• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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REMASTERED - Chapter 9 - Changed

Arc and Ember leave the small shop with the sack given to them. Ember frowns as she turns to Arc.

“I don’t like it here.”

Nodding, Arc grunts as he adjusts the bag on his shoulder and the chain in his other hand.

“Neither do I.”

“Let’s leave.”

“No arguments there.”

Ember grits her teeth. “I… I never want to come back here ever again.”

“Well, if Esther holds up her end of the bargain, we’ll be using her for supplies.”

“Do you think she will?”

“Time will tell, I suppose.”

Ember nods. “Yeah. That’s about what my mind came up with.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You okay.”

“Fine. Why?”

“It’s just… you’ve been acting strange ever since we left the shop.”

Ember looks down. “I don’t want to talk about it. Not until we leave the city anyways.”

Arc sighs. “Fine.”

They leave the city together via the main gates. Walking around the perimeter of the walls, they begin travelling east for quite some time. Eventually they crest a hill and begin the walk down the other side. Ember breathes a sigh of relief.

“Once we get to the bottom we’ll start walking south. From there it’s just a short walk to the hideout.”

“Good. After what we’ve been through I think we both could go for some food and a nice shower.”

Ember puts a claw on her belly and looks down. “Yeah. I didn’t really think about it until you said something, but we haven’t eaten since yesterday evening”

Arc nods. “And we walked most of the night too.”

“I guess we could have eaten something from that little cupboard at the inn.”

Arc shakes his head. “While the thought crossed my mind, I don’t think I could have stomached it.”

Ember shrugs. “That and if we’d have caught something from the food it would have left us unable to defend ourselves.”

“So I guess we did the right thing.”

“I… um…”



“You’re acting all spaced out.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What the heck does that even mean?!”

“That you’re kinda… out of it. Not really yourself. Is it about the chain?”

“No, it’s not about the chain, sir.”

“Sorry. Shouldn’t have made that into a question.”

Ember sighs. “It’s fine. Truth be told I’m kinda getting used to it.”

Arc looks at the chain is his palm. “Do you suppose the demons are… on to something with these?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, at first they just looked like some kind of sexual kink to me.”

Ember frowns. “They are!”

“I’m not so sure anymore.”

“What else could they be for?!”

“Trust building exercises.”


“Think about it. For it to work it has to be put on willingly. That takes a bit of trust right there.”

Ember shrugs. “I guess.”

“Then you have to trust the person holding the chain not to let go of it and stop the timer. Or make you do anything you don’t want to.”

“Y-yeah. I guess.”

She puts a claw on her neck and sighs before continuing.

“Honestly, I totally hated this thing when Mythic Honor put it on me. But now… now I kinda feel… secure, I suppose.”


Ember shakes her head. “We can talk about this more later.”

Arc nods. “I’d like that.”

Ember chuckles. “Me too.”

They walk on in silence for a time. Eventually Arc breaks it.



“Remember how you said you didn’t want to ever go back to Vengeance?”


“Can I ask why?”

Ember looks down as she walks. “I just… I mean…”

Arc frowns. “The city wasn’t really that bad in my opinion. Kinda like New York City back home.”

“It was certainly an improvement over the Vile Tribe’s accommodations.”

Ember chuckles. “You liked that couch?”

“Better than the cold, hard ground under my tent.”

“I guess that makes sense. But tell me something. What else did you like about it?”

“The fact that the city just felt so… alive! Even when we got there in the wee hours of the morning… it still seemed to me like everyone there was trying to make the best of their lot in life.”

Ember shrugs. “When you’re stuck somewhere forever it makes sense to kinda make the most of things. Put down roots even.”

“What about you?”

“Uh… what about me?”

“You still need to be the Dragon Lord someday, right?”

“If I’m gone too long my dad will come get me.”

“What about the barrier?”

“The pony princesses know how to pass through it. Worst case scenario he’ll just start hacking and slashing until they let me go.”

“Uh… how much longer until that happens? If it does, I mean?”

“A decade or two.”

“So you’ve made your peace to stay here that long?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What are you getting at?”

“Roots mostly. You’re with the Vile Tribe.”

“Same as you I would think.”

Ember stops walking and turns around before continuing.

“You’re not thinking of defecting to Vengeance, are you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ember. But to be completely honest with you, part of my originally wanted to stay.”

