• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 14 - Sisterly Love (Part 7)

A short time later Hammer enters the room pushing a dinner cart. She walks over to the table and grins as she looks to Arc sitting next to the bed.

“Looks like you two are getting along nicely.”

Mio sighs. “I’m too sick to argue with him anymore.”

Hammer frowns. “Were you two fighting while I was gone?!”

Arc shrugs. “I’d like to think of it along the lines of ‘strongly disagreeing’.”

Hammer looks around. “It can’t have been that bad.”

Mio appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“Everything looks intact.”

Arc frowns. “Of course it is. I’m not violent.”

Hammer smirks. “Mio is.”


“You are.”

“I most certainly am not!”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “Remember back when you and Stingray were fighting over what to have for supper that one time?”

Mio smiles innocently. “Um... it’s kinda foggy.”

“Do the term ‘scorch marks’ and ‘walls’ mean anything to you?”

Mio says nothing as Hammer turns to Arc.

“I rest my case.”

Arc gestures to the table. “In any case, why don’t we all sit down and try to have a nice lunch?”

Mio grimaces. “I’m... not really hungry.”

Hammer frowns. “Well the doctor said you need to keep eating and drinking to keep your strength up.”

Arc looks to Mio. “Right. Now then, shall I help you to the table?”

“I can manage.”

Sitting up, she carefully stands. Making her way slowly toward the table Mio suddenly stumbles. Hammer hurries forward to help her but Arc is quicker with a Telekinesis Spell. Helping right her as Hammer does her best to lead her sister to the table, they sit down. Arc begins serving the food as Hammer turns to her sister.

“So... what’d you two talk about before?”

“I’d rather not say.”

“Aw, come on!”

Arc interjects. “It was rather personal, Hammer.”

Hammer frowns. “Fine.”

Mio turns to Arc as he hands her a plate. “By the way... what was that stuff you gave me to drink earlier?”


Hammer gasps. “They have that here in Equestria?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Let’s just say that I... imported it.”


“One night about three in the morning.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Where does one get Gatorade at that time of night.”

“Well, I pulled out the Rainbow of Light, teleported back to Earth, got in my vehicle, and drove to the local 7-11.”

“But why?!”

Arc shrugs. “When you wake up with a craving and have the means to sate it, you do.”

Hammer laughs. “I believe it!”

“I found it right away and grabbed two bottles. Then I figured why stop there? Next thing I knew I was walking up to the counter with a full cart of various flavors.”

Hammer grins. “Bet you keep a couple in your ring too!”

“All of them actually. Other than the one I opened a few minutes ago.”

Hammer looks over to the night stand. “Can I have some?”


Pulling it to himself with a Telekinesis Spell, Arc hands the bottle to Hammer. Grinning, she pours herself some as Mio appears confused.

“All this fuss over Gatorade?”

Arc chuckles as Hammer drinks. “It’s good stuff.”

Hammer nods as she sets down the bottle. “I wonder if Auriel would like this stuff?”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Auriel?”

“She’s a demon.”

“Is that code for something?”

Arc shakes his head. “Literally.”

Hammer nods. “Yeah. She’s really smart though, Mio. You’d like her.”

She looks at her sister evenly before continuing.

“You cold, Mio?”

“Kinda. Why?”

“Uh... because you’re shivering.”

Arc stands. “I’ll put another log on the fire and grab you a blanket.”

“Oh, um... th-thank you.”

Doing as he said, Arc returns and drapes a blanket over her shoulders. Hammer nods approvingly.

“Looks like you thought of everything, Arc.”

“I try. That and Mio’s not the first sick individual I’ve cared for.”

“Like Dinky?”

Mio groans. “Now I KNOW that has to be code.”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. Literal again.”

“She’s Arc’s daughter. Well, adopted.”


Mio nods skeptically. “Is she a pony, demon, or human?”

“Pony. Unicorn to be precise.”

Hammer giggles. “She’s such a sweetheart.”

“And how does a human adopt a child in this land?”

“In my case, just sign the birth certificate.”

Hammer puts a hand on his shoulder. “You’ll have little ones of your own someday, Arc.”

She grins wickedly before continuing.

“Maybe even with me.”

“Well, we have quite a bit of time to figure that out.”

Mio puts down her silverware and looks directly at her sister. “Hammer?”


“I have to know something?”

“What’s that?”

“In all seriousness... what do you see in him?!”

Hammer looks up. “How’s that?”

