• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,619 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 11 - Moving Forward

Arc awakens back in his bed. He looks at the clock and sees the hour is still quite late.

“Well, that time wasn't so bad. And it's good to know the princesses are okay... kinda.”

Suddenly the door bursts open and Sandstorm Mirage rushes inside!

“Sir! We've just received an emergency transmission from Lieutenant Flash Sentry! There's been an incident! Apparently the Baltimare Courthouse is on fire!”

Ember jumps off the couch! “What?! How?!”

“We don't have the details right now! All we know is what I just told you!”

“Thank you! Inform Kibitz and Shining Armor that I am heading over there now! Then get some sleep! You look like hell!”

Sandstorm Mirage salutes. “Yes sir. Thank you sir!”

He leaves the room as Arc grabs some clean clothes and heads for the bathroom.

“Get stretched out and ready you two! We're moving out as soon as I get dressed!”

Ember looks down at her armor before turning to Sereb and shrugging. “Not sure what he meant by ‘get ready’.”

“I have no idea.”

A few minutes later Arc emerges from the bathroom showered and in fresh raiments!

“Okay, let's go!”

Arc jumps on Sereb. He turns to Ember and extends a hand!

“Hop on!”

Ember grabs Arc's hand and sits down behind him. She wraps her arms around him! “I'm going to regret this...”

Arc opens a portal! “Let's move out!”

Sereb charges through the portal. Arc and company reappear on the stone sigil outside Baltimare. They can see the flames and smoke rising from where they stand! Ember looks past Arc!

“That is one big bon-fire!”

“Let's get over there, Sereb! Flash Sentry might be in over his head on this one!”

Sereb runs at top speed toward Baltimare! “Agreed.”

They quickly enter the city! The fire has drawn quite the crowd, as the building is fully engulfed! Citizens quickly move to allow Arc and company to pass! Arc spots Flash Sentry and Cerulean Skies standing with what appears to be the Baltimare Fire Chief and heads over!

“Lieutenant! What happened?!”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Sir! You didn't have to...”

“You wake me up in the middle of the night to tell me something bad is happening? Yeah, I'm coming! Is anyone inside?!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “No sir!”

“Are you sure?!”

“Yes sir! I personally locked the doors last night after making sure the building was empty!”


The Fire Chief approaches Arc cautiously. “S-sire! My boys can't save this building!”

“Station your forces on either side of the building! Do your best to shield the buildings around it! Let's not let a bad situation become worse!”

“As you wish, sire!”

The Fire Chief hurries to carry out his orders! Arc turns to Cerulean Skies.

“You okay?”

She nods. “Yes sire! I-I'm fine! But the courthouse... all the evidence... it's gone!”

Arc kneels down to Cerulean Skies level and puts his hands on her shoulders. “Cerulean Skies, the loss of the courthouse, however tragic, doesn't compare to the loss of even a single life! Don't worry. We can rebuild it.

“But what about the case against...”

Arc interrupts her! “It's okay. We'll find a way to see that justice is done! So don't worry about it, okay?”

Cerulean Skies appears on the edge of tears but nods her head. Arc turns back to Flash Sentry.

“Any idea what happened, lieutenant?”

Flash Sentry sighs. “I'm not sure, sir! There will of course be a thorough investigation of the matter as soon as the coals have cooled.”

The Fire Chief returns to Arc along with the mayor. He is a gray coated stallion with a black mane and mustache and is wearing a black formal suit

“I've given my boys the order to protect the surrounding buildings and let the courthouse burn itself out.”

Arc nods. “Good. I hate to lose such a grand old building, but there's nothing we can do to save it now.”

“Sire. I am the Mayor of Baltimare, Duke Carleon.”

Arc shakes hands/hooves with the mayor. “Lord Regent Arc. Is there somewhere we can talk about what happened here?”

“My office isn't too far away. Shall we?”

Arc turns to the Fire Chief. “Anything you need?”

“No sire. We can handle things here.”

“Good. Lieutenant, have your troops stay here and keep the public from getting too close. Put them under the Fire Chief's command until the situation is under control! Then I want you to come with me to the Mayor's Office.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “It shall be done!”

Arc turns to the others. “Ember, you and Cerulean Skies will accompany me to the Mayor's Office as well.”

Ember nods. Her eyes darting around nervously. “Good. I don't like the idea of you being out in the open like this any longer than necessary!”

