• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 17 - Head On!

Sereb finishes returning the Shards to their normal sizes and leads them over to Arc whom is opening a portal.

“This will take you to relative safety.”

Snake looks at is suspiciously. “Where… where’s it go?!”

“Somewhere Stingray and her lot can’t find you. At least not right away.”

Wolf frowns. “That’s not very reassuring.”

Arc shrugs. “It’s the best I can do.”

Jackal hides behind Snake. “That thing looks scary!”

Rose sighs. “It’s either that scary thing… or THAT scary thing.”

She gestures to the elevator. Max nods.

“The choice is yours. Either stay here and almost certainly be recaptured, or take the portal.”

Snake groans. “Fine. Let’s go, fellas.”

Wolf nods. “Yeah. Anything’s better than staying here.”

The Shards file past Arc one at a time. Snake stops and turns to him.

“Is the boss okay?”

“That he is.”

“Is he waiting for us… through there?”

“Yes. He insisted on being present when all of you got there. Now I’ve left a few things for you, but as far as additional supplies go you’ll be on your own. As it stands, all of you can have a fresh start. Stay there, get real jobs, leave town, whatever. The choice is yours.”

Snake puts his hand behind his head, clearly embarrassed. “I… I just wanted to say… thanks.”

Max frowns. “What for?”

“For… everything really. Getting us out of that mine. Taking care of the boss. And coming back for us. We really owe you one.”

Arc chuckles. “I’ll put it on your tab.”

The pair shake hands as Stingray looks to Mio and nods. Pulling a small knife from her sleeve she hurls it at Snake. Max sees her move and shouts.


Arc steps forward and shoves Snake through the portal. The force of the knife knocks Arc to the ground as it bounces off his armor and embeds itself in Rose’s arm. She gasps and momentarily lets go of Hammer. Smirking, the young woman whirls around and tackles Rose. Grabbing the knife she pulls it out just long enough to plunge it deep into her opponent’s side. Meanwhile, Mio appears behind her sister, puts her hands on Hammer’s shoulders, and Blinks them safely back to Stingray. Max runs over to Rose as Arc quickly gets up and jumps between his injured friend and the three women. Stingray grins wickedly.

“That’s how it’s done.”

Arc looks at her angrily. “What was that for?!”

“Just evening the odds. Now then, we can help your little friend. But only if you and the others surrender peacefully.”

Rose grimaces. “NO!”

Arc turns to her. “But what about you, Rose!”

“I’ll… be okay.”

Max shudders. “You sure? That’s a lot of blood. Or whatever it is.”

Rose grabs the hilt of the knife and pulls. It slides out with a sickening slurping sound as she drops it to the floor and stands up.

“Let’s finish up here and be on our way, Hero.”

Arc nods. “Sure. I want to get you back to Twi… your mother as soon as possible to get that looked at.”

He turns to the trio angrily and points a gauntlet at them.

“You three just made a BIG mistake!”

Stingray grins smugly. “No, YOU did when you captured Hammer!”

Mio nods, her staff aglow. “Right! That woman won’t be the last of you to bleed tonight!”

Hammer grimaces as she stands. “Yeah! You picked the wrong opponents!”

Stingray frowns, not taking her eyes off Arc. “Hammer, get back and let us handle this.”

Hammer shakes her head. “No way! We’re doing this together!”

Mio nods soberly. “We need all the help we can get to take this guy on anyways.”

Max grits his teeth as he takes up a battle-ready position. “Sir, your orders?”

Rose turns to him as her wound slowly closes. “Hero, we might want a bit of help for this one.”


He turns back to The Landmaster.

“Everyone get out here on the double!”

Ember looks up. “What about…?!”

“Not you! Stay there and protect the princess!”

Viktor, Hugh, Xenos, Sereb, and Auriel jump out of the vehicle and take their places with Arc as he points one of his magic blades at the three women.

“Are you sure you still want to do this?”

Stingray grins. “Was about to ask you the same thing.”

Arc nods as he calls out orders. “Guys, you take Hammer. Rose, you and our little demon friend here will take Mio. And Stingray’s mine.”

Hugh clutches his spear. “We’ll try not to hurt her.”

Xenos grits his teeth angrily. “No promises though.”

Viktor looks to Arc. “You sure you want Stingray all to yourself, sir?”

“Not completely to myself.”

