• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,618 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 18 - Mysterious and Magical Fillies

Early the next morning Arc, Derpy, Dinky and Applejack prepare to return to Ponyville.

Arc shakes Cherry’s hoof. “Thank you very much for having us Cherry.”

“The pleasure was all mine! Just you all remember, you're welcome here anytime!”

“I appreciate that. Would you mind if I left a sigil here? I can use it to teleport here at a moment’s notice.”

Cherry points a hoof. “Right this way!”

Arc and Cherry walk down to her basement, Arc calls forth his Eidolon's Ward and places a sigil in the corner.

Cherry tilts her head slightly to one side and smiles. “I think you're more handsome without your armor.”

Upon completing the sigil Arc returns his armor to his ring.


Cherry slowly walks toward Arc. “Much!”

Arc kneels down. Cherry puts her hooves around his neck as she kneels down to his level and whispers in his ear. “Don't be a stranger now.”

She kisses Arc's cheek and the pair walk back up the steps to the main level.

Arc look over to Applejack and Derpy. “Are you two about ready to go?”

“Be right there!”

Derpy finishes putting a fresh diaper on Dinky. “We are now.”

They walk to the basement and stand on the freshly made sigil.

Arc nods to the sisters. “So long Cherry. Take good care of your sister Ruby.”

Applejack waves. “I hope we can get together at my place next time!”

Derpy and Dinky wave happily. “Thanks for everything!”

Cherry looks down sadly. “Goodbye… Arc.”

The sigil glows and in a flash the four are transported to Derpy's house. Ruby puts a hoof on her sister’s shoulder.

“I'm sorry, Cherry. Some things just aren't meant to be.”

Meanwhile in Ponyville, Applejack, Derpy, Dinky and Arc reappear in a corner of Derpy's living room.

Arc looks around. “Glad I remembered to place this sigil before we left!”

Ember walks out of the bedroom, sleepy-eyed. “Decided to spend the night, eh?”

“Yup. I hope you weren't too worried about us.”

Ember stretches. “Nah. I actually kinda figured you would do that. Don't worry. I made sure Twilight made it home yesterday. Although it was quite a pain carrying all the books she borrowed from Mythic Honor.”

Derpy looks to Arc. “Speaking of Twilight, we should head over there and have her take another look at Dinky!”

Ember appears concerned. “Is something wrong?”

“We're not sure. Ever since I delivered Dinky, I have felt some strange power inside her. Derpy can feel it too. She already asked Twilight about it, but she doesn't sense anything!”

“I don't feel anything either. But this has me worried about Apple Bloom! Arc and Derpy felt the same energy coming from her as well.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I wonder if... Derpy, hand Dinky to Applejack.”

Derpy does so.

“Applejack, do you feel anything at all?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Not a thing!”

“Alright. Ember, would you try holding Dinky now?”

“Very well.”

Ember takes Dinky from Applejack's hooves.

“Do you sense anything?”

“Actually, yes! It's not like any kind of magic I’ve ever encountered, and certainly not Dragon Magic. But there is definitely SOMETHING there”

Derpy takes Dinky from Ember and looks back to Arc. “But why can we feel it and Applejack and Twilight can't?”

“Puzzling... most puzzling. I think we should consult Twilight on this again. Applejack, would you head over to Sweet Apple Acres and bring Apple Bloom to the Golden Oaks Library?”

Applejack heads for the door. “Sure thing! See yall in a bit!”

Derpy puts Dinky on her back. “We better get going too!”

Ember follows them. “I’ll come too!”

The four head to the Golden Oaks Library to consult with Twilight, Arc knocks on the front door, Twilight herself answers.

“Arc! This is a nice surprise! And you brought company too! What's the occasion?!”

As they enter, Arc addresses Twilight’s question. “We need some magical advice, Twilight. Applejack is on her way over with Apple Bloom as well.”

“What seems to be the problem?”

Derpy sets Dinky down on the floor. “Arc, Ember and I can all feel some kind of strange magic inside my little Dinky! However, when Applejack held her, she felt nothing!”