Arc sighs. “Ember, you don't have to...”

“Oh yes I do! I'm your bodyguard, remember? Your safety is my only concern!”

Arc sighs. “Reminds me of Lieutenant Spitfire.”

Sereb looks up at him. “Did you say something?”

“It was nothing.”

Flash Sentry returns to Arc's side.

“My guards will see to it nopony gets too close sir!”

“Good. Lead the way Duke Carleon.”

The mayor leads the group to a smaller but well-kept building. They enter and follows the mayor to his office.

“Please make yourselves comfortable everypony.”

Duke Carleon sits down behind his desk.

“I'm sorry you had to come all the way here at such an hour sire!”

Arc shakes his head. “It was no trouble. I was concerned for the safety of my troops, Cerulean Skies, and the other ponies of this city! If I may ask though, I thought you were the mayor. Why are you called a ‘Duke’?”

“My family has represented the ponies of Baltimare since it was founded. Back then each town was ruled by a duke or duchess. As the mantle of mayor was passed down, so was the title. It gives me no additional power or influence.”

Ember nods. “Makes sense.”

“Please give me your opinion Duke Carleon. Do you believe this fire was an accident?”

Duke Carleon shakes his head. “I do not. Government buildings have very strict fire codes. This sort of thing really should be impossible!”

Cerulean Skies turns to him. “Will you be sending out an investigator, Lord Arc?”

“Yes. I know a fellow who has great experience with these sorts of things.”

Ember nods. “Plumb Bob?”

“Right Ember. He'll have this sorted out in no time.”

Arc turns back to Duke Carleon.

“Now speaking of investigators, I am told that you have been petitioning Canterlot to send someone to look into the recent affairs of High Justice Hawthorne. Is that correct?”

“Yes sire! He has not been using his power for the betterment of everypony! Instead those who can afford to pay are let off with but a slap on the fetlock!”

Arc nods. “I see. What do you think should be done with Judge Hawthorn?”

Ember frowns! “I say let him rot!”

Duke Carleon nods. “I agree with your housecarl sire! However, he should first face justice himself! I'm not of the opinion that we should be locking up just anypony who is accused of a crime!”

Flash Sentry turns to the mayor. “High Justice Hawthorne is currently in Canterlot Dungeon awaiting his trial.”

Duke Carleon appear surprised! “Is that where he’s been?! What's the holdup with his trial?”

“I was the arresting officer in his case. With all three princesses gone, I see it as a conflict of interest for me to preside over his trial personally. When the princesses are well again, they can give him his day in court.”

Cerulean Skies snorts! “It's better than he deserves!”

Duke Carleon nods approvingly. “Very commendable! You have the authority to give him a trial and order a sentence, yet you abstain on the grounds you are not impartial to his case. I'm humbled by your Kindness, sire!”

Arc turns to Flash Sentry. “Lieutenant, did anything out of the ordinary happen today before you locked up for the evening?”

“No sir. We finished gathering the evidence against the accused and locked it in the Archives Room until tomorrow when it was scheduled for transport. My guards and I along with Cerulean Skies left and headed for her house.”

Ember nods. “Were all of you staying with her?!”

“No. We merely walked her to home. Her neighborhood did not seem entirely safe.”

Sereb nods his head. “Very honorable of you lieutenant.”

“Then what did you do?”

“My troops and I got some supper and headed back to the Town Guard Barracks to get some sleep. They were all with me the whole time.”

Duke Carleon looks to the lieutenant. “What about when you awoke earlier? Was everypony present and accounted for?”

“Yes. And the courthouse is too far away for any of my guards to have started it.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief! “Good. At least we don't have to worry about a traitor in our ranks!”

Cerulean Skies thinks for a moment. “If Judge Hawthorne wasn't locked up, I would accuse HIM!”

Ember shrugs. “Well there's no way he could have been behind this, as he's been cut off from communicating with the outside world since his imprisonment.”

Cerulean Skies looks back to Arc. “Lord Arc, I hate to suggest this but what about Captain Decimus? He certainly did his part to prevent anypony from investigating this matter.”

Arc rubs his chin. “I suppose it is possible. He IS on vacation at the moment so logistically it could have been him. But without a witness or some other kind of evidence there really isn't anything I can do.”

Ember frowns. “Now I hate to be the one to defend Captain Decimus, but it also could have been any number of ponies whom either owe the judge a favor or would stand to gain from his being exonerated.”