“What changed your mind?”

“Esther and her baby.”

“How they were taken advantage of?”

Arc nods. “I understand that every city has their poor and downtrodden. But that looked to be honest to goodness organized crime back there.”

Ember sighs. “It stands to reason that there are others in the same boat as they were.”

“That’s why I couldn’t stay.”

“Oh really?”


“What about the demon women?”

Arc frowns. “What about them?”

“They look more like your species than a pony does. Heck, if you played it right you could probably have a full time bed-warmer.”

“Not interested in that though.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “In what? Sex?”

“No! I mean, yes, but…!”

Arc takes a few moments to compose himself before continuing.

“I’m sure there’s a handful of nice demon women in the city.”

Ember nods. “Like Esther?”

“Like Esther. But I don’t feel as if I’d be happy there long term.”

“Fun to visit, but wouldn’t want to live there. So what are you going to do?”

Arc shrugs. “Stick with the Vile Tribe, I guess. They’re friendly enough and I feel as though they honestly need me.”

Ember laughs. “You mean us, right?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Us.”

Sometime later the Vile Tribe’s hideout comes into sight. Arc turns to Ember as they turn off the beaten path and step behind a large rock.

“Don’t forget to hide that collar under your cloak.”

Ember nods as she takes the chain from Arc. “Yeah. I sure don’t want the sentries, or anyone else, seeing THAT!”

Arc helps Ember adjust her cloak as she ties the chain up into a ball. Arc drops it down the back of her robe. Ember gasps.

“That was COLD!”

“Sorry about that.”

Ember sighs as she turns to him. “How do I look?”

“Fine. No one will notice that collar now.”

They step out from behind the rock and continue on. Shortly thereafter they approach the gates which are quickly opened for them. Ember looks up to the walls.

“Anything happen while we were gone?”

“No, Ember. Things were quiet as could be. And how did your mission go?”

Ember grins as she jerks a claw toward the sack over Arc’s shoulder. “It went well. We’re going to drop this stuff off at the Town Hall before grabbing a shower and hitting the sack. Make sure we’re not disturbed.”

They salute as Ember motions for Arc to follow her. Arriving at the Town Hall, they find Mythic Honor tinkering with something neither can identify. Arc calls out to the elderly stallion.

“We’re back.”

“Good, good! Uh… where did you go?!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Vengeance, remember?”

“Can’t say as I do!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You don’t recall putting a collar on Ember?”

Mythic Honor cackles. “Now THAT I do remember! How’d that part go?! It looks like you two didn’t kill each other at least!”

Ember shrugs. “We made it work.”

“That’s good! Did you hold the chain the whole time, Arc?!”

“Just about. Why?”

“Curious! So if you hold it the rest of the day, you should get it off shortly before the evening meal!”

Ember appears relieved. “The sooner the better!”

The stallion looks to the bag hungrily. “So… did my contact deliver?!”

Arc motions to the sack. “We were able to get most of what you had on the list.”


Ember sighs. “She didn’t have one item and some pig broke a few things.”

Mythic Honor shrugs. “All things considered, I’m just glad you two are safe! But what do you think of that shop keeper?! Can we use them in the future?!”

Arc nods. “I’m giving a tentative ‘yes’.

Ember chuckles. “Me too.”

“Good! It took me long enough to find this one! Glad it worked out. Well, why don’t you two get cleaned up and rest! I’ll have lunch sent to you when it’s ready!”

They nod and leave the Town Hall as Mythic Honor dives into the bag snout first. Heading for the showers, Ember pulls the lever to start the water. Meanwhile, Arc steps into his curtained off corner shower. Disrobing, he tosses the clothes aside and pulls his own lever. Groaning contentedly he chuckles.

“Can’t believe just how good it feels to get cleaned up, eh Ember?”

“You can say that again. My scales felt like there were starting to grow fur.”

Arc looks down at the water as it snakes toward the drain. “Yeah. But we really aren’t that dirty.”

Ember shrugs. “Must just be the feeling of all those creeps in Tartarus checking me out.”

“I figured you didn’t notice.”

“Oh, believe me, I did.”

“Say, why do you suppose that pig though you were the princess?”

Ember chuckles as she lathers up. “Probably because he just got a glance of my face and saw my red claws. Those two aspects of me are pretty similar to her royal highness in passing.”


