• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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REMASTERED - Chapter 5 - Sink or Swim

Meanwhile, back in Tartarus, Arc sleeps soundly through the ‘night’ (or what passes for night with no sky or sun). Ember rises early and walks over to his tent. Hearing his light, whiffling snores she shakes her head.

“This is going to be darn near impossible. A weakling like his becoming a warrior?! Mythic Honor’s out of his mind!”

She sighs and does her best to calm herself.

“Well… guess I’d best get started.”

Looking to the tent, Ember takes flight. Hovering over it for a few moments, she casts a Telekinesis Spell and knocks over all the supports. The tent, lacking any structural integrity at this point, collapses inward and on top of Arc. He awakens with a start and crawls over to the mouth of the tent.

“What the heck…?!”

Ember grins wickedly. “Good morning, tiny. Sleep well?”

“Oddly enough, yes.”

Well, that’s good. Because it’s time to train.”

“More beetles?”

“I was thinking of something a bit more… challenging.”

Arc sighs as he crawls out of the tent and begins setting the supports back up.

“Mind if I fix my house first?”

“Go right ahead. And you might want to put your other clothes back on too. Those won’t work too well inside your new armor.”

“My… armor?”

Ember glares at him. “Yes! Don’t you remember anything from yesterday?!”

Arc shrugs as he puts the last support back into place. “The beetle guts.”

“That’s a start. Anyways, hurry up and get changed.”

Nodding, Arc enters his tent again. Grabbing the clothes from yesterday from the ground where they fell when the tent went down, he quickly removes the smock and dons his old duds. Sniffing them momentarily Arc makes a face.

“That smell isn’t coming out.”

Leaving the tent Ember raises an eyebrow and turns away. “I can smell you from up here!”

“Yeah, well… that’s the smell of my labors yesterday.”

“Can’t you just go without clothes?!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Not all of us are covered if easily washable scales.”

Ember groans. “Okay, we are heading to the tannery first thing after breakfast.”

“The what?”

“Where they make our leather and cloth based items. They can alter that smock to fit more securely.”

“Sounds good.”

Ember holds her nose as she lands next to him. “Then we are BURNING those things you’re wearing!”

“Fair enough.”

Heading to the center of town, Arc sits down with the other villagers and eats a bowl of… something he can’t (and doesn’t want to) identify. Choking it down, he turns to Ember with his empty bowl.

“I… I did it.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “What do you want? An award?”

She stands up and motions for him to follow.

“Come on. Let’s get you something that doesn’t stink so badly.”

Heading for a building on the far side of camp, they enter to find ponies just arriving to work. Ember walks over to the counter and bangs on it.

“Hey, I need some help over here!”

An elderly stallion approaches.

“What can we do for you, Ember?”

She points a claw at Arc. “This thing here needs something to wear under his armor. That smock isn’t going to cut it.”

The stallion nods and motions for Arc to follow him. Let’s see what we can do.”

Heading into the back room, he looks Arc over before picking up a needle and thread. Getting to work he speaks.

“I’m going to stitch these a bit so they’re not sliding everywhere. It’s the best I can do in a pinch.”

And sighs. “Thanks.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll get to work making you some other outfits after you leave. Should be ready by evening meal.”


“You sound kinda low. New to Tartarus?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I was pulled into an alien land against my will. And that was BEFORE someone banished me here.”

“Hard case there, fella. But it seems to me that you have two choices.”


“Roll over and die. Or make the best of your situation.”

Arc sighs. “Guess I’ll do the second. After all, it’s not like I have much choice anyways.”

The stallion nods. “You’d be surprised just how many choose the first.”

“Well, I’m not one of them.”

“Then you and Ember will probably get along alright.”

Arc scoffs. “The ice queen?! I think she’s pretty cold blooded!”

“Did it ever occur to you that she may have good reason to be?”

“And what reason would that be?”

“Several times in the past she’s been the only thing that stands between us and the demons having a buffet. It’s a heavy burden to bear, so we all listen when she gives us orders.”