Duke Carleon nods! “That could literally be anypony in town!”

“Who's to say it wasn't done by an outsider? Without the results of an investigation we're really just spinning our wheels here! I'll talk to Plumb Bob about coming down here with Hard Hat. The two of them can investigate and make plans to rebuild.”

“Sire, I don't mean to be critical of your decisions, but what good is a courthouse without a judge”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Makes sense. Anyone you have in mind?”

Duke Carleon nods. “There is a young mare here in Baltimare that has done her best to represent those whom cannot afford her services. Her knowledge of the law and her character are impeccable! I believe she would make a fine justice!”

“Very well. Tell her I would like to see her in Canterlot as soon as possible. Have her call my office to set up an audience.”

“Yes sire. I will relay your message as soon as the sun comes up!”

Arc stands up. “Good. Is there anything anyone else would like to add before we wrap this meeting up?”

Cerulean Skies raises her hoof. “Lord Arc? I just wanted to apologize for letting you down.”


“If I had been more... attentive, maybe someone wouldn't have been able to burn the courthouse down! Thanks to me, Judge Hawthorne might just get away with all the things he did!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not likely. Do you remember the evidence you showed me when we went to the courthouse together?”

“Yes. What about it?”

He walks over to Sereb and opens his saddle bag. “I just remembered that I put those papers in here. Things were so hectic back then I completely forgot about them!’

Cerulean Skies looks at the papers in Arc’s hand! “So did I! I just hope it's enough!”

Flash Sentry nods. “I wouldn't worry about that, miss. With all the testimony that will be presented at his trial I doubt he's getting away with much!”

Ember grins! “Yeah! He's going DOWN!”

“That's sure a load off my mind!”

Arc turns back to Duke Carleon. Do you have a room here in the Town Hall that could be used as a temporary courthouse?”

“The Auditorium would suffice for now. I can get something basic set up before the end of the day.”

“Please do. Well, we won't take up any more of your time Duke Carleon. Thank you for seeing us.”

Duke Carleon nods! “The pleasure was all mine sire!”

Arc and company leave the building and step back out onto the street.

“Cerulean Skies? When you were going through the files the other day, did you happen to find a case file about a dragon?

“No Lord Arc, I didn't. Why do you ask?”

“That's the business I originally had at Baltimare Courthouse. That is, before I heard your story.”

Ember and Arc explain the situation about Ember being framed by Captain Decimus for a crime she didn't commit.

Cerulean Skies nods. “That sounds like something Judge Hawthorne would do! Even if Captain Decimus presided over your trial miss, I'm sure the ‘good’ judge would have advised him on the proper legal proceedings. Sadly, nothing about that ever came across my desk.”

“Maybe I can be exonerated due to a lack of evidence?”

Ember looks over to Arc with a pleading look in her eyes.

Arc sighs. “I wish I could just pardon you myself Ember. However, as your friend, for me to judge you during your retrial would be a conflict of interest.”

“Yeah... I understand.”

Arc turns to Flash Sentry. “Lieutenant, I want you and Ember to go to the courthouse and see to it the fire isn't getting out of hand. I'll meet you back there in a little while after Sereb and I take Cerulean Skies home.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Very well sir!”

“Watch your back out there, Arc.”

“I will. See you two in a bit.”

Ember and Flash Sentry head down the street toward the courthouse. Arc climbs onto Sereb and reaches a hand down to Cerulean Skies.

“Can I give you a lift?”

Cerulean Skies blushes slightly as she puts a hoof in his hand. “Thank you.”

Arc hoists the mare up to sit in front of him and puts an arm around her. Sereb runs down the street with the pair on his back. Cerulean Skies rests her head on Arc's chest.


Cerulean Skies nods. “Let's just say this has been quite a night!”

In no time the trio arrives back at Cerulean Skies small home. With his arm still around Cerulean Skies midsection Arc dismounts. She winces in pain!

“Cerulean Skies, I'm so sorry! I forgot about your injury!”

“It's alright. My wound is... just a little tender, that's all.”

“Can I come in and take a look at it?”

Cerulean Skies smiles nervously. “Um... only if you want to. I know you must be tired!”

Arc walks up the steps with her. “It won't take but a few minutes. That and I think my troops will wait for me!”

