• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 14 - Late Night Endeavors (Part 6)

She silently reads it for a time before smiling and looking to Auriel.

“It looks like there’s a trap door that leads down to the dungeon right in front of the vault door.”

Auriel points a claw. “Right where that stallion’s henchponies were standing?”

Daring Do nods as she stuffs the papers in her saddlebags. “I’m guessing he was planning on betraying them as soon as they found the ‘Idol of Boreas’ for him.”

“Well, so much for that. How do we open it anyways?”

Daring Do points to an indentation in the floor. “Over by where Caballeron was standing when we walked in. I’d give you three guesses on why he was there. But you’d only need one.”

Auriel shudders. “Right.”

Walking over to the point indicated by Daring Do, Auriel touches it with her foot. The floor in front of the large vault door drops immediately forming a crude, but clearly effective, ramp. Auriel instinctively jumps back at the sight of wisps of green gas emanating from it.

“How do we get Arc out of there?!”

“Somepony has to go down there and get him.”

“There isn’t some kind of exit?!”

Daring Do shakes her head as she looks away from the pit. “Nope. It was meant to be a place of no return.”

“So what do you suggest?”

“Normally I would just hold my breath and fly down there.”

She points to her wings before continuing.

“But I think that’s out of the question.”

Auriel sighs as she looks at her own injured wings. “Me to. So I guess that just leaves magic.”

Daring Do raises an eyebrow. “What’s your plan?”

“Slide down there, find Arc, and Blink him back up here.”

“That might just work.”

“Assuming all the rooms down there are connected, that is.”

Daring Do pats her saddlebags. “No problem there. According to the maps, they’re actually just one room about half the size of this one.”


“All the trap doors and corresponding ramps lead to one place. The gas just knocks anypony out before they can climb back up or cast a spell though.”

“I can hold my breath.”

“Maybe you can. But it’s not likely you could do so long enough to find your stallionfriend. Especially while casting a Light Spell.”

Auriel reaches for a torch. “I could take this to light my way.”

Daring Do grimaces. “Not advisable. We have no idea how flammable that gas might be. And I don’t really want you finding out the hard way.”

“Then we’re back to my idea of holding my breath.”

“We could also head back to the ship and get help. I’m sure there’s enough ponies aboard to mount a rescue attempt.”

“He might not have that kind of time though! Remember how long it took us to get this far after leaving the ship!”

“True. But if we fail nopony actually knows where we are in here. They’d still come looking for us, of course. But it isn’t likely we’d still be alive by the time they found this place.”

Auriel turns and walks toward the hole. “I’ll take my chances.”

Daring Do chuckles. “Really?”

“Yes. And what’s so funny?”

“Sorry about that. It’s just… I guess…”

Auriel stands there looking down at the hole below soberly. Turning her head she looks Daring Do straight in the eye.

“Hold that thought. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Taking a couple deep breaths, Auriel takes one large lungful of air before jumping down into the inky darkness below. Allowing her body to go limp she slides down for what feels like forever. Eventually the stone ends and is replaced by a momentary free fall. Slamming to the ground, Auriel skids to a stop as she plows into something somewhat soft. Casting a Light Spell she is met with a terrible sight. Innumerable dead bodies lie conjoined in a pile of bones, leaves, clothes, and the remains of what Auriel can only assume to be fully decomposed corpses. Her eyes darting around as her lungs begin to strain, she spots Arc’s tell-tale armor lying atop one of the piles.

“There you are!”

Hurrying to climb up the pile, she throws herself on top of Arc, wraps her arms around him, and Blinks them back toward the hole she fell through. Reappearing just inside the exit the pair begin to slide back down. Concentrating, Auriel Blinks them further up with another spell. As before, they begin to slide back down. Repeating the process a half dozen times Auriel looks up to see the light from Daring Do’s torch some distance above them. Her chest on fire from the lack of oxygen, she presses on. As her vision begins to dim, her body forces her to take a small breath. The feeling of burning intensifies as the gas enters her lungs. As Auriel’s eyelids grow heavy, she reaches down deep within herself and puts everything into one final Blink. Finding herself suddenly looking down at Daring Do some distance below, Auriel’s body goes limp as she and Arc plummet back toward the hole. Daring Do gasps.

“I got you!”

Releasing the button in the floor, the trap door again reforms into the floor as the pair touch down. Hobbling over to them, she puts her hooves on Auriel’s shoulders and shakes the young demon.

