• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Facing Reality

Early the next morning Arc stands outside Celestia’s room. Twilight and Celestia emerge together as he approaches them. Smiling, Twilight looks to him.

“Good morning, Arc. I hope you didn’t have to wait too long.”

Arc shrugs. “Not really. Sleep well?”

Twilight smiles as she leans against Celestia. “Very, with my old friend safe and sound.”

Celestia rests her head on top of Twilight’s. “I too was glad to have you by my side again, my dear. But we should probably get to the Dining Room now.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“Would you… care to join us?”

Arc appears a bit surprised. “Uh… sure.”

Twilight motions for him to follow as they head down the corridor together. Arc turns to Celestia.

“I… um… I’m glad you’re back.”

Celestia rolls her eyes. “Oh really?”


Twilight turns to her mentor. “Arc’s been working very hard to return you safely for some time now.”

Arc sighs. “And what a long, strange, convoluted ride it’s been.”

Celestia nods stoically. “Luna said as much when we spoke yesterday.”

Twilight smiles at her. “And we told you more of the story after that.”

“Indeed. But I believe there is still more to that tale, human.”

Arc frowns. “That there is.”

A short time later arrive at the Dining Room. Two guards push the doors open as several servants finish setting the table. Motioning toward the kitchen, several platters of food are brought from it as the trio sits down. Celestia turns to the servants as they step back respectfully.

“Everypony is excused.”

Bowing, they quickly leave the room toward the hall or kitchen and close the doors behind them. Celestia looks to Twilight as the young mare levitates a stack of pancakes toward her mentor.

“Thank you, Twilight.”

“Please eat up, princess. I want to see you fully recovered as soon as possible.”

Celestia giggles. “As would I, Twilight.”

“After breakfast you should probably head back over the Infirmary to see Doctor Whooves. He mentioned performing an examination on you yesterday after you and Luna left.”

Arc nods. “Indeed. However at the time you were the higher priority, Twilight.”

“Well, he should have plenty of time now.”

Celestia groans. “Perhaps there will be a chance for such things at some point today. I’ll speak to Kibitz about penciling something in.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Penciling?”

Celestia shrugs as she takes up her fork with a spell. “If not today then sometime this week at least.”

Twilight gasps. “Princess Celestia, your health should come first!”

“No, Twilight. The country is first and foremost.”

Arc frowns. “I have to agree with Twilight on this one. That and how long could a simple examination take?”

“About three audiences.”

Twilight appears confused. “What?”

“You asked how long an examination would take. Roughly the same as three audiences would, Twilight.”

Arc sighs. “Sounds like you’ve got it down to a science.”

Celestia nods as she levitates a fork to her lips smugly. “Believe me when I say that I’ve been doing this a LOT longer than you did, human.”

Twilight clears her throat loudly. “That is most certainly true. However… just as you ruled alone in the past, so did Arc.”

Celestia shrugs. “So I am told.”

Reaching toward a bowl of fruit, Celestia picks up an apple. Looking it over for a time she eventually turns to Twilight.

“This apple is a lot like your human friend, Twilight.”


“It’s rather normal in appearance. At least at first glance.”

She dangles it in front of Twilight’s face with a Telekinesis Spell before continuing.

“Tell me, do you see anything special about it, Twilight?”

“Well… there’s some minor imperfections across its surface.”

Arc frowns. “None of us are perfect, I suppose.”

Celestia nods. “That is true, yes. However, you need to look deeper.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I suppose it’s also a bit smaller than normal apples too.”

“Better. But deeper still.”

“Um… I don’t…”

The doors open and Luna walks into the room along with Cadance. She hurries over to Celestia happily.

“Aunt Celestia!”

Celestia smiles warmly. “Cadance!”

Standing, Celestia embraces her niece as Luna looks on approvingly.

“I was so worried!”

Celestia giggles. “You came all this way to see me?”

Cadance nods. “What else could I do?! Luna notified me last night of the victory won but insisted that I get a good night’s sleep before coming!”

“We all need our rest. Celestia included.”

Twilight grins. “So you took a portal over, Cadance?”

