• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Fatherly Duty

Arc and Auriel return to the workshop and head over to the others. Auriel turns to him.

“Thank you for being so understanding, Arc. I promise I won’t disappoint you.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

Auriel scurries off with Sunburst and Hard Hat. Ember turns to Arc.

“What was that all about?”

“She… um… asked to come back to Earth with us.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “That is most surprising. I would have thought she could not be away from her experiments for that long.”

Frank shrugs. “Perhaps she only wishes to learn more about human culture.”

Arc sighs. “There’s more to it. But we should get moving.”

He leads the group out of the workshop and down the corridor. Ember walks by his side.

“Something’s bothering you, isn’t it?”

“Kinda, yeah.”

Sereb turns to him. “Would you care to speak of it?”

“It’s not like that. I just need some time.”

Frank smiles. “Very well, my friend. But may I ask where we are going?”

“The Royal Gardens.”

Sereb grins. “They should be lovely this time of year.”

Heading outside the group walks through the well-manicured gardens. Frank gasps.


Ember shrugs. “I’m a bit partial to the statues myself.”

Sereb sniffs the air. “The scents here are unlike anything else.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah, they are.”

A short time later they come to a pair of benches across from one another. Frank smiles.

“This looks like a nice spot. Why don’t we have a seat?”

Ember grimaces. “I don’t think that’s a very good…”

Arc interrupts her. “No. Let’s do that.”

Sereb points down a path. “Perhaps it would be wiser to find a spot somewhere a bit further down the…”

Arc shakes his head angrily. “I said here!”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

“Let’s… just sit down, okay?”

“If there’s…”

Ember puts a claw on Frank’s shoulder and shakes her head soberly. Arc and Ember sit on one bench as Frank takes the one across from them. For the longest time there is nothing but the sound of birdsong and the wind blowing through the leaves. Eventually Arc speaks.

“It was a magical night.”

Sereb sighs. “Yes.”

Ember nods soberly. “Such a long time ago, or so it feels.”

Arc frowns. “It’s like yesterday to me.”

Frank appears confused. “Oh?”

“It was on this very bench that the princesses and I spoke the night I abdicated.”

Frank frowns. “You did what?”

Ember nods. “Arc was the nation’s Lord Regent for a while when the princesses fell into comas.”

Arc grimaces. “Not my favorite job.”

Frank looks to his friends. “So you brought them up to speed on the state of the country?”

“No, that had already been done. We were talking about my plans for the near future. A little time off with my family was on the horizon.”

Sereb sighs. “I remember you being very excited about something called a ‘camping trip’.”

Frank shrugs. “Well, I hope you had a good time.”

“That trip didn’t happen right away.”

“Things came up, eh?”

Arc suddenly stands and turns toward the castle.

“Something like that.”

Ember takes his hand and walks with him toward the large double doors nearby. Sereb motions with a wave of his paw for Frank to follow. They step into the empty Ballroom as Arc looks toward a certain spot. Frank marvels at the room.

“What a grand room! It would make for a splendid party!”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “It… all happened so fast.”

Ember gives Arc’s hand a squeeze. “There was no way you could have…”

“I keep telling myself that. But…”

Frank turns to his friend. “Arc? What are you…”

Sereb puts a paw on Frank’s foot and shakes his head. Arc looks up at the balcony.

“She… she had been taking a walk. Just wanted to clear her head, I imagine. Wind Rider found her. Pushed her off. She… she landed… here.”

Arc kneels down and puts a hand on the cool marble floor as he continues talking.

“Although I’m sure it was agony, she warned me about the assassination attempt. I was able to call for my armor just in time.”

He looks again to the balcony as he stands and seethes.

“Wind Rider. I don’t know how, but… I could sense him coming. Flying toward me. But at the last moment…”

Arc spins around as he calls forth a gauntlet and activates the magic blade. Stabbing upward toward the balcony he grits his teeth.

“I caught him right in the gut! The look of surprise and pain on his face are forever burned into my memory!”

Arc angrily brings the magic blade to his face before swinging it outward violently.

“He was thrown to the floor and begged for mercy, but I gave him none. Without so much as a second thought, I thrust my blade through his wretched black heart. With a certain degree of finality I took a moment to watch him die before turning back to her.”