“Auriel! Wake up!”

Slowly opening her eyes, she looks around with a dazed expression on her face.

“Daring Do?”

“How do you feel?!”

Auriel forces a small smile. “Did I… do it?”

Daring Do nods as she gestures with the torch to Arc lying next to her. “That you did.”

Auriel rolls over and gets to her hands and knees. Pulling herself over to Arc, she rips off his helmet and puts a claw to his neck as Daring Do looks on.

“How is he?”

“He’s alive. Hopefully he’ll wake up soon with some air.”

“And you?!”

Auriel flops down on Arc’s chestplate and smiles. “I’m… much better now.”

Daring Do smirks. “You’re really dedicated to him, aren’t you?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. I’m hoping to spend the rest of my life with him too.”

Daring Do turns away and grimaces. “I’m not sure if that’s really cute… or absolutely disgusting.”

“Why’s that?”

“Sorry. Mushy stuff isn’t something I’m good with. At least that’s what I want to say.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Well… you remember that you told me to ‘hold that thought’ before you jumped?”

“What about it?”

Daring Do sighs. “Back then I was just thinking about how you were going to risk your life for a shot at saving his.”

“That’s what love is.”

“Yeah, well… I wouldn’t know.”

“Never been in love before?”

Daring Do blushes slightly. “K-kinda.”

“It didn’t go well I’m assuming?”

“Not exactly. You see…”

A slight moan from Arc rings out. Auriel looks into his eyes and calls out.

“Arc? Can you hear me?”

“Y-yes. Is that you, Auriel?”

Auriel grins. “That it is! How do you feel?!”

Arc groans as he puts a gauntlet to his forehead. “Like I just got hit by a truck.”

Daring Do laughs. “You kinda did. See, the thing is…”

Arc turns at the sound of Daring Do’s voice and grabs one of her hooves as he looks to her.


Auriel gasps. “Arc, stop!”

“What?! But she…!”

“Let her go! She’s a friend!”

Arc frowns but does so. Turning back to Auriel he sighs.

“You care to explain what happened then?”

“Sure. You see…”

Auriel explains Daring Do’s actions involving him falling into the dungeon as well as her efforts to make the situation right. Arc sighs as he narrows his eyes and looks to the adventurer before him.

“I’m not sure if I should thank you or punch you.”

Daring Do sighs. “Guess I kinda deserve the latter.”


“Alright, I do.”

Auriel grimaces as she looks at Arc. “But you won’t, right?”

Arc sighs. “Not at this moment in time, no.”

Daring Do looks to the demon. “I guess I should be thankful to you.”

Auriel folds her arms over her chest. “We had a deal. I’m just honoring my end of it.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Deal?”

“If she helped me get you out of there I promised to keep you from hurting her.”

“And that stallion from earlier you told me about?”

Daring Do points toward the closed secret passage. “He ran through there.”

Auriel grins wickedly. “His thugs have probably caught up with him by now.”

Daring Do shakes her head. “Nah, he’s too slippery for that.”

Arc clenches a fist angrily. “Well if I ever catch up to him I’ll give him some handles!”

He turns to Auriel before continuing.

“That is unless you made a deal with him too.”

Auriel shakes her head. “Nope.”

Daring Do cackles. “Do whatever you want to him.”

Arc groans and slowly stands. “Well, we should probably get out of here now. Or at least try to find our way out.”

Auriel turns to Daring Do. “Any secret passages that will take us back to the top of the temple?”

Daring Do reaches into her saddlebags and looks over the paper again. “Actually yes. There’s a series of stairways that will take us up there. But, um…”

Arc groans. “What’s the catch?”

“Nothing really. I was just… curious about something.”

Auriel appears confused. “What is it?”

Daring Do point a hoof toward the sealed door that the stallions were trying to open when they arrived. “If there’s time, I’d like to see what’s inside this vault.”

Arc frowns. “After all this you STILL want to…?!”

“Think of it like an adventurer’s curiosity.”

“I don’t think any of us has the wits to figure that out or the strength to force it open right now.”

Auriel nods. “That and we shouldn’t even be in here without my father’s permission. To say nothing for whatever’s in…”

There is a low rumble as several loud clicks ring out. With a low groan the large door slowly rolls to open. Auriel turns to Daring Do.

“How’d you DO that?!”

“It wasn’t me!”

Arc sighs. “Really?”

“Believe me, yes!”