He puts a gauntlet on Sereb’s side as the wolf bares his teeth and growls at Stingray.

“Very brave of you and your mutt to face me. But I guarantee it will be the last mistake of your lives.”

Mio smiles wickedly as she looks to Rose and Auriel. “The same goes for you two.”

Auriel points the Spear of Righteousness at Mio and spreads her wings menacingly. “Bring it on, cow!”

Rose nods as she takes up a battle-ready stance. “You’ll not find us easy prey!”

Hammer grins as Stingray tosses over her gun “Oh, yeah! You boys don’t stand a chance now that I’m packin’!”

Stingray draws her whip and unfurls it before rushing forward with Hammer. Mio stays back and begins casting as Stingray cries out.


As the battle is joined, the squad surrounds Hammer in an attempt to box her in.

“No you don’t!”

Turning, she fires at Hugh. His armor deflects the shot, but knocks him onto his back. Running past him she kicks him in the side before doubling back. Grinning, she aims her weapon at them as Hugh slowly gets up.

“As long as I have this, there’s ALWAYS a way out for me!”

Xenos chuckles. “Yeah! But I’m guessing you can’t take us all at once with a single barrel!”

“Try me!”

Auriel and Rose run toward Mio. She puts up a barrier as Rose fires her R-Cannon, deflecting the blast harmlessly into the floor, scorching it heavily. Mio grins wickedly.

“You’ll have to try harder if you…”

She is cut off as Auriel dives through the smoke and swings Arc’s spear at the barrier, shattering it. Rose catches up and lunges toward their opponent with her L-Blade. Mio Blinks to put some distance between them.

“Not bad. For a monster and a tin can, that is!”

Auriel grits her teeth. “I’ll show you who the monster REALLY is!”

Rose turns to her. “You are unlikely to win, Mio. Please surrender.”


She channels her magic as Auriel and Rose charge at her again. Meanwhile, Arc jumps on Sereb’s back and points at Stingray.

“Let’s get her!”

Sereb growls. “Indeed.”

Charging forward, Sereb leaps over the squad and Hammer duking it out. Arc turns and casts a Telekinesis Spell at Mio as she looms over Auriel, knocking her away. Stingray plants her feet firmly and waits for their opening strike.

“Show me what you got, Hero!”

Arc grips the saddle handles firmly. “Oh, I will!”

He leans down to Sereb’s ear.

“Get ready.”

Sereb nods as Arc looks behind Stingray at a nearby crate. Reaching out with his magic he deftly pulls it toward himself as hard as he can. The crate slides effortlessly across the floor knocking the woman onto her back. Sereb jumps over the crate and lunges at Stingray. Looking over, Mio lets fly a wave of her staff. Casting a spell, she knocks Arc and Sereb to one side allowing her sister time to get up. Sereb crashes into a stack of crates as Arc jumps off the saddle and runs back toward Stingray.

“We’re not finished yet!”

Stingray laughs. “Oh, I think you are!”

Grabbing a crate with her own magic, she pulls it toward herself in an attempt to mimic Arc’s earlier tactics. Auriel shouts a warning.


Rose aims her R-Cannon and fires, reducing the crate to splinters. Stingray covers her face instinctively to avoid the wood shrapnel. Arc takes the opportunity and dives straight at his opponent. Landing on top of her, Arc punches Stingray several times in the face before a blast from Hammer’s gun knocks him away.

“You okay over there, Stingray?!”

“Fine! Keep at it!”

Seeing her distracted, Hugh lunges at Hammer. She turns at the last moment and throws her gun straight up into the air to catch Hugh. Turning toward Rose she tosses the man at her like a ragdoll before reaching up and catching her gun again.


Hugh’s body plows into Rose, knocking both of them across the room. Sereb steps out from the ruined crates and shakes his head to clear it. Momentarily surveying the scene before him, he runs to rejoin Arc. Charging up his magic, Sereb uses it to hurl several fireballs at Stingray. She dodges them before letting loose with her whip and hooks Auriel’s ankle. Pulling with all her might, Stingray throws the demon around and slams her into Arc. As they fly through the air Arc instinctively wraps his arms around his friend in an effort to protect her. They slam into an outer wall. Several large chunks of wall fall toward the pair. Auriel gasps and points.


Without wasting a second, Arc pushes Auriel forward and covers her with his body. Sereb runs over and uses his magic to pull the chunks of concrete aside.