Arc turns to kneel back down on the floor.

“She remembered. She finally remembered me in those last moments. I held her as her blood flowed over my armor and onto the floor. We kissed as she spoke her final words and breathed her last.”

Arc is silent as Ember kneels down behind him and puts her claws on his shoulders.

“You were there for her to the end, Arc.”

Sereb nods. “I’m sure that’s what she wanted.”

“I… I held her… in her final moments. There just wasn’t enough time to… tell her a few things.”

Frank hobbles over and sits down next to Arc. “There isn’t always a happy ending to every story, my friend. However, you above all others deserve one.”

He puts a hand on his friend’s shoulder.

“What was her name?”

“Cherry. Cherry Jubilee.”

Arc reaches into his pocket and pulls out the pocket watch. Opening it, he turns the picture of Cherry to Frank.

“This was the engagement gift she gave me. It was a family heirloom that was supposed to be given to the stallion she would marry.”

“She’s… lovely, Arc.”

Sereb nods sadly. “You and Miss Cherry always appeared so happy together.”

Ember nods. “We all thought you and her were made for each other.”

Arc touches the photo. “Yes, well… some things just don’t work the way you want them to.”

Putting away the watch, Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out Cherry’s pendant. He holds it for a long moment before speaking again.

“I gave her this as my own engagement present. One-of-a-kind… just like her.”

Ember smiles. “She loved that pendant.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

Frank gasps. “It’s unlike anything I have ever seen before!”

“I had wanted her buried with it. But her sister said Cherry wouldn’t have wanted that.”

He holds the pendant to his chest for a time and smiles.

“Had I been given the chance, I would have switched places with her in a heartbeat.”

Ember forces a smile. “We know you would have Arc. As did Cherry.”

“Yes, well… I was fortunate not to lose her that day.”

Frank nods. “She will live on in your heart, my friend.”

Arc chuckles sadly. “You have no idea just how accurate that statement is, my friend. Cherry, would you like to say hello?”

“Hello, Mister Fontaine.”

Frank looks to Ember.

“Was that you?”

Ember shakes her head as Cherry continues.

“No, sir. I’m the one whom gave her heart to Arc.”

Arc smiles. “Frank, I know this will be hard to imagine, but… you’re really hearing Cherry’s voice.”

“But… but how?!”

“As I died my soul was drawn to the gem in the center of his armor. It took some time, but I was eventually able to communicate with him via his armor.”

“So… you’re… you’re really…?”

Sereb nods. “Yes. Miss Cherry died that day. However she is still very much with us.”

Arc closes his eyes. “I didn’t really understand the details, and frankly didn’t really care. Cherry was back, and we could be together again.”

“Now I spend most of my days in his head. I can see what he does, hear what he hears, and even control his armor.”

Ember chuckles. “Like that day at the festival.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Yeah, I don’t remember that one too well.”

Frank frowns. “It was certainly an interesting day.”

Cherry sighs. “Not quite the word I would have chosen. From my point of view it was like someone had flicked a switch and turned him off.”

Arc nods. “Very unpleasantly, I might add. But we should get a move on. I… don’t really want to stay here.”

Ember breathes a sigh of relief. “Yeah, we understand.”

Sereb looks up at him. “Where shall we go, Arc?”

Frank clears his throat. “How about back to Ponyville?”

“Um… I guess we could do that.”

Ember turns to Frank. “You looking to do something in particular there?”

Frank shrugs. “I just thought Arc would like to return to what appears to be his favorite town.”

“Kinda would, actually.”

Raising his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Allowing everyone else to step through, he takes one last look back at the spot. A single tear courses down his cheek before he wipes it away, turns, and follows the others. Reappearing on the sigil in Dinky’s house Arc is surprised to see Derpy and Dinky sitting at the kitchen table.


The little filly runs over and jumps into Arc’s arms. He smiles and tousles her mane affectionately.

“Hey there, sweetheart!”

“I missed you, dad!”

“And I missed you as well. But tell me, why aren’t you in school?”

Derpy giggles. “It’s Saturday, Arc.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “It is?’

Frank looks at his watch. “So it is.”

“Are you staying long, dad?!”