“Even though Mythic Honor’s in charge?”

“Yes. He trusts her completely, so we do too.”

The stallion chuckles at him as he finishes his work.

“Prove yourself to her and maybe one day you’ll be worthy to stand by her side in battle.”

Arc sighs. “I can hardly wait.”

“In any case, how does that feel?”

“Not too bad.”

“Try standing up and hopping around a bit. I want to make sure the stitches hold up.”

Arc does so as the stallion watches.

“Everything seems to be holding together. Will that do it for you?

“Sure. Thanks a lot.”

“No problem. Just let me take some measurements real quick for something a bit more appropriate for Ember’s apprentice.”

Grabbing a sewing tape, the stallion gets to work. A few moments later he steps back and writes some numbers on a board before turning back to Arc.

“I should have everything I need. Best not to keep Ember waiting any longer than you have to thought.”

“Yeah, I got that impression.”

Returning to the front, Ember stands there waiting impatiently. The stallion walks over to her with Arc.

“Sorry for taking so long. I got him tightened up and measured for something a bit better.”

Ember nods. “Good.”

She turns to him and scowls.

“Come on, tiny. We have work to do.”

Leading him out of the building Ember looks over to him.

“That’s an improvement.”

“Yeah, it’s definitely a better fit.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “I was talking about the smell.”

“Also important.”

“Come on. Mythic Honor’s probably been up for hours putting the finishing touches on your new armor.”

They head for the Town Hall together. Arriving, the pair enter the building as Ember calls out.

“You in here old timer?!”

A voice rings out behind them. “Right here!”

Ember and Arc instinctively jump back as the stallion walks past them.

“If you were behind us why didn’t you say anything?!”

Mythic Honor appears confused. “I did! Remember, you called out for me and I responded! Pretty sure that’s how greetings work!”

Arc grins. “I think he’s got you.”

“Shut up, tiny.”

She turns back to Mythic Honor.

“We’re just here to pick up his armor. I’m assuming it’s ready.”

Mythic Honor nods. “Sure is! Come on!”

The stallion leads them over to the furnace. Next to it lies a suit of black chitin armor. And looks over it and grins.

“It looks great! Very… shiny.”

Ember chuckles. “Enjoy it while you can, because that won’t last.”

Arc turns to her. “Oh?”

Ember grins wickedly. “Trust me when I say that the first scratch is always the hardest.”

Turning to the chestplate Ember places a claw on it. Dragging it across the surface, she leaves behind an ugly diagonal scrape. Mythic Honor bursts into tears.

“My finish job!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “It’s going to looks worse after one day of training.”

Mythic Honor straightens up and shrugs. “You’re right! Better get to it then!”

“Fine. Tiny, put on the armor.”


Arc picks up the chestplate and puts it on. Ember rolls her eyes but says nothing. Fastening the straps holding the two halves together, Arc reaches for the pauldrons and puts them on. Grabbing the gauntlets he slides them on before picking up the greaves. Leaning forward to step into them he frowns.

“This is kinda hard!”

Mythic Honor laughs. “That’s because you’re putting it on wrong!”

“I am?”

Ember nods. “Darn right! You started with the chestplate!”

“What’s wrong with that?”

Mythic Honor points a hoof to his legs. “It doesn’t let you bend down to pull up your greaves, silly!”

Ember scoffs. “You start at the bottom and work your way up. Now take it off and do it right this time.”

Arc does so. Laying everything back down on the table, Mythic Honor points to the boots.

“Start with those!”

Stepping into them, Arc gasps as Ember groans.

“What is it now?!”

“There’s something in there!”

Reaching into the boot Arc pulls out a green stone. Mythic Honor gasps.

“There it is! I was wondering where my malachite went!”

He takes it from Arc and sets in on a shelf with a number of other stones.

“Now then, don’t you try to run away again! We’ll talk about this later!”

Turning back to Arc, the stallion watches as he sits down to fasten his greaves.

“That a bit easier for you?!”