“Let’s just say it’s good that he didn’t see my lower half since it was behind the counter. That much of me is VERY different.”

Arc shrugs as he puts soap in his hair and begins scrubbing. “I couldn’t see her too well when she and the king walked by, so I’ll just have to take your word for it.”

A few minutes later Arc hears Ember’s shower turn off along with the now familiar sound of her scaly feet plip-plopping across the stone floor. Shutting his own water off, Arc turns to the small table nearby with his clean clothes. Frowning, he calls out to Ember as she dries off nearby.



“I forgot to grab a towel. Can you toss one over please?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Again?!”

“Looks like it?”

Sighing, Ember picks up a fresh towel and tosses it over the curtain. Arc catches it nimbly.


“No problem.”

Drying, Arc quickly dresses and grabs his dirty clothes before leaving his cloth cubicle. Ember is waiting for him with her robe draped over her shoulders.


“I… just wanted to walk back to the dormitories with you.”

“Oh… okay.”

Heading for the exterior door, Arc holds out an arm, motioning for Ember to stop.

“What is it?”

Arc looks her over before speaking.

“Your chain is showing.”

Ember groans. “Again?!”

“Yup. Want me to take care of it?”

“Please do.”

Arc attempts to put it under the robe, but fail. Eventually he just puts his robe over her shoulders and looks again.


“But I just got cleaned up!”

Arc shrugs. “It’s only a short walk.”

Ember sighs. “I guess.”

Arriving at her small hut, Ember turns to Arc as he walks toward his tent.


Arc turns to her. “Yes, Ember?”

“Can I talk to you for a bit? That is, if you’re not too tired, I mean.”

“Sure. What is it?”

Ember looks around and frowns. “I want this to be kept just between us. Can you step into my hut?”

“Um… sure.”

Ember walks forward and opens her door. Stepping aside, she lets Arc enter first. He looks around as she closes the door behind him. The room is sparsely furnished, containing only a bed, table, one chair, and an iron stove. As he looks around Ember tosses some dried chitin scraps into the stove and breathes fire into it. As it glows with a warm light Ember turns her attention back to the task at hand. Walking over to the table, she picks up the chair and sets it down at the foot of the bed. Ember motions for him to sit down in the chair as she walks over to the bed. Arc does so and turns to her.

“So what did you want to talk about, Ember?”

“I… a few things actually. But first you should probably go back to holding this.”

She gives him the chain again. Arc nods and takes it.

“Yeah, I can imagine you’d like to get out of that thing.”

Ember nods. “The thought had crossed my mind, yes. But there are more important things I want to get out in the open right now.”


“First off… I… want to ask you not to repeat any of this to the others.”

“Um… sure. Why so secretive though?”

Ember sighs. “Some of this is just… really hard for me to say.”

“Take your time.”

“Well… let me just start with saying… thank you.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “For what?”

“First off, for not ordering me to do anything… uh… anything I didn’t want to do.”

“No problem.”

“I just have to ask… why didn’t you?”

“That’s not who I am, Ember.”

Ember smiles slyly. “Is that the only reason?”

“Well… and if I had done anything you would have… hurt me as soon as you could.”

“Yup. But I gotta admit that there are a few stallions in town whom would have jumped at the chance to get a bit of action from me.”

Arc appears surprised. “Really? There do seem to be plenty of mares around though.”

Ember sighs. “I suppose that’s true, yes. But some stallions want something a bit more… exotic.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. Why do you think we shower alone?”

“Let me guess. You caught someone checking you out?”

“Right. I still gave him a knuckle sandwich though.”

“But that wasn’t the end of it?”

“Nah. He just dragged himself away saying ‘worth it’.”

Arc chuckles. “Wow! Now THAT was gutsy!”

“I guess so. But… I have a confession to make.”

“What is it?”

Ember takes a deep breath before speaking.

“Before you asked to have those curtains put up you used to sit on a bench in the Changing Area.”

Arc nods. “Yes. What about it?”

“You would sit there with your back to the showers and do your daily armor inspection.”

“That’s what you told me to do.”

“Yeah. And several times a day when I was showering I would look over at you to see what you were doing.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure that’s the only reason you were looking over?”