The pair share a laugh as they enter the house together. Sereb remains on the porch respectfully. Cerulean Skies walks over to her couch and sits down.

“It's about time for me to change my bandages anyway.”

Arc carefully unwinds the bandages from the mare's midsection and removes the gauze.

“Good! I was afraid you had torn a stitch! This looks like it's healing nicely!”

Cerulean Skies winces again as Arc gently pats her wound with antiseptic and replaces the gauze, he then carefully wraps her back up with fresh bandages.

“There you go!”

“Thank you for your help. That is quite a bit more difficult with hooves.”

Arc nods. “I can imagine. Do you want me to send a guard or two over to keep watch?”

Cerulean Skies shakes her head. “No thank you. This is my home. I feel safe here.”

Arc moves to rise from the couch. “Well, if you're sure, I'll let you get some rest now.”

She looks up at him sheepishly. “Arc?”


“There's... something I need to tell you.”

Arc sits back down. “Alright, I'm listening.”

“This evening after your lieutenant brought me home, I... um...”

Cerulean Skies appears conflicted.

“Take your time. I'll wait.”

Cerulean Skies looks up at Arc with sadness in her eyes. “I... I trust you to do the right thing and all but... that doesn't make this any easier.”

“What are you saying?”

“This evening I made supper for the neighborhood as I normally do. I had just finished washing the dishes when there was a knock at the door.”

“A late visitor?”

Cerulean Skies nods. “That's what I thought at the time. It's unusual yes, but things do happen. When I opened the door, I saw... I saw my sister standing on the porch! I quickly let her inside and hugged her like I had never hugged anypony before! She had saddlebags full of fruits and vegetables!”

Arc smiles and nods. “So she came to cook supper then?”

“I suppose so. She and I had the best time cooking together! I don't mind telling you, it was like the good old days before our parents... disappeared. Tempest... I had forgotten how pretty she was when she laughed. In any case, we cooked... we ate... we did the dishes... we sat on the couch and just talked! It was wonderful!”

Cerulean Skies looks down at the floor sadly.

“Eventually she said she had to leave. I offered to let her spend the night, but she refused. The last thing she said before she left was that she had other things to do that night.”

Cerulean Skies sighs and looks Arc in the eye.

“I... I'm sorry but, I think Tempest may have started the fire tonight.”

Arc nods soberly. “I appreciate your honesty Cerulean Skies. You're very brave to tell me this. However, I'm fairly certain Tempest didn't have anything to do with the fire.”

“Really? What other reason would she have for coming here?”

Arc sighs. “She… was on my balcony in Canterlot Castle very early this morning. Don't worry, we didn't fight.”

Cerulean Skies breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank Celestia! What did she want?”

“To talk. About what I really can't tell you. In any case, she asked me to see to it you made it home safely. While I had already planned to do so, I told her that in return I wanted her to come here and spend some time with you. She agreed.”

“I don't understand. Why did you do that?”

“I could tell you missed spending time with your sister. She owed me a favor and I decided to use it to make you happy. Now, I'll know more about what happened after the investigation, but until I have proof I'm going with my gut and assuming Tempest is innocent. In this matter anyways.”

Cerulean Skies leans over to give Arc a hug and a quick kiss on his cheek! “Thank you for giving her the benefit of the doubt. After what she's done, I don't think anypony else in Equestria would have given her that much!”

Arc smiling at Cerulean Skies as he stands up. “You're welcome. Now you should probably get some sleep. Do you think you could help the mayor get a makeshift courthouse set up tomorrow?”

Cerulean Skies nods fervently! “Yes. We'll give it our best!”

“Thanks. That's all I can ask for. Sleep well Cerulean Skies.”

She waves after him. “Good night, and thank you again!”

Arc leaves the house and closes the front door behind him. Cerulean Skies leans back on the sofa, blushing and smiling to herself.

“What a stallion!”

Meanwhile outside the house a hooded figure peeks through a window.

“Thanks for taking care of her for me Arc. Hopefully she isn't making any long-term plans around you. I would hate to break her heart...”

Arc mounts Sereb. “Let's get back to the courthouse and meet up with the others.”

“As you wish.”

As Sereb makes his way down the street he turns to Arc.

“She's rather sweet on you.”

“You heard all that, huh. I... I know. It's just... I already have my eye on someone special.”

Sereb smiles as her turns to looks at the road before them. “She must be someone truly exceptional to turn your head Arc.”