Auriel smiles happily. “Well… as long as it’s open we might as well take a look.”

Arc groans. “Not you too, Auriel!”

“I’m only interested in the contents from a purely academic standpoint.”

She looks to Daring Do before continuing.

“And I’m sure my new friend is too.”

Daring Do gasps. “Wait! You mean I can’t take ANYTHING?!”

Auriel nods. “Right. Don’t you agree?”


Arc motions to the door. “Well then… let’s go.”

Walking toward the now open doorway they step inside. Looking around, the group spots a small room with shelves that run along all four walls from floor to ceiling. On them lies every imaginable magical artifact of all shapes and sizes. Some of them sit there silently while others appear to either hum, glow, or vibrate slightly. Daring Do gasps.

“How… how could these magical gizmos still function after all this time?!”

Auriel giggles. “Demon enchantments hold up much better over time than Equestrian. I’m told ancient unicorns also used lesser enchantments, but never perfected longevity.”

Arc puts a gauntlet to his chin thoughtfully. “Someone told me that a while back, yes. I think it was…”

Auriel interrupts him. “What the…?!”

Pointing ahead, they see a rather familiar navy blue cloak step out from behind a shelf. Arc clenches a fist.

“You again?!”

Wiseman nods as he looks up with an ancient looking tome in his gloved hand.

“Ah, yes. Fancy meeting you here, Arc. Did you come for a bit of a read as well?”

Daring Do turns to him. “You know this thing?!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Unfortunately.”

Wiseman chuckles as he approaches them. “It’s good to see you again, Auriel. Tell me, how are you and Daring Do here getting along?”

“Um… okay, I suppose.”

Arc steps between Wiseman and Auriel. “Cut to the chase! Why are you here?!”

Wiseman holds up the book. “As I said, I just came for a good read.”

Auriel gasps. “That’s a book on very ancient and complicated Dark Magic spells!”

“A bit of light reading. One is never too old to learn something new.”

Daring Do points a hoof at him. “Never mind that! How the hay did you get IN here?!”

Auriel looks around. “I don’t think there would be any other way in. And the vault should be warded against Teleportation Spells.”

Arc frowns. “Care to explain yourself?”

Wiseman shakes his head as he puts the book back on a large shelf. “I knew you’d make it inside eventually, Arc.”


“The same way I know everything else.”


Wiseman shrugs. “The Keeper of Time anyways.”

Auriel groans. “Why were you waiting for us though?”

“To see Arc, of course.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Great. Here I am. Now can you please leave?”

“Certainly. But I also have a request of Auriel.”


Daring Do narrows her eyes. “What kind of request?”

“A simple one really.”

Reaching out to a shelf, Wiseman carefully picks an ancient looking relic up and holds it out to Auriel.

“Would you please give that to your father, my dear?”

“What is it?”

“Something that will be needed in short order. You will know what to do with it.”

Daring Do grits her teeth. “How do we know you’re not just setting us up?!”

“I suppose you don’t.”

Arc mutters under his breath. “Saw that one coming.”

Wiseman steps back. “In any case, I must be off. Take care of yourselves during the upcoming battle.”

Without another word the cloaked individual fades away into nothingness. Auriel looks to the device in her claws as Daring Do turns to her.

“What is it?”

Auriel shrugs. “I don’t really know.”

Arc looks it over for a few moments before speaking. “Doesn’t give me any bad vibes. Not that such a thing really means anything.”

Daring Do looks to Auriel. “So what are we going to do?”

“It would probably be best to just do as he says. After all, we could simply just bring it back here if need be.”

Arc shrugs. “If you want to do what that crackpot says, fine. But we should get topside, retrieve the ‘Telepathy Ball’, and get back to the ship.”

Daring Do shrugs. “I’ll see you two around then.”

She turns to limp away as Auriel calls out after her.

“Wait! You’re still badly hurt!”

“I’ll manage.”

“We can help you back at our ship!”

Arc frowns. “I… suppose we could.”

Daring Do shakes her head as she continues walking. “Thanks but I’ll be…”

Her legs give out suddenly as she crashes to the floor. Crying out in pain, Auriel runs over to her.

“Please! You shouldn’t be walking! Let us take you back to The Equinox for some x-rays!”

Daring Do attempts to stand, but fails. “Guess I don’t have much choice, huh?”

Arc shrugs. “Just us leaving you here, of course. But I’m assuming you don’t really want that.”

“Not really, no.”