“Are you two alright?!”

Auriel sits up, clearly shaken. “Y-yes, I am. Thanks to the Hero.”

Arc straightens up. “Ugh… anyone get the license plate number of that bus…?”

Viktor calls out. “Sir, heads up!”

Arc and company look over to see Mio hurling a several crates at them. Sereb throws his body in front of Arc and Auriel as they smash into him.


Angrily, Arc channels his own magic and hurls the remains of the crates back at Mio. She raises a barrier, but is still knocked across the warehouse by the blast. Arc turns back to Sereb.

“You okay, big guy?!”

Sereb moans as he lies on the ground. Arc looks to Auriel.

“Keep an eye on him! We need to end this!”

Nodding, Auriel takes up a defensive position in front of the semi-conscious wolf. Arc charges forward as Mio struggles to stand up. Spotting the very angry warrior closing in on her she fires several magical blasts at him. Arc knocks them away with his magic blades. Max gasps as the projectiles fly toward them.


He and the others drop to the floor as the magical missiles fly past them. One of them hits Hammer in the shoulder. She cries out in pain. Stingray runs over to her sister as she casts a powerful Telekinesis Spell to knock the squad away.

“Hammer! How bad…?!”

Hammer clutches her arm. “It’s fine. Cover me for a second, will you?”

Stingray nods as the squad again rushes toward them. She keeps them occupied as Hammer pulls a rag out of her pocket and ties it around the oozing wound into a makeshift knot. Rose dives past the squad and punches Stingray in the face. As the young woman flies across the room she lets loose her whip again, grabbing Rose by the wrist. With a mighty tug she pulls the android along for the ride. As Stingray hits the ground she rolls out of the way to avoid Rose slamming her fist into the floor where her head was only moments ago. Hammer stands up and turns to Mio.

“Take that guy out, Mio!”

“On it!”

She channels her magic and looks upward. Pulling down several large overhead lights Mio aims them at the Hero. Aiming her R-Cannon, Rose blasts them away as Arc continues toward his target. Hammer fires her weapon at Arc’s feet, tripping him. He slides across the floor as Mio blasts him with a powerful Telekinesis Spell. Arc flies across the room past The Landmaster’s windshield. Celestia gasps.


Ember strokes her mane. “It’s okay. I’m right here.”

Celestia buries her face in Ember’s chest fearfully as the young dragon sighs.

“You can’t see, but you can feel it, can’t you?”


Ember winces as she watches the action on the monitors. “Things… aren’t exactly going too well out there.”


“We’re okay for now. But I’m not sure we can beat them, as-is.”

“Twilight, Twilight!”

Ember sighs as she pets the alicorn’s mane a few times and sets her down. “Now, I need you to stay here where it’s safe.”


Ember takes her spear in claw and points it toward the door.

“Listen to me. Your sister told me that you were the one whom hatched and cared for me many years ago. It was good to know the truth about my past, and better to know that even back then someone was protecting me.”

She sighs and watches as several shots from Hammer’s gun whiz past The Landmaster.

“You looked after me when I couldn’t do so myself. But now it’s time for me to protect YOU!”

Celestia nods. “Twilight.”

Ember wraps an arm around Celestia’s neck and gives her a hug. The alicorn nuzzles her scaly shoulder as her former dragon charge runs a claw through her mane. Standing up Ember turns and walks toward the door.

“I won’t be long.”


Peeking out as she opens the door, Ember spots the squad trying to subdue Hammer, Rose unsuccessfully attempting to pin down Mio, Auriel standing resolutely in front of Sereb, and Arc trading blows with Stingray.

“Let’s start with Rose.”

Taking flight, Ember calls forth her armor. Leveling her spear she careens down at Mio. The young woman raises a barrier in defense. However Ember is able to smash right through it. She smacks Mio in the gut with the butt of her spear. The woman doubles over as the wind is knocked from her. With a powerful kick Ember sends Mio flying across the warehouse. She rolls across the floor several times before coming to rest face down and does not rise. Ember turns to Rose and extends a claw.

“Grab on!”

Rose nods and does so. Taking flight they head for Hammer. Ember looks down at Rose.

“Take her out!”

