• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Admitting...

Arc returns to his basement sigil. Recalling his armor he sighs.

“Mio. I… I didn’t think you were…”

Frowning, Arc heads upstairs. Opening the door he finds Derpy sitting at the kitchen table holding a cup of tea.

“I thought you were going to bed when I left.”

Derpy groans. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“Worried about me?”

“Yes, Arc.”

“I don’t see Mio turning on me. And even if she did I know I could take her.”

“You have your new armor and are quite skilled in combat, yes. But something could always go wrong.”

Arc smiles as he sits down across from her. “That’s the nature of life, I suppose. The unexpected, that is.”

Derpy looks away sadly. “I’ve… never been much for surprises. As a filly they meant an unexpected confrontation with my father.”

She sighs and looks Arc in the eye before continuing.

“I know others like things like that. Being surprised, I mean. But please understand where I’m coming from here.”

“Sorry for worrying you, Derpy. And I’ll try to keep any future surprises to a minimum for your sake.”

Derpy shakes her head. “That isn’t it, Arc. I don’t… I don’t want to be this way.”

“But what could be done about it?”

“Surprises! Good ones, I mean. I really want to experience the joy that’s supposed to come with them.”

“Like Dinky’s surprise birthday party?”

“Exactly. That was the first major surprise I had experienced that didn’t make me cringe.”

“Just for the sake of clarity, you’re saying you WANT us to surprise you?”


“Sorry to put such a fine point on this. But I wanted to be sure. Now then, why don’t we move on to more pleasant things?”

“Yes. And I thank you for being so concerned with my well-being, Arc.”

“Just trying to be a good boyfriend.”

Derpy giggles. “But I want to be a good marefriend to you as well.”

“I think you do just fine.”

“Well, I’ve been reading up on how to do just that.”

“Oh really?”

Derpy nods. “Yes, and it’s been quite interesting. For example, a good marefriend asks how their partner’s day went.”

“It’s part of communication, yes.”

“But I don’t understand how that would help. I mean… we were together pretty much all day.”

“Most couples aren’t though. They each have their own day to day activities such as school, jobs, other friends, errands, etcetera.”

“We’re sort of a special case then?”


“Because I’m a pony?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Derpy. Because of the whole herd idea. Things like that don’t generally happen here on Earth.”

“Or Equestria I’m told.”

“Right. But the normal suggestions for relationship building still apply.”


Arc grins. “Talking.”

“What about though? I mean, you know exactly what my day was like since you were with me.”

“How about my meeting with Mio then?”

“But isn’t that supposed to be top secret?!”

“Not really. And Hammer wouldn’t mind me talking to a fellow herdmate about it I would imagine.”

“What happened out there then?”

“I picked up the letter from Mio and took it right back to Hammer. She was in her room by that point.”

Derpy smiles. “Well it was pretty late at the time I suppose.”

“She didn’t even want to read it at first though.”

“But why?!”

“Hammer thought Mio was just writing to tell her how wrong she was, or something.”

“Did she?”

Arc shakes his head. “Quite the opposite. Mio told Hammer that she was right about things back on Earth regarding The Organization.”

Derpy appears hopeful. “So they made up?”

Arc shrugs. “We won’t really know until they see each other.”

“And your intuition says…?”

“That Mio honestly wants to see her sister again.”

“And are you going to help her realize that goal?”

Arc shakes her head. “Oddly enough, no.”


“Mio wants to make it to Equestria on her own.”

“But that’s not possible. Is it?”

“Yes and no.”

“You mean…?”

Arc sighs. “Her device.”

“But I thought it didn’t work.”

“It doesn’t. In fact, Hammer said she talked to Sunburst about that very matter earlier. He told her that the signals Mio’s machine were giving off were nowhere near being what they needed to be for transdimensional travel.”

“So… what does that mean?”

“She’s way off the mark in regards to being able to open a portal.”

“And what are you going to do about that?”

Arc shrugs. “Let her keep trying.”

“That’s it?!”

“Not quite. You see, when Mio left she didn’t take much more than extra clothes, a blanket, and the parts she’d need to make the device.”

“Is she going to be alright out there then?”

“Probably not as it stood. So Hammer asked me to bring her some proper camping supplies. A tent, sleeping bag, food, lantern, and whatnot.”

“Sounds like she’s got everything she needs now.”

“I’ll be checking in on her every couple days to see how she’s getting along.”

“How long do you think it’ll take for her to figure her machine out though?”

“No idea. But considering that Sunburst says she’s way off the mark I would have to say years aren’t out of the question.”

“But we aren’t going to be here for that long!”

“I know, Derpy. With any luck Hammer will have time to come see her before we leave.”

“And if not?”

“Then I guess I’ll have to open a portal for her with the Rainbow of Light. Even though she wants to do this herself, that is.”

“Do whatever you think is best, Arc.”

Arc looks away nervously. “Yeah… about that. Mio also said something I need to tell you about.”


“Part of the reason she wants to go to Equestria is to see Hammer, of course. But the other part is that she believes doing so will make me… um… take notice of her.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “What does that even mean?”