Arc nods. “Quite a bit, yes.”

“I made your greaves a bit too tall it seems!”

“No, I rather like it that way. Covers the whole leg and not just the calf.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Trust me, he needs as much of that squishy flesh covered as possible.”

Mythic Honor nods. “Now I’m glad I remembered to put a joint in it!”

“My knee?”

“Yup! I did my best to cover what I could! The breastplate should cover what those extended greaves don’t though!”

Ember chuckles. “Now you can put on the chestplate.”

Arc does so as Mythic Honor levitates the pauldrons into place with a Telekinesis Spell. He looks the clasps over for a time before picking up the helmet in his hooves.

“And now my favorite part! The helmet!”

Walking toward Arc, the elderly stallion trips. Dropping the helmet, a strange smelling liquid bursts forth. Ember frowns.

“What the heck was that?!”


Arc raises an eyebrow. “Soup?”

“I got hungry last night and decided to heat some up! Your helmet was still pretty hot, so I figured what would it hurt?!”

Ember picks up the helmet and rinses it out in the sink before tossing it to Arc. Putting it on he looks around.

“Kinda makes one feel a little claustrophobic.”

Ember frowns. “Come again?”

“I feel like I’m in a tine can.”

“Think of it as cozy instead.”

Mythic Honor nods. “Ember’s right! You should be snug as a bug in a rug in there! Now then, you should have everything you need to start your training with Ember!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Excepts guts.”

Arc frowns. “I had guts!”


“Yeah. I puked them up yesterday though.”

Ember scoffs and points a claw. “Very funny, tiny. Now let’s get moving!”

Arc heads outside with Ember on his heels.

“Follow me.”

Leading him behind a building, Ember turns to him.

“This should do.”

“For training?”

“Yup. You recognize this place.”

Arc looks around. “Isn’t this the building where we processed the beetles yesterday?”

“It is.”

“Why are we back here then?”

Ember grins as she takes up a battle ready position. “Because no one ever comes back here. Now then… I want you to come at me.”

“Come… at you?”

“Attack me, you idiot!”

Arc fidgets with the spear nervously. “But what if I hurt you?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Trust me, you won’t.”

“How do you know?!”

“Experience. So try to hit me.”

Stepping forward, Arc assumes the position in front of Ember. He half-heartedly swings the butt end of his spear at her. Ember smacks it away with her claw.

“Come on. Stab me.”

Nodding, Arc swings again. This time with slightly more force. Again Ember knocks his spear away as she glares at him.

“I said ‘stab’, not tickle! Now come on! You’re the worst excuse for a warrior I’ve ever had the displeasure of training!”

Taking a deep breath, Arc swings his spear at Ember with all his might. She leans back, dodging the blow as Arc loses his balance. Ember capitalizes on his mistake and knocks the spear from his hand before kicking him to the ground. Leaping forward to grab the front of his helmet with her claw she scoffs.

“You must really like…”

She is cut off as Arc throws a handful of dirt in her face. Ember staggers back sputtering as Arc quickly gets to his feet. Nodding as she smirks, Ember walks forward and puts a claw on his pauldrons.

“Now you’re learning.”

“I am?”

Ember nods. “Yes. Use what you have.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “Good. I thought you’d be mad that I did that.”

Ember shakes her head as she turns around. “Not at all.”

With a quick movement of her arm, Ember hits Arc in the gut with the butt of her spear. Even through his armor it hurts. He falls to the ground as she smirks.

“Don’t do it again though.”

Sometime later a gong rings out. Ember straightens up as Arc does his best to pick himself up off the ground yet again.

“And that’s lunch.”

Arc coughs. “Are… are you sure?”

“Yup. Didn’t you hear it?”

“I can’t hear much of anything with all the ringing in my ears.”

“Be happy that helmet was there to protect your head.”

She looks him up and down before continuing.

“After lunch I’ll show you how to maintain your armor.”

“You mean shining it?”

Ember shrugs. “Something like that. But look on the bright side.”


