• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - A Royal Problem

Arc awakens the next morning in his bed in Derpy’s house. Dinky is curled up next to him. She sits up slowly and yawns.

“Dad? When did you get home last night?”

“It was really late. Sorry if I woke you up, sweetheart.”

Dinky stands up and stretches. “Nah. I tried to stay awake, but…”

Arc tousles her mane. “You needed your sleep, Dinky. Don’t try to wait up for me in the future.”

Dinky grins as she and Arc head for the door.

“Okay dad!”

Ember sits up groggily. “Hey! What about me?!”

Arc turns back around. “Sorry. I didn’t know you were there, Ember.”

“I waited up for you too! What gives?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I told you I would be late, Ember.”

Ember frowns as she follows them into the Living Room. “Well, I didn’t think you would be THAT late!”

“Sorry. Trouble in Canterlot.”

Derpy looks over from the stove. “Good morning everypony! Trouble, Arc?”

Arc shrugs as he sits down at the table with the others. “It’s probably nothing. I’ll need to head back there tonight to make sure though.”

Ember looks to him, hopeful. “Want some backup?”

Arc shakes his head. “I need to take care of this alone. It’s a rather… delicate matter.”

Ember frowns. “I can do delicate!”

Derpy giggles as she sets the food on the table. “In any case, let’s eat.”

They pass around the platters. Arc serves Dinky some eggs.

“So what are you doing today, dad?”

“I need to see the Hammers about getting my armor fixed.”

Cherry sighs. “It certainly took a beating on that last mission.”

Ember shudders. “Don’t remind us.”

Derpy nods nervously. “I’ll bet! Judging by the amount of blood I saw on it anyways.”

Dinky puts a small hoof on her father’s knee and looks up at him. The fear is evident in her voice.

“Please be careful, dad! Mom and I need you!”

“I’ll try, sweetheart.”

They finish eating and quickly wash the dishes together. Arc looks over at Ember.

“How’s the Writ Board coming?”

Ember shrugs. “Nothing too exciting. Every once in a while Filthy Rich puts up something interesting.”

Derpy looks worried as she washes a plate and hands it to Ember. “Like what?”

“Looking for herbs in the Everfree Forest mostly.”

She rinses the plate and hands it off to Arc.

“Well, you be careful on his writs. I don’t trust him to be very forthcoming with the dangerous details.”

Ember nods as Arc dries the dish. “I will. Not that I enjoy it, mind you.”

Dinky looks to Ember, confused. “Then why work for him?”

“To increase my horde size.”


Ember shrugs. “It’s a dragon thing. We just like having treasure.”

Arc looks over. “What do you spend it on?”

“Nothing. I just save it up. One never knows when some extra coin might come in handy though.”

“I can understand that. Truth be told, I don’t spend much of my own pay. Just the occasional cupcake and rent money for Derpy.”

Dinky giggles. “What about you dad? Are you saving up for something special?”

Arc shakes his head. “No sweetheart. But it’s nice to have some extra money in case something bad happens.”

Derpy looks confused. “Like what, Arc?”

“I dunno. Like if you or Dinky were in the hospital and racked up a lot of bills.”

Ember shudders. “A sobering thought!”

The dishes are completed and Derpy, along with Dinky, head out the door.

“Have a good day you two.”

Derpy turns back and waves. “You too, Arc!”

“Bye dad!”

Ember looks to him. “I guess I’d better get to work myself. Writs don’t complete themselves.”

“You be careful out there. There’s no shame in green and yellow writs, you know.”

Ember puts her claws on her hips and gives him a withering stare. “Says the most reckless individual I know.”


“I’m serious, Arc! This secrecy from last night has me worried!”

“Sorry, I can’t talk about it right now. Maybe when it’s done and over with.”

“I’ll hold you to that! Well, you better see to getting your armor looked at now.”

Arc heads for the sigil. “I think I’d better.”

“Take care.”

Arc nods as he powers up the sigil and is gone. Teleporting to Carousel Boutique, he makes the quick walks to the Hammer’s blacksmith shop. Opening the door he finds Silver Hammer behind the counter. She looks up at him and smiles.

“Good morning, Arc.”

“Good morning, Silver Hammer.”

“What can we do for you today?”

“My armor took a bit of damage on a recent mission down south. Do you think you and Steel Hammer could take a look at it?”

Silver Hammer nods. “Of course. Let me go get my husband. Just put your armor on the rack over there.”

She disappears into the back room and momentarily returns with Steel Hammer.

