• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Unexpected Outcomes

Rarity and Ember kneel down next to their unconscious friend.

“What the heck happened?!”

Rarity gasps. “I don’t know! He was just fine a moment ago!”

Frank narrows his eyes as the looks at the robed creature before them. “What have you done, monster?!”

“Nothing. Truth be told, I’m as surprised as you are. However, this turn of events changes nothing. Save for the now relative ease of my task.”

Rarity looks to the robed figure nervously. “Wha… what t are you talking about?! What task?!”

“Avenging my fallen brothers!”

He points an accusatory talon toward Arc.

“This… CREATURE slew a number of my friends in cold blood!”

Ember grits her teeth. “He would never…!”

“I care nothing for what you worms believe! Now then, stand aside and allow me to taste the vengeance I’ve craved since he and I last crossed paths!”

Ember calls forth her own armor and spear. “That’s not going to happen!”

Rarity nods as she turns up her nose. “Right! Begone, villain!”

Frank tightens his grip on the staff in his hand. “You want him, you’ll have to go through us first.”

Ember takes up a battle ready stance. “Yeah! You can’t take on all of us, whomever you are!”

The creature chuckles. “We shall see.”

Ember lunges forward. Her opponent dodges with supernatural speed to knock her away. Frank and Rarity both fire their magic against the robed creature, but quickly find their spells reflected back at them. The pair fall to their knees as their assailant shakes his head.


Ember gets quickly to her feet and, with a flap of her wings, puts herself between Arc and their attacker.

“Just who are you anyways?!”

“I am… was… the commander of the Griffon Liberation Army.”

Ember gasps. “A rebel?! Way out here?!”

Frank turns to Rarity. “Equestria has rebels?!”

“Not that I know of.”

Ember shakes her head. “Nah. This fruitcake is from another country across the sea. And he’s about to die for it!”

The commander chuckles, dropping his guard. “That’s not likely, worm. But feel free to try.”

Shrugging, Ember throws her spear at the griffon. It hits him squarely in the chest. He doubles over as blood seeps through his robe. Ember grins.

“That wasn’t so hard.”

Frank narrows his eyes as their opponent pulls the spear out. “Something isn’t right. Stay sharp.”

The commander stands tall as his wounds stop bleeding. He chuckles as he wipes away the quickly vanishing blood.

“That stung a bit. But was otherwise ineffective.”

Ember frowns. “This… isn’t good.”

Rarity grimaces, her horn aglow. “Agreed.”

Frank turns to Ember. “He’s only after Arc. If we can get him out of here…”

“You’re going nowhere!”

Charging forward, the griffon brandishes a blade. The trio block his path with Ember in front.

“This is as far as you…!”

The griffon wordlessly Blinks past them. Frank grunts.

“What the…?”

Thrusting his blade forward, Rarity jumps between him and Arc.


A split second later a gauntlet grabs her tail. Rarity finds herself pulled violently into Arc’s chest plate as he rolls out of the way. She gasps.

“Arc! Are you…?!”

Wordlessly, Arc jumps to his feet to face his assailant as Ember and Frank move to flank him. The commander chuckles.

“Playing possum, eh? No matter. Your end will be the same.”

Ember brandishes her spear. “Arc, take Rarity and get out of here! We’ll hold him off!”

Nodding, Arc motions for Rarity to follow him. Together they make for the back of the Town Hall. The griffon turns to give chase.

“Get back here!”

Frank tosses a handful of dirt at the griffon’s face, temporarily blinding him. Ember jumps on his back and jams her spear into him, effectively pinning him to the ground.

“Stick around! We’re not through with you yet!”

As the griffon’s wounds attempt to heal Frank hits him on the head with his staff, knocking him out. Grinning he turns to Ember.

“That was easy enough.”

Ember frowns. “Hardly.”

Frank appears confused. “Eh?”