Nodding, Rose aims her cannon between Hammer and Stingray. Firing, she destroys a large chunk of floor as well as kicks up quite the cloud of dust. Letting go of Ember, she falls toward her target silently. Recalling her weapons Rose plows headfirst into Hammer’s backside, knocking the woman to the ground. As she attempts to rise, Rose puts a hand on the back of her head and slams it into the floor. With a grunt Hammer loses consciousness as Rose turns to Ember.


“No problem. Now let’s finish this up.”

Rose turns and looks at Mio’s staff lying on the floor nearby before turning to Ember.

“I have an idea.”

Meanwhile, on the beach outside the base, Minerva sits in a chopper with Dave. He turns to her skeptically.

“Uh… are you sure this is the place?”

Minerva nods. “Positive. The Hero was very insistent that we be here by this time.”

“Well, there doesn’t appear to be anything of note going on.”

“Something will turn up.”

“Wouldn’t that require someone being around to do something newsworthy? I mean, all that’s around here is that base across the way.”

Minerva groans. “I know that. But the Hero was so sure something was going to be here for us to film.”

Dave chuckles. “What’s he going to do? Attack the base?”

“I certainly hope not. It’s debatable whether or not the standing forces there could stop him and his allies.”

“Well, I’m thinking not.”

“Granted. But he doesn’t seem the type to do something so blatantly illegal.”

Dave nods. “And if he did, why would he want us to record and broadcast it?”

Minerva shrugs. “No clue.”

“So how long are we going to sit here?”

“All night if need be.”

Dave groans and reaches for a thermos.

“I should’ve brought more coffee.”

Meanwhile, Arc knocks Stingray against a wall. He closes the gap and throws a punch. She ducks as his fist hits the wall. Planting a blow of her own to his gut she knocks him back. Arc stumbles as he holds his belly.

“That hurt through my armor!”

Cherry gasps. “She shouldn’t be taken lightly, Arc!”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I think Stingray could even give Diva a run for her…”

He is cut off as Max knocks him aside just in time. Ember flies overhead and drops Rose. Using gravity for momentum she swings Mio’s staff, hitting Stingray in the chest and knocking her against the wall. She falls to her knees as Xenos grabs the young woman and pushes her to the floor. Viktor and Hugh each grab one of her arms as Max and Rose pin her legs effectively immobilizing her. Stingray calls out.

“I need some help over here!”

There is no response.

“Hammer?! Mio?!”

She raises her head to see Mio lying on the ground some distance away. Turning, she spots Hammer weakly rolling over onto her side, her face smeared with blood. She looks up at Arc, clearly furious.

“You… you MONSTER!!!”

“Only one of us wanted this fight, Stingray. You could’ve just stepped aside and let us pass without incident.”

“I couldn’t DO THAT!”

Ember turns around and walks back to The Landmaster. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, coward. Hero, don’t take too long. Remember, we still have one more leg of our journey to go.”

“I’ll try to keep it brief.”

He looks over to Auriel.

“How’s the big guy?”

“He’s doing much better.”

Sereb weakly stands. “I… will be fine.”

Arc turns his attention back to the seething woman before him as Auriel helps Sereb back to the vehicle.

“Now I’m a fair guy, Stingray. You stay out of my way, and this won’t happen again.”

Stingray shakes her head angrily. “I’ll hunt you down! Chase you to the ends of the Earth! No matter how long it takes! DO YOU HEAR ME?!”

“I do.”

Rose steps forward and puts her R-Cannon against the back of Stingray’s head as she turns to Arc.

“Let me end this.”

Xenos gasps. “What are you…?”

“We all heard her. She’ll never stop hunting you, Hero. After all she’s done, this might be the best solution.”

Hugh points a finger. “And her sisters?”

“I can make it painless for them as well. None of them will suffer.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. We’re not murderers.”

He turns to the squad.

“Let her go.”

Viktor gasps. “Sir?!”

“You heard me.”

Max and Rose step back as the others follow suit. First Hugh then Viktor. Lastly Xenos stands and steps back. Stingray rolls over and sits up, leaning heavily against a wall for support.

“Fool. You’ll regret this.”

“I doubt it.”

He turns to Rose.

“Get back to the Landmaster and prepare to execute the next phase of the plan.”

Rose does so as Stingray shakes her head.

“I don’t understand one thing, Hero. Why?”

Max frowns. “Why we’re not killing you?”

“No! Why were you even here?! I can’t imagine you going through all this trouble just to save the Shards!”