“While it certainly isn't out of the ordinary for an infant unicorn to have unbalanced magic, the fact I can't sense anything wrong is indeed troubling.”

Ember makes a face. “You know what else is troubling? Dinky's diaper!”

Derpy picks up her daughter. “Would you all excuse me for a few minutes please?”

She heads to the bathroom with Dinky. Applejack walks in the front door a few moments later with Apple Bloom.

“Hey y'all! We came as fast as we could!”

Apple Bloom runs up to Arc. He kneels down to embrace her. “Arc! How was your trip?!”

“Loads of fun! We enjoyed it so much, we decided to spend the night! I hope you don't mind we borrowed your sister.”

“Nah! We figured Applejack deserved a little time off anyways! By the way, your new Command Center must be almost ready! They're moving in furniture now!”

Arc sets her down and stands up. “I knew they wouldn't let me down. I might head over there later, but right now we have bigger things to worry about.”

Apple Bloom looks confused. “Like what?”

“Well, did you sister tell you about what I wrote in my letter to her a while back?”

“She mentioned something about you feeling some kinda power in me. I didn't really understand what she was talking about.”

Applejack sighs. “To tell you the truth, I didn't understand what I was talking about, sugarcube!”

Twilight walks over to the young filly. “Apple Bloom, can you feel anything of magical origin inside you?”

Apple Bloom shakes her head. “Nope. But I don't even know what magic is supposed to feel like!”

Ember takes a couple steps closer to Apple Bloom. “That makes sense, but... I can definitely say I feel it more strongly the closer I get to Apple Bloom!

Arc nods. “I agree. The feeling is most certainly coming from within her.”

Derpy emerges from the bathroom with a freshly changed Dinky. “Hello again Applejack!”

“Hi Derpy!”

“And a good morning to you as well, Apple Bloom!”

Arc snaps his fingers. “I have an idea. Apple Bloom, would you do me a favor and hold Dinky for a few minutes.”

Apple Bloom looks over excitedly! “Really?! Oh boy! I've never held a foal before!”

Derpy points to a nearby chair. “Have a seat and I'll bring Dinky over.”

Apple Bloom hurriedly does so and Derpy lays Dinky in her small hooves.

“Aww… she’s so light!”

Arc crouches down next to Apple Bloom and Dinky. “Well, this is most unexpected. I was wondering if them being in close proximity would double the feeling.”

Ember thinks about this for a moment. “You mean like 1+1=2?”

Arc nods. “Yes Ember, and very well put I might add! However, right now I am feeling more like 1+1=3! Ember would you and Derpy sit down on either side of Apple Bloom and Dinky please?

The pair do so.

Derpy’s eyes grow wide. “You're right Arc! The power didn't just combine, but instead grew!”

Ember nods. “I agree! Twilight, why don't you try now?”

Twilight takes Ember's place next to Apple Bloom. She shakes her head. “Nope. Sorry, but I still don't feel a thing!”

Ember roars! “This is maddening! Why can the three of us feel it, but a talented unicorn like Twilight cannot?!”

“Um... big sis... I'm feeling something too!”

Applejack rushes over to her sister’s side. “You do?! When did it start?!”

Apple Bloom appears nervous. “About the time Ms. Derpy handed Dinky to me. I’m sorry for not saying anything earlier, but I didn't want to interrupt you all though!”

Arc walks over to her. “It's okay Apple Bloom. Can you describe the feeling for us?”

Apple Bloom thinks for a few moments. “Well... I guess the best way to describe it would be kinda like a warm feeling. Like love, but with power behind it! This feeling... it actually feels kinda good! Like seeing somepony again after they've been gone for a long time.”

Ember gives her a thumbs up! “Good description. That's what it feels like to me as well.”

Derpy and Arc both nod in agreement.

Apple Bloom looks over to Applejack with tears in her eyes. “Applejack... what's happening to me?! I'm scared!”

