• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Little Hooves and Consequences

Ember looks to Arc as they stand up. “I admit, it does feel good to be part of a real family!”

Arc nods and smiles at her. “Stick with us and you'll never be alone again, Ember.”

“Thanks... all of you!”

Derpy looks up at Arc. “So... what are you going to do now Arc? With Captain Decimus gone there's no reason for you to continue your investigation.”

Arc sighs. “No... I suppose there isn't. To tell you the truth I hadn't really thought about my next step after concluding the investigation. It was supposed to take a LOT longer!”

He shakes his head, unfulfilled.

“While I’m glad we won’t be having any more trouble from him, that isn’t how I wanted things to end!”

Raven enters the Cafeteria with Hard Hat. The pair quickly make their way over to Arc.

“Commander. Hard Hat is here to report to you on his progress.”

“Thank you, Raven.”

She nods happily and returns to her desk.

“Good to see you again, Hard Hat! How are things going on the project?”

“I’ve completed the job you gave me. Here’s the key to the building.”

Hard Hat pulls a key out of his tool belt and gives it to Arc.

“However, it looks like this place is in need of some work too! Don't you worry! My boys and I will get this place fixed up as soon as possible!”

“Great! Uh... what about Canterlot Castle though?”

Hard Hat looks at him, confused. “What about it?”

“Aren't you needed there right now?”

“Not that I know of sir. Why? Are the princesses finally ready to have me build that sauna they’ve been talking about for years?”

Ember turns to Hard Hat. “You haven't heard about the attack on Canterlot yet?!”

“Canterlot was ATTACKED?! WHEN?!”

Derpy nods. “This morning. It happened about the same time Light's Hope was under siege!”

Arc grimaces. “The drawbridge and a large chunk of wall were utterly destroyed! Captain Decimus himself was killed defending the castle.”

“The attacking force must have been quite powerful for as great a warrior as Captain Decimus to fall to their might! I don't know why I wasn't notified that my services were needed though!”

“Well, the princesses are taking the death of the Captain very hard. I guess repairs aren't exactly at the top of their to-do list right now.”

Hard Hat removes his hard hat and placing it over his heart. “I understand. Captain Decimus has been a close adviser and confidant to the princesses for as long as anypony can remember. He was more than just their protector... he was their friend.”

Arc looks away. “You should probably get over there right away and see what you can do to make the castle presentable again.”

“But Arc! What about Light's Hope?!”

“It can wait, Ember. Canterlot Castle should be repaired first.”

Hard Hat nods. “Don't worry sir! We can do both! I've already got a couple of my boys working on fixing up this place! I'll head over to Canterlot and look over what needs to be done! If you'll excuse me, I better get over there right away!”

Arc turns back quickly! “Oh! And have a couple of your boys replace the Blacksmith's Shop's front door!

Hard Hat nods! “Certainly! Uh... do you happen to know the address?”

“It will be the shop missing a door... and probably a door jamb as well. Possibly ever part of the wall around it.”

Hard Hat’s eyes grow wide! “Wow...”

“I was in a hurry! Official Hero of Light business and all.”

“Don't worry sir! I'll see to it.”

Hard Hat turns to leave.

“Uh, Hard Hat?”

Hard Hat turns around. “Yes?”

Arc calls forth Eidolon's Ward and opens a portal.

“This portal leads to my room in Canterlot Castle. It will save you hours in transit time!”

“Thanks! That's handy! Well, I hope to see you again sir! Bye now!”

Hard Hat walks through the portal. Arc closes it behind him and returns his armor to the ring. He looks at the key in his hand, smiling!

“It's finally ready!”

Derpy looks at Arc, confused. “What's ready?”

“I told Hard Hat to build something... special just down the road.”

Dinky looks are her father excitedly! “What is it?!”

Ember looks at him, hope in her eyes! “Is it finally a house of your own?! You really should have a place to call home!”

She leans in close to Arc and whispers in his ear.

“We could finally have some alone time again... just like back in Tartarus.”