“Then what are we going to do?”

Auriel kneels down. “I can give you a piggy back ride if Arc carries this device.”

Daring Do groans. “Fine. Just do me one favor.”

“What’s that?”

“Please don’t let anypony see me like this.”

Arc sighs as he takes the item from Auriel as she moves to hand it to him. “No offense, Auriel, but I don’t think you’re in any condition to be carrying someone.”

“Then how…?”

“I’ll put this thing in my ring and carry her myself.”

Daring Do frowns. “I’m not sure I’d like to…”

“Me or nothing.”

Daring Do sighs. Fine.

Leaving the temple, Arc is sure to retrieve the ‘Telepathy Ball’ before they depart. Returning to The Equinox via portal the trio heads for the Infirmary. Arc lays Daring Do down on a hospital cot as Auriel lies down on one herself. Turning, he knocks on the office door to summon Redheart. She promptly answers his calls.


“Sorry to wake you up, but we need some medical help out here.”

“Yes sir, right away.”

Walking over to the bed, she approaches Auriel whom is lying on her belly with her wings draped over her back. She gestures to Daring Do.

“Please look at her first.”

Redheart turns to Arc for guidance. He shrugs. Turning to the mare, Redheart looks her over quickly.

“A badly broken leg and two broken wings.”

Auriel grimaces. “How bad?”

“I’ll need to take x-rays to know the extent of the damage, of course.”

Daring Do shakes her head. “That really isn’t necessary. Just let me rest and take the ship back to Equestria when you…”

Arc interrupts. “Redheart, I want to know the extent of her injuries along with Auriel’s.”

“But I don’t really need…”

Arc turns to her. “If you’d like Auriel can go first. However you’re getting looked at whether you like it or not.”

Auriel smiles at her. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t hurt.”

Daring Do sighs. “Fine. But take care of Auriel first.”

Redheart nods. “Very well.”

Arc turns to Auriel. “Looks like you made a new friend, eh?”

Auriel smiles nervously. “Is that okay?”

“Of course. I don’t own you, after all.”

Auriel appears relieved. “Good. I thought you’d be upset.”

She looks him up and down before continuing.

“How are you doing though?”

“A bit sore, but otherwise okay.”

“Maybe you should have Nurse Redheart look you over, Arc.”

“I’m okay. Crimson form regeneration and all that.”

“Well it didn’t protect you from that gas.”

Redheart looks over from her clipboard. “Gas, sir?”

“Some kind of sleeping mist. It kept me out for some time.”

“Then I really should look you over too.”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m…”

Auriel interrupts him. “Arc, please let the nurse examine you.”


“For me?”

Arc sighs and nods.

“Fine. But only after she’s done helping you and your friend.”

Redheart looks over from examining Auriel’s wings. “Why don’t you get cleaned up in the patient restroom, sir? There’s a medical shower in there.”

“Thanks. I think I’ll do that.”

Heading into the bathroom Arc recalls his armor. Looking to the mirror at his face, he sighs.

“Pale skin… red eyes… fangs… not sure how the others can bear to look at me when I’m in this form.”

Removing his clothes, Arc turns on the water and steps into the shower. Sitting down, he puts his head in his hands as the water washes over him.

“Tonight… certainly didn’t go as I had intended.”

Remaining in the shower, unmoving, for an indeterminate amount of time, Arc eventually hears the door softly open. The shuffling of cloth and footsteps approaching the shower ring out over the sound of the water. Looking up he spies Auriel standing there silently, her wings drooped at her side. Looking behind the demon he spies her clothing lying on the floor behind her as she speaks.

“Can I join you?”

“Y-yeah, sure.”

Auriel steps into the shower and sits down next to Arc. He looks over to her before speaking.

“How are your wings?”

“A lot better than originally thought. They’re not actually broken.”


Auriel nods. “The nurse looked them over and found them to be only heavily bruised. She gave me a shot in each one for the pain.”

“Ah. That explains the limp wings.”

“It’s just a localized anesthetic, so I can still walk and talk normally. Redheart said they’d be better in a week or so.”

“That’s… good.”

“Is something bothering you, Arc?”

“Yeah. I need an honest opinion on something.”

“What is it?”

“How do I look to you right now?”

“In your Crimson form?”


Auriel smiles lewdly as she licks her lips. “Very sexy.”

Arc sighs. “Thanks.”

“But that’s honestly how I feel.”