Derpy picks Dinky back up from Apple Bloom as Applejack walks forward to console her little sister. “There, there sugarcube! You're going to be just fine! We'll figure this thing out together! Any ideas, Twilight?”

“Well, from what Apple Bloom just described, it sounds an awful lot like the power from the Elements of Harmony!”

“But, that's impossible Twilight! The elements are already attuned to us!”

“I know, Applejack. But we should see if there is any connection. Give me a few moments.”

Twilight pulls six books off of various shelves in the library that appear to have nothing to do with each other. She then turns a vase on an end table a quarter turn to the left then quickly gives it a half turn to the right! The end table slowly rises out of the floor to reveal a display case containing six strange looking jewels!

Twilight gestures to the case proudly! “Arc, Ember, Derpy... these are the Elements of Harmony! Equestria's last and most powerful weapon against threats both internal and external!”

Applejack runs over to the case! “I thought the Elements of Harmony were safely locked away in the Royal Palace somewhere! Couldn't anypony break in here and nab em?!”

Twilight narrows her eyes. “Applejack... who would break into a library? Especially one open to the public?”

“Well... aw horse apples! I guess you got me there!”

“Princess Celestia decided they would be safer in Ponyville. They would also be more easily accessible to us here rather than having to go all the way to Canterlot to get them if the need ever arose!”

She turns to Arc.

“What do you think Arc? Is this the same power you feel coming from Apple Bloom and Dinky?”

Arc nods decisively. “There’s no doubt in my mind! The power emanating from these gems is of course much more powerful, but yes!”

Ember steps toward the case with Derpy. “Agreed! It's definitely the same feeling!”

Derpy hugs Dinky tightly. “Twilight! Are... are Dinky and Apple Bloom going to be all right?”

“The Elements of Harmony and their energies are non-lethal, so I would say they should be fine. Although I admit I don't really have a point of reference to base that opinion on.”

Applejack looks nervously to her friend. “So, what should we do Twilight?”

“I don't think there is anything we CAN do other than contact Canterlot and ask the Princesses if they have any knowledge of artifacts similar to the Elements of Harmony. Other than that, I really have no idea!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Applejack, would you mind if I borrowed Apple Bloom for a day or two? I want her to hang around the three of us and see if these energies, or whatever they are, fluctuate at all during the day.”

“Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. Apple Bloom, are you okay with this?”

“Really Arc?! This’ll be SO COOL!”

“Take good care of my little sister Arc. And let me know if you find out anything! I'm counting on you!”

“Don’t worry, Applejack. We’ll figure this out.”

Applejack leaves to get back to her chores at Sweet Apple Acres.

“What should we do now, Arc?”

“Well Ember, just for the sake of covering all the bases, why don't we take Dinky and Apple Bloom to Ponyville Hospital and have Dr. Horse give them a checkup.”

Twilight nods her head in agreement. “Probably for the best. I'll get started writing a letter asking for the princess’ advice on this matter.”

Arc walks toward the door with the others. “Thanks Twilight! Keep us posted!”

Arc, Derpy, Dinky, Ember and Apple Bloom head toward the hospital. Apple Bloom kicks a rock in frustration.

“Awww... I hate going to the doctor!”

“So do I.”

She looks up at him. “Really Arc?! Why’s that?”

“Every time I go there it's either because something put holes in my chest, or a friend of mine is in trouble.”

Derpy looks down sadly. “I too don't much care for hospitals. The last time I was there was after Dinky was born and they told me you were... gone, Arc.”

Ember does her best to reassure Derpy. “Not to worry Derpy! Remember, he was with me!”

Arc nods in agreement. “And now we are all back together again! Let's try and keep it that way, shall we? Want a piggy back ride, Apple Bloom?”

“What’s that?”

“I’ll show you.”

Arc picks up Apple Bloom and puts her on his shoulders. He holds onto her rear hooves as the continue on down the path.

Apple Bloom throws her hooves over her head happily! “This is awesome! Look how high up I am! Wee!”

A short time later the party arrives at Ponyville Hospital, Arc approaches the front desk.

“Pardon me, nurse. I need to speak to Dr. Horse about a strange magical based ailment.”

