• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 19 - At the End of the Rainbow

Arc and company reappear on the teleporter in the Observation Lounge. He turns to Shelly as he speaks.

“Guess I probably should have started our tour here at the Observation Lounge.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “As you can probably tell, the Hero doesn’t let too many folks tour the ship.”

Shelly smiles. “Well, I’m still having a great time!”

Lily giggles. “Me too!”

Minerva looks around. “So this is part of the Upper Deck?”

Arc nods. “Yes. It’s the back of the deck though. But I suppose you already knew that from the view.”

Ember clears her throat. “Moving right along...”

Arc gestures to the corridor. “This way please.”

Lily pushes Shelly down the corridor as Arc motions to a number of doors off to one side.

“These are our VIP suites. They’re used for my personal guests as well as royalty when they come aboard.”

Shelly gasps. “You mean a king?!”

Ember shakes her head. “Princesses, actually.”

Arc nods. “In our land that’s as high as it goes.”

Lily appears confused. “So no king or queen at all?”

Ember shakes her head. “Nope. Just four princesses.”

Minerva makes a note on her pad. “Are they all from one union?”

Arc turns to her. “Two are, yes. The others came to their positions through extraordinary circumstances.”

Shelly raises an eyebrow. “I don’t understand. Doesn’t someone have to be born into the royal family or marry into it?”

“Not here. Sorry, but I can’t really explain the details, as it would require a LOT of prerequisite knowledge.”

Lily smiles. “It’s okay.”

Shelly looks to a door. “Can we see one of the rooms that a princess used?”


Walking over to a door, Arc opens it and steps back. Lily pushes Shelly inside to give her a better look. She gasps at the posh accommodations.

“This room is certainly worthy of royalty!”

Lily giggles as she puts a hand on one of the beds. “I’ll say!”

Arc gestures to the mattress. “Would you like to try it out?”


“The bed.”

Lily gasps. “Oh no, I couldn’t!”

Shelly giggles. “After all, what would you tell the princess?”

“Believe me, she wouldn’t mind in the least.”

Ember smirks. “Her and the Hero go way back, after all.”

Lily looks around nervously. “Well... I think I’ll just sit on it then.”

Nodding, she does so. As her backside touches down Lily smiles instinctively.

“Is this filled with clouds?”

Ember chuckles. “Probably something equally soft.”

Arc looks to Shelly. “Are you certain you wouldn’t like to try it?”

Lily calls out. “Come on, Shelly! It’s amazing!”

“I... um...”

She looks to Arc.

“Are you sure it would be okay?”


“Then, yes. I would.”

Putting the brakes on her wheelchair, Shelly carefully stands with the aid of Ember and Arc. Helping her turn around the pair slowly lower the young woman onto the bed. Smiling she bounces slightly.

“You were right, Lily! This is very nice!”

Minerva looks to the adjacent bed. “Might I try it myself, Hero?”

“Sure, go right ahead.”

Minerva walks over to the other bed and sits down. Putting her hands over her head she leans back and allows herself to fall backwards. With a slight ‘pomf’ she lands on the exquisite bedspread and groans.

“Now THIS is a bed!”

Shelly raises an eyebrow. “Is it really that comfy?”

Minerva groans happily. “I would never get up again if I had one of these!”

Shelly turns to Lily. “I want to try it.”


Taking Shelly’s hand, Lily helps her lie back. She gives Lily’s hand a tug a few moments after she touches down on the bedspread.

“Lily, you’ve got to try this!”

“I’m not sure if I...”

Arc interrupts her. “Go ahead, Lily. See what all the fuss is about.”

Taking a deep breath Lily lays back next to Shelly. She closes her eyes and lies there silently for a few moments. Eventually Shelly calls out to her.



“What do you think?”

Lily grins, her eyes still closed. “That I nodded off momentarily.”

Arc, Shelly, and Lily share a laugh as Ember pokes Minerva.

“Hey. You alright?”

Minerva’s eyes fly open and she suddenly sits up.

“Sorry! I think I got a bit too comfortable there!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You mean...?”

Minerva nods. “I dozed off.”

Arc chuckles. “That just shows how much we value comfort. Especially when it comes to pillows and bedding.”

Ember shrugs. “Even the bunks on the Mid Deck are pretty good.”

Arc turns to her. “When did you...?”

Ember groans as she cuts him off. “I got locked out of my room one time, okay!”

Lily smiles. “Maybe we should continue that tour before someone else falls asleep. Right, Shelly? Um... Shelly?”