Arc shakes his head. “Seriously, we never even DID anything like what you’re thinking back then! You really don't know when to give up, do you?!”

Hey! I learned that from you!”

“Yet again... what have I gotten myself into.”

Arc looks over to Dinky.

“Sweetheart, would you please get all the orphans and Coco Pommel and bring them here?”

“Uh, okay.”

Dinky leaves the Cafeteria.

Ember frowns. “I don't get it Arc! What's this all about?”

“Patience. All will be revealed in good time, my dear Ember!”

A short time later Dinky returns to the cafeteria along with the orphans and Coco Pommel.

“Arc? Dinky said you wanted to see us about something.”

Arc nods happily! “That I did, Coco Pommel! I have a bit of a surprise for you all.”

Aquamarine looks excited! “Oh? What is it?!”

Pipsqueak hops up and down! “I love surprises!”

Arc laughs! “All of you follow me! We're going on a field trip!”

The orphans, Coco Pommel, Derpy, Dinky, and Ember follow Arc out the Cafeteria side door. He leads them around the building to the path leading to Ponyville.

“Mr. Arc, I'm confused. Where exactly are we going?”

“You'll see very soon, Pipsqueak.”

A few minutes later the party arrives in front of a rather large two-story building. Aquamarine looks at it with the others from the path.

“I don't remember passing this building the last time you took us to Ponyville, Mr. Arc.”

Arc nods. “That's because it wasn't here then. It was just completed recently! Very recently, actually.”

Pipsqueak looks at the building in amazement! “It looks very nice! Is it a new school?”

“You're close. This is the new Little Hooves Orphanage!”

Aquamarine looks over excitedly! “You mean... this is for US?!”

“Yes. You little one's will be living here from now on!”

Arc walks toward the front door and unlocks it. Opening the doors wide he turning to the orphans. “Go ahead, step inside!”

The orphans excitedly dash inside the Main Hall! Coco Pommel looks to Arc as they run past the pair into the building.

“This new facility certainly looks lovely, Arc! Did you have anything to do with it being built here?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I didn't want you and the orphans to have to return to Vanhoover and be reminded of all that has happened.”

Coco Pommel smiles! “Thank you. That is very Kind of you, Arc!”

Arc gestured inside. “Shall we?”

Ember, Derpy, Dinky and Coco Pommel all nod and head inside.

Coco Pommel’s eyes light up! “This is beautiful!”

Derpy nods in agreement! “It really is very inviting!”

“Hard Hat certainly followed my plans to the letter!”

Dinky looks over at Arc. “Dad? Did you design this building yourself?!”

Arc smiles and nods! “Yes, I did! Hard Hat helped me in drawing it up though, so I can't really take all the credit!”

“From what I’ve seen so far, you did a wonderful job, Arc!”

“Thank you Derpy. But you haven't seen the rest of the building!”

The orphans look to Arc for direction.

“Would everyone like a tour?”

The orphans reply as one! YEAH!

“Follow me!”

Everyone follows Arc to a large double door just off the Main Hall. He swings them open wide to reveal a large room with many small tables and chairs and a large, long table on the other end of the room.

“This is the Lunch Room.”

Pipsqueak looks around, happily! “You mean we don't have to eat in the dormitory anymore?!”

Arc shakes his head, happily! “No. Just like at Light's Hope, you will eat at tables and chairs with dignity!”

He walks across the room to the long table.

“The food will be served from here. Similar to my base you will walk past here, get your food, and sit down at a table.”

Arc walks a few paces over to another door. He opens it and everyone walks inside. There are several refrigerators inside along with a large stove and ample counter space.

“This is the kitchen. Plenty of space for food preparation for growing foals! I asked Saffron to put a few meals worth of food in the refrigerators. It should keep you little ones fed until I can send some of my Royal Guards to the market to stock it properly.”

Derpy looks around, amazed! “Why, a pony could feed an army in here!”

Ember laughs! “Considering how much they eat, the cook here may have to!”