Ember sighs. “No. I… also wanted to make sure you weren’t checking me out.”

“Was kinda busy at the time. Then those curtains went up and that was the end of it, right?”

“Not exactly.”


“I was kinda thinking that maybe you asked for those to be put there to be able to watch me without being seen.”

Arc groans. “Really?”

“Ember nods, clearly ashamed. “Yeah. For the first two weeks I would look under the curtains at which way your feet were pointing.”

“Just toward the shower nozzle.”

“I know.”

“Um… do you still do that?”

“Do what? Check?”

“Peek on me?”

Ember frowns. “What?! NO! All I used to see was your feet and ankles!”

Arc chuckles. “Pervert.”

Opening her mouth to speak, Ember is cut off as Arc doubles over laughing. She sighs as her features soften.

“Yeah… I guess it was pretty pervy to keep looking at your ankles. But you’re not thinking I’m into that sort of thing, right?”

Arc shrugs. “I dunno. After hearing how long it went on…”

Ember groans. “You want me to say it?! Fine! I was wrong, okay?!”

“Now doesn’t that feel better?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Was that it?”

Ember shakes her head. “Not even close.”


“Do you remember how I said that I didn’t want to go back to Vengeance?”

“Didn’t like the ogling. I get that.”

Ember sighs. “There was more to it than that.”

“Oh… okay.”

“It’s about Esther.”

“What about her?”

“She’s a demon.”

Arc nods. “I did notice that, yes.”

“And I hate demons.”

“Do you now?”

“Well, at least I did before I met her.”

“And how do you feel about demons now?”

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not looking to make any new friends over there. But… I will say that today…it made me… how should I say this… reevaluate my opinions. And that’s not something a dragon usually does.”

Arc chuckles. “I’m sure Esther would approve of you broadening your horizons. As would little Rebme.”

Ember sighs. “I still can’t believe someone wanted to name their child after me.”

“Sounds like we made quite the impression on her.”

“Yeah. Before I thought all they did over there was eat, sleep, and have sex. Now I see that there’s a whole lot more. I mean, the night’s pretty savage. But it appears that when the sun comes up they’re more business than we are.”

Arc nods. “Shops, taking care of kids, paying bills…”

“That too. I was always told demons were victimizers. But now I see that they’re also the victims here.”

“We fixed two lives today.”

“I kinda wish we could do more.”

“Me too.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Arc speaks.

“You want to go back?”

“Kinda, yeah.”

She tugs on the chain and smiles before continuing.

“Without this thing though.”

Arc chuckles and extends a hand. “Deal?”

Ember grins and nods. “Deal!”

They shake on it and laugh. Eventually they calm down as Arc turns to the stove.

“That thing really puts on the heat.”

Ember nods. “Keeps me warm at night, yes.”

Arc looks out the window. “It does get cold out there at night.”

“Yeah. Dragons don’t like the cold very much though. That’s why Mythic Honor gave me this place. Most ponies have to have roommates.”

“Not you though?”

Ember chuckles. “A couple tried, yes. But I’m kinda abrasive I guess.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I never would have imagined.”

“That and I like it hot in here. Like REALLY hot!”

“And they couldn’t take the heat?”

“Pretty much. Um… are you okay out there at night?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I’ve got plenty of blankets out there.”

Ember appears relieved. “Good. Here I am talking to you about how warm I keep my hut while you’re lying on the ground.”

“It’s okay.”

Arc stands and stretches before continuing.

“Well… I’m getting pretty tired now. If there isn’t anything else you want to talk about, I think I’ll head over to my tent and get some sleep.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Um… Arc?”


“Aren’t you forgetting something?”


She points to the chain in his hand. Arc chuckles nervously.

“Oh… right. Um…”

“I’m getting pretty tired to. But we can’t really split up right now.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“If you’d like to go to your tent and grab your pillow and some blankets… you could sleep here with me.”

Arc blushes slightly. “I don’t really know if I want to…”

Ember rolls her eyes. “On the floor, dummy. I’m offering to let you sleep on my floor.”

“Oh… um… sure. But would you do me one favor?”

“What’s that?”

“Please don’t forget that I’m down here, or that you’re still hooked up to the chain.”

Ember groans. “You’re not going to let me live down this morning, are you?”

Arc shakes his head as he stands and heads for the door. “Nope.”

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