“I’m asking what you like about Arc.”

“Well... he’s always there for me, for starters.”

Arc chuckles. “I try to be.”

“And he’s REALLY good looking.”

“Disagree on that one.”

“Oh! And he’s stronger than strong!”

Arc shrugs. “I’m above average.”

Mio groans. “But there has to be more to it than that.”

“There is. Arc just... makes me feel like I can do or say anything and he won’t judge me for it.”

Arc sighs. “After some of the stuff I’ve done, it would be kinda hypocritical of me to do so.”

Mio moves her hand in a circular motion. “Such as...?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.”

Hammer grins. “How about when you broke into Damocles Base with my badge?”

“Which time?”

“When you met me down in maintenance.”

“That doesn’t really narrow it down.”

Mio gasps. “Are you KIDDING me?!”

Hammer appears confused. “Are you talking to him or me?”


Arc bows his head. “Not my best moment admittedly.”

“But now that I know what his intentions were at the time I don’t hold that against him, Mio.”

Mio groans. “Hammer... you... you don’t get it, do you?”

“Enlighten me.”

Mio points at Arc. “Your career is OVER! And it’s HIS fault!”


Arc sighs. “Kinda is.”

“See?! He admits!”

“That I do.”

Hammer frowns. “Elaborate, Mio.”


She clears her throat and begins to speak.

“Thanks to him getting your aid the base was compromised! This allowed Arc and his allies not only to cause MASSIVE damage to the facility, but also get clean away!”

Arc raises a hand. “With the kidnapped princess.”

Mio glares at him as he continues.

“Just trying to keep the record straight.”

Hammer grits her teeth. “She didn’t deserve to be held in chains, Mio!”

“Alright then! The Organization lost other test subjects thanks to him!”

Arc frowns. “The Shards are people, not lab rats.”

Hammer nods matter-of-factly. “Right!”

“Then he poisoned your mind against us, Hammer!”

“Not sure how I did that.”

Mio seethes. “Against MY will with MY help!”

Hammer nods soberly. “And I’m very grateful for it.”

“As far as The Organization is concerned you’re a fugitive, Hammer!”

Hammer shrugs. “Moreso after Arc busted me out.”

Mio gasps. “Wait, WHAT?!”

Arc sighs. “We went back to Damocles Base for... something the other day.”

“Part of the plan involved Auriel impersonating Diva and me being her prisoner.”

“I hid in her... well, I was smuggled in and helped Hammer causes a scene.”

Hammer grins. “The Brig was a shambles from us bringing the BOOM!”

“Hammer... YOU BLEW UP THE BRIG?!”

Arc raises a hand sheepishly. “That was actually me.”

Hammer smirks. “I prefer to think of it as ‘us’.”

“Call it what you will.”

“That place was TRASHED!”

Arc shrugs. “I did my best to hold back.”

“And no one was hurt.”

“On either side I might add.”

Mio groans as she facepalms. “What were you DOING there anyways?!”

“Like I told you before, just trying to help out a friend.”

“How does breaking in to a military base help Hammer?!”

Hammer frowns. “It wasn’t for me!”


Arc smirks. “I do have other friends, you know.”

Hammer chuckles. “Yeah. Quite a few actually. But that’s kinda what this is all about, isn’t it?”

“That it is.”

“I wasn’t talking to you this time, Arc.”

Hammer turns to Mio. Frowning, the young woman looks away before responding.

“Not sure what you mean by that, Hammer.”

“Oh really?”

“It’s the truth!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What are you getting at, Hammer?”

“It’s something Flash Sentry told me.”

Arc turns to Mio. “That’s her commanding officer.”

“Right. The general gave me a bit of a talk on psychology to help me be a better Lieutenant.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “What does that have to do with the current...?”

Hammer cuts her off. “He told me to watch people as they talk and pointed out subtle signs that show what they’re really thinking.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. I’ve heard about stuff like that. Never really gave it much thought though.”

“Me either. So I went to the Royal Library and got a book on it.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Really, Hammer?”

“Yeah! Read it cover to cover too.”

“That’s actually very impressive. I don’t think you’ve ever done that for any book other than repair manuals.”

“It was for reading the actions of ponies, naturally. But the basic logic behind it was the same. Tone of voice, wandering eyes, restlessly sitting, and ear movements. Well, all but the last one.”

She grins before continuing.

“I mentioned my studies to Princess Twilight at one point. She knew a bit about such things and recommended that I try to learn the same regarding humans.”