Arc walks toward the door in which they entered. “Come now! There is still much to see!”

He leads everyone back to the Main Hall and opens another door. Inside the orphans see a number of student desks lined up in rows, with a large teacher desk at the front of the room. Behind the teacher's desk is a large blackboard.

“This is the classroom. I insisted on continuing your education here, little ones. I've inspected Ponyville School, and it appears it’s not capable of taking on another twenty-three pupils! In fact, the powers that be were considering building a newer and larger building anyway! When I informed the school board of my plans to build a new Orphanage here, they suggested that Ponyville School and The Little Hooves Orphanage should be one and the same!”

Ember nods! “Two birds, one stone. I like it!”

Derpy smiles! “It will be good for the orphans to meet other foals!”

Dinky turns to her friends! “This’ll be great! When school starts, we can see each other every day!”

Coco Pommel looks nervous! “Is the teacher okay with this arrangement?”

“To tell you the truth, the teacher of Ponyville School retired at the end of last year. Canterlot is sending a replacement to take over. I've already spoken to her on the phone and explained the situation. She says she’s looking forward to seeing the new facility and meeting the orphans with the new matron.

Coco Pommel suddenly looks even more nervous! “Arc, who IS the orphanage's matron anyways?! Forgive me, but after Matron Tempest, I worry about these little one's having to go through something like that again!”

The orphans appear uneasy as well!

“Don't worry, Coco Pommel. I've personally vetted her, and she's here now. Everyone can meet her at the end of the tour in her office!”

Coco Pommel looks sheepishly to Arc. “Do... do you think she's looking for an assistant?”

“You can ask her yourself later Coco Pommel. Don't worry! I've already vouched for you.

She looks to him relieved! “Thanks! That makes me feel much better!”

“The only other thing I’d like to point out is the teacher will be living here as well.”

Arc points to a door to the right of the teacher's desk.

“Now, they won't actually be employed by the orphanage, as they’re part of the education system. Canterlot has however approved of them having private quarters on-site.”

Coco Pommel nods, approvingly! “Wow! The logistics of getting this place up and running has my head spinning. The matron must be quite the pony to handle all of this!”

Arc heads back to the door. “One more room to see on the first floor. This way everyone!”

He leads the group to another room just off the Main Hall. Arc opens the door. Everyone steps inside a rather small room with only a few beds. A couple cabinets containing medical supplies are on one side of the room. On the other is a small door.

Coco Pommel looks around before turning to Arc. “I'm sure you know what you're doing but... shouldn't there be more beds?”

Arc chuckles. “The dormitory is upstairs, Coco Pommel. This is the infirmary. Anyone who’s sick can sleep here without infecting the other orphans.

Derpy nods approvingly! “Good thinking, Arc!”

Dinky laughs! “Your base needs an infirmary too, dad!”

Ember nods! “Dinky’s right, Arc! We really could use medical facilities of some kind!”

Arc rubs his chin thoughtfully. “Not a bad idea. I'll have to run it by Hard Hat one of these days.”

Pipsqueak points a hoof at the door on the other side of the room. “What's in there?”

Arc turns his head and points. “Oh that? Just a private bathroom. A couple toilets and a few showers. Nothing too interesting though. Now... are you all ready to see the upstairs?”

The orphans smile! “YEAH!”

Arc leads the orphans back to the Main Hall stairs.

Aquamarine points her hoof at another door. “What's through that door, Mr. Arc?”

“That's just the door to the backyard. We'll take a look at it later.”

Arc and company head up to the second story. There is a long hallway with several doors on either side of it. Arc walks up to the first door on the left. He opens it and they all enter. Several rows of beds line the room. The room is painted sky blue and is bordered by rainbows and smiley faces along the perimeter!

“Now this is the dormitory. Each foal will have a bed and a small cabinet that will be theirs to do with as they please.”

The orphans run over to the beds and jump on them, happily! Aquamarine lies down!

“They're so soft!”

