• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Home Again

Arc leads Derpy and Dinky around the building to the patio. Ember, Scootaloo, and Sereb nod approvingly. Ember is the first to speak.

“Love this sight.”

Scootaloo giggles. “Me too.”

Sereb smiles toothily. “As do I.”

Dinky gasps. “Sereb! Ember! You came back!”

Sereb nods. “Arc came to the Dragon Lands and got us.”

Ember offers a thumbs up. “We couldn’t leave him hanging!”

Derpy smiles. “But how? Dinky found your gauntlet in a lake, Arc.”

“Well, actually Sereb found it. Did you Blink all the way here, dad? And who’s this?!”

“I ran into Captain Celaeno in my travels. They took me to the Dragon Lands for the final ingredient necessary to restore my memories. As for who this is… she’s a friend I made in my travels.”

Scootaloo waves nervously. “Hello. I’m… the Scarlet Filly. Nice to meet you all.”

Dinky looks the filly over. “H-hi.”

Derpy turns to Arc. “Do you suppose the captain is still around?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. They probably flew back to Redemption Village, or something. In any case, let’s head inside and have something to eat.”

Derpy gasps. “But I need to get to work.”

Ember shrugs. “Sereb and I will cover for you.”

Dinky shakes her head. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary. After all, Miss Cheerilee and Miss Peachbottom take care of the meals with Miss Natalya and Mister Gallus when mom takes a day off.”

Sereb chuckles. “Then I’ll run down there and let her know you won’t be in today.”

Derpy appears pained. “She’ll want a reason though.”

Arc turns to Sereb. “Tell Coco Pommel there was a… family emergency. That should satisfy her.”

“Very well.”

Sereb runs down the road as Arc leads the others back into the building.

“I hope we have pancake mix.”

Dinky looks away nervously. “That’s not likely.”

Ember frowns. “Don’t tell me they took all the supplies from this place!”

“No. At least not as far as I know. But…”

She sighs and looks to her mother. Derpy smiles.

“It’s a long story, Arc. We can talk about it later. Right now we need to notify your squad that you’re still alive.”

“They’re here?!”

“Yeah, dad. And it smells like they’re cooking breakfast too.”

Arc grins. “In that case, I’ll give them a surprise inspection.”

Ember and Dinky giggle as they enter the cafeteria. Arc walks over to the kitchen door and opens it. Max and Hugh stand at the stove cooking as Viktor rummages around in the refrigerator. Turning his head, Arc spots Xenos standing in the pantry doorway. He is frozen in place, staring at his commanding officer.


Hugh looks over. “What’s wrong?”

Viktor frowns. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

“I… think I am.”

Xenos points a hoof at Arc. The others turn to look. They too freeze as Arc waves at them.

“Um… hi.”

Max grins. “C-COMMANDER!!!”

Hugh smiles. “Is it really you?!”

Arc laughs. “I think so!”

Viktor gasps. “Where did you go?!”

Xenos looks him over. “Are you alright?!”

“It’s one heck of a story. But I’m really hungry right now. Think you can whip up some breakfast for us?”

Max nods fervently. “Right away, sir!”

Xenos laughs. “Good thing we went shopping yesterday, huh?”

Hugh nods. “Right.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Shopping?”

Viktor sighs. “Canterlot isn’t sending supplies anymore, sir.”

Dinky smiles sheepishly. “That and I… kinda took all the food from the pantry, dad.”

Ember frowns. “Uh… why?”

“I gave it to a village of hungry ponies.”

Arc tousles Dinky’s mane. “Okay, this story I have GOT to hear!”

Derpy giggles. “We should probably eat first though, Arc. It’s a REALLY long one.”

Xenos nods. “Give us a few minutes to put on some more pancakes and eggs, sir.”

Ember turns to him. “How about everyone else, Arc? We should get them here right away to tell them you’re alive.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Think you can fly around town and tell them to come to Light’s Hope for me?”


Sereb walks into the room panting as he heads for Derpy.

“Miss Pommel has been notified, and wants you to know that you can take off all the time you need, ma’am.”

“Thank you, Sereb.”

Ember waves a claw as she passes. “Come on, big fella.”

“Where are we going?”

“To gather the others! Now come on!”