Arc blushes slightly. “Believe me, she is.”

The pair return to the courthouse. They find the fire well under control. However, the building is clearly a total loss. Flash Sentry and Ember approach.

”There's nothing more we can do sir.”

“Very well. Is everyone accounted for?”

Ember nods. “Everyone's here, Arc.”

Arc opens a portal. “All of you follow me.”

All assembled enter the portal and are teleported back to Light's Hope. Arc turns to Flash Sentry and his troops.

“All of you get some sleep now and await further orders. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for all of us!”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Yes sir. Thank you sir!”

They head down the hall to the barracks.

“What about us, Arc?”

He turns to Ember. “As much as I miss this place, we should be getting back to the castle.”

Arc, riding Sereb, and Ember step onto the sigil. After powering it up the trio is again teleported to Canterlot Castle's Audience Chamber. Arc dismounts.

“Why don't the two of you head back to my room and try to get some more sleep?”

Ember yawns. “Thanks, I think I'll do that. But what about you?”

Sereb looks to him. “I will remain with you, Arc.”

“Suit yourself, Sereb. Good night Ember.”

Ember leaves the Audience Chamber.

“Let's head over to Kibitz's office and see if he's up yet.”

“Very well.”

Arc and Sereb head to the personal assistant's office. He is just opening his door.

“Good morning Kibitz!”

“Good morning sire! My, you're up early!”

Arc nods. “There was an incident in Baltimare. We actually just got back.”

Kibitz looks to Arc, flabbergasted! “You mean, you just left?!”

“Pretty much.”

“Please refrain from doing such things in the future sire! If there had been an incursion or some other kind of emergency we wouldn't have known where to look for you!”

Sereb looks to Arc. “He does raise a good point.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah, I guess so. Sorry about that.”

Kibitz enters his office. “I think I have something here that will help in the event you need to make a quick exit sire!”

He walks over to his desk and pulls something out and levitates it to Arc.

“Please keep this with you, sire!”

Arc holds out his hand to accept the item. “Is this an earpiece?”

Kibitz nods! “Indeed sire! Princess Celestia wore it on her crown in case of emergency. It was a bit... larger than your own you see, and was in range of her ear. I've modified it to clip onto your earlobe.”

Arc puts the earbud on. Kibitz walks him over to a mirror.

“As you can see, I made it to appear to be simple jewelry.”

Arc looks at his reflection. “I'm not a big fan of earrings, but for the sake of Equestria I'll wear it.”

“Very good sire!”

Arc turns back to Kibitz. “In any case, I need to head back to Ponyville for a bit this morning to see how Twilight is doing on her research.”

Sereb looks to Arc, confused. “Could you not just call?”

“I could. However, there's something else I need to do in Ponyville today. I'll be back in a couple hours for audiences.”

“Very well sire.”

Arc and Sereb leave the office and open a portal back to Ponyville. He and Sereb step through it and find themselves back at Light's Hope.

Arc looks at the clock on the wall. “I guess it's about time.”

He concentrates and lowers the moon. Then he raises the sun to the dawn position.

“That's getting a bit easier.”

Sereb nods. “Practice makes perfect.”

Arc climbs on Sereb's back. “I guess so. Well, let's get moving.”

Meanwhile back at the Golden Oaks Library, Spike walks down the stairs to Twilight’s basement lab.

“How's it coming you two?”

Auriel looks up from her lab table. “I've analyzed every sample you brought me Spike. While they are fascinating, nothing even comes CLOSE to this odd fruit the princess sent over! I daresay it may be of magical origin!”

“Great! Uh... what now?”

Auriel points to a large pot of dirt in the corner under a grow light. “I've already planted one of the strange pods I found at the center of this fruit. Twilight says it should be able to spawn a copy of itself that way!”

Spike raises an eyebrow. “It's called planting a seed.”

“Interesting! Well, I may have done something wrong when I planted this seed. I watched it for over an hour after I watered it and it didn't do a thing!”

“It takes quite a while for a seed to sprout, Auriel!”

Auriel looks confused. “How long? Several hours?”

Spike shakes his head. “Days usually! Sometimes longer!”

“Fascinating! Do all plants reproduce this way?!”

‘Pretty much!”

Auriel looks around. “Even this tree where standing in?!”

“I guess so.”

Auriel looks back to the pot.

“Plants are truly remarkable! I MUST know more about them!!!”

