• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 14 - Getting the Ball Rolling

Shortly before dawn Scootaloo’s chariot touches down in the hanger of Canterlot Castle. Sighing, she turns to the guards.

“Thanks for the ride. Report that we’ve arrived to your commanding officer and get some rest.”

They salute and hurry away as Scootaloo turns and makes her way inside the castle. Walking down a corridor, she makes her way to Decimus’ office. Knocking, Scootaloo enters to find him pacing the floor.

“You’re up early.”

Decimus frowns. “I never went to bed.”


“How could I sleep with a princess missing?!”

Scootaloo shrugs. “I did.”

Decimus chuckles. “You’re a cold one, Scarlet Filly. I like it.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“But that won’t help me with Princess Celestia in an hour or so when she gets up to raise the sun.”

He looks to her, hopeful.

“Can you think of anything at all that you saw in Ponyville that might lead us to Princess Twilight?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No, sir. But I think you already know who’s to blame for this.”

Decimus stomps a hoof angrily. “The former Hero of Light. It HAS to be him!”

“Isn’t he still in Abyssinia though?”

“His ship is, yes. However he must’ve found some way of returning to Equestria without crossing the ocean.”

“Using his ship as a mechanical red herring. Very clever.”

Decimus grimaces. “Let not the left hoof know what the right is doing. I thought his actions thus far had been brazen. But now I see that it was all part of a much larger plan.”

“To kidnap the princess?”

“No. I believe that she is part of a larger conspiracy of his design.”

“I don’t understand, sir. What could be bigger than holding a princess of Equestria hostage?”

“Using her as bait for a larger fish.”

Scootaloo gasps. “You mean…?!”

Decimus turns to her, soberly. “Yes. He means to use the junior princess to get to Celestia.”

“But how?!”

“If I knew that, I’d stop him… permanently.”

“What now though?”

Decimus looks at the clock. “Just counting down the minutes until Arc’s luck runs out.”

“But he has the upper hoof right now.”

“Or so he thinks.”

“I don’t understand.”

“That foolish pup thinks her can lure Celestia out of hiding by using her former student. Unfortunately for him that will probably work.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “So we’re ultimately giving him exactly what he wants?”

“Yes. But he’ll regret it soon enough.”

Meanwhile, Arc opens his eyes and looks down happily at the mare in his arms. Kissing her lightly on the top of her head, he strokes her mane until she awakens.

“Good morning, sleepyhead.”

Rarity smiles and nuzzles his chest happily. “Good morning, dear.”

“Sleep well?”

“Very. My injuries even feel better this morning.”

“That’s good news.”

He sniffs the air and smiles.

“Smells like the kitchen is already busy cooking breakfast.”

Rarity nods as she carefully stands up. “Yes. Shall we?”

Arc sighs. “Probably should. After all, I’ll need to implement the next stage of my plan soon.”

Putting his arms around Rarity’s midsection, he picks her up and carries her toward the door and down the corridor. Entering the Cafeteria they find it empty save for the Mane Six, Hammer, Auriel, Ember, Spike, and Sereb. Arc walks over to them.

“Where is everyone else?”

Hammer shrugs. “Still asleep, I’d guess.”

Applejack chuckles. “Right. Do you have any idea just how early it is, Arc?”


Rainbow Dash looks to Arc hopefully. “Is it time yet?”

“Not quite. I’m still waiting for word from Scootaloo.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “I’m sure that the Scarlet Filly is quite capable, and all. But I still don’t like that you sent her to Canterlot.”

Pinkie shudders. “And she has to put up with that blowhard, Decimus!”

Rarity smiles at them. “Come now, everypony. Arc knows what he’s doing.”

Spike looks nervously to Rarity. “How are you today, Rarity?”

“Much better after last night in Arc’s bed.”

Applejack smiles. “Glad to hear that.”

Twilight clears her throat. “Yes. But why don’t we get some food before everypony else rises?”

Sereb nods. “A sound plan, yes.”

Auriel turns to the kitchen. “I’ll tell Derpy and Dinky you’re here, Arc.”