Cadance nods. “I’m getting better at that spell!”

Celestia looks around at the others. “It’s good to have all of the princesses together.”

Luna sighs. “Don’t tell Kibitz that.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What’s the problem?”

Cadance frowns. “He doesn’t like us being together unless guarded heavily. Says it’s a matter of security.”

Twilight shrugs. “Well, it’s kinda true. We do make a tempting target.”

Arc motions to the table. “Perhaps we should sit down and eat though. There’s plenty for everyone.”

Luna smiles. “That does sound nice.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her belly. “Yes, I haven’t eaten since lunchtime yesterday.”

Twilight puts a hoof around Cadance’s fetlock. “Let’s fix that then, shall we?”

They take their seats and quickly serve one another. Arc watches as the four laugh together easily. Sighing, he chuckles to himself as they eat. As their meal concludes Twilight looks to Cadance.

“So it was a simple matter of state?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Celestia sighs. “But she was so worried about making a misstep that it became a personal problem for her.”

Luna nods happily. “Indeed. However Cadance was able to make up for that during the next appearance.”

Twilight turns to her former foal sitter. “But you were trained to be a princess, right?”

“Yes, I was.”

Celestia giggles. “Nothing can ever truly prepare one for the role of princess though.”

Luna sighs. “After all, there’s only so much one can learn from a book or a classroom.”

Twilight groans. “Then I think I’m behind.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Twilight?”

“I never got any training beforehoof!”

Cadance puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “But you’re doing just fine.”

Luna shrugs. “She is a bit rough though.”

Celestia puts a hoof under her pupil’s chin and raises her head to look her in the eye. “Perhaps I can give you some additional princessly instruction in the days to come.”

She looks to Arc before continuing.

“After all, thanks to a certain somepony it appears I’ll have quite a bit of extra time on my hooves.”

Cadance appears confused. “I don’t understand. What exactly…?”

Luna interrupts her. “Arc has relieved my sister of her royal status.”


Arc nods soberly. “It’s merely temporary. As soon as she’s been cleared by both the doctor and psychiatrist I’ll reinstate her.”

Cadance appears relieved. “That’s… good.”

Celestia turns back to Twilight. “So in the meantime I’ll be giving you some one-on-one princess training.”

“Oh, would you! It’d make me feel a lot better knowing I wasn’t going to screw everything up.”

Arc nods. “It’s good that there are those whom can tell you what to do now, Twilight.”

Luna sighs. “You never had that either as Lord Regent, Arc.”

“Just nightly forays into the Lunar Realm to see you and Cadance.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “You entered the Lunar Realm, human?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

“Dare I ask how?”

“I… was sleeping in your bed at the time.”


Luna nods soberly. “It was suggested that he temporarily take up residence in your room as a matter of security, sister.”

Cadance smiles nervously. “Right. As the sole ruler of Equestria at the time Arc was a valuable target.”

Twilight giggles. “That and it gave me a chance to enter the Lunar Realm and see Cadance!”

“You entered too, Twilight?”

“Yes! Arc let me sleep with him so that we could…!”

Luna’s horn glows as she casts a barrier in front of Arc. Celestia seethes as she stands and slams both front hooves on the table as she seethes.

“You… you SLEPT with my student, human?!”

“I did. But that was all we did. Sleep.”

“Yes, Aunt Celestia! Twilight assured me that Arc was a perfect gentlepony back then!”

Nodding soberly, Celestia slowly calms herself as Luna ceases her own casting. Eventually she turns to Twilight.

“Is it true, Twilight?”

“Yes, Princess Celestia. I did sleep with Arc back then.”

“Did he touch you inappropriately?”

“No, he did not.”

“How close was he?”

“I was held.”


“At my own request.”

Celestia shakes her head. “Twilight… while I know that I should have talked with you more on this subject, I didn’t think you to be the type of mare to do such a thing.”

Luna shakes her head. “She is an adult, sister. Fully grown and capable of making her own choices.”

Cadance nods. “Yes indeed. That and I believe them to be quite cute together.”

Celestia appears confused. “Together?”

“As a couple, I meant.”

