwanted Visitor

Two months pass with Arc and his friends living (for the most part) harmoniously together. One morning Dinky awakens to a strange but familiar sound outside. Sitting up she looks out the window to see big fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky. Grinning, she turns and shakes her mother awake.

“Mom, mom!”

Derpy slowly opens her eyes and looks to Dinky.

“What is it, sweetheart?”

“It’s snowing!”

“Is it?”

Derpy sits up and looks outside at the falling snow. Smiling, she turns her gaze back to her daughter and pats her head.

“So it is.”

“Let’s wake up dad so he can see it too!”

Jumping out of bed, Dinky runs down the hall toward the master bedroom. Throwing the door open she leaps onto the bed and crawls onto Arc.


Opening his eyes Arc sits up and looks out the window.

“So it is.”

Hammer walks over to the open door and rubs her eyes as Derpy follows.

“What’s going on in here?”

Arc turns to her. “Dinky was just announcing the first snowfall of the season.”

Derpy giggles. “In the most excitable way.”

“Can I ask Mia and Alex if they want to play in it, dad?!”

“Sure, sweetheart. They’re off of school for Christmas break. But you have to eat breakfast first.”

“Let’s go!”

Grabbing Arc’s hand she pulls at it until he gets up. Leading him down the stairs with her mother and Hammer in tow the little girls grins hugely. Reaching the kitchen she hurries over to the refrigerator and begins rummaging around in it. Derpy approaches her.

“What are you looking for, sweetheart?”

“The milk! I’m just going to have a quick bowl of cereal!”

Hammer frowns. “Don’t you want to have a proper breakfast with us?”

“How about we do lunch?!”

Arc nods. “That’s fine, sweetheart. Go ahead and eat.”

Derpy walks over to the refrigerator for eggs as Dinky pulls a bowl out of the cupboard. Hammer tosses her a spoon.

“Thanks, Miss Hammer!”

“No problem, kid.”

She turns to Arc as Dinky pours herself some cereal.

“We got any more of those little breakfast sausages?”

“In the back of the freezer, I think.”

Derpy giggles. “Those things are kinda tasty.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, about that. Aren’t you supposed to be an herbivore though. As a pony, I mean.”

Derpy nods. “Yes. But I worked up the courage to try meat from watching Arc eat.”

“I think it was actually Dinky who persuaded you to try it, Derpy.”

“Oh, right. After she had a Shelly Burger with you.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “A what?”

“It’s a restaurant a few blocks away. “

Hammer nods as she thinks for a moment. “I think I’ve driven by it a few times in the past. Any good?”

Arc nods. “Very. A couple girls I grew up with run it together.”

Hammer grins slyly. “More friends of yours?”

“Yes. Shelly and Lily are…”

“You know what I mean!”

Arc chuckles. “Yeah, yeah. I found out a while back that Lily’s had a crush on my since we were kids.”

“Did you bed her?”

Derpy covers Dinky’s ears. “Now, now. Little ears.”

Dinky sighs. “I know what it means, mom.”

Arc frowns. “Yes, well… that’s not something you should be exposed to, Dinky.”

He turns back to Hammer before continuing.

“And no, I didn’t do that.”

“How far DID you go?”

“We kissed before my last mission.”

Dinky grins. “Way to go, dad! I bet Miss Lily loved that!”

Derpy puts her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. “Now, Dinky. It’s none of our business how your father’s love life is going.”

Hammer laughs. “I bet he loved it too!”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, Lily’s really special to me.”

“How come you’ve never introduced me to her?”

“Because you don’t leave the house.”

Derpy nods. “That and she’s usually busy with the restaurant.”

Dinky swallows before speaking. “Dad’s invited you to breakfast with us a number of times. Why don’t you come?”

Hammer sighs. “I guess I could. But I’m still worried that Stingray or Mio will spot me.”

Derpy appears suddenly nervous. “Would they be upset?”


Arc turns to her. “Any luck with the e-mails?”

Hammer shakes her head. “None. I know they’re opening them as I get notifications for that. But neither of them has written back.”

Dinky frowns. “Do you miss your sister’s, Miss Hammer?”

“Kinda. I mean, we care about one another. Usually, that is.”

Derpy looks to Arc. “Maybe we could invite them over for Christmas dinner.”

Hammer groans. “That isn’t a good idea. After all, they still think I ran off with the Hero of Light. If I’m seen with Arc it’ll be obvious who he really is.”

Arc puts a finger to his chin. “It’s a shame though. I’m sure you’d like to see them again.”

“Yeah. But now I have you. Uh… one question.”


“Does this Lily chick know about me?”

“I did mention that you were staying with us, yes.”