Sereb and Ember leave the room. Arc walks over to stove.

“Now then, let me help you guys.”

Max raises an eyebrow. “But aren’t you tired, sir?”

“Not really. Why would I be?”

Viktor smiles nervously. “Being dead tends to do that I hear.”

Hugh eyes him suspiciously. “You weren’t though… were you?”

“Almost was, yes. A couple times actually. I’ll tell the story over breakfast though.”

Dinky grins. “Can I help?!”

Derpy raises a hoof. “Me too!”

Scootaloo giggles. “Me three!”

“Sure! Now then, let’s make a breakfast that will make everyone happy.”

They get to work. Sometime later Ember and Sereb return with the Mane 6 in tow, sans Twilight. Rainbow Dash yawns.

“Why are we here now?”

Fluttershy sniffs the air. “Smells like breakfast.”

Applejack grins. “I don’t mind a hearty meal, but I have work to do today.”

Pinkie giggles. “Smells good though!”

Rarity’s ears droop as she looks around. “Well, I for one don’t really want to be here! Too many painful memories!”

Ember frowns. “You’re staying and that’s that!”

Sereb turns to her. “Ember, please.”

Rarity groans. “At least tell us why though!”

Ember looks away. “It’s… important, okay?!”

Sereb rolls his eyes. “That cleared it up.”

Derpy and Dinky happily exit the kitchen with plates off eggs and hash browns.

“Good morning!”

“I hope everypony slept well!”

The squad walks out with drinks, plates, and silverware.

“Here we go.”

“Plenty for everypony.”

“We’ll get this stuff laid out.”

“Are the pancakes coming out soon?”

Sereb sniffs the air. “They smell about done.”

Rarity frowns. “Wait! If all of you are out here, who’s taking care of the stove?!”

Pinkie grins as her head twitches. “I know who it is!”

Arc steps through the kitchen door carrying a serving platter of pancakes.

“I hope everyone’s hungry! We made enough to…!”

He is cut off as the mares lunge at him. Derpy takes flight and reaches up to take the platter from him as Arc is knocked to the floor. Rarity reaches him first.


Applejack smiles happily. “We were so worried!”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Idiot! We all thought you were dead!”

“My Pinkie Sense said he was fine though!”

Fluttershy gasps. “When?”

“Just now!”

Rarity giggles and presses her lips against Arc’s cheek.

“Well I for one am very happy to see you.”

Applejack chuckles. “We all are.”

“And I’m glad to be back too. Have I got a story to tell.”

Derpy sets the platter on the table. “Why don’t you tell it over this meal though?”

Dinky grins. “Yeah! After you introduce the last guest.”


Turning to the kitchen, Arc calls out.

“Come on out.”

Scootaloo walks slowly into the room carrying the syrup. Arc clears his throat.

“Everyone, this is…”

Pinkie grins. “The Scarlet Filly!”

Fluttershy gasps. “Really?!”

Scootaloo waves a hoof nervously. “H-hello.”

Applejack smiles approvingly. “She’s a new hero!”

Rainbow Dash grins ear to ear. “A really cool one too!”

Fluttershy nods. “Even Princess Celestia thinks so.”

Rarity frowns. “Well, I’m not so sure about the royal pain’s opinion right now.”

Pinkie giggles. “How’d you two meet?!”

“That will be explained. But first why don’t you tell them who you really are?”

Scootaloo gasps. “Wha-what?”

“It’s okay. You can trust them.”

“But what if they think I’m a freak?”

Dinky smiles at the filly. “We won’t. Promise.”

“Okay. Here goes…”

Unfastening the clasp, Scootaloo allows the cloak to fall to the floor. She looks down nervously.

“My real name is… Scootaloo.”

Rarity squeals. “She is just the cutest little thing, Arc!”

Fluttershy smiles. “Oh yes! I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before!”

Applejack walks over and shakes hooves. “Welcome to Ponyville. You’ll like it here.”

Pinkie grins. “Yeah! I’ll throw you a ‘Welcome to Ponyville Party’ just as soon as I can!”

Rainbow Dash puts her hooves on either side of her face. “She even SOUNDS cool!”

“I do?”

“YES! You are just the most awesomest pony I’ve EVER met!”

Derpy turns to Dinky. “They do kinda sound similar.”