“I just don’t understand how such things could have happened. Twilight… you’ve changed so much since I left.”

Twilight puts a hoof on Celestia’s fetlock. “It’s been a hard time for all of us. But I believe I’ve grown up a bit since we last spoke.”

Celestia groans. “Falling in love does not constitute growing up, Twilight.”

“Agreed, Princess Celestia. I know that I’m still very young and have a lot more to learn about life. But I’ve been working very hard to stem the spread of my flaws.”

“Have you now?”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes, she has.”

Luna smiles. “I’ve seen her advance with my own eyes, sister.”

Cadance giggles. “She’s come a long way since I foalsat her, that’s for sure.”

Celestia turns to Twilight. “Elaborate.”

“There was a time not so long ago when I would have considered my work as your student to be above all other needs. But I’ve learned that friendship is the most important thing in life.”

She turns to Arc and smiles before continuing.

“And what greater friendship can there be than love?”

Celestia shakes her head. “You are too young to understand the premise of love and loving, Twilight. It is much more… intense than you know.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Is it now, sister?”

“Yes, very much so.”

“Are you certain of that?”

“What are you getting at, Luna?”

“In all the years we have been together… through all the battles both in the fields and in the skies… through all the meetings and social gatherings… through all the troubles and tribulations… not once have I ever seen you pursue romance of any kind.”

Celestia frowns. “We are called to lead the nation, Luna! There… is not time for such things!”

“I must disagree, Aunt Celestia.”

Celestia frowns. “Cadance?”

“While you were gone I met a stallion whom turned my head.”

“You met somepony?”

“Yes, I did. He’s quite the interesting individual. I do believe you’d like him.”


“Twilight’s older brother.”

Twilight gasps. “SHINING ARMOR?!”

Luna nods as she looks to Celestia. “So it is not impossible, sister.”

“That has yet to be seen.”

Twilight taps a hoof on the table impatiently. “Can we please stay on topic here! Cadance, how long have you and my brother been seeing each other?!”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin as she looks up and thinks. “About six months, I think.”

“And neither of you thought to TELL ME?!”

“I’m sorry, Twilight. But I just assumed Shining Armor had done that.”

“Well he didn’t!”

Luna puts a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Please forgive Cadance, Twilight. As a princess she’s constantly…”

“How long could it have taken to write a note?! Or call?!”

Celestia speaks soothingly. “Twilight, please. I’m sure Cadance didn’t do this on purpose.”

“Of course not. Again, I’m very sorry you had to hear about it like this, Twilight.”

Twilight sighs. “Yes, well… the three of us need to have a talk about this sooner rather than later.”

Cadance sighs. “Agreed.”

Luna clears her throat loudly. “Now that the matter of Cadance’s love life is settled, shall we return to the matter at hoof?”

Arc sighs. “I’ve kinda lost track of where that was though.”

Celestia rolls her eyes. “We were discussing you and Twilight’s love life… oddly enough.”

Twilight gasps. “Ah… right. Then Cadance announced her own romantic encounter.”

Arc chuckles. “Which I don’t see as being much different than Twilight and I doing the same.”

Celestia turns up her nose at this. “Cadance is a much older and wiser mare though.”

“I suppose that’s true. But I too wish to explore this aspect of life with Arc.”

“There is no reason to go it alone in this life, Aunt Celestia.”

Celestia sighs. “We are not alone. All of us have each other.”

Luna nods stoically. “That may be, sister. However there are some aspects of a relationship that we cannot fill for one another.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Such as?”

Cadance facehoofs. “Think about it for a moment, Twilight.”

Doing so, Twilight blushes heavily as she turns away. Celestia clears her throat loudly before turning to Luna and speaking again.

“I ruled this land for centuries while you lay dormant on the moon, Luna. I led our nation alone until Cadance came along. Together we were able to keep the peace until your return, my dear sister. And now that Twilight is one of us, nothing more needs to be done to safeguard this land’s future.”

Arc frowns. “You’re wrong.”

Celestia turns to him. “What are you saying, human?”

“None of you are safe.”