“Dad told them you’re a… what was that term again, dad?”

“A hard luck case.”

Derpy appears confused. “What does that mean, dad?”

“That she’s going through a hard time and needs a place to stay.”

Hammer frowns. “Ain't that kind deceptive, Arc? I mean, I’m flattered and all. But I don’t want to be responsible for you getting in trouble with an old friend.”

“What I told her was true. You really don’t have anywhere else to go as it stands.”

“Fine and dandy. But have you told Rarity? Or any of your other herd-mates?”

Arc sighs. “No. I’ve been meaning to do that when they call. But I just can’t think of how to bring it up.”

Dinky looks to him soberly. “They do need to know though, dad.”

“Yeah. I’ll try to do that next time they call.”

Derpy smiles. “I’m sure they won’t have a problem with it. But as Dinky said, they deserve to know the truth.”

Hammer nods as she pulls a skillet out of the cupboard. “That they do. But let’s work on some breakfast now.”

They begin cooking as Dinky finishes her cereal. Tossing the bowl into the sink she runs for her coat.

“I’m heading out!”

Arc calls out after her. “Have a nice time, sweetheart!”

Derpy giggles. “Come inside if you get too cold!”

They hear the front door open and close before the sound of the screen door slamming rings out. Hammer grins as she cooks.

“It’s an interesting life you lead, Arc.”

“Is it?”

“Hero of Light. Able to defeat anybody around! And what does he decided to do? Spend time with his family.”

Arc chuckles. “Greatest adventure ever.”

Derpy turns to him. “Is it, Arc?”

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

“You don’t miss the action and excitement of your old life?”


Hammer appears impressed. “Honestly, I thought I’d miss it when I left my sisters that night. But after hanging out here for these past couple months I’ve come to realize that what I thought I wanted wasn’t what I actually wanted. So now I don’t want my old life back, but rather I want this one instead.”

Derpy appears confused. “Um…”

Cherry calls out. “Hammer means she appreciated the new sense of family she has with us.”

“Well, yeah. But I just said that.”

Arc shrugs. “In kinda a roundabout way, I suppose.”

Cherry continues. “Are you and Frank going to the orphanage like you did last year at this time, Arc?”

“Yes, we are. But he wants to spend Christmas Eve with them.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Orphanage?”

“It’s in Farburg. Frank and I grew up there together with Lily and Shelly.”

Derpy smiles. “Can I come too?”

“I don’t see why not.”

Hammer grins. “How about me?”

“Sure. The more the merrier.”

Sereb walks up from the basement and sniffs the air. “Smells like breakfast is nearly ready.”

“Morning, big guy.”

Cherry giggles. “Sleep well?”

“Just in the basement, as it’s nice a quiet down there.”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, it is. At least my guys liked it when they were here.”

Scootaloo enters the room, rubbing her eyes. Hammer grins.

“Morning, kiddo!”


Arc turns to her. “Sleep well?”

“Okay, I guess.”

Derpy appears concerned. “Something wrong?”

“I… kinda miss my mom.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I feel the same way this time of year.

Derpy turns to Arc. “Why’s that?”

“It’s a time for family. When I was growing up everyone at school would talk about how excited they were about Christmas get-togethers. How they were going on road trips to see their family whom lived out of state… that sort of thing.”

Sereb nods. “And you felt left out?”

“Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t their fault they were excited about Christmas. That and I had Shelly and Lily to make that time a bit more bearable. We had each other, but… that part of my life just felt really empty to me.”

Hammer frowns. “What about your friends Shelly and Lily? Did they feel the same?”

“Not exactly. Neither of them had any concrete memories of their parents. I mean, Lily just had bits and pieces while Shelly had no memories whatsoever.”

Derpy smiles. “It’s good you three stuck together then.”

Cherry giggles. “Four actually.”

“Right. Frank.”

Scootaloo gasps. “That magical human?”

“You remember him, right?”

“Yeah. He’s pretty powerful, and all.”

A voice rings out from the next room.

“That he is.”

Throwing his spatula aside, Arc storms into the living room. He immediately sees Wiseman sitting on the couch.

“And here you are again!”

Scootaloo frowns. “What IS this?!”

Sereb growls. “Trouble!”

Wiseman tilts his head to one side. “Is something wrong?”

Arc clenches his fists. “Yeah something is wrong!”

He turns to Hammer.

“Hit me in the head with a frying pan!”

“Say WHAT?!”

“But why Big Brother?!”

“Because I might lose my memory again!”

Hammer gasps. “You had amnesia?!”


Derpy appears confused. “Why would you…?”

Arc points angrily at Wiseman. “Because the whole time I was wandering around Equestria in more or less a daze, THIS GUY COULDN’VE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT!”