Arc appears surprised. “How though?”

“Yes, I though you and Arc were the only ones in this land.”

Hammer smirks. “True. So I asked what she recommended. The princess took me to her office and showed me a really cool device that puts your thoughts onto a screen.”

Arc grins. “I have one of those in my office back at Light’s Hope.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about that?!”

“Kinda forgot about it. Sorry.”

Hammer sighs. “It’s fine, I suppose. Not sure what I would have used it for before this anyways. But in any case, she lent it to me so I could bring up some of my old memories.”

Mio scoffs. “Oh really?”


Arc appears genuinely interested. “Like what, Hammer?”

“A lot of interactions with Mio and Stingray. For example...”

Looking to her sister, Hammer narrows her eyes.

“Remember that time I asked you about going over some data with me regarding the aerodynamics of a certain craft?”

Mio frowns. “No, I don’t.”

“It was the prototype Charger.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell.”

“Well, you told me that the general had you working on a bunch of projects and that you didn’t have time.”

Mio touches her ear. “I couldn’t help it if I had work of my own to do!”

“No, I guess you couldn’t. But then why did you duck out early that day?”

Mio frowns. “How did you know...?”

Hammer shrugs. “Just figured you had something to take care of in town, or something. But you didn’t, did you?”

“I... don’t actually remember the reason. After all, that was some time ago.”

“Are you sure you don’t remember why? After all, you’re always telling me just how flawless your memory is.”

“No one is perfect.”

Hammer nods skeptically. “I suppose not. Now that I think about it though, that was around the time my panties kept going missing.”

“What do your undergarments have to do with this?”

“Not much, I suppose. But I do remember asking you about it.”

Mio waves a hand dismissively. “And you think I was spiriting them away? Maybe Arc was stealing them?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Not my kink.”

“This was before he and I met. But it was rather suspicious that a pair or two always seemed to disappear right after I’d bought new ones.”

Mio frowns. “I’m not into...”

“And we’re the same size down there.”

“What does that prove?”


“Then why are we talking about this?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I’m a bit confused too, Hammer.”

“Just bear with me.”

She looks back to Mio before continuing.

“Remember the time you and Stingray forgot my birthday?”

Mio facepalms as she groans. “Work was crazy back then for reasons I know you understand!”

“But you had time to go shopping that day after work.”

“What does that prove?!”

“Nothing by itself. But I saw from my memories that you came home with, among other things. Italian bread, sugar, and a houseplant.”

“Where is this going, Hammer?!”

Hammer smirks. “Simple. You forget that I know the layout of the store too. Your fancy bread is on a stand right across from the bakery’s displays of cakes. The sugar is right next to the birthday candles in aisle ten. And the plant you bought was right next to the kiosk that sells occasion balloons.

There is a long silence as Mio grimaces. Eventually Arc speaks.


“There’s one more thing.”

Mio groans. “Please don’t.”

“Every time I presented something to you here you did something absentmindedly with your hands.”

“Alright, Hammer! You’re right! Stingray and I didn’t want to spend the money on that stuff!”

“So you cooked up the notion that you were too busy and forgot.”

“We did, yes!”

“So it’s ‘we’, is it?”

“Fine. It was my idea. And yes, I was taking your new panties to avoid buying my own.”

Hammer grins. “There. That wasn’t so hard, now was it?”

Mio looks to Hammer nervously. “Are you mad?”

“Not about forgetting my birthday or stealing my panties, no.”


Hammer frowns. “But I am kinda upset that you lied about it back then AND just now!”

Mio points to Arc. “What about HIM?! Arc lied to you about EVERYTHING from the START!”

Arc sighs. “That’s true, I did.”

“Right. But the difference is that, unlike you, he admitted to and apologized for doing it. And without me having to grill him for a confession. However there’s more.”

Mio toys with her hair. “What else could there possibly...?”

“I noticed the same fidgetiness from you when I watched more memories. You were CONSTANTLY lying to me!”

“Not lying, per se. More like... fibbing.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “That’s about the same thing.”

“Right. But it wasn’t just you, Mio. Stingray did it too.”

“How do you know? She’s the least fidgety person I know.”

“It was in her eyes and tone of voice.”


“When Stingray lies her voice goes up slightly and she has a tendency to roll her eyes.”

Arc appears impressed. “How much did you watch?!”

Hammer frowns. “A lot!”

Mio bows her head. “Look Hammer, I... I’m sorry. You’re right about everything and have every right to be mad at me.”