Pipsqueak laughs! “Quite the change from the old mattresses in Vanhoover!”

Coco Pommel sighs. “I hate to admit it, but I don't think those mattresses had EVER been changed! They were so lumpy and ragged!”

Arc nods! “Of course, they’re all brand new! Canterlot spared no expense in the building of this facility!”

He points to a large open doorway.

“Through there is a bathroom with a half dozen sinks, toilets and showers. I didn't want anyone to have to wait in line needlessly.”

Pipsqueak smiles happily! “That should be quite helpful! Some of the older fillies seem to take FOREVER brushing their manes!”

Aquamarine turns red! “Squee!”

“I'll see to it the toys from Light's Hope are brought over. Although you may not want them after what I show you next.”

Arc beckons the foals to follow him down the hallway. He walks toward a large doorway. Inside is a large Playroom stocked with an assortment of toys and games for all ages and interests!

“Pinkie Pie certainly didn't let me down! Who knew all I had to do was give her a large bag of bits and she would solve this little problem for me! This room is for days when playing outside just isn't an option!”

The foals run forward to explore their new Playroom!

Pipsqueak picks up a stuffed animal and holds it tightly! “This is amazing! Mr. Arc, is this all really for us?!”

Arc smiles and nods! “It is! I'm sure all of you will have many happy hours in this room!”

Dinky looks around, awestruck! “Wow! This really is impressive! I wouldn't mind coming by here for playtime!”

Coco Pommel looks around nervously. “I think you’re right, Arc! But, what of the Matron? Should we not see her?”

“Our very next stop. This way.”

Arc returns to the hallway and walks to the end of it. He stops in front of a door marked “Matron's Office”.

Derpy stops and looks down the hall. “Wait a minute, Arc. What's in that room?”

She points a hoof at a door across from the Matron's Office.

“Oh, that room is for future expansion. At the moment it's just for storage. However, if an extra room was needed for some future project, it could be converted into whatever is needed!”

Dinky nods and puts a small hoof to her chin. “I guess that makes sense.”

Arc turns to the nervous foals and an equally nervous Coco Pommel! Now… are you all ready to meet your new matron?

Pipsqueak nods nervously. “As ready as we'll ever be.”

Aquamarine trembles slightly. “Can we just get this over with?”

Arc nods and reaches for the doorknob. “Very well.”

He opens the door and everyone enters the Matron's Office. The revolving chair is facing away from the door looking out the sliding door overlooking the patio. A figure sits in it staring out the window. Coco Pommel walks toward the desk, cautiously.

“H-hello? Matron? The orphans are here to meet you.”

The figure in the chair does not move.

Ember looks to Arc. “What's going on?”

Dinky steps behind her father! “This is... kinda creepy!”

“This wasn't supposed to be part of the tour. Something is wrong here...”

Arc reaches a hand forward and uses his magic to turn the chair to face them. Sitting in it is a figure wearing a simple black and white robe. It does not move. He cautiously walks toward it.

“What in the world...”

Derpy wraps her hooves around Dinky! “Be careful, Arc!”

Arc reaches across the desk and slowly reaches forward to pull back the hood. The foals cower on the floor in fear! Suddenly Arc throws his head back and laughs hysterically!

“Oh, that Pinkie Pie! I don't know how she pulled this one off! And on such short notice too!”

Coco Pommel and the orphans are visibly confused!

“Dad? Are you okay?”

Arc turns back to the other, still chuckling. “Sorry about that! It's just so... awesome!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What is?”

He steps aside. “Take a look!”

All assembled look to the robed figure! Sitting in the matron's chair is a life-sized plushie of Coco Pommel! The black and white robe she wears is also accurate!

Pipsqueak smiles broadly! “Miss Pommel! It's you!”

Aquamarine giggles! “The likeness really is impressive!”

All the orphans look at the stuffed Coco Pommel doll and smile!

Coco Pommel chuckles nervously as she turns to Arc. “Well now... all joking aside, where IS the Matron? I thought she was supposed to be here.”