“Mio… she… uh… kinda has a thing for me.”


“Yeah, I was pretty surprised when she said that too.”

“How did this happen?!”

“She’s treated me kinda differently since I spared her life. Twice.”

“So she wants to join the herd now too?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I didn’t mention the herd, the fact that Hammer wants to join it too, or even who I really am.”

“Wait! So she’s… interested in you even though she has no idea who you really are?!”

“Pretty much.”

Derpy sighs. “That’s just… unbelievable!”

“Sorry about this.”

“You’re… sorry?”

“For not saying ‘no’.”

“No to what?”

“Her having a chance with me.”

Derpy appears confused. “Does she?”

“I don’t see how.”

“Why not?”

“Because I hardly know her.”

“What if you did though?”

“If I… what?”

“Got to know her.”

Arc gasps. “Are you suggesting that I try romancing Hammer’s SISTER?!”

“Not exactly, no.”

“Then could you please explain what you mean then?! Because I am just TOTALLY confused right now!”

“I’m merely suggesting that you give her a chance to get to know you, Arc.”


“Because from what you’ve told me it sounds as if she really likes you. And in doing so you may find that you like her too.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I think I have enough love interests right now though. Don’t you?”

Derpy puts a hand on his cheek and smiles. “There’s no cap here, Arc. That and I’m not telling you to go out and start dating Mio, or anything. Just to hear her out. With an open mind, that is.”

“But, I… I don’t…”

He sighs and looks away before continuing.

“It just… this doesn’t feel right.”

“I’m sure the others would agree that there’s no harm in hearing someone out.”

“Well, I… suppose not. But doing so might give her the wrong idea.”

Derpy smiles as she reaches across the table and takes his hand. “Then just do it the same way you did for the rest of us.”

“How… did I do that exactly?”

“Just be yourself. Say and do that which comes naturally.”

Arc sighs. “Alright. But I’m not doing any more than that.”

“That’s all anyone can ask.”

“Thanks for the talk. However I need to tell someone else about this mess.”

“Oh? Who?”


“I suppose you should. But she might be angry.”

Arc groans. “She’ll be more angry if I keep it to myself.”

“Yes, well… tell her carefully.”

Arc nods as he stands. “I will.”

Pulling the Rainbow of Light from his ring, Arc channels his magic into it. A portal forms as he turns back to Derpy.

“Why don’t you get some sleep now? I won’t be long.”

“Okay. See you in the morning”

Arc steps through and vanishes. Derpy stands and heads for the stairs as the portal closes. Meanwhile, Arc reappears on the sigil in his quarters in Canterlot Castle. Leaving the room he makes the quick walk to Hammer’s room. Raising his hand to knock he stops himself.

“She’s probably already asleep. Should probably just…”

Groaning, he shakes his head.

“No, no. This can’t wait until morning.”

Quietly entering the room, Arc closes the door behind him. Walking over to the bed he spies Hammer lying on her side facing away from him. Putting a hand on her shoulder he gently shakes her and speaks softly.

“Hammer? Sorry to wake you, but…”

“I ain’t asleep.”


She rolls over and sits up.

“I… couldn’t.”


Hammer nods as she pats the mattress next to her. Arc sits down as she responds to his question.


“Wanna talk about it?”

Hammer groans. “Mio’s just… so different from what I remember her being.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“Both, I guess.”

“How so?”

Hammer shrugs. “I just don’t know what to think right now.”

“Do you think she’s being disingenuous?”

“Honestly I have no clue. Just kinda giving her the benefit of the doubt right now. Like you are, I suppose.”


“Yeah. You did run those supplies over to her, right?”

“That I did. And I set up the tent before showing her the proper way to start a campfire.”

Hammer shakes her head. “I told her to pay attention when Stingray and I did that in the past. But she was always too busy with her books.”

“Well, she did appear to be watching when I did it.”

“Hopefully, yes. Doubly so with building a fire.”

“Right. She did appear to have a properly made fire pit though. Plenty of stones around it and there weren’t any dried grass or brush nearby to catch fire.”

“Good. She say anything when you did that?”

“Actually… yeah.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“I… uh…”

Hammer laughs. “What’s the matter?! Cat got your tongue?!”

“It’s just… I was about to leave when she asked to talk.”

“Probably because there were no books around.”

“Maybe. But this was a pretty serious conversation.”

“So let’s hear it then.”

“Well… it was about… the past mostly.”

“Like what?”

“She thanked me, again I might add, for saving her life in that cave-in some time ago.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Back when we were working with the Shards?”


“I remember her telling me about that.”

“Mio was also thankful that I spared all of you during our attack on Damocles Base.”

“You and me both. But none of this sounds particularly out of the ordinary.”

“It was for the most part. I just thought she was being grateful.”

“Then just tell me what she said that has you so tongue-tied then!”

“Fine. She… reiterated her previous desire to… join me.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “But Mio doesn’t even like you.”