“Very well. I’ll see what I can do.”

A few minutes later the nurse returns and approaches Arc.

“The doctor will see you shortly. You can wait in his office.”

The nurse leads them to Dr. Horse's office before returning to the front desk.

Derpy sets Dinky down on the floor. “Apple Bloom, would you like to play with Dinky?”


Apple Bloom and Dinky play patty cake on the floor until Dr. Horse arrives.

“My small friends here are emanating some kind of strange energy. It seems to grow in power when the two of them are together. Ember, Derpy and I can all sense it, but so far nopony else has been able to. Would you kindly give them a full medical examination?”

The doctor looks over to the fillies playing on the floor. “Certainly. But, I'm not exactly sure what to look for.”

“That makes two of us, doctor. I guess I’m hoping you can find anything we can use as a clue!”

The doctor removes two syringes from a nearby drawer and walks over to Dinky. “Well, let’s start with a simple blood test. Would you hold little Dinky still for me a moment, Miss Hooves?”

“Yes doctor.”

Dinky cooperates and the sample is quickly taken. Doctor Horse walks over to Apple Bloom with the other syringe. She promptly runs and hides under the desk!


Ember rolls her eyes. “Come now Apple Bloom. We need to get to the bottom of this!”

She peeks out from under the desk. “But I’m scared!”

Arc smiles at her. “There's nothing to be scared of Apple Bloom. Come! I'll hold you while the doctor takes the sample.”

“Well... okay.”

Apple Bloom walks slowly over to Arc and jumps in his lap. She wraps her front hooves around his neck and squeezes her eyes shut! Arc wraps his arms around her midsection and holds on tight. He nods to the doctor who pricks Apple Bloom's skin and takes the sample. She winces but remains fairly calm.

The doctor pulls out the filled syringe. “There! All done!”

“Well that wasn't so bad!”

Ember nods approvingly. “You were very brave, Apple Bloom!”

The doctor calls a nurse who momentarily enters the office. He points a hoof at the filled syringes on the table. “Take those to the lab. I need the results as soon as possible.”

“Yes doctor”.

She leaves to carry out her assignment while the doctor continues his examination. An hour later he finishes.

“Everything seems to be in order physically in both patients. All that's left are the results from the lab.”

There is a small knock at the door as a nurse enters with a report.

“Perfect timing nurse, thank you.”

The nurse gives the doctor the report and returns to her duties.

Doctor Horse walks over to his desk and sits down before opening the file. “Let's see here... Dinky's blood work shows normal all across the board.”

Derpy hugs her daughter tightly. “Oh, thank goodness!”

As the doctor looks over Apple Bloom’s report a strange look crosses his face. “Well, this is quite… unexpected.”

Ember looks over. “Did you find something doctor?”

“I... don't know. For some reason Apple Bloom's blood sample is very similar to... a unicorn.”

Arc looks confused. “I'm not sure I follow you doctor.”

“Well, unicorns have a substance in their blood we know as "Magiplasts". When a unicorn casts magic, these magiplasts carry magical energy to their horn. For this reason, magiplasts are only found in unicorns, so this is truly remarkable!”

Derpy looks down at Dinky. “So, no magiplasts, no magic?”

“It is believed so, yes. Although I have never heard of any actual studies being performed.”

Arc stands up. “Um… doctor?”


Arc uses his magic to levitate Dinky with one hand while performing a simple light spell in the other. Apple Bloom looks on, wide eyed”

“Arc! You can use magic now?!”

Doctor Horse watches the spectacle before him in amazement! “Extraordinary! The ability to cast multiple spells of different schools simultaneously! But I was assured by Ms. Heartstrings that humans couldn't use magic!”

“That is correct. No human has ever been able to do so. I couldn't myself, until recently.”

“If I may ask, how is such a feat possible?!”

“During my previous visit to the Dragon Lord, he gifted me with Dragon Magic. And while it differs from unicorn magic, it’s still quite handy!”