Auriel disappears into the kitchen. A few moments later Dinky and her friends run out to greet him.

“Morning dad!”

Apple Bloom grins hugely. “Hey there!”

Sweetie Belle points a hoof. “Thanks for taking such good care of Rarity!”

“Good morning, you three. How’re things coming along in there?”

“Just fine, dad.”

Apple Bloom nods. “It’s a lot easier with extra hooves.”

Sweetie Belle giggles, her horn aglow. “And magic.”

Derpy walks out with a food cart and dishes. “Hello everypony. I’ve got enough made for us to eat.”

Applejack grins as she helps unload the cart. “I sure hope so. Today’s going to be busy.”

Arc steps forward and takes two plates from Derpy as they are passed. “So what’s going on today?”

Rainbow Dash looks up from her food. “We’re trying to finish up the Town Hall today.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “What about the dormitories?”

Pinkie giggles. “They’re done! The furniture is moving in today!”

Fluttershy nods. “We’ll head over there later to make sure it goes smoothly.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “So everypony will be settled in?”

Auriel smiles. “With luck, yes.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Maybe I’ll have time to come see them tomorrow.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Why not today?”

Sereb chuckles. “Indeed. Your plan won’t take all day, after all.”

Auriel nods. “That and I thought you were going there this evening.”

“I am. But I wanted to spend today with Derpy and Dinky.”

Dinky throws her hooves up happily. “YAY!”

Derpy smiles. “That would be wonderful!”

“Yeah! Can my friends play with us too?!”

“If you want to, sure. But we have to hurry up and eat. After all, I don’t know when Scootaloo will give me the signal that…”

Suddenly Arc stops talking and puts a hand to his forehead. Nodding, he sighs and turns back to the others.

“Scootaloo just reached out.”

Pinkie appears hopeful. “Good news?”

“Kinda. She’s on her way to Celestia’s room with Decimus to inform her of your disappearance, Twilight.”

Ember grins. “How I wish I could be there to see the look on her face.”

Auriel frowns. “Ember, please! That’s Twilight’s friend you’re talking about!”

Sereb growls. “It is also the mare whom tried to kill Arc!”

Arc grimaces. “I’m more upset about what happened to Ponyville.”

Fluttershy gasps. “But Princess Celestia didn’t have anything to do with that!”

Rainbow Dash flares her wings. “Or so we think!”

Twilight sighs. “I’m sure she didn’t. Nothing in the world could have made her do such a thing.”

Arc puts a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “I believe you. But this still needs to be done.”

“That does make me feel a bit better. But I still feel like I’m betraying Princess Celestia.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Like she betrayed Arc?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Enough, Rainbow Dash. We’ll do this and bring Princess Celestia back into the fold.”

Applejack nods fervently. “It’s likely all she needs is a healthy dose of reality.”

Rarity sighs. “Along with distancing her from Decimus.”

Arc nods as he pulls a letter from his ring. “Right. This should make that clear to Celestia.”

Sweetie Belle appears confused. “What’s that?”

“A ransom note. It says that I have Twilight and want to arrange a meeting between myself and her.”

Apple Bloom frowns. “Where?”

“In front of the remains of Town Hall in Ponyville.”

Sereb growls. “Oh?”

“I want her to see what Decimus did to it with her own eyes.”

Auriel nods nervously. “A good idea. After all, no one can dismiss something that’s literally all around them.”

“That was my plan, yes.”

Arc turns to Twilight as he pulls his guardanium knife from the ring.

“There’s just one more thing I need from you to make sure this letter is believed to be genuine.”

“What’s that?”

“I’d like it if you’d allow me to cut a bit of hair from either your mane or tail to send along with the letter.”

Spike frowns. “What?! Why?”

Applejack sighs. “So Princess Celestia will know that Arc really does have Twilight.”

“Right. “

“That’s fine. Take it from wherever you want.”

Arc kneels down and grabs a clump of Twilight’s mane between his thumb and forefinger. Carefully maneuvering the knife, he slices cleanly through the hair in one swift motion.

“Got it.”