Twilight sighs. “Arc’s right. Decimus and his ilk are still out there.”

Cadance groans. “It is likely they will formulate yet another plan to cause trouble for Equestria.”

Luna taps a hoof on the table. “We need to be ready.”

Arc nods. “Right”

Celestia scoffs. “A ragtag band of miscreants is hardly cause for concern.”

Arc glares at her. “What?”

Celestia sneers as she looks at Arc. “Perhaps if you had done your job properly, human, they would have been taken care of by now.”

Twilight gasps. “Arc did his best, Princess Celestia!”

“That may be, Twilight. But sometimes the best isn’t good enough.”

Luna narrows her eyes. “I do not believe you yourself could have done any better against them, sister.”

Cadance shudders. “Right. They’re very well connected.”

“We will see about that.”

Arc grits his teeth as he stands. “Yes… we will.”

Twilight appears suddenly concerned. “Arc?”

Turning, Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. Luna looks to him, clearly confused.

“What are you…?”

Arc interrupts her. “We’re going on a bit of a trip.”

Cadance tilts her head to one side. “But… where?”

“The place where it all started.”

Twilight nods soberly. “I understand.”

Standing, she walks over to the portal and steps through. Looking to one another for a few moments, Luna and Cadance shrug and follow her. Celestia glares at him.

“What have you done, human?!”

Arc motions to the portal’s swirling energies. “Come with me and you’ll see.”

Celestia shakes her head vehemently. “I’m not going ANYWHERE with YOU!”

Arc turns to his portal and smirks. “Fine. You can stay here. But are you really sure you want to leave Twilight, your sister, and your niece with me?”

Gritting her teeth, Celestia steps forward and enters the swirling energies. Arc follows and steps through. They look around, confused as the portal closes behind them. Luna is the first to speak.

“This place looks… familiar.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin as she nods. “Yes, I believe I’ve been here before.”

Celestia frowns. “So have I. However I cannot place it.”

Twilight bows her head sadly. “It’s… Carousel Boutique.”

Cadance gasps. “Rarity’s shop? But that would mean…!”

Luna sighs. “Were in Ponyville.”

Arc nods soberly. “Or what’s left of it.”

Celestia looks to him angrily. “I had heard it was destroyed by you, human.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. Decimus did that.”

“I still find that very hard to believe.”

Luna kicks a charred board with her hoof. “Believe me, sister, it happened. After all, the proof is all around us.”

Arc puts a hand on the shop’s burned outer wall. “As stated a few moments ago, this was Rarity’s shop. She sewed me quite a few outfits here.”

Twilight smiles sadly. “You always looked very nice in whatever she made, Arc.”

"It feels like only yesterday I was walking up to that front door to have dinner with her."

Cadance looks to him. “But there’s more, isn’t there?”

Luna turns. “Cadance?”

“You’re holding something back.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. This… was also the place where we confessed our love for one another.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “But I thought you and Twilight were supposed to be an item.”

Twilight nods. “We are.”

Luna steps forward. “Twilight proposed something very… unique to fix the problem.”

Celestia appears confused. “She did?”

“Yes, Princess Celestia. I… suggested that we form a… a herd.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “You know that’s illegal, Twilight.”

“That I do.”

“Then why suggest it?”

“Because, as the law says, the Hero of Light is above such things.”

Luna nods. “Meaning he COULD do such a thing.”

Celestia chuckles. “He could, yes. But any mare whom entered into such a relationship would not be covered by such protections.”

Luna sighs. “I reminded them of that very outcome some time ago.”


“And I also offered them a royal decree giving their union an exemption from that law.”

Cadance nods as she turns to Celestia. “I also told Arc and Twilight that should their polyamorous marriage not be allowed here in Equestria that I would issue a similar royal decree allowing it in the Crystal Empire.”

Celestia turns to Arc and scoffs. “And had there been public disapproval or other extenuating circumstances?”

“Plan C.”

Twilight sighs. “We would have cohabitated back on Earth.”

Celestia gasps. “Permanently?!”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes.”

“With… this HUMAN?!”

“We all love him, Princess Celestia. And while I’d rather do this with your blessing, I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to make it work.”