They look over to see Shelly lying there fast asleep. Lily puts a hand on her friend’s shoulder and gently shakes her.

“Hey. Time to wake up.”

Slowly opening her eyes, Shelly smiles sheepishly.

“Um... hi?”

Ember groans. “You too?”

Arc shrugs. “Another satisfied customer.”

Minerva stands and straightens her outfit as she looks to Shelly. “Do you need to rest now, miss? I know your condition doesn’t allow for a lot of excitement.”

“Kinda. But I would like to finish the tour first if possible.”

Lily stands. “Alright, Shelly. Let’s get you back in your chair.”

Helping her friend stand with the aid of Ember they get Shelly back in her wheelchair. Backing it out of the room they continue down the corridor. Arc stops in front of a large doorway and gestures with a wave of his hand.

“This is the Infirmary. We’re equipped to handle pretty much anything a local hospital could.”

Minerva nods approvingly. “It looks very well equipped.”

Shelly turns to Arc. “Does it see a lot of use?”

“Fortunately, no.”

Ember groans. “True. But the Hero is its best customer.”

Arc shrugs. “Just testing the equipment.”

Lily gasps. “Were you injured, sir?!”

“A few times, yes. Once grievously.”

Ember sighs. “And that was unfortunately before the ship was fully stocked and staffed.”

Shelly looks around. “Is there a doctor here at all times?”

Arc nods. “Kinda. Chief Medical Officer Redheart runs things here.”

Minerva smiles. “Can we meet her?”


Arc turns and calls out.

“Redheart, a moment of your time.”

The office door opens and a human Redheart slowly steps out. She walks over to them nervously and turns to Arc.

“You called, sir?”

“Yes. My guests wanted to meet you.”

Shelly looks her over. “Have you treated our friend the Hero in the past?”

“Oh yes. We pulled him though a few rough times.”

Lily motions to the machines all around them. “So you could treat pretty much anything here?”

“Anything from broken bones to brain aneurisms. And everything in-between as well.”

Minerva gestures around them. “The Hero mentioned that this ship had responded to a major emergency at one point. How did you treat so many patients in such a place?”

“For times like that we keep extra medical supplies in the Cargo Hold. They stocked it with enough equipment and gear to be able to branch out with emergency triage areas in the Living Quarters. Or up on deck as that case required. Those whom were injured were mostly treated up there. Any whom were badly injured were transported to the local hospital after they were stabilized. And a few required emergency care here in the Infirmary as they couldn’t have survived the trip to the hospital.”

Lily looks around. “Some of these machines I recognize from back at our hospital. But quite a few seem out of this world.”

Ember grins. “Remember, they are.”

Arc nods. “This land has certain medical advantages that Earth does not.”

Minerva appears hopeful. “Do you think they might be able to do something for Shelly then?”

Arc shakes his head. “I actually spoke to the Royal Physician in the capital. After hearing about the case he said he’d need years of monitoring and collecting data to be able to even begin to treat her.”

Shelly sighs. “It’s okay. I’m not really holding out hope for a miracle here.”

Lily attempts to change the subject as she turns to Arc. “Sir, might I ask where the ship is controlled from?”

“That would be the Bridge.”

Ember chimes in. “However that area is off-limits.”

Shelly smiles nervously. “Would it be possible for me to just look inside from the door though?”

Minerva appears confused. “Shelly?”

“This ship is just so amazing to me! That and I’d really like to be able to see what’s ahead of us.”

Ember shrugs. “The view is nice, yes.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well... tell you what. If Minerva and her partner would be willing to leave the camera and other equipment in the corridor I’ll let everyone see the Bridge.”

Lily giggles. “That would be very nice, thank you.”

Arc turns toward the corridor. “Just give me a few minutes to... discuss it with the captain first.”

He gestures to a bed before continuing.

“You can rest for a bit if you’d like, Shelly.”

Redheart steps forward slowly. “I’d be willing to show you how we do examinations in this land if you’d like. With the Hero’s permission, of course.”

Shelly grins. “That sounds good to me. Hero?”

“Sure. I’ll be back shortly.”

Hurrying out the door, Arc heads for his quarters. Spotting Auriel and Sereb sitting on the couch watching the snow fall he walks quickly over to them.

“Enjoying the view?”

Auriel sighs contentedly. “Yes, it’s very soothing.”

Sereb looks him over. “However judging by your heartrate I assume something is up, my friend.”