“My wife tells me you need some repairs, Arc. I…”

Both he and Silver Hammer’s jaws drop as they see the large hole in the front of the breastplate along with the heavily damaged gauntlet and hand cannon. Silver Hammer is the first to be able to speak.

“What in Celestia’s name were you fighting?!”

Arc sighs. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

Steel Hammer walks around the rack and takes a closer look at the breastplate. “We would, but we respect your privacy, Arc.”

“Thank you.”

Silver Hammer looks to Arc cautiously. “Was it… worth it?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Equestria is safe once more.”


Steel Hammer looks at the Hand Cannon. “I’ll have Platinum Valve take a look at these when she gets home from school.”


Silver Hammer puts a hoof through the gaping hole in the chest plate. “We’ll need that special forge to fix this though.”

“I can open you a portal there whenever you’re ready.”

Steel Hammer turns toward the back room. “Let me get my tools.”

“I’ll stay here and help Platinum Valve with the Hand Cannon repairs later.”

Steel Hammer returns a few minutes later with his saddlebags.

“I’m ready, Arc.”

Arc picks up his gauntlet and uses it to open a portal. “I’ll take you there now.”

Silver Hammer waves. “See you later, dear!”

Arc grabs his armor as the pair walk through the portal together. Arriving in Redemption Village they quickly make their way toward the Town Hall. Steel Hammer turns to Arc as they approach the building.

“What’s with this stallion anyways?”

Arc sighs. “I have no idea.”

The pair enter the building. Arc looks around.

“You in here, Mythic Honor?”

“I am indeed!”

The elderly stallion steps out from behind a pile of whatnot and approaches them.

“Arc! Good to see you again! Did I invite you to breakfast and forget all about it again?!”

“Um… you’ve never had me over for a meal.”

Mythic Honor cackles. “Good! That makes two of us!”

Steel Hammer clears his throat. “Sir. Might I use your magic forge again? Arc’s armor needs some repairs.”

“I’d be glad to! Any friend of Arc’s is a friends of mine, stranger!”

“Um… my wife and I were her not that long ago, remember?”

Mythic Honor shuffles over to Arc and whispers loudly.

“Arc! I think your friend is crazy!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But he WAS here.”

“Are you sure?! I never forget a face!”

“I’m sure. Look, can you take a look at the damage, please?”

Mythic Honor walks over to the armor and gives it a once over. “I see the problem! There’s a hole in this here!”

The stallion puts a hoof clear through the breastplate. Arc rolls his eyes.

“Yeah. Do you think you could help Steel Hammer fix it for me?”

“Sure! How about we start with those holes?!”

Steel Hammer nods. “I agree.”

Arc sighs. “Well, if you don’t need me I’ll head back to Ponyville. What time should I come back for you. Steel Hammer?”

“I’ll walk back when we finish here, Arc.”

“You sure? I don’t mind coming back.”

Mythic Honor glances up from a pile of parts nearby. “If it gets too late I’ll put him up here for the night!”

Steel Hammer nods. “I’ll be fine. You probably have a million other things to do now anyways.”

“Kinda. In any case, thanks you two. I’m sure you’ll do a great job.”

Mythic Honor returns to the Steel Hammer’s side. “Don’t worry about a thing, Arc! I’ll keep an eye on him for you!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Okay.”

He holds up his gauntlet and opens a portal. Arc looks down at the gauntlet as he steps through.

“Good thing the sigil making gauntlet wasn’t damaged.”

Later that night, Arc appears on the sigil in his quarters in Canterlot Castle. He looks at his pocket watch and sighs.

“Well, let’s get on with it.”

Putting on his magic robe and cloaking, Arc Blinks through his door and into the corridor before making his way silently toward Cadance’s room. He looks around and muses to himself for a moment.

“Entering a princesses room at night. Last time I did this it did not end well.”

Cherry sounds nervous. “Why? What happened?”

Arc focuses his thoughts on the memory. “Take a look.”


“I thought you could see everything in my mind.”

Cherry giggles. “I can. It’s just… I prefer to ask permission first.”

Arc Blinks into the empty room. Moving to a corner and crouching down, he waits. A short time later he hears the door open. Luna and Cadance enter together.

“Well, another day behind us.”

Cadance yawns. “Yes. I for one am glad to finally be able to rest.”

“Yes. You do look especially tired today. Is something wrong?”

“N-no. I… I’ve just been… having a bit of trouble sleeping lately.”

Luna nods. “That much I do understand. The weight of one’s responsibilities can be heavy at times. My sister and I sometimes drank an herbal tea before bed on days such as this. Shall I have one of the servants bring you some?”

“Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you, Luna.”

Luna turns to leave the room. “Rest well, Cadance. Tomorrow comes early.”