“As soon as this freak wakes up, he’s going to Blink out from under me and go looking for Arc.”

Without a word Frank hits the griffon in the head again. Ember looks up at him, confused.

“What are you doing?”

“Buying us more time, I hope.”

Hearing the sound of footsteps quickly approaching, the pair turn around to see Arc returning. Frank is the first to speak.

“Can I assume Rarity is safely hidden?”

Arc nods as Ember glares at him.

“You idiot! Any minute now he’s going to wake up! RUN!”

“That’s fine with me.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Who said that?”

“I did.”

Ember gasps, her eyes wide. “Ch-Cherry?!”

Eidolon’s Ward nods “Yes, Ember. It’s me.”

Frank turns to Ember. “Who is…?”

“Not now, Frank! Cherry, what happened to Arc?!”

“He passed out before the fighting started. I took him and Rarity somewhere safe and left him there.”

Ember sighs. “Well, that takes care of one problem.”

She looks down at the griffon under her.

“Now we just have to find some way to solve this little matter.”

Frank holds up his staff. “Shall I hit him again?”

Ember shrugs. “Be my guest.”

Frank does so as Eidolon’s Ward puts a gauntlet to the side of its helmet.

“There has to be something we can do to stop him.”

Ember grins. “I have an idea. It’s crazy, but it just might work.”

Frank frowns. “We have to try something. Go for it.”

Ember stands up and looks down at the griffon as she casts a spell before turning to Eidolon’s Ward.

“Okay. Cherry, can you pick him up?”

“Sure. But where are we going?”

“No time! Follow me!”

Confused, Eidolon’s Ward scoops up the unconscious griffon and throws him over her shoulder.

“Lead the way.”

The trio quickly runs towards Light’s Hope. As the base comes into view Ember points toward The Equinox.

“This way!”

Running up the gangplank they hurry inside the ship and toward the medical bay. Hearing the commotion Redheart hurries out of her office.

“Nurse, we need your help!”

Redheart immediately spots the copious amounts of blood on the robe. “Oh my! Set them down over here, quickly!”

Eidolon’s Ward does so as Redheart begins cutting away the robe. She talks to Ember as she works.

“What happened?!”

“We need you to put him into a medically induced coma!”

Redheart frowns. “I’m sorry, what?”

Frank nods. “Please, nurse! It’s very urgent!”

“Let me treat his wounds first before I…”

Frank shakes his head. “There isn’t time!”

Ember points to the armor. “Yes. This is the will of the Hero of Light.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods fervently. Redheart sighs.

“Yes sir.”

Trotting over to a nearby medicine cabinet. she pulls out a bottle and an IV kit. Quickly setting it up, she pulls several feathers and inserts the needle into a vein before turning to the bottle and opening the valve.

“There. Now can somepony please explain to me what’s going on?”

Frank frowns. “I have no idea. And I was there.”

Ember sighs. “Long story short, this robed menace wanted to assassinate Arc at this evening’s gathering.”

Redheart gasps. “Shouldn’t he be in a jail cell then?”

Ember shakes her head. “Look, we… we just couldn’t do that. Please trust us on this and do everything you can to keep this criminal unconscious.”

Redheart looks at Eidolon’s Ward and sighs as it nods. “I’ll do as you want, sir. But I really don’t feel good about this.”

Frank holds up the griffon’s head. “It was either that or me continuing to hit them.”

Redheart raises an eyebrow. “Um… what?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “That certainly wasn’t an option.”

Eidolon’s Ward gestures to the doorway as Ember takes the hint.

“Well, we need to get back to the Town Hall and give the all clear.”

Redheart sighs. “Very well. But what should I do with him? He can’t stay out forever.”

Frank looks to her as he and the others leave the room. “Arc will let you know what he comes up with as soon as possible.”

Redheart looks down at her patient for a few moments.

“This is all just so mysterious. What in Celestia’s name is going on out there?!”