Arc shakes his head. “They were a bonus. I got what I came for.”

Stingray seethes. “A fight?!”

“No. I could tell you the real reason for my visit. But I doubt you’d believe me.”

“You’re right. I wouldn’t.”

“Ask General Mustang then. He knows… everything.”

Stingray grits her teeth as Arc and the others turn and walk away. She leans forward angrily and reaches into her coat pocket. Removing a round device, she pulls the pin and rolls it toward Arc and company. Hearing something, Max glances back. His eyes grow wide.


Max shoves Arc to the ground as he and the others jump on top of him. With an ear shattering explosion the grenade detonates. For a time no one moves. Ember runs out of the Landmaster still carrying Celestia as Rose and Auriel follow her.

“What happened?!”

Rose looks around. “I detected a concussive blast!”

Auriel hurries over. “Is anyone injured?!”

Xenos groans as he brushes dirt off several large gouges in his armor. “Kinda.”

Viktor frowns as he sits up. “Most of the shrapnel went over us… I think.”

Arc grunts. “My ears are ringing, but I’m okay.”

Max grabs Hugh’s shoulder. “Hey. You okay?”

Pushing his friend over, Max spots several large pieces of shrapnel sticking out of Hugh’s back. Auriel gasps.

“Oh no!”

Max grimaces. “I think he was on top!”

Arc turns to Rose. “Scanners!”

“No major organs were hit! But he’ll need medical attention right away!”

Xenos reaches for the largest chunk of shrapnel. “Do we…?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Wait! Let the medical staff do that!”

Arc nods. “She’s right. It could be keeping him from bleeding out. Get him aboard the Landmaster and we’ll get out of here.”

Max and Viktor nod and carefully pick Hugh up. A groan from Hammer catches Arc’s attention. Looking over to her, he spots streams of blood flowing from several good sized shrapnel wounds all over her body. Frowning, he turns back to Stingray.

“Idiot! A GRENADE?!”

“It was all I had left!”

Arc grabs Stingray and tosses her next to Hammer. Seeing the blood Stingray gasps.


Arc shakes his head. “All that rage… you wanted to turn it on me. But all you accomplished was hurting one of my troops along with your own sister.”

Reaching into his ring he pulls out a med-kit. Dropping it on the floor between them he turns to leave.

“I hope you’re proud of yourself, Stingray.”

Stingray fumes and points an accusatory finger at him. “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”

“Think what you want. But that won’t do anything to treat Hammer’s wounds.”

Arc continues walking toward The Landmaster as Stingray crawls toward the med-kit. Opening it she pulls out gauze and surgical tape. Hammer winces as she begins treating her. Mio sits up and looks over to them.

“What’s… going on?”

“Hammer… took some shrapnel, that’s all.”

“Is she… okay?”

Hammer gasps. “I’ll be fine, Mio. How about you?”

“Just some rest for me please.”

Stingray looks to her sister. “Hammer, I…”

Hammer shakes her head. “Stingray… don’t. You did what you had to.”


Meanwhile, Mustang sits in his chair and watches the monitors. Diva sits in his lap with most of her uniform laying on the floor nearby.

“I knew those three couldn’t be trusted with such an important task!”

Mustang shrugs. “So did I.”

“Then why did you…?!”

“To give them a chance to prove themselves.”

“Those three have already shown…!”

Mustang leans forward and puts a finger to Diva’s lips as he puts a hand on her bare thigh.

“Not them. The Hero and his cohorts.”

Diva gasps. “You were testing HIM?!”


“Again… why?!”

“I needed to know exactly what he is capable of. Now then, I want you to go topside and see about helping those three failures.”

Diva rolls her eyes. “Why? Let them limp back here under their own power.”

Mustang chuckles. “We probably should. However, they can still play a role in tonight’s activities.”

Diva stands up and grabs her clothes. “Fine. I’ll be back in a bit.”

Dressing, Diva leaves the room, closing the door behind her. General Mustang smiles and turns his attention back to the monitors,

“I’m looking forward to seeing what you have planned next, Arc. While I’m sure you had a very well thought out plan for getting in here, I don’t believe everything is going according to it thus far.”

He grins as he pours himself a glass from a nearby decanter.

“Now then, Arc. Let’s see if you can’t put on a good final act. Make me proud, my boy.”

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