“Good night.”

The doors close behind Luna. Cadance goes to her vanity, sits down at it and begins brushing her mane. Arc and Cherry watch and muse together telepathically.

“She really does look tired. Why doesn’t she just go to bed?”

“Mares often brush their manes before bed, Arc. It makes getting ready the next morning easier.”

“Huh… never noticed before.”

Cadance brushes her mane for some time before putting the brush down and sighing. There is a knock at the door.

“Who do you suppose that is, Arc?”

“Probably just her tea.”

“Right. I forgot about that.”

A servant enters with a cup of tea and a few cookies. Cadance walks over to her, accepts them, and takes the tray over to a nearby table as the servant leaves the room.

“I really hope that helps her. Forgive me, but Princess Cadance looks like she needs the rest very badly.”

“No arguments there, Cherry.”

Arc watches as she eats the cookies. After a few minutes Cadance picks up a dark robe with her magic and puts it on. Taking the teacup with her magic, she wordlessly dumps its contents in a nearby potted plant.

Arc frowns. “What the…?”

“Why did she do that?”

“The only thing that makes sense is she was lying to Luna about her sleep problems. She’s not having trouble SLEEPING. Princess Cadance is having trouble staying awake.”

Cadance walks over to the balcony and steps out onto it. Looking around as she covers her head with the hood she hops over the railing and glides silently to the ground below. Arc stands and walks quickly to the balcony himself.

“Looks like Luna was right. Princess Cadance really is up to something.”

“I can’t believe it!”

Arc Blinks to the ground below. “Let’s try to keep an open mind here. For all we know she might just be going for a walk.”

They follow Cadance through the gardens. Eventually she makes her way away from the castle grounds.

“If she’s going for a walk, this is quite the distance, Arc.”


Cadance walks quickly through several back paths to the city below.

Arc frowns. “She’s going into town? Now?”

“Maybe to do some shopping?”

“Not likely. Most of the shops are closed. Probably the only places open are the pubs and hospital.”

They follow Cadance to a small house not far from the castle. Cherry sounds nervous.

“Okay, this is really unsettling, Arc!”

Arc nods. “Maybe Luna was right about someone blackmailing her or something. This is really out of the ordinary for someone of her station.”

Cadance looks around cautiously before entering the house. Arc peeks in through a nearby window. He sees the princess walk over to couch in front of a glowing fireplace. She sits down and turns her head to speak to someone Arc cannot see. The room appears to have no other furniture.

“Arc, I’m really worried! Can you Blink inside?!”

“I think I’d better.”

Silently Arc channels his magic and Blinks into the room next to the door. Cadance turns her head suddenly as a robed figure whispers to her.

“Did you hear something?!”

Cadance looks around the room. “I… I thought I did. But it’s probably just my nerves.”

“Understandable. What we have planned… isn’t something a princess is usually involved in.”

Cadance nods. “Yes, well… I’m not exactly… sure what the protocol is for something like this.”

“Do my methods frighten you?”

“No. It’s just… Aunt Celestia would probably understand, but Luna… she’d be furious!”


Cadance sighs. “She would probably say I was wasting time with such dealings, or something like that.”

“Can you see who she’s talking to, Arc?”

“No. But this whole thing is freaking me out.”

Cadance’s companion’s tone becomes suddenly angry. “If I have to, I’ll MAKE her understand!”

“Don’t do anything rash! We don’t need to draw unwanted attention to ourselves! After all, we’ll BOTH be in trouble if this gets out!”

“Agreed. I’ll have to give some thought to the next phase in the plan.”

“Do you have to?! Why can’t we just leave it alone?!”

“Because… look, do you want to live with secrets and subterfuge forever? Or do you want to be free?”

Cadance smiles and closes her eyes. “I want freedom!”

“I’ll try to find a way to accomplish our goals. But you have to trust me on this, okay?”

“I do. It’s just…!”

Cadance appears unable to find the right words. Arc and Cherry watch and listen intently.

“What do you think she wants to be free from?”

“Maybe whomever is blackmailing her?”

Cadance stands up suddenly. “I… I should be getting back.”

“Very well. Same time tomorrow?”

“Yes. See you then.”

She turns to walk toward the door slowly, her head down. Arc stands and takes a step to his right, blocking the door with his body. A few moments later Cadance walks into him. She looks up confused.

“What… is this?”

She reaches forward with a hoof to feel the air in front of her. Arc decloaks as Cadance steps back fearfully and screams.


Arc removes his hood as the pony she was talking to jumps into view. Cadance steps quickly between him and the robed pony.