Meanwhile, the trio walk down the corridor toward the Main Hatch. Frank turns to Ember as he points a thumb at Eidolon’s Ward.

“Care to explain what’s going on?! Who is this?!”

Ember sighs. “That’s Cherry.”

Eidolon’s Ward waves a gauntlet. “Hello.”

Frank rolls his eyes. “Okay, that didn’t really clear anything up.”

Ember frowns as she shakes her head. “Yeah, I know. But Arc himself should probably explain it.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “Agreed.”


They head back to the Town Hall. Eidolon’s Ward peeks through the window and motions for them to open the door. As they do so Dinky is the first one out. She runs over to what she believes to be her father and jumps into his arms.

“Dad, I…!”

Frowning, she hops down.

“Miss Cherry?”

“Hello, Dinky. I’m sorry, but Arc isn’t inside.”

Dinky appears nervous. “Then where is he?!”

“We’ll explain shortly, okay dear?”

Dinky nods as Twilight and her friends hurry over to them.

“Arc, what…?”

Frank holds up a hand. “Just a minute, miss.”

Ember loudly clears her throat.

“The danger’s past, everyone. Turns out it was just a really big misunderstanding. You can all go back to the party.”

Everyone assembled cheers and clops their hooves together before dispersing to return to their revelry. Twilight turns her attention back to Arc.

“What happened back there, Arc?”

Dinky sighs. “That’s not him, Miss Twilight.”

Frank shrugs. “Right. It’s supposed to be someone named…”

Pinkie hops over. “Hi, Cherry! How’ve you been?!”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “How did you…?”

“Pinkie Sense!”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Well, he’s not in his armor, where IS he?!”

Derpy gasps. “He’s not hurt, is he?!”

Ember turns and motions for the others to follow her. “Not… really. Everyone please follow me.”

Walking down the road, they come to Carousel Boutique. Flapping her wings, Ember gets some air and taps lightly on a second story window. The curtains open a crack momentarily before closing again. Ember returns to the ground and turns to the others.

“She’ll be down momentarily.”

Rainbow Dash looks to her with a sly grin. “Arc and Rarity REALLY went out of their way to get some alone time!”

Ember sighs. “Well… it certainly wasn’t planned.”

Pinkie appears confused. “Huh?!”

Derpy puts a hoof to her chin, thoughtfully. “He collapsed earlier. I mean, I don’t see Arc putting on an act like that.”

Dinky sighs. “Right. My dad’s above things like that.”

Applejack nods. “Especially when he knew it would make everypony worry about him.”

Frank frowns. “Yes. Such things are certainly not in his nature.”

The sound of Rarity’s front door unlocking can be heard. A moment later a loud grating sound reverberates through the air. Rainbow Dash turns to Twilight, confused.

“What the heck is she DOING in there?!”

Twilight shrugs. “Sounds like Rarity’s redecorating.”

After several more grinding noises fill the air, the door opens part way. Rarity looks outside as her eyes quickly take in those standing before her.

“Come in, quickly!”

She steps back to allow them entrance. Squeezing past a cabinet partially blocking the door they gather inside as Ember closes the door behind them. Rarity looks to Frank, nervously.

“Is it safe?”

Frank nods. “Yes. That griffon has been restrained.”

Rarity breathes a sigh of relief. “Good!”

“Can we see my dad now, Miss Rarity?”

“Yes of course, my dear. Follow me please everypony.”

She leads them upstairs. Ember turns to Applejack.

“Your family going to be okay running the stand without you?”

Applejack nods. “Sure. Spike volunteered to lend a hoof while I came over here.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “That was nice of him.”

Pinkie nods fervently. “Yeah! He’s a hard working little fella!”

Twilight smiles. “I can always count on him.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah.”

Rarity opens the door to her room. Stepping inside they see Arc lying peacefully on the bed. Dinky walks wordlessly over to him and puts her hooves on the bedspread as Eidolon’s Ward walks to the opposite side and sits down.

