• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Not Always Pleasant

Arc and company return to the Jeep. Getting in they quickly return home. As they enter the basement Max and Viktor hurry over to them.

“Everyone okay?!”

Ember frowns. “Yeah. No worse for wear over here.”

Xenos laughs. “We had the easy job!”

Hugh nods. “Yes. Lighting a single charge while invisible isn’t what I would call dangerous.”

Rose appears confused. “Charge?”

Arc chuckles. “He means fireworks. I just bought the biggest one they had. It did the job of causing a viable distraction.”

Viktor frowns. “In any case… what WAS that woman?!”

Arc is suddenly serious. “A magic user.”

Max’s eyes grow wide. “But humans can’t use magic!”

Xenos nods. “Right! Are you sure, sir?”

Rose interjects. “During our discourse I took the liberty of scanning her, Arc. She did indeed use magic against us.”

Sereb frowns. “This is… unsettling.”

Arc looks down to him. “Which part.”

“The fact that our opponents have a magic user show that they are no longer simple thugs.”

Viktor grimaces. “At least she isn’t!”

Ember nods. “And where there’s one, there’s more!”

Arc sighs. “I agree. This whole thing has me a bit… unsettled. I mean… magic doesn’t exist here! At least it’s not supposed to!”

Viktor looks toward the basement door. “Shall I do some research on that, sir?”

“Sure. But I doubt you’ll find anything based in fact. Mostly just illusionists and fakes looking for attention.”

“I’ll try anyway, sir.”

Max looks to Arc as Viktor heads for the basement. “Perhaps we should go over what you found, sir?”

Arc yawns as he removes the items taken from the Shard hideout from his ring and sets them on the table. “Let’s do that tomorrow. It’s late after all.”

Ember looks away. “Y-yeah. This has been one heck of a night.”

Arc turns to his squad. “Get some rest. We’ll start this up again tomorrow.”

They salute as Arc, Ember and Rose head upstairs. Max looks at the items on the table.

“What do you suppose is in here?”

Hugh shrugs. “Let’s have a look.”

Viktor frowns as Hugh opens the shoe box. “The commander said we should do it tomorrow, Hugh.”

“He didn’t say we couldn’t though.”

Max sighs. “But he wants us to be well rested for tomorrow!”

“This won’t take but a minute though.”

Max takes the box from Hugh. “Fine! But I’ll do it! Then maybe that will…”

He pulls something out and looks at it. A moment later the blood drains from his face. Xenos appears concerned.


Max throws the item back in the box and closes the lid quickly.

Hugh frowns. “What’s wrong?!”

Viktor looks confused. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost, buddy.”

Max shakily steps back. “I… I’ll never disobey the commander again! I SWEAR!”

The rest of the squad help him to bed. Meanwhile, Arc goes upstairs with the others. Ember turns to him.

“I… I think I need a bit of a snack before bed.”


Arc leads Rose to the Guest Room.

“You can sleep here with Ember. I’d let you use my room, but Cybil sleeps there.”

He gestures to the dresser.

“Derpy has some clothes in there that would probably fit you.”

Rose looks confused. “Clothes?”

“To sleep in.”

“Oh. But I don’t actually need to…”

Arc interrupts her. “I… guess I forgot. Sorry.”

Rose looks around the room. “Hmmm…”

“Is something wrong?”

She walks toward the dresser and picks up a picture. “Your family?”

“My parents.”

Rose sighs. “It… must be nice.”

“Which part?”

“Having a family. Where are they now? Working?”

Arc sighs. “My mother died when I was a boy. And my father… I don’t know.”

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…!”

Arc puts a hand on her should. “It’s okay. You didn’t know.”

He looks at the picture for a few more moments before sighing.

“Well, I need to get to bed now. Please get some rest. Ember will be up in a few minutes to keep you company.”

Rose nods as Arc leaves the room. Sitting down on the bed and picking the picture up again, she sighs.

“A family… true parents… things I don’t have. Mother? Is it wrong for me to want a father?”

Meanwhile, Arc returns to his parent’s room and lies down. Cherry calls out to him.

“Arc? I’m here.”

“Thank you, Cherry.”

“I know tonight was especially difficult for you.”

“Yes. Facing another magic user was NOT how I expected this to go.”