“Truth be told, I don’t really know. We need to get back for a mission of utmost urgency.”

Dinky lowers her head, dejectedly.


Frank turns to his friend. “Why don’t we take them with us, Arc?”

Ember appears confused. “Back to Earth?”

“Certainly. I’m sure they’d enjoy seeing your home there.”

Derpy smiles. “We’ve actually been there before.”

“Yeah! My dad’s house is really big!”

She looks to her mother expectantly.

“Can we mom?!”

“That’s up to your father, dear.”

Arc sighs. “I don’t know. We’re really busy back there right now.”

Ember nods. “Yeah. Things are really heating up.”

Dinky sighs.


Frank frowns. “Arc, might I have a word with you privately?”


He turns to Dinky.

“I’ll be right back.”

Dinky nods silently as Arc motions for Frank to follow him out the back door. The pair step out into the backyard.

“Now then, what’s on your mind, Frank?”



“She misses you terribly.”

Arc sighs. “I know. But what can I do?”

“Take her with you for starters.”


“No time like the present.”

“But we’re going to be breaking into that facility again!”

“All the more reason to spend time with her.”

“What are you talking about?”

Frank sighs. “One never knows just how much time we have left.”

“He’s right, Arc.”

Arc gasps. “Ch-Cherry?!”


“Sorry. I was just a bit surprised.”

“Well, now that Frank knows about me there’s no reason I should stay quiet, is there?”

“I guess not.”

Frank sighs. “Now, I’m not trying to tell you how to raise your daughter. But think of those days back in the orphanage.”

Arc frowns. “What about them?”

“How we all dreamed of one day having a family. Real parents whom didn’t leave us behind.”

Arc is silent as Frank’s words sink in.

“I understand your desire to complete the job back on Earth. But you mustn’t lose sight of the big picture OR the small things.”

Cherry giggles. “It’s not like she’ll be coming along to the facility, after all.”

“You're right. Both of you, that is.”

Cherry sighs. “Glad you see that now. Would you like me to walk over to the orphanage and tell Cheerilee?”

“Sure, Cherry.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “How is she going to…?”

Arc calls forth his armor. The front of it melts away and he steps out. Eidolon’s Ward turns to Frank.

“Look after Arc while I’m gone.”

Arc waves. “See you in a bit, Cherry.”

They watch as the armor walks around the side of the house. Frank turns to Arc.

“How… did she do that?!”

“Which part?”

“All of it!”

“Truthfully, I have no idea. But why don’t we head back inside and tell Derpy and Dinky the good news?”

“Yes. Let’s.”

The pair head back toward the house. Entering, they see Derpy sitting on the couch with Ember. Her ears droop as the young dragon puts a claw around her shoulders. Sereb lays in front of the fireplace. Arc looks around before turning to Derpy.

“Something wrong?”

Derpy nods sadly. “Dinky… she’s pretty upset.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah, Arc. After you walked outside she got this really weird look on her face.”

Frank turns to Arc. “This must be about you not wanting to take her with us.”

“Probably. Where is she now?”

Sereb gestures with a paw to the bedroom door. “She ran in there.”

“I’ll go talk to her.”

Arc walks over to the door and knocks lightly. Hearing no response he slowly opens the door. Stepping into the room he spots a small lump under the covers of his bed. Sighing, he closes the door behind him.


There is no response. Arc walks over to the bed and sits down. The sound of small sniffles can be heard.

“I’m… I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

Dinky pokes her small nose out from under the covers as Arc puts his hand on her back.

“Can we talk about it?”

Nodding weakly, Dinky wiggles out from under the covers and sits down next to her father sadly.

“Dad, I… I’m sorry.”

Arc looks to her, surprised. “You are?”

Dinky nods as she hangs her head.

“I need to tell you something.”

“Sure, Dinky. What’s on your mind?”

“When you came home, I was so happy to see you. I really, REALLY missed you!”

“And I missed you too, sweetheart. Are you upset about… what I said earlier?”

“Not… exactly. I mean…”

Dinky sighs.

“It’s complicated.”

Arc puts a hand on her back. “Take your time. I’ll wait.”

“I should probably start at the beginning.”

Arc nods. “That would be wise, yes.”