“I meant that she wanted to join the Hero of Light. Not Arc.”

“Oh… that does make a bit more sense.”

“That and she… um… confessed something else.”

Hammer makes a circular motion with her hand. “And…?!”

“Mio says she’s… interested in the Hero.”

There is a stunned silence as Hammer looks at Arc, dumbfounded.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Mio said she wanted to get to know me better.”

Hammer clenches a fist as she seethes. “SHE’S TRYING TO STEAL MY MAN?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Hammer. Remember, Mio doesn’t know that Arc and the Hero of Light are one and the same.”

“And you didn’t TELL her?!”

“I was a bit worried about her mental health at the time.”

“So what exactly did you say?!”

“I just reminded her that I’m friends with Arc. Figured that would put her off.”

“Did it?”

“Not really, no. She seemed very interested in… finding love like you did, Hammer.”

Hammer groans. “Great. How could this get any weirder?”

“She also wanted to prove herself to me by finishing her device and reaching Equestria under her own power.”

“But Sunburst said she’s way off!”

“I know. However I got the feeling that she thought she was on the right track.”

“Maybe this has clouded her judgment.”

“So she’ll stick with a flawed design?”

“She might, yes. If she thinks it could work.”

Arc groans. “Great.”

Hammer puts a hand on his shoulder. “This isn’t your fault, Arc.”

“Kinda is.”

“How so?”

“Because I didn’t do anything to stop her.”

“No one could have done that. After all, once Mio gets something in her head it sticks.”

“But the days are getting colder.”

“That’s why I wanted her to have that camping gear. She’ll figure out ways to stay warm out there.”

“I’ll try to keep tabs on her too. Check in on her as I can. Make sure she has food and whatnot.”

“Thanks. I’m sure she’ll appreciate that.”

Grinning, she elbows Arc.

“And I’m sure she’ll love seeing more of the Hero.”

Arc frowns. “Weren’t you mad about that just a minute ago?”

Hammer shrugs. “Yeah, well… sometimes it takes a few moments for my head to catch up to my ears.”

“Um… what?”

“I had it in my head that Mio was trying to take you for herself. She’s not interested in you, but the Hero.”

“But that’s me.”

Hammer laughs. “So when she figures that out she’ll drop you like a hot potato!

“And if she doesn’t?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Derpy… kinda suggested that I get to know her better.”

“Uh… why?”

“In case her and I actually start liking each other.”

“Makes sense.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “And you’re okay with that?”

“What? You seeing my sister alone in the woods at night?”

“It sounds bad when you say it like that, Hammer.”

Hammer grins. “Yeah, I know! But we’d have to cross that bridge when we came to it.”

“You mean ‘if’, right?”

“Call it what you will. After all, I think Mio would really like you if she got to know you.”

“Because of my strong magical abilities?”

Hammer nods. “And how smart you are.”

“Thanks, I think.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“But in all seriousness… what if Derpy’s right and we hit it off?”

“Then you two will have to bring that up before the rest of the herd. Like you said in the past, everyone involved in this will have to be accepting of everyone else.”

“Not quite what I said. But I do understand your logic there.”

“Answer me this though. How do you feel about Mio?”

“Haven’t really thought about it before.”

“Well, do you think she’s pretty?”

“I guess.”

“How about her personality?”

“She’s really dedicated to her sisters, so that’s a plus.”

“I know you appreciate loyalty.”

Arc frowns. “But misplaced loyalty isn’t something I like.”


“Her past dedication to The Organization.”

Hammer shrugs. “Remember, I was working for them too.”

“But you rejected them.”

“Like Mio has!”


“You think she made it up?”

“Maybe. After all, one doesn’t just throw away their career so easily.”

Hammer sighs. “Guess not.”

She takes his hand and smiles.

“Unless there’s a good reason.”

“I’m glad you came over to our side, Hammer.”

“Me too.”

Leaning forward, Hammer locks lips with Arc momentarily before embracing him. Returning the affection, Arc holds her for a few moments before Hammer leans over to his ear and speaks softly.



“Do me a favor.”

“What is it?”

“If you and Mio do hook up please be gentle with her.”

“I will.”

Hammer grins seductively. “Thanks. She bruises real easily.”

Arc blushes. “I walked right into that one.”

“Yes, you did!”

Meanwhile, Mio enters the tent and lays down. Pulling the sleeping bag up to her chin she smiles contentedly before closing her eyes. A few moments later she falls asleep. As the multicolored leaves overhead rustle in the wind a quick flash of light results in a small popping sound. Brightwing appears and looks around the clearing. Fluttering over to the machine she eyes it for a few moments before looking around.

“Tools… tools…”

Spotting a toolbox nearby Brightwing Blinks over to it, quietly opens it, removes a couple tools, and makes her way over to the machine. Opening an access panel she pokes her head inside and looks around. Frowning, Brightwing returns to the toolbox.

“Need light.”

Finding a small flashlight, she returns to the open access panel. Shining it inside, Brightwing holds it in her mouth as her limbs manipulate the tools.

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