“That scratch from earlier doesn’t even show anymore.”

Arc looks down at himself to see innumerable scratches, gouges, and dents. He sighs.

“So much for my new armor.”

Ember grins as they walk toward the center of the camp. “They regularly wear out. So don’t get too attached.”

“How long do others usually get out of a suite of armor?”

“A year, tops.

She looks him up and down for a few moments.

“If yours lasts six months though I’ll be amazed.”

“And you?”

“Ember frowns. “What about me?”

“Your armor doesn’t appear to be from around here.”

“It’s not.”

“That’s it?”

Ember shrugs. “I got it from my spear.”

Arc nods. “Like Derpy did.”

“So I’m assuming you don’t have armor with your spear.”

“Like I told you when we met, it’s not mine. The mare I got it from did get golden colored armor similar in shade to yours though.”

“You two have any idea who or what that creature they came from was? The spears, I mean?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not a clue.”

Ember sighs. “Oh well. No point worrying about it now.”

“Um… not to try and change the subject, but…”

Ember groans. “Just spit it out!”

“I was going to ask how I’m doing?”

“Not bad.”


Ember nods. “Right. For someone at the bottom of the food chain, that is.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Should’ve seen a snappy comeback coming.”

They get their food with the rest of the tribe and sit down together. As with breakfast Arc cannot identify their food. He looks to Ember, confused.

“I have a question.”

“Figures. What is it?”

“Do dragons have taste buds?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What…?”

“Can you taste your food?”

“Of course we can! What kind of stupid question is THAT?!”

“I guess you were just really hungry.”

Ember frowns. “Let me teach you a trick. First, taste your food.”

Arc takes a small sip and spits it out gagging. Ember chuckles as Arc coughs.

“Tastes like crap, doesn’t it?”


Ember looks past him. “Watch what everyone else is doing.”

Arc turns. He watches as the ponies each sit down with their bowls, take a deep breath, and eat them as fast as possible.


Ember shrugs. “I see it more as ‘scarph’. But you do you. Try it.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc upends his bowl and quickly swallows what he can as fast as possible. Ember watches and nods.

“That’s it. Keep going.”

A few seconds later Arc comes up for air. Dropping his now empty bowl, he turns to Ember.

“Worst experience of my life!”

Ember points to the large pot from which the food comes from. “That’s one of the reasons they cook it so long. Partially to make sure it’s safe. But also to make it easier to more or less drink.”

“Not sure if that’s the best idea in the world or the worst.”

“It sure beats chewing everything. That would certainly add a whole new level of hell to our already hard lives.”

“Yeah, well… what are we doing after lunch?”

“The same thing we did before. But this time I think they’ll be a slight twist to it.”

Arc appears hopeful. “Oh?”

“We’ll go outside the walls to do it.”

“Isn’t that really dangerous though?”

Ember rolls her eyes as she stands up with Arc. “No, it’s safer.”

“I’m picking up on the sarcasm.”

“Well, I would hope so, as I’m laying it on pretty thick.”

“So why are we doing that?”

“To get you used to danger.”

“I don’t understand.”

Ember sighs and facepalms as they start walking. “Listen, here in Tartarus you have to constantly be checking your surroundings. Looking for changes and watching out for trouble can and will save your life.”

She points to the stallions on the wall as she continues.

“I’ll notify the sentries of what we’re doing, of course. They’ll help watch out for incoming danger. Just don’t rely on them too heavily, an no one is infallible.”

“And if something does come up?”

“Then we drop with the training act and start real combat.”

“What should I…?”

“Stay back, stay out of the way, and you might stay alive.”

Arc frowns. “I could probably help.”

Ember shakes her head. “Or you could just as easily get killed and waste all the time and resources we’ve already put into you.”

“A suit of armor and a day’s training?”

“Out here everything is valuable. We can’t afford to waste anything. If something happens, I’ll take care of it. If I need you to do something different I’ll tell you.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. We’ll do it your way.”

Ember smiles smugly. “Glad you see it my way, tiny.”

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