“That isn’t what I mean, and you know it.”

Arc sighs. “Y-yeah.”

“But you don’t want to talk about it, do you?”

“Not really.”

“Arc, everypony has secrets. Things they don’t tell anyone else.”

“I know, Cherry. But… some things I wish could be taken back, done over, or not done at all!”

“That much I do understand. You’re a very strong-willed human though, Arc. Please don’t be pulled down by this.”

Arc rolls over and turns off the lights. “No one is THAT strong!”

He drifts off to their Sanctuary with Cherry. Sometime later that night there is a knock at the bedroom door. Arc sits up and turns on the lights.

“Come in.”

Rose and Ember open the door and walk in. Ember looks embarrassed. Arc nods. as he looks at Ember.

“Same as usual?”


“Forgive me for suggesting we wake you, Arc. But… her heart rate was up when she came upstairs. I had to ask what was wrong.”

Ember sighs. “It’s not your fault, Rose. Like Arc said, this always happens after…”

She struggles to find the words. Arc nods.

“…after we have a close call.”

Ember shakes her head as she sits down next to him on the bed and takes his hand.

“Right. I… I know what you told me about humans… sleeping together and all… but… could you possibly…?”

Arc thinks for a moment before standing up.

“I think I have an idea. Just a second.”

He opens the door.

“Sereb. Would you come up here please?”

A few moments later the sound of paws can be heard coming up the stairs.


“I want you to turn Ember back into a dragon.”

“Very well.”

Sereb returns to his true form. His horn glows. In a moment Ember returns to a dragon. She looks at Arc, confused.

“Arc? Why…?”

He takes Ember’s claw in his hand. “Come with me.”

“You mean…”

Arc nods. “I’ll stay with you tonight, Ember.”

Rose blushes and smiles. “Arc, can I…?”

Arc nods as Ember happily gets into bed. “Yes, Rose.”

She grins as Sereb returns to his cub form and turns to leave the room.

“I shall give you three some privacy then.”

“Oh no! You get back here, Sereb!”

Sereb turns around. “Oh?”

As he slides into the bed between Ember and Rose. “You’re going to stay here and make sure we behave ourselves.”

Sereb jumps up onto the bed and lies down. “Very well.”

Ember turns off the lamp on the nightstand next to her as she and Rose snuggle up to Arc. He looks at each of them and smiles. Sereb pricks up his ears and looks at him.

“You have a strange look on your face.”

Arc smiles happily. ” It’s just… lying here with two special friends whom care for me, and I for them… and a dog at the foot of the bed... I… I guess it’s kinda… nice!”

Sereb frowns. “I am not a dog.”

Ember chuckles. “From where I stand, you are!”

Rose nods. “Ember is right. You meet all the criteria of a dog, Sereb.”

Sereb rolls his eyes. “In any case, I am confused why this is so special to you Arc.”

“It’s gives a sense of family.”

“I do not understand.”

Arc shrugs. “All I can figure is it’s a human thing.”

Ember lays her cheek on Arc’s chest and smiles. “I think I understand what you mean, Arc.”

They sleep peacefully through what is left of the night. The next morning Arc awakens to rays of sunlight hitting his face. Sighing contentedly he sees Ember and Rose still snuggled up to him.

“What did I do to become so lucky?”

He looks at Ember.

“You’ve been with me all this time. Never once leaving… never once forsaking me. Ember, you put up with all my stupid plans and crazy ideas. Why, I don’t really understand.”

He looks over at Rose.

“Rose. I haven’t known you for very long, but you too are completely dedicated to me. It feels strange, but… you’re like a little sister to me. I know Twilight programmed you to… please me, but… but I can’t help but wonder if your feelings aren’t voluntary on at least some level. I know I’m probably being foolish, but… but I… I just want you to be happy."

Arc sighs.

“You deserve that much. Both of you.”

A short time later Ember opens her eyes and smiles up at Arc.

“This feels like a dream!”

“It’s real, Ember.”

Ember lays her head back down on his chest. “In that case, I want to savor it.”

Rose opens her eyes and smiles up at him.

“Good morning, Arc.”

“Did you sleep well?”

Rose nods. “I had a proper charging session.”

Ember laughs. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Arc sighs. “Well, we should probably get up.”