“Kinda. Shelly really wants to see the Bridge.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “How is that a problem?”

“You see...”

A short time later Arc returns to the Infirmary. Redheart is just wrapping up with Shelly as she steps back with a stethoscope and blood pressure monitor. Arc frowns as he turns to Redheart.

“Did something happen?”

Redheart sighs. “A bit, yes.”

Lily groans. “Shelly started feeling a bit light headed.”

Shelly nods. “And I felt my pulse quicken.”

Redheart puts her implements back. “It’s coming down now though, sir.”

“Did you give her anything for it?”

Redheart shakes her head. “No, sir. The problem seems to have taken care of itself.”

Minerva turns to Shelly. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Yes. This actually happens fairly often these days. The doctor back home said that it’s caused by the late stages of my disease.”

Ember looks to Arc. “How about we take a break then?”

Shelly shakes her head vehemently. “No, no! I’d very much like to see the Bridge!”

“The crew is ready now. If you’re sure you’re up to it, that is.”

“I am, yes.”

Lily sighs. Then let’s go.

Pushing the wheelchair toward the corridor, Lily follows Arc toward the Bridge door. Stopping in front of it he turns to Minerva and Dave as he points next to him.

“All cameras, microphones, etcetera must be left here.”

Minerva nods. “Yes, of course.”

Stepping forward she and Dave remove their bags and whatnot. Setting everything next to the door Ember looks them over carefully before turning to Arc.

“That looks to be everything.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Here we go.”

Opening the door, Arc leads the group onto the Bridge. Ember frowns as she notices that the crew is all wearing magic cloaks and appear to be in human form. The guests all marvel at the sights before them. Arc continues as they look around.

“This is Captain Soarin. He commands the ship on my behalf and organizes the ship side of our exploits.”

“Welcome to The Equinox, everyp... all of you.”

“Lemon Hearts is our Communications Officer. She sees to it that we’re kept aware of any important messages from the capital and whatnot.”


“Moon Dancer is our Science Officer. She’s in charge of the ship’s scanners so as to advise the captain and myself of prudent courses of action outside our own understanding.”

“A pleasure.”

“Wrangler is our Tactical Officer. She makes sure the ship is ready for battle at all times.”

Wrangler grins. “Inside and out.”

“And finally there’s Thunderlane our navigator and pilot. He’s also our main eye in the sky.”

“I’m keeping it steady for you ladies.”

Lily looks to Arc. “And they do everything?”

“There’s also Chief Engineer Stellar Flare on the Lower Deck in Engineering along with her crew. But we’re not going down there for safety’s sake.”

Ember shudders. “Good! Never liked that part of the ship.”

Shelly points straight ahead. “Can I get closer to the window up front?”

Arc nods. “Certainly. Lily?”

“Here we go.”

Pushing the wheelchair forward Lily stops it next to Thunderlane’s chair. Shelly leans forward and grins.

“We’re so high up!”

Lily smiles. “You’ve always wanted to fly.”

Arc chuckles. “And here you are in a private airship.”

Minerva grins. “As someone who’s flown back on Earth I can say that this experience tops anything back home.”

Dave nods. “And it’s such a smooth ride too.”

Ember turns to Soarin. “I noticed that too.”

“If it’s one thing our engineers understand its aerodynamics.”

Wrangler grins. “And style!”

Lily looks to Thunderlane. “Is this the fastest the ship can go?”

Thunderlane shakes his head. “We’re at about thirty percent max speed, ma’am.”

Arc nods. “It’s to keep us on schedule.”

Minerva raises an eyebrow. “There’s a schedule?”

“Oh, yes. You’ll see why later. But why don’t we see one last room before returning to the Observation Deck?”

Shelly smiles. “I’d like to see whatever it is you’d like to share, sir.”

Leading the group off of the Bridge, Arc closes the door behind him. Wrangler walks over to Soarin’s office door and opens it.

“All clear.”

Auriel and Sereb step out and look to the captain. Auriel is the first to speak.

“How did it go?”

“It would appear that the guest were very impressed by what they saw.”

Sereb chuckles. “That is good.”


Lemon Hearts groans. “Do you think you could turn us back now though?”

Moon Dancer nods. “I kinda feel like I’m going to fall out of my seat if I let go of my console.”

Wrangler pulls off the robe to expose her naked body and grabs her own breasts. “Anypony as top heavy as I am right now?”

Thunderlane shakes his head. “Not I.”

Soarin shrugs. “Not sure why though.”