Spike chuckles. “Well Equestria is full of plants! You can't hardly take two steps without seeing one!”

He looks around the lab.

“Hey, where's Twilight?”

Auriel points a claw at a large pile of books in the corner of the lab. There is a small purple horn sticking out of it.

“She fell asleep reading. I just covered her up with books and let her sleep.”

“Why didn't you just take her to bed?!”

Auriel looks at Spike confused. “She seemed comfortable enough where she was. That and she seemed to enjoy being surrounded by her tomes.”

Auriel looks over to the pile of books and smiles.

“It's actually kinda nice! I've spent many a night with nothing but my lab coat and my books to keep me warm.”

Spike throws his claws up and rolling his eyes! “You two were made for each other!”

He walks over to the pile and begins to dig Twilight out.

“Twilight? It's time for breakfast.”

She slowly rises from the floor and looks around confused.

“What happened?”

Uh… Auriel says you... fell asleep.”

Auriel nods. “I covered you up with some books. I hope that was okay!”

Twilight stretches and yawns. “Well, that explains the awesome dreams I had! Thanks!”

“Like what?”

Twilight thinks for a moment. “Well, I dreamed I was sailing through an endless ocean of... BOOKS!”

Spike facepalms. “I guess I should have seen that one coming!”

He turns back toward the stairs.

“Well, how about some breakfast you two?”

Twilight nods. “Sounds good! Thanks Spike!”

She and Auriel go upstairs and sit down to breakfast. Auriel eats some pancakes!

“This is really good!”

Twilight nods in agreement! “Yeah Spike! I think you've really outdone yourself this time!”

There is a knock at the door. Spike stands up from the table.

“I'll get it.”

He walks quickly to the front door. Spike opens it to find Arc and Sereb.

“Hey there you two! How's everything?!”

“Okay I guess, Spike. Sorry for coming so early. Is Twilight up yet?”

“Yeah! Her and Auriel are eating breakfast! Come on in!”

Arc and Sereb enter the Library and proceed to the kitchen. Twilight looks up as they enter.

“Well this is a nice surprise!”

“Good morning Arc! Hello again Sereb!”

Twilight motions to the table. “Won't you join us for breakfast?”

Arc nods. “Thank you. Just a quick one though. I'm currently on borrowed time.”

He sits down at the table as Sereb returns to his Cub Form to sit at Arc's feet. Spike quickly serves Arc and Sereb a stack of pancakes.

“How are things coming along you two?”

Twilight sighs. “Not too well. I've been studying this toxin but haven't really figured out much.”

Auriel looks over to Arc. “I'm following up on another angle. Princess Cadance sent Twilight a package about a week ago...”

“Auriel! The message said we shouldn't tell anyone about it!”

Auriel nods. “But, it's Arc! Shouldn't he know?!”

Twilight: thinks for a moment. “Well... I suppose so. He is the Lord Regent after all.”

“It's okay Twilight. If the princess wanted you to keep something to yourself you should respect her wishes.”

Twilight looks relieved. “Thanks for understanding Arc! I'd hate to let Cadance down! She was most insistent that this remain secret!”

“Anything on your end, Arc?”

Arc nods. “A bit, yes. We've found a rather peculiar smell on Princess Luna's breath and coat. The Hammers tell me they fell victim to something that smells like it a number of years ago.”

“Really?! Where?!”

“From a patch of flowers in the Everfree Forest. They said these particular plants messed with their minds and caused severe inflammation to their skin. It may just be a coincidence but were going to follow up on it.”

Auriel nods! “It's a start! Anything else?!”

“They said they met a striped pony who lives in the Everfree Forest who treated their poisoning. She may have knowledge of how to counteract the princess' malady.”

Twilight nods excitedly! “It's worth a try! Can I accompany them? If this striped pony is still there, she may be able to teach me how to cure the princesses!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well... okay. Just be careful!”

“I will! When do we leave?”

“As soon as Sunburst figures out where this ‘Zecora’ lives. Hopefully soon! Flash Sentry will be leading this mission, so be sure to follow his instructions!”

Twilight thinks for a moment. “This may just coincide with what I've found! When I examined this substance under my microscope, I found that it's not so much a chemical, as it is a naturally occurring compound!”

“How do you know that?”

“I could see individual cells that made up the substance. That and it had a cell wall! It's clearly plant based!”