“A-Arc! What are you…?!”

Arc sighs. “I was worried about you. So… who’s your friend over there?”

Cadance looks nervous. “Um… I… I should be getting back to the castle now! Lots to do tomorrow!”

She slowly steps forward, but Arc does not move.

“Princess Cadance. When I became the Hero of Light, I was told I could ask any question of anyone at any time.”


“Does that extend to you as well?”

Cadance sighs and bows her head.

“I suppose it does.”

Arc looks over at the hooded figure standing nervously behind her. “Princess, if something is wrong I can help. But that’s rather hard to do when I can’t see who I’m talking to.”


Cadance sighs. “He’s got us. Go ahead and show him.”

The figure removes their robe and lets it fall to the floor. Arc narrows his eyes as the figures identity is revealed in the light from the fireplace.

“Okay. I didn’t see that one coming.”

Shining Armor nods sadly as he stands before Arc.

“I… I really don’t know what to say, Arc. This does look really bad.”

Arc nods. “So can I assume you’re not blackmailing or hurting Princess Cadance?”

Cadance looks confused. “No. Shining Armor would never do something like that!”

“Sorry. Look Princess Cadance, I’m glad you’re here with him to guard you, but…”

Shining Armor looks to Cadance. “I think we had better tell him.”

Cadance sighs. “Not much choice now.”

They walk to the couch and sit back down. Arc leans against the fireplace as he waits for them to speak.

“It all started back when I took Cadance to the Hoofball game like you suggested.”

Cadance nods. “I had a really nice time.”

“I thought you would.”

“You see… we spent the time between plays talking. I discovered that Cadance here is… really just like everypony else when you get to know her!”

Cadance smiles. “We really got to know one another!”

Shining Armor blushes slightly. “As it turns out we have much in common.”

“Yes! The same interests, and I already know his family!”

“You do?”

Cadance nods. “I foalsat Twilight when she was little.”

Shining Armor sighs. “My parents didn’t think I was responsible enough to do that.”

“I see. So are you two…”

“I… I wanted to keep it a secret until Aunt Celestia came back. She’d know what to do!”

Shining Armor looks down at the floor. “Yes. As it stands, we don’t know if what we’re doing is even legal.”

Arc looks confused. “Legal?”

Cadance sighs. “I don’t know if… if a princess can be in a relationship with anypony.”

Shining Armor nods sadly as he puts a hoof around Cadance’s shoulders. “I’m just a commoner. Princess Luna would certainly not approve of me seeing royalty.”

“You understand our dilemma, don’t you Arc?”

“I do now.”

Cadance looks to Arc, confused. “How did you know I was here anyways?”

“I’m sorry, but Luna thought you were being blackmailed or something. She asked me to investigate.”

Shining Armor frowns. “Why didn’t she just come to me?”

“She was very worried on whom to trust. Someone getting close enough to a princess to coerce them made her very… nervous.”

“It did?”

Arc nods. “She was borderline paranoid.”

Cadance’s eyes grow wide. “Oh dear! I didn’t mean to…!”

“This is my fault. If I were more trustworthy…!”

“I trust you. Luna will too one day, Shining Armor.”

Arc nods. “Trust isn’t earned overnight. Believe me, I’ve been there.”

Cadance looks over at Arc nervously. “So, what happens now?”

“Luna is going to want to know what your story is, Princess Cadance.”

Shining Armor appears fearful. “We can’t tell her that!”

“Agreed! She’ll be furious!”

Arc sighs. “She’ll be more upset if you continue to keep secrets from her.”

“I know that, but… what do we DO?!”

Shining Armor shrugs. “I really don’t know. What do you think, Arc?”

“Be honest with her. Look, if Luna finds out you’re going behind her back intentionally, you’ll lose her trust forever Princess Cadance.”

Shining Armor takes Cadance’s hoof in his. “Forever is a long time for an alicorn princess. I’m not worth that.”

“I think you are! But… there is wisdom in Arc’s words.”

“How about we all go see her tomorrow morning? Tell her everything and let her make up her own mind.”

Shining Armor nods and looks to Cadance. “That’s a good idea. What’s the worst she can do to you?”

“Yes, but… what’s she going to do to YOU?!”

Arc shrugs. “Worst case, fire him.”

“I’ll take that chance! So tomorrow morning then?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No. Right now!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep a wink until this is resolved. Let’s go see her now.”

“But won’t she be asleep at this hour?”

Arc shrugs. “Considering how worried she was, I doubt it.”

Cadance nods sadly. “Yes. Let’s go back to the castle.”

Arc raises his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Yeah.”

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