Auriel giggles. “Human female’s mammary glands are on their chests versus between their rear legs like a pony mare. But let’s see about getting everyone turned back into their normal forms.”

Moon Dancer sighs. “Must we?”

Lemon Hearts wiggles her fingers. “I kinda like this.”

Soarin shrugs. “We probably should. To run the ship effectively we need to be in our regular bodies.”

Sereb nods, his horn aglow. “Then let us begin.”

Meanwhile, Arc and company stop in front of a large, ornate door. He turns to them.

“This is the master suite of the ship.”

Ember chuckles. “And a heckuva nice one too.”

Minerva appears confused. “So it’s nicer than those VIP suites?”

Lily giggles. “That seems like it would be hard to top.”

Shelly looks to Arc. “Your room, sir?”

Arc nods. “Yes. It is my ship, after all.”

Ember grins as she pushes open the door. “Check it out.”

They step into the room. Lily gasps.

“It’s... gorgeous!”

Shelly smiles. “Very nice taste in furnishings, sir.”

Minerva’s eyes grow wide. “I’ve been to five star hotels that don’t have as nice accommodations as this!”

Ember smirks. “And the bed is even nicer than those ones you tried earlier!”

Arc chimes in. “But I think the best part is the view.”

He gestures to the large floor to ceiling window in front of a couch. Lily wheels Shelly over to it and gasps.


Shelly nods breathlessly. “Sitting here makes it feel like we’re literally watching the world pass us by!”

Arc looks at the clock. “And we’re just about to our destination.”

Minerva raises an eyebrow. “Where?”

“One of this land’s natural wonders. Everyone please have a seat.”

Minerva helps Lily lift Shelly onto the couch as the pair sit down on either side of her. Ember takes her place next to Arc as Dave moves around the room getting various shots. A few minutes later Arc points.

“There it is.”

Minerva squints. “What... is that?”

Lily shrugs. “A waterfall?”

Shelly grins. “It’s so long!”

Arc nods. “We’re going to be flying in close to get a better look at it.”

Ember turns to him. “Going to be kinda hard to see that without some daylight though, Hero.”

“Not to worry. I have a plan.”

Minerva appears confused. “Hero?”

“Would everyone please return to the Observation Deck with Dragon? I’ll meet you there in a bit.”

Arc opens a portal and steps through as Ember motions for the others to follow her. Returning to the Observation Deck they sit down and look out the windows together. About ten minutes later Arc returns via portal. Turning to the others he speaks.

“I went down to the falls and started up the heater. It should have things warmed up in a few minutes.”

Lily tilts her head to one side. “Heater?”

“I set up an observation tent down there in preparation for this. It’s heated and will keep Shelly protected from the elements while the real show gets underway.”

Shelly grins. “That sounds wonderful!”

“I’ll get your coat, Shelly.”

Lily helps Shelly put on the jacket as Arc opens a portal.

“This way please.”

They step through and find themselves inside a large tent with clear sides. A heater in the center hums away as it churns out hot air. Shelly giggles as she unzips her coat.

“Don’t really need this.”

Minerva looks to the device. “Powerful little heater there.”

Lily turns to Arc. “Battery powered?”

Arc shakes his head. “Magic”.

Ember puts a foot on it happily. “Works like a dream.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “In any case, let me show everyone what’s so special about these falls.”

Touching his earring, Arc speaks.

“Hero to Soarin. We’re in position. Begin the operation.”

“Yes sir.”

He cuts the feed before turning to the others.

“Now the ship will get into position.”

Minerva appears confused. “To do what though?”

“Let loose some artificial sunlight.”

As The Equinox gets into its predetermined position Wrangler presses a few switches. The exterior lights come on and are focused downward toward the clouds over the falls. Everyone gasps as they do so. Lily is the first to speak.

“Those clouds are raining... rainbows?!”

Shelly grins. “Incredible!”

Minerva looks to Dave. “Can you get a good shot of this?!”

“I’ll try, but it’s not easy capturing light like this.”

The clouds ‘pour’ their rainbow colors into the falls causing them to run with every color imaginable. Ember turns to Arc and smiles.

“Very nice.”

“It was actually Twilight’s idea.”


“She had theorized that lights tuned to be as close to sunlight as possible would have this effect.”

Shelly looks to Arc. “Twilight?”

“She’s the youngest princess. Very interested in science and magic.”

Lily giggles. “Well, you can tell her that it was a complete success!”

Arc nods as they look at the scene before them. “That I will.”

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