“I’m not.”



“Why not?”

Hammer sighs. “Because I did it too.”

“You did?”


“What did you lie about?”

“Remember how you kept losing your glasses in the apartment some time ago?”


“It was me.”


Hammer nods. “Sometimes when you took them off to shower I’d sneak into the bathroom and move them to the kitchen table, or something. Then when you asked me if I’d seen them I’d say I hadn’t. Then I’d do the same in the wee hours of the morning. Move them from your nightstand to the bathroom or kitchen counter.”

Mio frowns. “I thought that was kinda strange.”

“It was sorta supposed to be payback for all the crap you and Stingray gave me. But looking back at what I did, it really was childish of me.”

“And my own actions weren’t any better.”

“I’d be willing to let the past be the past, Mio.”

Mio smiles. “That sounds good.”

“If you’d do something for me, that is.”


Hammer points to Arc. “Give him a chance.”


“I didn’t say you had to marry him, or something! Just give Arc the chance to prove to you that he’s more than just his past actions. That he’s still the Hero you talked my ear off about on the inside.”

Arc nods soberly. “What I did wasn’t right either, Mio. To you or your sister. So how about it? Can we just start over?”


Hammer grins slyly. “You should probably take him up on that, Mio. After all, you two are going to be related when Arc and I tie the knot.”

Mio blushes. “I’m... not actually okay with the whole idea of you being married to him though, Hammer.”

“And that’s okay. Get to know him like I did and I’m sure you’ll like what you find.”

“Well, I’ll try.”

“Good. After all, I do understand why you were so upset.”


“When you found out who the Hero really was.”

Mio grits her teeth. ““Because of what he did to us, of course.”

“That’s only part of it though, isn’t it?”

Mio looks away nervously. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Hammer narrows her eyes. “Really, Mio?”

“Maybe. But I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Fair enough. Just don’t resort to lies. Especially not when a simple, and honest, statement that you’re not comfortable talking about it will do.”

Arc looks to the young woman. “I’ll do my best to be Honest too, Mio. We can’t take back the past. Neither one of us can. But we can learn from it and try to do better in the future.”

“Fine. Let’s do that. However I’ll be watching and listening.”

Hammer grins. “Good. Then you’ll see what I do.”

Arc stands. “In any case, I think Mio should get back to bed now. She’s looking a bit tired.”

Mio nods. “And cold too.”

“I’ll help you to bed, Mio.”

“Thanks, Hammer.”

Standing, Hammer does so. Arc watches from the table as she helps her sister get comfortable. Chuckling, Arc smiles inwardly as he muses to himself.

“That was pretty easy. Now all that’s left to do is see if Mio keeps her word. Well... that and borrow that book from Hammer, as it appears I have a few things to learn.”

As Mio lies down she points to the balcony door.

“Is that... snow?”

Hammer grins. “Looks like it is.”

Arc walks over. “The first snowfall of the season.”

“Uh... wasn’t that the day you saved Mio?”

Arc shrugs. “Well, the first snow of the Equestrian season then.”

Mio smiles. “It’s pretty.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “But you’ve seen snow a million times, Mio.”

“True. However this looks especially pretty due to the larger flakes.”

She suddenly appears slightly unnerved.

“Um... that IS normal here, right?”

Arc nods. “Yup. It allows for more snow to fall in a shorter amount of time too.”

Hammer chimes in. “But rest assured that the land is ready for it.”

Arc gestures to the snow. “Food is stockpiled and preparations made ahead of this.”

Mio smiles. “Good. Then I can sit here and enjoy it.”

Hammer grins. “Want some company?”

“That sounds nice, yes.”

Hammer sits on the end of the bed and pats Mio’s feet though the covers at the look out the window together.

“Don’t you worry about a thing. I’ll make sure you get better soon.”

Arc heads for the door. “Sounds like everything here is under control. I think I’ll go see Auriel and check on their progress.”

“Let me know if you need me.”

“I will.”

Mio calls out after him at he turns to leave. “Arc?”


“I... I’m sorry for the way I acted before.”

“So am I.”

As he leaves Hammer turns to her sister.

“Now you understand.”

“Understand what?”

“The answer to your earlier question.”

“Which one was that?”

“What I see in Arc.”

Mio sighs. “I still don’t fully understand it.”

Hammer frowns. “Seriously?”

Mio continues. “However... I’m willing to make the effort to learn.”

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