• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 17 - Baring More Than Your Soul

Arc steps onto the Bridge of The Equinox. Spotting the crew at their stations he approaches Soarin. The captain salutes him as he does so.

“Welcome aboard, sir.”

“Good afternoon, captain. I came by to receive you report on the status of the ship.”

“All systems running normally, sir.”

“And the modifications I ordered?”

“Completed, sir.”

“Good. How about Redheart?”

“She reports the Infirmary is currently fully stocked and ready for anything.”

“Scanners, Moon Dancer?”

Moon Dancer smiles. “Fully functional, sir.”

“Weapons, Wrangler?”

Wrangler grins. “Prepped and ready, sir.”


Lemon Hearts salutes. “All equipment has been tested and works, sir.”


Thunderlane pats his controls. “Itching to get in the air, sir!”

Arc nods. “Did you look over my course?”

“Yes sir. I’ve already mapped it out and done the calculations for time as you instructed.”

“Good. I need us to stay on schedule too.”

“Understood, sir. You can count on me.”

Arc turns back to the captain. “Make sure you and the rest of the crew are well-rested for this. I’m not exactly sure how long the mission will take.”

“Yes sir. I’ll see to it.”

Nodding, Arc leaves the Bridge. Heading down the corridor to the Infirmary he enters. Spotting Redheart going over a clipboard he walks over to her.

“Nurse Redheart?”

“Hello, sir. What can I do for you today?”

“Just a quick check on how things are going over here.”

“I’m ready for the mission, sir.”

“Have you completed your additional... training?”

“Yes sir. Although I’m only semi-proficient you can count on me to do my part.”

“Perfect. Be sure you’re rested for tonight.”

“I will, sir. Um... but might I say something a bit... personal?”

“Go ahead.”

“It’s just... that I wanted to thank you for your... directions earlier.”

“You and the doctor?”

Redheart nods as she blushes happily. “It’s very nice to be able to do what we want without having to look over our shoulders.”

“Happy to help. Just remember that my exemption only applies to times that you’re both aboard The Equinox.”

“Yes sir, we understand and will follow your instructions to the letter.”

“Good. I hope you two will be very happy with this arrangement. “

“I believe we will, sir.”

“But in any case, I’ll let you get back to work now.”

Saluting, Redheart returns to her duties as Arc leaves the room. Heading toward his own quarters he enters just in time to see Ember, in her human form, leave his private bathroom with a towel around her body. Grinning at him, she speaks.

“Perfect timing.”

Arc chuckles as he closes the door. “I guess so.”

She walks over and takes his hand before continuing.

“And now we’re all alone.”

Arc smiles at her. “True. But I think I’d like to take a shower now.”

“Great! Let’s go!”


“I wanna come too!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But you just got out from the looks of it.”

Ember shrugs as she drops the towel to expose her still damp body. “And?”

Shrugging, Arc allows Ember to lead him into the bathroom. She gets the water running as he strips down. Getting in with him, Ember reaches for a washcloth and soap. Lathering it up she begins cleaning him.

“Don’t you worry about a thing, Arc. I’ve got this.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, I’m sure you do.”

“Everything okay?”


“Worried about the mission?”

Arc nods. “This is important.”

“And that’s why everyone is doing their best as per your instructions.”

“But what if...?”

“None of that, Arc.”

“I know it was my idea to do agree to this, but... I can’t help but wonder if it’s the right thing to do.”

“You could always call it off.”

“Kinda late to do that now.”

Ember grins. “Then we forge ahead.”

Finishing the shower, Ember helps Arc out and dries him. Taking him by the hand she leads him to the bed. Lying down, in the nude no less, she presses her body against his and smiles.


Arc nods. “Actually, yes.”

“Because I’m so soft?”

“I was going to say because of the mattress and my current company, yes.”

Ember tenderly kisses his neck. “Love hearing that.”



“Do you... approve of me?”

Ember raises her head, confused. “Um... what?”

“I guess what I actually mean is... do you approve of my actions?”

“Usually, yes.”

“But not always.”

Ember groans. “Haven’t we been over this already?”

“A couple times, yes.”

“Then why do you keep bringing it up, Arc?”

Arc sighs. “I guess it’s because I keep doubting myself.”

“Considering all you’ve accomplished I don’t see how.”

“Mistakes have been made in the past, Ember.”

“But you’ve learned from them.”

Arc pulls Cherry’s pendant from his ring and looks at it. “Have I?”

Ember frowns. “Yes Arc, you have.”

“Cherry’s death... I could have done...”

“Arc, don’t! We were both there. Neither of us... no one could have stopped what that coward Wind Rider did!”

Arc puts an arm over his face and groans. “I know that, Ember. At least my head does. My heart however is a different matter entirely.”

“You need to let it go though, Arc. Cherry has. She said so herself.”

“Lately I’ve been considering our relationship.”


“Well... the whole herd relationships, yes.”

Ember frowns. “Which part?”

Rolling over on top of her, Arc looks down at Ember whom is understandably surprised by his sudden actions.


“Ember. I... I love you.”

“And I... love you too.”