Auriel nods! “I think we're on the right track!”

Spike smiles happily! “The princesses will be cured in no time! Can I come too?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Sorry Spike, but this is too dangerous for you. I want you to stay here where it's safe!”

Spike walks back over to the stove. “Aw phooey! I never get to do anything...”

Arc stands up. “Don't worry Spike. Your time will come! Well, I need to run a few errands before getting back to Canterlot for audiences. Keep at it you two!”

Twilight walks over to Arc and gives him a hug. “Thanks for stopping by. Don't work too hard now!”

Arc hugs Twilight back. “You too, Twilight. Thank you for breakfast. Take care.”

He breaks the embrace as he and Sereb walk out the door together. Sereb looks up as Arc mounts him.

“Where to now?”

“Let's go see the Hammers.”

Sereb runs down the path toward the Blacksmith's Shop.

“You believe they can help save the princesses?”

Arc nods. “Yes. They... have had quite a few experiences in the past that may help us now.”

“Ah, the wisdom gained from experience.”

Arc nods a bit embarrassed. “Yes, well… I'm actually going there to buy something... special. Don't worry, this won't take too long.”

The pair arrive at the small shop just as Silver Hammer opens the front door for business. Arc hops off Sereb.

“Good morning Silver Hammer.”

“Good morning Arc! My you're up early today! Everything all right with Princess Luna?”

Arc nods. “She's okay for now. There was trouble in Baltimare before first light. The courthouse burnt to the ground! Fortunately no one was inside at the time.”

Silver Hammer nods! “Well that's good to hear! So what brings you here today.”

Arc blushes slightly. “I... um... need to buy something… special from you…”

She nods. “I think I understand. Give me a few moments.”

Silver Hammer enters the shop and emerges a few moments later with a small box. Arc walks over as she opens the box to show him the contents.

“Is this what you had in mind, Arc?”

Arc picks up the item and studies it for a moment. “Yes! It's perfect!”

Silver Hammer sighs as Arc looks at the price tag.

“I'm sorry it's so expensive! Are you sure you don't want to look at anything else?”

Arc puts the item back in the box and closes the lid. “Positive! I can understand the price! The craftsmanship is superb!”

He reaches into his ring and pulls out a huge bag of bits. Arc takes the box from Silver Hammer and gives her the money.

“Thank you Arc! I'm sure you'll be very happy with that!”

Arc carefully puts the box in Sereb's saddlebag and returns to the saddle.

“I will, thank you! By the way, I've got Sunburst looking into finding Zecora. I'll call you when we know more.”

Silver Hammer waves at Arc as he leaves. “We'll be ready! Have a nice day Arc!”

Arc and Sereb head down the path toward town.

“Let's go back to my house and see if we can catch Derpy before she goes to work.”

Sereb nods. “Very well.”

Arc and Sereb soon arrive at the small house. Arc uses his key and lets himself in. Derpy looks up from her mat as she hears the door open.

“Arc! You're back!”

She trots over to him and the pair embrace.

“I came by to see Raven. Are she and Dinky still in bed?”

Derpy nods. “Yes. Is everything okay with her, Arc? There was quite a bit of... whimpering coming from your room last night.”

Arc looks away. “It's... not for me to say Derpy. This is a deeply personal matter for Raven.”

“It's okay. I understand.”

Derpy looks toward the closed bedroom door.

“I was actually about to wake up Dinky. We have breakfast at the orphanage every morning!”

Arc nods! “I'll wake her up for you. She's so cute when she's asleep.”

Derpy giggles! “I agree! Go ahead!”

Arc walks over to his room and quietly opens the door. He walks over to his bed and quickly sees that it is empty.

Arc frowns. “Odd...”

He looks over to Ember's bed to see Raven lying there still asleep. Dinky is curled up in Raven's fetlocks. Both are smiling! Arc gently shakes the pair.

“Dinky... Raven... it's time to get up.”

Raven slowly opens her eyes. “Huh? Commander?”

She looks down and sees Dinky in her hooves before nervously turning back to Arc.

“S-sir! I... I'm sorry! I don't know what happened!”

Dinky opens her eyes and yawns. “Good morning dad. Hello again Miss Raven. Were you having a bad dream last night?”

Raven looks confused. “A... bad dream?”

Dinky nods. “Yeah! You were crying, so I climbed into bed with you. I hope that's all right!”