Now it is Doctor Horse’s turn to be confused. “Different? How so?”

Ember stands up. “I think I can answer that one. You see, unicorn magic is based more on utilitarian artes such as telekinesis, light spells, transmogrification and the like. A unicorn can cast such spells with ease with almost no drain to their energy. While Dragon Magic is more offensive oriented. Fire Blast, Feats of Strength, Elemental Manipulation, to name a few. While a unicorn could certainly cast these spells, it would be quite taxing.”

Apple Bloom grins! “Does this mean I can use magic too?!”

“That would be extremely unlikely Miss Apple. But, considering what I have just seen and heard... I suppose anything is possible. I will put out a call to some colleagues to see if such an event has ever been reported previously.”

Derpy looks again to the doctor. This time with evident concern in her voice! “Thank you, doctor. But... what about Dinky?”

“I'm afraid I can't be of any help there Ms. Hooves. Whatever this power is you three are sensing doesn't appear to be causing her any pain or affecting her physically. While I too would like to know the source of the power, it doesn't seem to be hindering her in any way. This is all I can tell you. I wish I could do more.”

Arc stands up. “Thank you for your time doctor. We’ll let you get back to work now.”

“If I come up with anything from my inquiries, I will let you know.”

The group leaves Ponyville Hospital. Ember appears annoyed. “Well, that was a waste of time!”

“Not really, Ember. We may not have learned anything new, but at least we eliminated a few possibilities.”

Derpy looks over to Arc for guidance. “So, where do we go from here?”

Arc looks straight ahead. “I can think of only one place…”

The party walks down the street as Arc leads them into Sugar Cube Corner. Ember facepalms. “Really? This again?!”

Arc smiles as they walk in the door. “What? I can't be expected to think on an empty stomach!”

Apple Bloom run inside excitedly! “Yeah! Me either!”

Dinky laughs and claps her tiny hooves together. “Yummy!”

Derpy giggles! “I guess at least Dinky agrees with you Arc!”

Arc approaches Mrs. Cake at the counter. “Good morning Hero of... I mean, Arc! What can we do for you today?”

“I’d like to buy a mixed platter of cupcakes please. Oh! And a half dozen muffins!”

Derpy salivates. “Muffins…”

Mrs. Cake places the order on a tray. Arc pays for the sweets and returns to the large table the group is now sitting around. He sets the platter down in the middle of them.

“Dig in everyone!”

They do so.

Apple Bloom eats happily next to Dinky. “Yum! These are the best cupcakes I ever had!”

Ember holds up a cupcake. “Gotta admit, this place has good eats!”

Derpy and Dinky say nothing but nod in agreement as they happily munch on their muffins.

Ember finishes her cupcake and goes for another. “Thanks for the treats Arc, but seriously, what do we do now?”

“Hmmm... well, how about we head over to the park. Dinky and Apple Bloom could play for a while.”

“That sounds like fun!”

Derpy swallows her muffin and giggles! “I guess that settles it!”

The party finishes their snack and heads over to the park. Dinky chases Apple Bloom around trying her best to catch her while Arc and the others sit around a picnic table. A few other foals join them. A familiar mare and another filly arrive sometime later. Arc throws up a hand to them.

“Hi Rarity!”

“Good day to you all! What brings you three here today?”

Derpy looks over to the pair as they play together. “Dinky and Apple Bloom are playing together. Right now we're trying to figure out what is causing some strange magic-like energies that seem to be coming from both of them.”

With genuine concern in her voice. “Oh my! Are they in any danger?!”

Ember shakes her head. “It doesn't look like it. At least the doctor didn't find anything of concern. Twilight is equally stumped. Looks like all we can do now is observe them.”

“My goodness! If there is anything I can do to help by all means please let me know!”

Arc gestures for Rarity to sit down with them. “Thanks Rarity. The only lead we have right now are the Elements of Harmony.”

“The Elements? How could they have anything to do with those two?”

Arc lowers his voice and leans closer to Rarity. “Well, while we were in the library, Twilight showed us the Elements. The power coming from them was the same as the energy from Apple Bloom and Dinky!”