Ember looks up at him and gives his face a quick lick. “Do we have to?”

Rose snuggles up to him again. “I agree with Ember. This feels nice!”

Arc pushes back the covers. “I have work to do.”

Ember sighs. “Awww…”

Rose sits up. “I’ll help.”

“Me too!”

Arc stands. “Thanks. Let’s see about making breakfast first though.”

All of them stand. Arc turns to Sereb.

“Think you could return Ember to her human form? I don’t want Cybil to see her like this. If she’s still up, that is.”

Sereb returns to his true form. “As you wish.”

His horn aglow, Ember returns to her human form. She looks down at the baggy t-shirt and shorts she is wearing.

“I guess it’s a good thing I kept these on.”

Arc nods. “Yeah.”

“Arc, I… I was wondering if…”

“No, I won’t tell anyone about this, Ember.”

Rose smiles. “Me either.”

“Thanks you two. Weak is not something I enjoy appearing.”

Arc sighs as he opens the door and walks downstairs. “Weak isn’t the word I would use. More like… I don’t know…”

Rose thinks for a moment. “Sensitive?”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Gee… thanks.”

Arc turns to her as they enter the kitchen. “Ember, you shouldn’t be ashamed of being who you are.”

“But I am what I am!”

Rose looks over as she opens the refrigerator and pulls out the eggs.. “And what are you?”

“The future Dragon Lord and heir to a throne!”

Rose nods. “Like Arc said, we are what we are. You are flesh, and I am mechanical. I suppose we simply have to do our best with what we have. In any case, I’ll head downstairs and wake up the others.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Rose sets the eggs down on the counter and heads over to the basement stairs. Arc opens a cupboard and removes a skillet.

“So Ember, all you see is a future leader? That’s not what I see.”


Arc turns to face her. “I see an individual who is my friend. Someone I respect and care for.”

“Thanks, but… can I tell you something?”

“What is it? “

“I… kinda wish things were… different for me.”

“You wish you weren’t going to be the next Dragon Lord, right?”

Ember looks at her reflection in a pot Arc hands her. “Yeah… I… I’d actually like to… stay here. Live my life as a human. Would that be okay with you, Arc?”


“I’ll get a job and start paying my own way around here in addition to keeping things up! Please! Give me a chance!”

“What about the dragons back in Equestria?”

“Someone else can lead! My father is still there, after all! He can find another to take his place! After all, he has MILLENIA to...”


“I… you don’t know what it’s like to be me, Arc! To have this level of responsibility on your… shoulders.”

Arc says nothing as Ember realizes her mistake. She sighs.

“I guess you do.”

Arc nods as he begins cracking eggs. “That I do.”

Ember walks over to him. “Then tell me! How did you… I don’t know… keep it together?! Handle the pressure as Lord Regent!”



Arc hands her a pan and spatula. “I didn’t want the job. But others were counting on me.”

Ember chuckles as she begins making pancakes. “I kinda figured that. But I have to know the full story!”

“I did it… because someone had to. If not me, then who?”

Ember shrugs. “Decimus? You could have taken him down the first chance you got!”

“And then what? Leave Sunburst in charge of Equestria?!”

“He’s not a bad stallion!”

Arc nods. “True. But do you think he could have led?”

Ember sighs. “Probably not. At the very least, not as well you did.”

“He’s no warrior, that’s for sure.”

“What are you getting at?”

“I guess what I’m trying to say is… someone need to be at the helm. Someone who has experience and the confidence of the citizens.”

“Like you?”

“Yes, Ember. Now then… who else in the Dragon Lands holds respect among the dragons?”

“There’s a few, I suppose. Like those three who wanted me to take them as my mate.”

“Are any of them… intelligent?”

“Not really.”

“So what do you think would happen if one of them were to become Dragon Lord?”

Ember sighs. “Point taken. I… I guess I’m stuck with the job.”

“It’s not THAT bad!”

“Well… that’s only one part of it. The other reason I had for wanting to stay on Earth was… to grow old at a human’s pace.”


“Look… even if you don’t want to be my mate, Arc, I still want to grow old with you!”

“I… don’t know what to say, Ember. That’s very nice of you, and I too look forward to aging with my friends and family.”

Ember nods. “The short lifespan… I think I’m coming to terms with it. So much so that I want it!”