Arc puts a hand on her cheek. “In the future I’d like to have a family. With both you AND the others.”

“I want that too.”

“But is that fair?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Cherry. She died because of her connection to me. Wouldn’t anyone whom I marry have to live with the same...?”

Roughly pushing him, Arc flies off the bed to land on his back. Getting his bearings he looks up just in time to see Ember lunge off the mattress to land on all fours over him. Grabbing his wrists she looks him in the eye angrily.

“Listen, and listen good, Arc! I WANT to be with you! I WANT to be your mate! And I WANT you to impregnate me with your children so we can raise them TOGETHER with the others!”

She leans back to sit on his pelvis before continuing.

“Is it going to be dangerous?! Maybe! I don’t really know, nor do I really CARE!”

“But Ember! Your nation needs...!”

Ember cuts him off again. “...an heir, I know! If that’s all I need to do as Dragon Lord then I’ll be happy!”

“Make an heir?”

“You’ll be long gone by then, yes! But I might just lay my eggs and retreat from the public view!”

“Can the Dragon Lord do that?”

“Who’s going to stop me?!”

“I guess that’s true. But what would you do with yourself?”

“Hatch and raise my eggs!”

“With Spike?”

“If he’s up for it, yes!”

“So you’re going to just sit in a cave raising young?”

“For a time, yes!”

“And you won’t be lonely or bored?”

“Of course I will be!”

“Then why...?”

“Don’t you get it, Arc?!”

“Apparently not.”

“I’m just going to do what I want to do! What anyone else wants will be secondary!”


Ember groans. “It means that I’m just going to live my life as it suits ME!”

“And Spike?”


“What about what he wants?”

“All I’m going to ask him to do is help me with making the eggs. After that it’s up to him whether or not he sticks around. And that’s still only assuming your seed can’t be altered and preserved long enough, that is.”

“Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out, Ember.”

Ember sighs. “And you don’t.”


“Yeah. We all know the risks of being in a relationship with you. But none of us really minds. Well, that and you need to think of yourself more.”

“All I want is a normal life with all of you.”

“And we want the same, Arc. A happy family life with a happy brood running around.”

She looks down and traces a finger from his belly button on down to her own genitals before continuing.

“That and... physical intimacy. Even if it won’t put eggs in me.”

“I... don’t really know what to take from this conversation though, Ember.”

Ember groans as she stands and extends a hand. “Just stop worrying so much! Geez!”

Arc sighs as he takes her hand. “Kinda hard for me to do, Ember.”

“Well... just understand that we get your whom aversion to relationships after what happened to Cherry. But don’t let it ruin your future.”

“I think we all need to have a talk about this. Together, I mean.”

Ember wraps her arms around Arc’s neck and smiles. “Agreed.”

Pulling him down on the bed, Ember kisses Arc passionately as he does the same to her. Breaking off their make-out session a short time later, Ember puts a hand to Arc’s cheek as she smiles.

“Sorry if I came off as a little aggressive earlier.”

Arc grins. “Which part?”

“When I threw you off the bed.”

“Ah! That.”

“I just got so mad hearing you go back to your self-pity, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “While Emerald Dream has told me that I need to face and deal with me grief, for the longest time I didn’t really know how to do that.”

“And what did she suggest?”

“Getting to know others and trying to have a normal relationship again.”

Ember chuckles. “Nothing about this whole herd thing could be considered ‘normal’ though, Arc.”

“That’s roughly what I told her.”

“Did she tell you to stop?”

“Not exactly.”

“You mean...?”

“She recommended that I ascertain if everyone was comfortable and approving of this idea before pursuing it further.”

“And you did.”

“Which is why I allowed myself to dip a proverbial toe in to test the waters.”

“So you’re okay with this, right?”

“I’m looking forward to being with Derpy, Rarity, and Applejack someday, yes.”

Ember appears hopeful. “And my situation?”

Arc sighs. “If you can’t legally or officially join the herd, that’s fine. But I would still very much like for us to maintain our relationship. Naturally that’s assuming the others are okay with it, I mean.”

“They would be, yes. I did bring that up after our previous talk.”

“So what would that make you?”

“I originally wanted to be a ‘concubine’.”

Arc grimaces. “Uh...”

“But the others said that was demeaning to both me and them. It makes this herd idea into a two-tiered system.”

“So did you figure something out?”

“We’re still trying to think of something. That and I’m not sure if you’re quite ready to take me as your own yet anyways.”

“I’m not really ready to take anyone yet.”

“The job?”

Arc nods. “Yeah.”

“It needs to be over first, doesn’t it?”


“Any idea how much longer until then?”

“I’m hoping to be done and retired before the end of next year. And that’s assuming we don’t get into a prolonged war with the changelings.”

“Then you’ll just be a normal citizen?”

“More or less. Frankly I’m just trying to get to the point where I could effectively step down. Haven’t really given much thought to my status after that.”

“And what then?”

“Odd jobs around Ponyville, spending time with Dinky, and lots of dates with you and the others hopefully.”

Ember smiles and traces his chest happily. “Is that a promise?”

Arc sighs and shakes his head. “Sadly, given my past experiences, it is not.”

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