“Is he okay, mom?”

“I don’t really know sweetie.”

Rainbow Dash turns to Twilight. “We should get him to a doctor! Fast!”

Twilight looks Arc over. “Probably. But it really just looks like he’s sleeping to me. Can I assume you’ve already tried waking him, Rarity?”

Rarity sadly nods. “Yes. While Arc is certainly a sound sleeper, this goes beyond a simple evening catnap.”

Applejack sighs. “I’m with Rainbow Dash on this one. It might be serious.”

Frank puts a hand to his chin. “But is it safe to move him is the real question here.”

Rarity frowns. “Well, we can’t just stand here doing nothing!”

Ember nods. “Agreed. Let me try something.”

Reaching over she touches Arc’s earring.

“Um… Ember to Rose?”

“Rose here. What’s wrong?”

“Arc passed out randomly a little while ago. We carried him to a bed, but he won’t wake up. Can you scan him from your end?”

“Yes. One moment please.”

The line goes silent for a few moments before Rose again speaks.

“I’m not detecting any physical injuries.”

Dinky takes her father’s hand. “Then why won’t he wake up?!”

Derpy nods as she stands behind her daughter. “We’re so worried about him!”

Twilight looks toward the earring. “Rose, can you scan his brainwaves? I want to know if this is sleep or a coma.”

“Yes, mother.”

Again the line goes silent for a time.

“Arc’s brain activity is a bit… off. Tell me, what was he doing before collapsing?”

Ember shrugs. “We were just sitting at a table, talking.”

Pinkie grins mischievously. “Yeah! But he and Rarity were flirting!”

Applejack gasps. “What?!”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “So what? We all know about their relationship.”

Rose clears her throat loudly. “Did anything else happen?”

Rarity blushes. “Well… there was one other bit.”

Frank grins. “Good. Maybe we’ll learn something.”

“I… might have had my hoof on his leg.”

Dinky looks to her, confused. “Why?”

Twilight stammers. “We’ll tell you about it when your older, Dinky.”

Dinky looks to her mother. Derpy shrugs as Rose continues.

“I don’t believe that would have had anything to do with Arc’s condition. Tell me, was anyone else affected?”

Pinkie looks around. “It didn’t look like it!”

Twilight sighs. “Nopony else reported feeling strange.”

“That rules out airborne stimuli. Did he eat anything?”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Wait! Are you saying he might have been POISONED?!”

“It’s a possibility, yes.”

Dinky puts a small hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Dad did eat a lot of Miss Applejack’s treats this evening.

Everyone turns to look at the farm pony. She appears suddenly irate.

“Now hold on just a minute! The Apple family have been making these recipes for three generations! They’re all perfectly safe!”

Twilight nods. “That and he ate the same things others did.”

Derpy turns to Frank. “What about his drink? They’re individually bottled.”

Frank nods. “Yes, that might have been it.”

Rarity looks to Applejack. “But everypony there was drinking the same juice.”

Applejack frowns. “And they’re all filled from the same batch.”

Rainbow Dash looks out the window. “What about that weird griffon?!”

Rose sounds confused. “You mean Natalya or Gallus?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, no. Arc was called out by a strange robed griffon right before he fainted.”

Eidolon’s Ward looks down at Arc. “He claimed to be part of the Griffon Liberation Army.”

Rose gasps. “A rebel?! In Ponyville?! He has to be found right away!”

Ember frowns. “He’s being held aboard The Equinox.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “Right. Nurse Redheart is keeping him in a medically induced coma for the time being.”

“Good idea. This makes more sense now.”

Derpy appears hopeful. “You know what happened?”

“These readings, while certainly not indigenous to one diagnosis, are consistent with sleeping drugs.”

Rainbow Dash pounds her front hooves together. “That jerk must’ve poisoned Arc’s food!”