“But how is that possible?!”

Arc shakes his head. “We haven’t a clue.”

Apple Bloom walks up to the group with Dinky on her back. “Hi there Rarity! Um... Arc, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure, Apple Bloom! What's on your mind?”

Apple Bloom looks at the group nervously. “Well, you remember how in the library I told you how I felt something coming from Dinky?”

“Yes. What about it?”

“It's just that... I'm getting that same feeling here too! At first I thought it was just coming from Dinky again, but... it's not!”

Derpy appears concerned! “Any idea from whom?”

Apple Bloom points a hoof at a white unicorn with the purple and pink mane. “I'm pretty sure it's coming from that filly over there!”

Rarity looks where Apple Bloom is pointing before turning back to her. “Apple Bloom dear, are you sure of this?!”

“I'm pretty sure! It's hard to tell with so many others around though.”

Rarity looks over at the filly apprehensively. “Well, there's only one way to find out.”

Rarity waves and the white unicorn approaches the picnic table cautiously. “Everypony! I'd like you to meet my little sister, Sweetie Belle!”

The young filly looks over to Arc then at Ember. “Um… hello.”

“Sweetie Belle, these are a few of my friends. Derpy and her daughter Dinky...”

Derpy and Dinky smile at Sweetie Belle.

“...and this is Apple Bloom. She's Applejack's little sister. You remember her, don't you”

“Uh huh!”

“And this is Arc. He's Equestria's Hero of Light”

“Pleased to meet you Sweetie Belle.”

Rarity gestures to their dragon companion. “And finally, this is Ember. She’s the Dragon Lord's daughter.”

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow. “So... she's like... a princess then?”

Rarity looks over at her sister surprised! “I... guess you could say that, yes.”

Sweetie Belle looks over at Ember excitedly! “Wow! I never met a princess before!”

“Yes well, in any case... Sweetie Belle, the Hero of Light would like to have a word with you.”

Sweetie Belle worriedly shrinks back. “Am I… in trouble?”

Arc smiles at the filly. “No, it's nothing like that. You and I just need to have a little chat, that's all. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you just answer the best you can, alright?”

“Okay. I’ll try.”

“Alright. Tell me... how do you feel right now?”

Sweetie Belle shrugs. “I guess about the same as any other day.”

“Do you know my friends Apple Bloom and Dinky? Have you met them before?”

“When you were playing together earlier did you feel anything... out of the ordinary?”

Sweetie Belle shrugs. “Not really, but we were so busy playing.”

Arc points at Dinky and Apple Bloom. “Sweetie Belle, I want you to do something for me. Go stand next to Dinky and Apple Bloom.”


Sweetie Belle does so.

“Can you feel anything now?”

The filly makes a strange face. “Now that you mention it, yes! Kinda like a strange warm feeling!”

Arc turns to Derpy and Ember. “What do you think?”

The pair nod their heads in agreement.

Arc turns to Rarity. “Just for the sake of clarity, do you feel anything coming from these three Rarity?”

She shakes her head. “Not a thing.”

Arc turns back to Sweetie Belle. “Thank you for answering my questions, Sweetie Belle. You can all go play now!”

The three fillies run off together smiling and laughing as Rarity looks over to Arc, very concerned! “Arc, what is going on here?!”

“Believe me Rarity, if I knew I’d tell you! When the three of them where standing there together though, the power within became MUCH stronger!”

Ember nods in agreement. “I felt that too!”

Derpy looks around the park. “How many others do you suppose are out there?”

Arc sighs. “Sadly, there's no way of knowing. Don't worry. We WILL figure this out!”

He turns back to Rarity. “Would it be all right if Sweetie Belle stayed with us for a while?”

“Well, if you think it will help.”

“I admit, I'm not sure of anything right now. All I can think of to do is watch... and wait.”

Rarity nods. “I trust you, Arc. Do what you think is best, but please... take care of my little sister.”