He picks something up off the desk and walks to Coco Pommel. Kneeling down in front of her, Arc hands her the item from the desk.

“She is here, Coco Pommel.”

Coco Pommel looks at the item in her hooves. It is a desk nameplate which reads... “Miss Coco Pommel – Matron”. She stares at is for some time, wide-eyed!

“W-what?! You mean... you want ME?”

Arc nods! “Yes, Coco Pommel. I can think of no one more qualified or trustworthy to put in this position. I guess the only question now is... do you accept?”

Coco Pommel looks behind her to a sea of smiling foal's looking at her and nodding feverishly! She turns back to Arc with tears of joy in her eyes! “Yes! I would be honored to be the matron of these sweet little angels!”

She drops the nameplate on the floor and wraps her front hooves around Arc's neck happily!

“Thank you so very much! I never dreamed I would be given such an honor!”

Arc returns the embrace. “I'm sure you'll do just fine. Won't she?


The orphans run up to Coco Pommel and Arc. They join in the embrace! Soon Dinky and Derpy join them as well!

Dinky turns to Ember. “Come join us, Miss Ember!”

Ember cautiously does so as she looks to Arc, happily! “Arc, your family is getting quite large!”

He nods. “You can never have too many to love!”

After a short time Pipsqueak speaks up.

“Mr. Arc?”

“Yes, Pipsqueak?”

“Can we see the backyard now?”

“In a minute. There’s still something I would like to see.”

Ember looks confused. “What's that?”

Arc walks over to the desk chair and removes the Coco Pommel plushie before turning to the new matron.

“I would like to see Matron Coco Pommel in her new chair first!”

“Well, okay.”

Coco Pommel slowly walks forward and climbs into her office chair. She looks over the desk at the beaming faces of the orphans!

Aquamarine giggles! “How does it feel, Miss Pommel?!”

“Well, to tell you the truth, it's a little... scary.”

Dinky looks confused. “What do you mean?”

“Well… all these little faces looking up at me now. All of you are counting on me to take care of you and find you homes! I... don't really know if I'm up to the task!”

Derpy smiles at her! “You can do it, Coco Pommel! Dinky and I have faith in you!”

“My mom’s right!”

Pipsqueak hops up and down happily! “You're the best, Miss Pommel!”

Aquamarine puts a hoof to her chin, thoughtfully. “Or, should we be calling you Matron Pommel? Matron Miss Pommel? Miss Matron Pommel?”

Coco Pommel smiles warmly at Aquamarine. “Just keep calling me Miss Pommel. Nothing really needs to change! I'll still do my best to watch over all of you!”

Arc nods! “Well, now that's the name and title situation has been settled, there is one other matter I need to make you aware of Coco Pommel. You're first order of business as matron. Are you ready?”

Coco Pommel nods, nervously! “As ready as I'll ever be. What is it?”

“Well, I had Raven do some checking into the regulations regarding the orphanage. It appears for every dozen orphans, you’re allowed one employee. Now I suggest an Assistant, however the final choice is yours to make.”

Coco Pommel puts a hoof to her chin. “I agree, Arc. An Assistant Matron would be very helpful in running such a large facility! Do I contact Canterlot and request somepony?”

“You could do that. Or if there is someone you would like as your assistant, you can also hire them directly.”

Derpy walks toward Coco Pommel at her desk. “Um... Coco Pommel? I know we haven't known each other for very long but... um... I... can I be your assistant?”

Dinky looks to her mother, surprised! “Mom? Are you sure about this?”

Derpy nods soberly! “Yes. I was never able to find a job in Ponyville before, as I was always too afraid of others. The fact I didn't have much education to speak of didn't help either! Miss Pommel... I... I'm not a smart mare... but I KNOW what love is! If you’ll hire me, I will help you show theses little ones the love they deserve!”

Coco Pommel glances over to Arc. He nods. She turns to the orphans.

“What do the rest of you think?”