“Well… it all started when the griffon younglings started coming over from the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Are they not getting along with the foals?”

“No, that’s not it. At least now anyways.”

“Did you have something to do with that?”

“Yeah. You see, Miss Pommel asked for my help getting the newcomers settled in. Back then they were scared and hungry. More scared than anything though.”

“Being taken to a foreign land they knew nothing about certainly couldn’t have been easy. But why you?”

“Ginny, Glynda, Geoffrey, and Gigi had the same problem adjusting. I was able to get the others to give them a chance.”

“I remember you mentioning that a while back.”

“The newcomers weren’t as anxious as they were to adapt though.”

“But they appear to be well adjusted these days.”

Dinky nods. “They are.”

“Then why so sad, sweetheart?”

Dinky sighs. “One of the things I did was get everypony together after school every day to talk for a bit. One youngling would share their story before we would head inside to do our homework. The next day a foal orphan would do the same.”

“That was a very smart idea. Talking through a problem is the first step to dealing with things, after all.”

“I thought so too. But a lot of the stories, foal and youngling, were the same.”


Dinky nods sadly. “Many of them said their parents abandoned them in various public places. Others had left on their own when they were… well… abused.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Define ‘abused’.”

“You remember how you told me to say something if somepony touched my filly parts, dad?”


Dinky looks nervous. “Well… some of them had to put up with a lot more than just touching.”

Arc frowns. “I see. Did you tell Coco Pommel about this?”

“Yes, dad. She thanked me for bringing it to her attention and told me to go back downstairs.”

“Did she do anything about it?”

“She must’ve called Miss Emerald Dream, because she came over right away.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “Good. Those younglings need help after that.”

Dinky nods. “Some of them do, yeah.”

“So you’re upset that some of your new friends were molested?”

“I am, but… there’s more to it.”

“I’ll listen.”

“One of the things many of the younglings had in common with foals was the story of how their parents didn’t have time for them. They would just leave them home alone while they spent all day at work.”

Dinky looks nervous.

“A lot of them… said that their parents were around less and less until they just… just…”

Tears begin to flow from Dinky’s eyes as she struggles to continue.

“…stopped coming home altogether!”

Arc pulls Dinky into an embrace as she continues crying.

“What happened to them?”

“They… they don’t know! When the food in the house ran out they had to leave and scrounge for more!”

Arc nods soberly. “Which led them to the docks and from there to Griffon’s Gate.”

“Yeah, that’s what they said happened.”

She looks up at him with tear filled eyes.

“Is… is that going to happen to mom and I, dad?!”

“Wait, what?”

“You come home less and less every time!”

“And you’re worried one day I just won’t come back?”

Dinky nods as fresh tears stream down her face.

“Dinky, I’m sorry about that. I… I really am.”

“We don’t want to lose you! Mom and I love you so much, dad!”

She wraps her little hooves around his neck. Arc allows her to cry for some time before speaking.

“This is my fault, Dinky. I haven’t been spending nearly enough time with you.”

Dinky shakes her head. “No, dad. I… I understand. You have to help everypony in the world. Not just me.”

“That… may be true, sweetheart. But you need me too. Listen, I need to tell you something.”

“Is it… bad?”

“No, dear. Frank and I had a little talk. He said something very similar to what you are.”

“He… he did?”

Arc nods. “Yes. You see, like your friends, I too grew up with Frank in an orphanage.”

“I remember you telling us that some time ago.”

“The kids there had the same stories as your friends. Now I have the opportunity to make a difference by raising you the best I know how.”

“But dad…!”

“Please, let me finish.”

He takes a deep breath and looks Dinky straight in the eye.

“I’ve missed you terribly since I left, sweetheart. And I know that I do want you with me. That’s why I’d like it if you came back to Earth with me.”

Dinky’s eyes light up excitedly.

“You mean it?!”

Arc smiles. “I do, Dinky.”

“Can mom come too?!”

“If she wants to, sure.”

Dinky throws her hooves around Arc’s neck and smiles uncontrollably.

“I promise I’ll be a good filly over there, dad!”

Arc returns the hug. “You always have been, sweetheart. I’m so proud to be your father.”

“And I’m proud of you too, dad!”

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