“I hear it too.”

Rainbow Dash beams. “Maybe we’re long lost sisters!”

“I don’t think so. After all, I’m an only foal.”

“Are you sure?!”

Scootaloo sighs. “Very.”

Applejack clears her throat loudly. “Well, let’s continue our conversation as we eat. Now that Arc’s back, I finally have an appetite again.”

Rarity bats her eyelashes seductively. “As do I!”

Rainbow Dash appears hopeful. “Can I sit next to the Scarlet Filly?!”

“I guess so. But I’m sitting with my Big Brother.”

Rarity giggles. “Only if I get to sit on the other side of him!”

Ember frowns. “What about me?!”

Sereb chuckles. “You got to sleep next to him last night though.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Fine. Everyone just take a seat. I’m starving!”

The squad serves the meal as the story is told. Arc looks around the table as he finishes.

“And that brings us to today. Any questions?”

Rainbow Dash raises a hoof. “Yeah. Just for clarification’s sake… both you and the Scarlet Filly are… what now?”

Scootaloo sighs. “Crimsons.”

Arc nods. “They’re kinda like vampires back on Earth. I’m just glad I don’t need to drink blood to stay alive though.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow quizzically. “So you… control her?”

“I’m capable of doing that, yes. But Scootaloo is free to do as she wishes.”

Rainbow Dash bows her head. “Sorry to hear about your parents.”

“It’s okay. Big Brother was there for me.”

Pinkie appears confused. “Why do you keep calling him that?”

“Because at the time I wanted him to be my real brother. Like I said earlier, I’m an only foal.”

Fluttershy turns to Arc. “After the incident you floated down the river, right?”


Applejack sighs. “The fillies found your gauntlet and dagger! It’s back at Derpy’s house.”

Dinky grins. “I guess we really were on the right track back there.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

“I’ll need to collect those later. What about Cherry?”

Derpy smiles. “She’s at the orphanage right now.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Doing what?”

Applejack chuckles. “Tutoring mostly.”

Dinky nods. “She needed something to do to pass the time.”

Fluttershy sighs. “It can’t be easy not being able to move.”

Arc frowns. “I don’t understand. If everyone thought I was dead, why didn’t she move on to the afterlife?”

Rarity puts a hoof on his hand. “She said that she believed you were still alive out there somewhere and would stay until there was proof of your demise.”

Dinky nods. “We found her with Tempest.”

“What was she doing there?!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Apparently she didn’t fall out the window with you.”

Pinkie nods. “Captain Decimus took her along with your spear we’d imagine.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “We need to get that back too!

Arc shakes his head. “Low priority right now. After all, I doubt Decimus is just going to hand it over.”

Pinkie grins wickedly. “Oh, he might be convinced!”

“What do you mean?”

“I saw his face on the front page of the newspaper a few days after Twilight’s coronation! In fact, I have that issue right here!”

She reaches behind her and pulls out a newspaper. Setting it on the table, Pinkie points a hoof.

“See what he’s holding?!”

Sereb growls. “That arrogant…!”

Ember seethes. “Arc’s spear!”

Applejack bows her head. “Makes sense. After all, these days it’s seen as the Hero of Light’s signature weapon.”

Rainbow Dash smacks the table with a hoof. “Well then, how about we head over there and take it back along with Arc’s position!”

Rarity nods with conviction. “Yes! Make that coward pay for all his lies and betrayals!”

Arc sighs. “In due time. Right now we have the advantage.”

“We do, Big Brother?”

“Yes. Remember, everyone thinks I’m dead.”

Xenos grits his teeth. “But what about those wanted posters?”

Max nods. “Yeah! They’re in every town by now!”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Probably just in case Arc survived. I mean, come on… a one-million bits reward?! There’s no way they’d ever pay that out!”

Applejack sighs. “I bet they would. After all, Decimus HAS to know Arc’s the only one who can stop him now.”

Arc frowns. “Well, there’s always Cadance and Luna, I suppose.”

Pinkie bows her head. “Not anymore.”

Fluttershy nods soberly. “Princess Cadance returned to the Crystal Empire.”

Rarity nods. “And Princess Luna returned to the castle with Twilight to implement a bit of a… different plan.”