“Yes indeed.”

Sereb growls. “Then why did you not?!”

“We all have our roles to play in the grand story of life.”

Hammer grits her teeth. “And you’re saying it was Arc’s, what… fate?!”

“A strong word. But not completely accurate.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “We’re wasting our time here! He’ll never give a straight answer!”

“Not entirely true or false. Remember, I did give you the password to Rieper’s computer.”

Hammer gasps. “So that’s how Arc got that information! Wait! How the heck did YOU know what his password was?!”

“I have my sources. But I am not here to talk about them today.”

Arc groans. “Wonderful.”

Derpy grimaces. “Can we please hurry this along? After all, Arc’s breakfast is getting cold.”

Wiseman shrugs. “By all means, feel free to eat.”

Arc glares at the intruder. “I think I’ll wait to do so until you’re out of my house.”

Sereb growls. “Give us your cryptic words and begone!”

“Very well.”

Wiseman clears his throat before continuing.

“In truth, I don’t have a message for you today, Arc.”


“Instead, I have a request.”

Hammer frowns and points a finger at Wiseman. “So do we! Get out of here RIGHT NOW!”

Stepping forward, Hammer throws a mighty punch. Holding up a gloved hand Wiseman effortlessly stops it. She appear surprised and confused as he speaks.

“Please be careful, Hammer. I would hate to be forced to hurt someone as pretty as you.”

Releasing her fist, Wiseman allows Arc to pull her back.

“Get to your request or we’ll see how well you stop MY attacks!”

“Very well. I have need of your help, Arc.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “The all-powerful Wiseman needs my help?”


Sereb scoffs. “It would appear that you are not as wise as you would like us to believe.”

Hammer rubs her fist. “You sure do have a funny way of getting volunteers.”

Scootaloo nods. “Whatever you are.”

“I’m just as human as Arc is, Scarlet. Or should I call you Scootaloo?”

Sereb growls. “Just get to your request so we can decline it!”

“If you recall, that is what I have been trying to do for some time now.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. Shoot.”

“I require assistance locating a particular item that has… been out of my reach for many years.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “You want us to go on a scavenger hunt now?”

“In a matter of speaking.”

Derpy nods. “To find what exactly?”

“A lock.”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “That makes sense.”

Arc frowns. “That’s a bit too specific. Could you be a bit more vague?”

“Yes I could, Arc. But I’m sure you don’t want me to be.”

“It’s sarcasm!”

Derpy steps forward. “Could we ask what kind of lock you’re looking for?”

“One to fit this…”

Reaching into his cloak, Wiseman pulls out an ancient and rusty key. Sereb growls impatiently.

“There are innumerable locks in this world! Do you expect us to walk the streets trying to find…?!”

Arc frowns. “Hold it! Let me see that!”

Wiseman holds out the key to Arc whom grabs it frantically and looks it over. He glares at the masked man before him.

“Where did you get this?!”

Wiseman shrugs. “I found it years ago.”

Derpy appears hopeful. “Do you know what it’s for, Arc?”

“I do! It’s to my grandfather’s old chest in the basement!”

Hammer gasps. “How the heck did this fruitcake get it?!”

Scootaloo narrows her eyes. “A very good question!”

Arc looks at Wiseman suspiciously. “How about it? You want to tell us the truth for once?”

“I already did. As stated earlier I found the key years ago.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Where?!”

“On the floor of this same living room between the television and the wall.”

Sereb groans. “How did it get there?!”

Wiseman shrugs. “I suppose we should ask Arc that question.”

“Well, I guess I probably left it on the entertainment center. It must’ve gotten pushed back slowly before falling off the back.”

Derpy turns to him. “What’s in that chest, Arc?”

“No idea. When I moved back home at age eighteen I found the key in a box with several other items on the table. I did try to open the chest, of course. But the lid wouldn’t budge.”

Hammer looks over Arc’s shoulder “Well, in any case, that key looks like it’s been through a lot. Can I take a look at it?”

“I guess.”

Handing the key to Hammer, she looks it over for some time before responding.

“Strange metal you got here.”

Scootaloo frowns. “It is?”

“Yup. Most old skeleton keys were made out of either brass or iron. This is neither.”

Derpy appears surprised. “How can you tell?”

Hammer tosses it to herself a few times. “The weight’s wrong. It’s far too light.”

She rubs it on the sleeve of her shirt for a few moments.

“Let’s see if we can get rid of some of this tarnish.”

With a bit of effort she is able to get down to the metal. Looking over the key again, she frowns.

“That doesn’t make sense. Look at this, Arc.”

She hands the key back. Arc takes it and holds it up to the light.


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