Arc puts a hand on Twilight’s back. “We all are.”

Celestia facehoofs and shakes her head before turning to Twilight speaking again.

“And when is this union supposed to take place?”

“Not for some time.”

Arc nods. “Right. We’re not even sure that everyone’s compatible yet.”

Cadance smiles. “Twilight and her friends are looking to have a long engagement.”

Luna winks at Twilight. “A good idea.”

“We wanted to make sure everypony involved was on board completely with the idea and truly loved Arc before committing to the herd.”

Arc sighs. “It wouldn’t do for someone to enter into this and then find out it wasn’t what they thought it would be.”

Cadance walks over to Celestia. “While I know you’ve said in the past that alicorns shouldn’t become romantically involved, I’ve seen Twilight grow up quite a bit since you left, Aunt Celestia. She’s matured greatly since meeting Arc and taking the throne.”

Luna chuckles. “Indeed. I look forward to seeing these two wed and spend their lives together. All of them.”

Celestia appears hopeful. “But as of now none of this is set in stone.”

Arc nods. “That is true, yes.”

“Then we have time to talk of it in more detail in the future.”

Luna frowns. “To talk them out of it, sister?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of making sure the human’s heart is in the right place.”

Arc smirks. “Agreed.”

Celestia turns to him, surprised. “You… agree with me?”

“Yes. I don’t want to rush into a relationship any more than you want Twilight to do the same.”

“Tell me then, human. Why are you attracted to Equestrian mares?”

Cadance gasps. “Aunt Celestia!”

Luna glares at her. “Sister, tact!”

Arc holds up a hand. “No, no. She asked a valid question.”

Celestia sits down on her haunches and folds her hooves over her chest. “One I am patiently waiting for an answer.”

“By ‘attracted to’ you mean all forms, right?”

Celestia nods as she frowns. “Yes. Emotionally, physically, and sexually.”

“Emotionally, ponies are very similar to human women. They can be kind, caring, and affectionate.”

Cadance giggles. “Identical in that regard?”

“Yes. Physically they couldn’t be further apart though. Hooves instead of hands and feet. Manes instead of hair along with tails. And they’re certainly smaller than a human woman in both height and weight.”

Luna nods. “That much we can all agree on.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “Yes. But the last aspect is the one I’m most interested in hearing an answer to.”

Twilight blushes. “Sexually?”

“I’m not very fond of the idea of a human having sexual intercourse with either a mare or a stallion. That is why this question was raised.”

Arc nods soberly. “I’m rather worried about that myself.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes. I’ve already spoken to Doctor Whooves about this very subject regarding safety.”

“And his response?”

“That we start slow and simple. He gave me a book and pointed out a couple positions that we should start with.”

Luna nods approvingly. “It sounds like you’ve been proactively researching how to make this work, Arc.”

Cadance facehoofs. “Perhaps ‘research’ isn’t the best way to put it.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “I think it’s very nice of him. After all, neither of us wants to hurt the other during sex.”

Celestia looks to her student. “And your own thoughts on this?”

“My thoughts?”

“On the question I asked Arc.”

“Regarding what I find attractive?”


Twilight puts a hoof to her chin as she speaks. “Well… he isn’t exactly what I envisioned my future husband to look like.”

Luna grins. “Naturally.”

“Physically I find him to be very cute though.”

Arc appears surprised. “Really, Twilight?”

“Yes. But it was the emotional side of you that really drew me in. What’s in your heart to be precise.”

Cadance smiles. “Can you elaborate, Twilight?”

“I saw what choices he made. How he forgave me over and over again. Even that time we had a big fight and I said some things that I regretted later… he still came back to try and put things right between us.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “But isn’t that what anypony would have done?”

Twilight groans. “Believe me, anypony else would have thought twice about being around me after that particular encounter.”

Arc sighs. “I wasn’t the best friend to you that day either, Twilight.”

“I suppose not. Mistakes were made, certainly. But you still wanted to make it right between us.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Why though, human?”

“Because I didn’t want our friendship to be over then and there.”

Twilight nods. “We patched things up and kept going.”