“The old adage. We all want what we don’t have.”

Ember nods as she turns off the stove. “I can see that. But… I do want it. Now more than ever!”

They continue cooking. Arc’s squad comes up the stairs and helps set the table with Rose. Soon they sit down to breakfast. Hugh is the first to speak.

“Sleep well, sir?”

“Yes actually. Why do you ask?”

Xenos chuckles. “We thought you might have trouble after all the excitement.”

Viktor looks at Rose and Ember. “How about you two?”

Rose giggles as she holds a cup of water. “I don’t need sleep, silly!”

Ember sighs. “I had a bit of trouble last night.”

Rose nods. “We got through it though.”

Xenos appears concerned. “You okay, Ember?”

“Oh yes. Arc slept with me, so I…”

Viktor turns to Arc. “Way to go, sir!”

Xenos grins. “Yeah! Ember’s had her eyes on you for a LONG time now! Glad to see she finally got what she wanted!”

Hugh frowns. “Sir, your personal life is your own business. But this isn’t really something someone in your position should be…”

Rose interrupts. “Not to worry, Hugh. I joined them!”

Hugh and Xenos’ jaws drop. Arc blushes feverishly.

“Ember, why did you word it that way?”


Arc turns to his squad. “Nothing happened last night. In fact, Sereb stayed with us to make sure it stayed that way.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. He even had me return Ember to her true form.”

Hugh breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good to hear, sir. I’m glad you’re not bringing shame to your position.”

Xenos laughs. “Shame?! Getting into bed with the future Dragon Lord would make him more famous, if anything!”

Arc sighs. “Maybe. But that would certainly trash Ember’s reputation! At least in Equestria.”

Ember shrugs as she grins. “No one in the Dragon Lands would care. Worth it to me!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “In any case… that’s not happening.”

They finish eating, do the dishes, and head to the basement. Hugh turns to Arc.

“I for one am looking forward to seeing what you found, sir!”

Xenos nods. “Me too!”

Viktor chuckles. “Maybe we’ll finally get some answers!”

Max says nothing but looks nervous as they sit down around the table and get started. Arc pushes the laptop toward Viktor.

“Why don’t you take a look at this while we talk?”

Viktor looks the laptop over. “What is it?”

“It’s called a laptop. Think of it kinda like a portable version of the computer over there on the desk.”

Viktor watches as Arc shows him how to open the laptop and turn it on.

“Fascinating! I’ll see if I can find a clue on here, sir.”

“Good. Let’s take a look at Frank’s journal while you do that.”

The others wait patiently as Arc opens the book to the last entry.

“Hmmm… pretty normal day to day stuff. He talks a lot about his plan and visions of a better world.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “So you mean he’s not completely crazy?!”

Arc sighs. “Well, he’s not… wait a minute!”

Hugh turns to look. “What is it, sir?”

Arc furrows his brow. “Frank wrote something here about a big job!”

Ember narrows her eyes. “What kind of job?”

Rose appears nervous “A bad one?”

Xenos shakes his head. “With that nutjob, they’re ALL bad jobs!”

“Well, you remember how I told you guys about the botched bank job the Shards pulled?”

Hugh nods. “Yes sir. What about it?”

“Well, it looks like Frank wanted to try again.”

Rose smiles. “Mother told me, if at first you don’t succeed, try again.”

Ember shakes her head. “Rose, some things don’t apply to that.”

“Like what?”

Sereb growls. “Stealing for starters.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

Xenos turns back to Arc. “What was his plan?”

“Not sure. It doesn’t say here. Just that he was waiting for a delivery from someone named ‘H’.”

Arc looks over at Viktor.

“Anything in his laptop?”

Viktor shakes his head. “Nothing about it in his documents.”

“What about his e-mail?”

Viktor looks confused. “E-mail?”

Arc stands up and walks over to Viktor. “It’s like sending a letter from one computer to another via the Internet.”

Ember frowns. “How would reading his mail help us?”

Rose grins. “I see! There might be a clue in his messages!”

Ember looks embarrassed. “I… I knew that!”

“Check his browser history, Viktor.”

“Yes sir, but I doubt someone like him would… hey, it’s here!”

Arc chuckles. “Frank was never much for computers. Any other criminal would have taken precautions.”