Placing the hair neatly in the center of the paper, he folds it numerous times to seal it in before calling forth his gauntlet.

“Now I’ll just send it to my old room in Canterlot where Scootaloo will pick this up and makes sure it finds its way to Celestia.”

Pinkie waves a hoof dismissively. “Aw, you don’t have to do all that, Arc!”


Rainbow Dash points. “Right. Spike can just send it directly to Celestia.”

Auriel frowns. “He can?”

Twilight nods. “Sure. That’s how I submitted my reports to Princess Celestia in the past.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Then why didn’t you get in touch with her in that way back at the castle?”

“Because Princess Celestia’s quarters are magically warded these days. The letter never would have reached her.”

Spike nods. “Right. So I can send it, but nothing will happen unless it’s done when she’s in the corridor, or something.”

Arc smirks. “Alright. Let me try something.”

Focusing, Arc calls out to Scootaloo.

“I’m going to watch through your eyes for a bit.”

“Yes, Big Brother.”

As Arc works, he sees a dimly lit corridor of Canterlot Castle.

“It’s a bit odd to see it this close to the ground.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “See what?”

“I’m looking through Scootaloo’s eyes.”

“That’s still kinda creepy, dad.”

Apple Bloom grimaces. “It doesn’t hurt her, does it?”

“Not that she’s told me. But I need to focus now.”

Sereb frowns. “What if…?”

Sweetie Belle puts a hoof to the wolf’s mouth. “Shush! Arc’s trying to concentrate.”

Meanwhile, Decimus and Scootaloo approach the heavily guarded quarters. He turns to the guards.

“We’ll need to see the princess when she gets up.”

“Yes sir. It should only be a few minutes.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Why not now?”

Decimus sighs. “Trust me, that’s not safe.”


“We’d be in the clutches of an angry god with one heck of a temper. Not a good place to be.”

“Then what do we…?”

Decimus gestures to the skylight overhead. “Wait until the sun begins to rise. That way we’ll know she’s up and about.”

“Understood, sir. I did think it strange that was up there. After all, it does present a potential security breech.”

“Not really. It’s solid diamond.”

The guard nods. “If anything it’s to maintain security. At least ours, that is.”

Decimus turns to the stallion. “Guard?”

“Yes sir?”

“Shut up.”

A short time later the sun begins to rise. Decimus puts a hoof on the door and pushes it open. They spot Celestia looking at the now rising sun. She turns to them and smiles warmly as she motions for the guards in the room to leave.

“Good morning, Decimus. Scarlet Filly.”

Decimus nods stoically. “Likewise princess. Did you sleep well?”

“Very. Now then, what’s happened?”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Happened?”

Celestia nods. “The only time I get visitors this early is when something is amiss.”

Decimus sighs. “There is a problem, your highness.”

“Do tell.”

“A couple days ago Princess Twilight left the castle.”

“Oh? For what purpose?”

“To perform some science experiments in Ponyville.”

Celestia groans. “That’s so like her. Did the guards report her asleep on her lab table again?”

Decimus shakes his head. “No, your highness. In fact there has been no word from her since that time.”

Celestia frowns. “Send somepony there to check on her immediately!”

“I’ve already done that.”

He gestures to Scootaloo.

“The Scarlet Filly herself just returned a short time ago.”


“She was gone along with the guards whom accompanied her.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Gone?”

“I found evidence that she was indeed at her library before heading to the orphanage outside of town.”

“And then?”

“Nothing. The trail just ended.”

Celestia frowns. “This is most troubling. Twilight is a very responsible mare, after all. She wouldn’t run off without telling somepony where she was going.”

Decimus steps forward. “Ma’am, I believe the former Hero of Light is to blame for this.”

Celestia rolls her eyes. “Not likely. He’s already received the punishment all traitors deserve.”

Scootaloo clears her throat. “Nevertheless, I suspect foul play, your highness. Her chariot appeared to have been sitting there for an extended period of time.”

“Perhaps a bit more searching is in order. Return to Ponyville with three platoons, Scarlet Filly. Search the entire town from top to bottom if need be.”