She smiles and turns to Arc. Beckoning him down to her level Twilight wraps her hooves around him in an embrace.

“Sorry for what happened that day.”

Arc nods and pulls back from the hug to look Twilight in the eye. “I am too. But let’s leave it in the past.”

Celestia nods. “Very wise idea there. And the last part of my question, Twilight?”


“How do you feel about it?”



“Several of us have already presented ourselves to Arc provocatively. Myself included. However he turned us all down.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Did he now?”


Arc nods soberly. “I didn’t want it to be our first time if this wasn’t meant to be.”

Celestia sighs and shakes her head. “Strange. I don’t really know what to think about all of this.”


“The human does appear to care for Twilight’s well-being, yes. However I still don’t understand what makes him tick.”

“Then might I suggest learning more about him, Aunt Celestia?”


Twilight smiles. “Get to know him and his kind better. Those whom kidnapped you are certainly not the best humans have to offer, of course. But there are others whom would fight to protect you from them.”

Arc grimaces. “And I’d… like to get to know you better too, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia sneers at him. “That… would probably be for the best.”

There is an awkward silence for a time. Eventually Arc breaks it.

“But in any case, going back to your earlier question regarding Rarity, princess…”

Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out a framed picture. Looking at it for a few moments, he eventually walks over to Celestia and holds it out.

“This is Rarity and her foal, Sweetie Belle.”

Celestia nods. “Yes, I’m familiar with her.”

“They were forcefully taken from their home by Decimus’ troops.”

“On what charges?”

Twilight sighs. “None.”

Celestia groans. “While this is not the first conversation regarding the details of Ponyville, I still just cannot believe it.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Whether you believe it or not, Decimus hurt her. And worst of all I wasn’t here to stop them.”

“Regardless, you have my sympathy, human.”

Arc grits his teeth. “I want more than that!”

Celestia appears confused. “What more can I…?”

“Your belief in what we’re telling you!”

“Yes, sister. You’ve been averse to hearing our claims since I returned you to your senses.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin. “Perhaps the mind conditioning is still somewhat active.”

Twilight sighs. “Possible, yes.”

Celestia bows her head sadly. “Forgive me, everypony. But please understand that this is all just… so overwhelming. You must understand that I’ve known Decimus since he was but a colt. He’s been a loyal soldier and a good friend to me for many years. While I’m not trying to say that all of you are wrong, it is… difficult to picture him betraying me or Equestria in such a manner.”

Luna makes a sweeping motion with her hoof. “Yet he did! Brazenly!”

Celestia sighs. “I do have others whom could corroborate that. When we return to Canterlot I’d like to speak to Tight Ship about this.”

Arc groans. “You… can’t.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Cadance bows her head. “He’s… not there.”

“Then where is he?”

Twilight steps forward and puts a hoof on Celestia’s fetlock. “Dead, Princess Celestia.”

“Dead?! How?!”

Arc looks toward Canterlot in the distance. “He took the new airship out to stop my ship from advancing on the capital.”

Twilight nods sadly. “Arc was trying to get me to the castle so that I could take the throne from Decimus.”

Celestia gasps. “How many were killed?!”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Just Tight Ship and Decimus.”

“That isn’t possible! I saw Decimus the day you attacked the base!”

Luna nods grimly. “He’s done that in the past too, sister.”

Cadance shrugs. “Not sure how though.”

Celestia turns and looks at the rising sun silently. Eventually she speaks.

“Is there… any way Tight Ship might… come back?”

Twilight shakes her head. “I… don’t think so, Princess Celestia.”

Cadance appears hopeful. “But he might. After all, Decimus has done that numerous times now.”

Celestia puts a hoof to her face. “I hope so. It’s… just so hard to imagine that he’s gone.”

Luna grits her teeth. “He’d have a lot to answer for though.”

Twilight nods. “That he would.”

Celestia shakes her head. “No, he wouldn’t.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“There would only be one question from me.”

Twilight frowns. “What would that be?”

Celestia is silent for a long time. Eventually she speaks, but does not turn around.”

“I would ask him… why?”

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