“Sorry. It’s just… I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out how the others could possibly love me when THIS is staring them in the face.”

He motions to his Crimson facial features. Auriel smiles and puts a hand on his cheek, turning it to face her.

“I think I can explain that.”


“They’re able to look past the physical difference you now have, Arc.”

She runs a claw down his cheek and onto his bare chest before stopping at his sternum.

“To them and me… what’s in here is what really matters.”

Giggling, she pulls back her claw to a layer of dirt.

“How about I wash you off as I talk?”

“I can…”

Auriel appears hopeful. “Please…?”

Nodding, Arc smiles.


Auriel grabs the medical grade soap and a washcloth. Working up a lather she starts cleaning Arc’s body as he talks.

“I just… feel like I should be something more though.”

“Like what?”

“That’s the worst part. I literally have no idea.”

“Then how can you be more?”

“Sorry if I’m talking nonsense. I think this whole matter has my brain scrambled.”

“Even that sentence was kinda strange. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Arc sighs. “I don’t know. My Crimson form should protect me from illness and injury to a degree. But not much is known about it.”

“Less so as it pertains to humans.”

“That’s another thing. They fell in love with Arc the human. Not Arc the vampire.”

Auriel shakes her head. “Don’t worry about it so much. If it really bothers them they’ll say something.”

Arc frowns as Auriel rinses him off. “I suppose they would. Everyone’s been really nice about it, of course.”

“But I can’t imagine they’d just let something like this go unsaid if it was going to be a deal breaker.”

“I think I’ll have a talk with them about it though. After all, this whole Crimson thing isn’t exactly something I can just cure myself of.”

Auriel sets down the shower nozzle. It continues to spray water as she giggles.

“I know. But I’m okay with this, and bet they are too.”


“Um… do you think you could do something for me?”

“What is it?”

Auriel blushes slightly as she speaks. “Help me wash myself.”


“My back’s still pretty numb from those shots, so I can’t really feel what I’m doing. Do you think you could clean me up too?”


Taking a clean washcloth, Arc wets it and gets a lather going as Auriel turns around.

“Just let me know if I hurt you, okay?”

Auriel nods as Arc begins. He carefully scrubs her wings starting from the tips. Auriel sighs happily.

“As long as we’re baring our souls, can I say something?”

Arc nods. “Sure, go ahead.”

“The way you feel about your Crimson form… I know how that’s like.”

“Because you’re a demon?”

“No one in Equestria, the Great Demon Kingdom, or Earth looks even remotely like me. As a halfling I’m really the only one of my kind.”

“Please don’t call yourself that, Auriel.”

“Why not? It’s true.”

“I suppose so. But you say it like you’re somehow less important because of it.”

“For the longest time I used to think about how you could possibly love a creature like me, Arc.”

“And what did you come up with?”

Auriel closes her eyes and smiles. “The same reason I gave to you about your external appearance. To you… it’s just not important.”



“I honestly think that you’re really beautiful.”

Auriel sighs as she looks down at her claws. “In which form?”

“Both actually.”

“Which would you prefer though?”

“Your human form is just as pretty as your demon form.”

“While I disagree, I thank you for saying so.”

Arc frowns as he picks up the nozzle from the floor with his magic. “What makes you say that?”

“Creatures of all species are more attracted to those whom are most similar to them in appearance. That’s probably why I never looked at another demon romantically before. They just look too different from what I am.”

She turns and grabs his shoulders before looking him dead in the eye.

“But you… you and I look the same as far as general features goes.”

“Are you saying that’s the only reason you fell for me? Because we look the same?”

Auriel shakes her head vehemently. “Not at all! You were always so kind to me. Ever since that day you invaded Vengeance and destroyed the Malice Cannon. After all, you could have just left me there to die.”

“It’s not in my nature to hurt someone that doesn’t appear able or willing to fight back.”

Auriel giggles as she puts a claw to Arc’s face and smiles. “Now look at us. We’ve gone from tenuous friends to me wanting to have your children.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s been a long, wild ride alright.”

“And it’s not over yet… is it, my love.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not even close.”

Carefully putting his arms around Auriel’s back so as not to hurt her wings, Arc pulls her in close. The pair kiss passionately as Auriel presses her body against his. Wrapping both her arms and legs around Arc’s midsection, she grins as they continue kissing. Pulling back a few inches, Auriel speaks.

“I love you, Arc.”

Arc smiles as he leans in for another kiss. “And I love you too, Auriel.”

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