Pipsqueak grins widely! “Miss Derpy has always been a loving mother to Dinky! I for one would love to have her around!”

Aquamarine nods happily! “Yeah! She actually reminds me a lot of you, Miss Pommel! So nice and caring!”

Dinky looks across the desk. “Miss Pommel? My mom has always been there for me when I needed her. I'm sure she would do the same for the others if you gave her a chance.”

The others nod their heads in agreement.

“Very well then Miss Derpy. I'd like you to be my Assistant Matron.”

Derpy’s face lights up! “Really?! Oh, thank you Miss Pommel! I promise I won't let you down!”

Coco Pommel smiles at her. “I know you won't.”

She looks across the desk at Arc and smiles!

“Thank you so very much, Arc! Without you, none of this would have been possible!”

“Don't thank me. I merely made the suggestion to the princesses. It was Canterlot who paid the bills here.”

Coco Pommel smiles! “Arc... I don't just mean this wonderful new building...”

She gets down from her chair and walks over to Arc.

“...without your help, the orphans would still be living under Matron Tempest and I would most likely have starved to death!”

Dinky nods soberly. “Miss Pommel is right dad!”

“Dinky and I are very proud of you Arc! It makes us a bit sad that your actions seem to be constantly overlooked by Canterlot and the princesses though.”

Ember grimaces! “Hate to admit it, but I too believe you're being snubbed here Arc! I mean, come on! What do you have to do to get some recognition?!”

“It's okay. I didn't become the Hero of Light to get medals pinned to my chest and have everyone tell me how great I am.”

Ember appears confused. “What?! Then why?!”

“I did it because it was just the right thing to do. That and I did it to save lives! Knowing that out there are those who still need my help... for them I continue on!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “How did I know you were going to say something like that?”

Derpy nods. “That's very heroic of you Arc! But I still wish the rest of Equestria knew what you had to go through.”

Arc smiles at his friend. “Thanks, Derpy. I think it's very sweet that you care so much about my reputation, but I don't really want to dwell on this any longer. Okay?”

“But... well, okay. If that's really what you want, I’ll respect your wishes.”


Arc turns to the orphans.

“Now who wants to see one final surprise?”

Pipsqueak looks to him, excitedly! “What is it?!”

Aquamarine giggles! “If Mr. Arc had anything to do with it, it’s going to be awesome!”

“Follow me!”

Everyone follows Arc back to the first floor. He walks over to the back door and opens it wide, g gesturing with his hand to the backyard! “Behold! Your very own playground!”

The foals marvel at the brand-new playground equipment before them! Pipsqueak is the first to be able to speak!

“Mr. Arc, this is amazing! Is it really all for us?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, it is. I hope you enjoy it! Now why don't all of you go and have some fun outside for a while now!”

The orphans run toward the new playground smiling and laughing! Coco Pommel walks over to stand next to Arc.

“I'm sorry. They didn't even say ‘thank you’.”

Arc just stands there watching the foals play. “They didn't have to. Watching them smile... listening to their laughter... it makes everything I do worthwhile.”

Arc turns to Dinky.

“Why don't you join them for a while? I know you want to, sweetheart!”

Dinky runs toward the others! “Thanks dad!”

Arc turns to leave. “Well, I should get back to work. Coco Pommel, you and the orphans are welcome to eat at my base should the need ever arise.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Thank you for that Arc but... where are you going now?”

“There is always something I need to do. Right now, I need to return to Light's Hope and plan my next move.”

Arc looks fondly at Derpy and Coco Pommel. “I know the two of you are up to the task. Stay determined and you can accomplish anything!

Derpy nods, happily! “Thank you Arc. I'll do my best.”

Coco Pommel smiles. "As will I."

Arc reaches into his pocket and pull out the key Hard Hat gave to him. He hands it to Coco Pommel.

“I’m sure you will. Take good care of the orphans… Matron Coco Pommel!”

Arc leaves the Little Hooves Orphanage and makes the short walk back to Light's Hope.

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