She waves a hoof at Sweetie Belle, who comes running back. “Arc here would like the three of you to stay together for a while longer. I'm going to head back home, as he will be looking after you for now. Be a good girl now!”

Sweetie Belle nods. “I will. Bye Rarity!

Rarity leaves the park.

Sweetie Belle turns to Apple Bloom. “This is going to be so cool!”

Apple Bloom hops up and down. “I know, right!”

Dinky joins in the fun by clopping her hooves together. “YAY!”

Sweetie Belle looks back at Arc. “Mr. Arc, can we play some more?!”

“Go ahead! We’ll be right here if you need us!”

The trio returns to playing together while the adults try, and fail, to make sense of this situation. They stay at the park until later afternoon.

Ember stands. “Well, we aren't making any headway on this mystery. I'm going to fly to Sweet Apple Acres and tell Applejack what we learned so far.”

“Good idea. We'll head back to Derpy's house in a few minutes. See you at supper!”

Ember nods and flies away toward Sweet Apple Acres. Arc stands up and looks over at the three fillies. “Alright girls, time to go home for supper!”

“Awww... can't we stay a little longer?”

“Yeah! We were having fun!”

Arc shakes his head. “All good things must eventually come to an end. And besides, aren't you two hungry after all that exercise?”

Sweetie Belle puts a hoof on her stomach. “Well, I guess I am.”

Derpy motions for the fillies to follow her. “Follow me girls!”

They make the short walk to Derpy's small house, Derpy begins preparing a simple supper. The fillies run over to her!

Sweetie Bell looks over to the stove. “Miss Derpy, can we help?!”

Apple Bloom jumps up and down. “Can we?! Can we?!”

“I suppose so. Sweetie Belle can set the table, and Apple Bloom can help me make the salad.”

The fillies quickly move to fulfill their assignments. As Sweetie Belle passes the stove, she catches a strange aroma coming from it.

“Miss Derpy, what's in that pot on the stove? It smells a bit... odd.”

Derpy look over to Sweetie Belle and clops her hooves together nervously. “Oh! Um... well... it's supper for Arc and Ember.”

Apple Bloom walks over. “Aren’t they eating salad with the rest of us?”

“Arc will, yes. Ember... not likely.”

Sweetie Belle looks confused. “Why not?”

Arc walks into the kitchen. “Quite the detectives you two are! Wanting to know everything. Why don't you two let Derpy finish making supper and go sit on the couch? I'll answer your questions there.”


The pair trot over to the couch and sit down next to each other. Arc follows and sits down as well.

Sweetie Belle looks up at him sheepishly. “Mr. Arc, are we in trouble?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Being inquisitive is just part of growing up. It's just that... well... what's in the pot on the stove makes Derpy a bit... squeamish.”

Apple Bloom looks back at the stove. “Why? What’s in there?”

“Fish Soup.”

Sweetie Belle joins Apple Bloom in staring at the pot. “Fish Soup? Are you saying there are fish swimming around in that pot?”

“No, the fish have already been cooked.”

Apple Bloom makes a face. “Are you and Ember going to eat FISH?!”

“We are. While I can eat fruits and vegetables, Ember simply cannot.”

Sweetie Belle appears confused. “Why not?”

“Her stomach can't digest plants very well. Just like your tummies can't digest meat. Dragon's mostly eat meat and gems. More meat than gems though.”

Sweeting Belle looks back at Arc. “And you Mr. Arc? What do you eat?”

“I can eat both plants and meat. However, to stay healthy I do require at least some meat in my diet. And before you ask, no humans do not eat ponies!”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle look relieved!

“Any other questions?”

Apple Bloom looks nervous, but asks anyway. “Mr. Arc, can I try some of your soup?”

“No Apple Bloom. Your stomach can't digest meat. It would most likely make you sick.”

Ember walks in the front door. Derpy calls over to her from the kitchen. “Welcome home, Ember! Supper will be ready in a few minutes!”

Arc looks over his shoulder. “How did it go with Applejack?”

“I'm not sure if she was relieved or not to hear we found another pony who has this strange energy inside them. All I can say for sure is we had best figure this one out before Applejack has a nervous breakdown!”