Decimus nods. “I will lend my aid as well, Princess Celestia.”

“Thank you. However I do believe Twilight is fine. As I said, she’s a very capable young mare, after all. More than likely she is simply engrossed in her work and lost track of the passage of time.”

Scootaloo nods. “Yes, your highness. Now before I leave on this task, might I escort you to the Dining Room?”

“You may.”

Decimus salutes. “I will prepare the troops and rendezvous with you in the Hanger, Scarlet Filly.”

“See you in a bit, sir.”

They leave the room and go their separate ways. Celestia looks around and smiles.

“It is nice to actually be walking somewhere for a change.”

Scootaloo turns to her. “You’ve been taking portals pretty much everywhere from what Decimus told me.”

“Yes, well… past events have made it abundantly clear that such measures are required.”

“I’m sure Decimus only has your safety in mind.”

“Regarding the added security?”


Celestia shakes her head vehemently as they approach the Dining Room. “Oh no, that was my idea! I won’t let myself be taken again! I’ll die first!”

“Princess Celestia?”

“Please forgive my outburst. I was merely…”

A strange green smoke appears in front of Celestia. It forms into a letter and falls into her outstretched hoof. Scootaloo gasps.

“What the…?!”

Celestia grins. “It must be from Twilight!”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because this was sent via Spike. He’s her dragon assistant.”

Celestia looks the envelope over carefully as she and Scootaloo enter the Dining Room together. Frowning, she motions for the guards to leave the room.

“It must be very important. She usually sends her reports via scroll.”

Shrugging, Celestia unfolds the letter and begins to read. A few moments later she gasps.

“Oh, no… no, no, no, no, NO!”

“Your highness?”

“Twilight HAS been taken!”

“By whom?!”

“The former Hero of Light!”

Scootaloo gasps. “WHAT?! It has to be a trick! That’s not possible!”

Celestia channels her magic and picks up the scrap of hair. “He really has her!”

“We have to rescue her! What does the note say he wants?!”

“That monster wants me to meet him in Ponyville this evening!”

“We’ll be there to nab him, your highness!”

“I have to go alone.”

“Out of the question! He’s already taken one princess! It’s a plot to take another!”

Celestia grits her teeth. “I know that! After all, he says here for me to come alone! But this upstart won’t find me to be easy prey!”

“What will you do then, Princess Celestia?”

“The only thing I can do. Meet him as he says.”

“I’ll come along with Decimus and we’ll get…!”

Celestia shakes her head. “No, Scarlet Filly. I will handle this matter… personally.”


“You are not to tell anypony about this. Do you understand me?”

“Nopony at all?”


Scootaloo sighs. “If you say so, your highness.”

“Very good. Now then, go to the hanger and tell Captain Decimus that Princess Twilight has just sent word to me that she is just fine. He can call off the search.”

“Yes, your highness.”

She turns and leaves the Dining Room. Grinning, she calls out to Arc.

“Did you hear that, Big Brother?!”

“That I did. Celestia’s going to try and take care of me alone.”

“Then you and the others will be waiting for her.”

“Nope. Just me.”

“One on one?”

“Yup. Remember what she did last time? I can’t let anyone else take that kind of risk with me.”

“But she’ll kill you!”

“I have my new armor this time. That and there’s a reason I chose sunset to meet her. If things look to be going badly I can just wait for her to lower the sun and go into my Crimson form.”

“And if she doesn’t?”

“Then I lower the sun myself.”

“Well… this does have the best chance of success, I suppose.”

“That and if I show up with a posse she’ll really get nervous.”

“What about Princess Twilight? Is she coming with you?”

“No. If things get really bad I’ll escape and head back to The Equinox and we’ll reevaluate the situation.”

“Are you absolutely sure that’s for the best?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m not. But there really isn’t any other choice available to me other than to take the Dagger of Eternal Slumber and kill Celestia.”

“That might actually be for the best.”

“Twilight would never forgive me for it though. That and she still has the dagger.”

“But what about…?!”

Arc frowns. “No, Scootaloo. We’re doing it this way and that’s final.”

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