Dinky nods. “Or his drink!”

Twilight looks at Arc. “We’ll send a blood sample over to the hospital to be sure.”

Frank turns to Twilight. “His ship is closer.”

Rarity nods. “Nurse Redheart could certainly analyze a blood sample faster. Rainbow Dash, could you please…”

“On it!”

She flies out of the room and down the stairs as Rose speaks.

“If I’m right, and I’m certain I am, all you can do is wait for the toxin to be cleansed from his body normally.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “How long would that take?”

Twilight looks nervous. “Right! Arc has… a very important mission pending!”

Rarity turns to her friend. “He does?”

Dinky nods. “Yes. But we probably should let my dad tell everypony about it.”

Rose continues talking. “Assuming the toxin wasn’t something exotic, he should be fully recovered by tomorrow morning.”

Ember sighs. “Anything else we can do for him?”

“Just keep him warm and safe until then. If I’m wrong, Nurse Redheart can advise you further.”

Rarity nods. “I’ll stay with him tonight.”

Derpy smiles. “As will I.”

Dinky grins. “Me too!”

Ember turns to the door. “Well, I should probably stand guard over our prisoner aboard The Equinox.”

Frank turns to her. “I will join you, Ember.”

“I can handle it! Do you think he’ll wake up, or something?!”

Frank holds up his staff. “If he does, I’ll give him another good whack.”

Pinkie bounces around. “You want some more company, Rarity?!”

Rarity shakes her head. “No, no! We have quite the full house here with myself, Derpy, Dinky, Cherry, and Sweetie Belle… when she gets home, that is.”

Applejack sighs. “Right. The rest of us should go and give Arc some quiet time.”

Pinkie bounces toward the door. “Yeah! He’ll be fine!”

Applejack droops her head as she follows her friends. “I sure hope so.”

Twilight nods soberly. “I should be getting back to the library anyways. Do you need anything, Rarity?”

“No, thank you. We should be alright.”

Twilight nods as she puts a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder.

“I know Arc will be fine. But I’m sure he’d be very happy knowing you and his little family are by his side right now.”

Rarity smiles and silently mouths the words ‘thank you’ before Twilight turns and leaves the room. Returning to Arc’s side she looks to Derpy and Dinky.

“I… um… think we should all get some rest now.”

“Can I stay here with dad?”

“That’s up to Rarity, dear.”

Rarity nods. “Of course you can, Dinky. Actually, I think you and your mother should stay by his side tonight.”

Derpy looks confused. “What? But, I…”

“It’s okay. I’ll take the spare room.”

“Um… Miss Rarity?”

“Yes, Dinky?”

“I… I thought my dad was your… stallionfriend. He is, isn’t he?”

Rarity sighs. “Maybe one day he will be. Why do you ask?”

“Because I know you care about him like mom and I do.”

Derpy nods. “Yes. We could all share the bed. It’s certainly big enough.”

Rarity shakes her head as she walks out the door.

“There’s a time for holding close, and a time for sharing. Right now it’s you and your daughter’s turn. I’ll wait downstairs for the test results.”

She closes the door as Dinky looks to her mother.

“I don’t understand, mom.”

“It’s… kinda complicated.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “That it is. But I see why Rarity is the Element of Generosity now. She was willing to give Arc an evening with his family rather than keep him to herself.”

Dinky looks confused. “But why?”

Derpy turns to Arc. “Because family should always stick together. And right now Arc needs us.”

Dinky hops up into the bed and snuggles up next to her father as her mother does the same on the other side.

“Good night, dad.”

Derpy smiles. “Sweet dreams you two.”

Eidolon’s Ward sits down in a nearby chair. “And I’ll watch over all three of you. Just in case that griffon comes back.

They nod and smile before closing their eyes. A few minutes later both fall asleep. Eidolon’s Ward smiles as she watches over the sleeping family.

“Arc… you don’t realize just how lucky you are.”

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