Apple Bloom sighs. “Applejack... she's always so overprotective!”

Derpy looks over toward the couch. “That just means she loves you, Apple Bloom. You'll understand one day when you have little ones of your own. In any case, supper is ready!”

They all gather around the table to eat.

“I saw the Command Center on the flight back here! Looks like it's about ready.”

Arc nods happily! “Good. We'll be needing it soon enough. Although it needs a name. "Command Center" doesn't quite do it for me.”

Apple Bloom looks up! “How about ’The Hero of Light’s Base’?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. It still sounds too military. I need something that gives the population something to look up to. Something to give them hope!”

Sweetie Belle pricks up her ears! “I know! What about ‘Light’s Hope’?”

Arc is silent for a time as he thinks it over. “I think that's what we will call it! Light's Hope it is! Good job Sweetie Belle!”

There is a knock at the door. Both fillies run to the door! “WE’LL GET IT!”

Ember laughs! “They're enthusiastic, I'll give them that!”

The sound of the door opening can be heard. Very suddenly the door slams shut! Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle run back to the kitchen screaming!

“There are monsters at the front door!”

“Save us!”

Arc sighs. “I think I know who they are.”

Arc walks to the front door and opens it to see his squad standing on the front steps looking a bit confused. Upon seeing Arc, they snap to attention!

“At ease. All of you come inside.”

They do so.

Xenos looks over at Arc. “We sure are sorry about scaring your friends, commander.”

Max sighs. “Though I suppose we do look a fright in the moonlight.”

Arc looks to the two fillies hiding behind Derpy. “It’s alright girls. They’re with me.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle poke their heads out from behind Derpy.

“Are… are you sure, Mr. Arc?”

“Positive! They're going to be helping me save Equestria from evil... or whatnot.”

They come out of hiding. “Okay… if you say so Arc.”

“Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. I want you to meet Xenos, Max, Hugh, and Viktor.”

They wave as their names are called.

Sweetie Belle looks over to the four Lunar Protectors. “I guess they're not so scary.”

“Now that we have that out of the way, have a seat on the sofa, boys! I'll bring you up to date on what's been going on since you left.”

The squad sits on the couch and waits for Arc to speak. Arc brings them up to date on the current situation regarding the three fillies and the strange power that seems to be coming from them.

“So that's where we stand. If any of you have any ideas, I'm all ears.”

They shake their heads. Max looks up. “Perhaps Canterlot can help us out on this one sir?”

“Twilight has already sent word to the princesses. No word as of yet. Well, I suppose we can't really do anything else about it tonight. Why don't you men head to the inn for the night. I've already made reservations for you. Be back here first thing in the morning so we can head over to the new Command Center together. Sweetie Belle here has come up with a name for it. We're going with ‘Light's Hope’.”

The squad salutes Arc and flies out the door toward the inn. Arc and the rest of the household finish their supper. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle look to be quite tired from the day's events.

Derpy looks over at the yawning fillies. “I think it’s time for all fillies to be in bed now!”

Sweetie Belle yawns. “But we’re not even… tired!

Arc stands and herds them toward the bedroom. “You two can sleep in my bed. Sweet dreams!”

The fillies slowly walk to the bedroom as Derpy puts Dinky in her crib for the evening. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom look back from the doorway. “Good night!”

They close the door behind them. Ember, Derpy and Arc sit around the fire together, Arc finally breaks the silence.

“Anyone else feel like a cupcake?”

Ember facepalms and heads for the bedroom! “...not this again! You do what you want, but I'm going to bed.” She quietly enters the bedroom for a good night’s sleep as Derpy looks over at Arc.

“Arc... what's going to happen to our little one?”

“I don't know Derpy. Hopefully the princesses can advise us on this matter tomorrow. Until then, all we can do it wait.”

She nuzzles his side, happily! “Thanks for being you Arc! You're always there for me.”

Arc puts an arm around her and smiles. “That’s what friends are for, Derpy.”

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