“Like what, sir?”

“Clearing his browser history for starters. And locking this thing in a safe.”

Ember appears concerned. “Why? Are these things valuable?”

“Not really. But the information on them could be to the right person. Lots of evidence on here most likely. I’m sure Marshal Raynor would love to get a look at what’s on here.”

Xenos turns to Arc. “We giving him this when we’re done?”

Arc shakes his head nervously. “No.”

Rose tilts her head, confused. “Why not?”

“Um… because… we’d have to explain how we got it. In any case about that e-mail…”

Viktor clicks on the history tab for the email. He frowns.

“There’s a lot of messages here, sir.”

Arc points at the screen. “What about that one?

“The one marked ‘package’?”

“Yeah. Frank always called special deliveries ‘packages’.”

Viktor clicks and starts reading.

“Something about a delivery here… from someone named ‘H’.”

Arc points. “There!”

Ember looks confused. “What?”

“His instructions for the package to be left in the outbuilding!”

“The one my sensors said was filled with a volatile substance?”

“Right! This ‘H’ person must be the one who supplied him with whatever is in there.”

Hugh nods. “Okay. So he was going to try robbing the bank with the explosives from ‘H’. That doesn’t tell us where he is though.”

Xenos thinks for a moment. “Maybe he’s off somewhere planning this little scheme?”

“Not likely. He’s big on family and unity. Running and hiding under a rock makes him look like a coward. Something Frank is certainly not. But in any case, did you find a match for this thing, Viktor?”

Arc holds up the small cylindrical device. Viktor looks grim.

“Yes sir. It didn’t take long this morning. This is a blasting cap.”

Ember looks confused. “A what?”

Arc sighs. “They’re used to set off larger explosives. Like dynamite or C4.”

Rose looks to Arc. “I know what dynamite is. But what’s the other?”

“Really powerful explosives! It looks kinda like modeling clay. A blasting cap is used to set it off from a distance. That fact Frank has some is troubling to say the least.”

Rose frowns. “You seem to know this Frank human pretty well, Arc.”

“I… I’ve known him for a long time.”

Arc looks up to Max. He immediately avoids his gaze.

“Something wrong, Max?”

Xenos looks to his friend. “Yeah! You haven’t said a word since last night!”

Ember laughs. “You boys playing nice down here?”

Hugh turns to Arc. “He… opened that box and saw something that made him act that way.”

Rose picks up the shoebox. “What’s in here anyways?”


Max lunges forward and grabs the box. He holds it tightly to his chest as he stands up. Xenos is the first to speak.

“Max?! What are you doing?!”

“I… we shouldn’t open this!”

Ember frowns. “Why not?”

“It’s just… some things should be kept a secret!”

Arc sighs. “Max. Let me have the box.”

“Please, sir! Let’s just get rid of this! Burn it!”

Hugh stands up. “Max, have you lost your mind?!”

Ember raises and eyebrow. “Right! There could be a clue in there!”

Arc walks over to him. “This is… probably for the best. Now give me the box, Max.”

Max jumps back. “I saw what’s in it sir! You don’t have to worry! I won’t tell anyone! I swear!”

“That’s fine. Because I’m going to tell them myself.”

Arc holds out his hand.

“Now then… give me the box.”

Max looks around the room. A pained expression on his face as he slowly, and with shaky hands, does as he is told.

“Thank you.”

Max says nothing but nods nervously. Arc soberly turns back to the table and sets the box down.

“Sit down, Max.”

Max slowly obeys. “I… please sir! This… this doesn’t have to happen!”

Arc sighs. “Yes, it does. Now then…”

Hugh turns to Arc. “Please forgive him, sir.”

Xenos glares at Max. “Yeah. Like we said, he’s been acting strange ever since last night when he took a peek in there.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… why?”

Viktor looks up from the laptop. “He won’t tell us!”

Arc looks to Max. “You saw something in there that frightened you, Max?”

“N-no sir. It’s just… I…”

Arc nods and opens the box. Picking something up he turns it toward Max.

“Was it this?”

Max nods and looks away. “…yes sir.”

Arc sighs. “I thought so.”

Rose looks to Arc. “What is it?”

“Something from a long time ago.”

He puts the item on the table for everyone to see. As one they gasp in amazement.

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