Ember turns to Rainbow Dash. “Can we get in touch with them covertly?”

“Not anymore we can’t.”

Fluttershy sighs. “She left so that her sister would have to call for Twilight.”

Rarity looks to Arc. “Their plan was for Twilight to tell Celestia the truth about what happened that night. Decimus would be arrested, and your name would be cleared.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “It didn’t work?”

Applejack smiles. “Oh, it did.”

Pinkie nods happily. “She’s the Princess of Friendship now!”

Arc smiles. “I saw the coronation with my own eyes, yes. But why didn’t she say anything to Celestia?”

Max shrugs. “Who knows?”

Xenos frowns. “It might be part of her master plan, or something.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Or she just values her friendship with the princess over yours, Arc!”

Sereb sighs. “That seems rather likely right now.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “No way! Twilight’s as loyal as they come!”

Hugh turns to Arc. “If I may, she didn’t seem the betraying type, sir.”

Viktor puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “But it is strange that nothing has happened since she took the throne.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Maybe she’s been kidnapped?”

Viktor shakes his head. “Nah. I hear that she parades around the city every day smiling and waving to the citizens.”

Arc frowns. “I’ll have to ask her myself then.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Big Brother?”

“Twilight could be in trouble. I have to make sure she’s okay.”

Rarity sighs. “That might be harder than you think, Arc.”

Ember nods fervently. “Right. Celestia can sense powerful magic. Yours would show up like a candle in a darkened room.”

Sereb looks around. “Perhaps someone else could get a message to her.”

Applejack shakes her head. “Too risky. We could blow her cover. Then she’d REALLY be in trouble!”

Derpy shudders. “What should we do then?”


“At the moment, I’m not sure. I’ll have to give the matter some more thought. But right now I need to see Cherry. Let her know that I’m okay.”

“But you can’t go out there, Big Brother!”

Sereb grins. “Ember and I could head back and ‘borrow’ her.”

“Yeah! We could say Derpy and Dinky are having a rough time with their ‘family problem’ and need her help.”

Arc appears hopeful. “Would that work?”

Dinky giggles. “Sure! Miss Cherry’s the one everypony goes to at school with their problems!”

Max grins. “Right! Even the younglings look up to her!”

Viktor nods. “It’s a plausible story. But she’ll be with Miss Pommel this time of day.”

Derpy looks to Arc. “She stays in Coco Pommel’s room at night.”

“That’s good. But right now… I have a promise to keep.”

A short time later there is a knock at Coco Pommel’s office door.

“Come in.”

Derpy and Dinky enter together with a robed Scootaloo. They close and lock the door behind them.

“Good morning, you two.”

Cherry calls out from her place on the desk. “Is everything alright?”

Derpy grins. “Yes. Better than alright actually.”

Dinky nods. “We need your help though, Miss Pommel. But first somepony needs to say ‘hello’.”

Arc decloaks and tosses back his hood. Cherry gasps along with Coco Pommel.


“How did you…?! Are you alright?!”

Arc chuckles. “It’s a long story, you two. But right now I really need Cherry in my head.”

Picking up the helmet, he carefully puts it on. Cherry enters his mind and sighs contentedly.

“I’ve missed this.”

Arc chuckles. “So have I. But we have someone here whom needs our help.”

Derpy points a hoof to the robed figure. “This is the Scarlet Filly. We heard about her on the radio a while back.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Oh yes, I remember that.”

“You see, ma’am… I’m an orphan.”

“Are you now?”

Scootaloo nods. “Yes. My dad murdered my mom before he was killed himself by the Hero of Light here.”

Arc nods grimly. “It had to be done.”

“Do you have any family, little one?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No, ma’am. It was just mom and dad.”

Coco Pommel sighs. “I’ll try to locate somepony just in case.”

“There really isn’t anyone, Coco Pommel. She was born and raised in a village that doesn’t officially exist.”

Scootaloo appears nervous. “Is that a problem?!”

Coco Pommel smiles as she walks over to the filly. “Not at all. You see, the Little Hooves Orphanage is here for any foal whom has nowhere to go. It’ll be your home as well for the time being.”

“That won’t be necessary. You see… I made her a promise a while back to…”

There is a loud banging at the door as a familiar voice rings out.

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