“It's fine dear. I didn't hurt you, did I?”

Dinky shakes her head. “No, you just wrapped your fetlocks around me and held me! It felt really nice! Like when my parents used to hold me!”

“Did I stop crying?”

“Well... kinda. There were still tears falling down your cheeks. But you were smiling at the time, so I guess you were really happy about something.”

Arc nods. “Dinky, your mother is waiting for you in the living room. It's almost time to go.”

Dinky bounds out of bed! “Okay! Just let me brush my teeth. Be right there mom!”

Raven looks over at Arc, mortified!

“I... I don't really know what to say, sir. I understand if you're mad at me for...”

Arc interrupts her. “Raven, you have nothing to apologize for. Dinky saw that you needed someone to hold. Although she doesn't know what happened, she still took the initiative and wanted to help you.”

Raven looks to Arc. “Thank you for understanding sir. I... it felt... comforting to have somepony to hold. You have a wonderful little filly!”

“Thank you. I'm very proud of her. Do you feel better this morning?”

“Yes, I do. Um... is there something I should be doing right now?”

Arc nods. “Sort of. Flash Sentry and the Royal Guards are back at Light's Hope. I want you to go back there with me and help him with his investigation.”

Raven gets out of bed quickly. “Yes sir!”

Arc and head for the door. Derpy and Dinky are just about to leave themselves. Dinky waves a small hoof after him.

“Goodbye dad! Goodbye Miss Raven!”

“Take care Arc!”

Arc turns and waves back! “Have a nice day you two!”

He climbs on Sereb's back and extends a hand to Raven. She takes it as he pulls her up. After a short ride they arrive at Light's Hope. Raven looks around the Main Hall.

“It feels like forever since I was last here.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Let's go to my office, Raven. We need to talk.”

He turns to Sereb.

“Go tell Flash Sentry I need to speak to him in my office right away.”

“Right away.”

Arc and Raven walk to the office as Sereb makes his way to the barracks. He opens the office door, allowing Raven to enter first.

“Have a seat on the couch.”

Raven does so as Arc sits down across from her.

“So, what happens now, commander?”

“I think we need to have a talk with Flash Sentry about what you told me yesterday.”

Raven looks up frantically! “WHAT?! NO! He... he can't know!”

“Do you care for him?”

She nods feverishly! “Yes! More than anypony in the whole world!”

“He deserves to know, Raven. Doesn't he?”

Raven looks down at her hooves, sadly. “I... I know he does. This is going to be so hard! What if he...”

Arc puts a finger to Ravens mouth. “Shhh... don't talk about what might happen. He's an understanding fellow! Trust him!”


A few minutes later Flash Sentry enters the office with Sereb.

“Sir? You wanted to see me?”

“Yes. Please sit down next to Raven. There is much to discuss!”

Flash Sentry does so.

Sereb smiles and winks. “Arc, if you don't need me, I think I'll head over to the kitchen for a bite.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Sereb leaves the room. Flash Sentry looks over at Raven as he sits down next to her. “Is... is everything... okay?”

Raven takes Flash Sentry's hoof in hers and holds it tightly. “No Flash Sentry, it's not. It hasn't been for a long time now!”

Flash Sentry looks to her, concerned! “W-what are you saying?!”

Arc stands up. “I should leave you two alone for this.”

“No sir, please! I... I want you here!”

“Well, okay. But only if you're sure.”

Raven nods as Arc sits back down. “I am. But... I don't really know where to begin.”

Arc nods. “I know this won't be easy Raven, but just look Flash Sentry in the eye and tell him what you told me.”

“Okay... here goes.”

Raven tells Flash Sentry what she has been going through, her dream, and how she tried to kill herself. She cries softly as he holds her in his hooves.

“I... I really wanted to die! I just didn't want to be a burden to you or the commander anymore!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head, sadly. “Raven! I had no idea you were going through all of this! Why didn't you tell me?! I could have helped you through it!”

She looks up at him, tears in her eyes. “You were always so busy with your duty to the commander and Equestria! I didn't want to burden you with even more weight!”

He takes Raven's face in his hooves, smiling. “Raven... you've never been a burden to me. I... I want to be there for you, always! Please... don't keep secrets like this from me! I can't help you if I don't know there's a problem!”

Raven leans into Flash Sentry’s embrace and closes her eyes. “Thank you. I... I love you Flash Sentry!”

Flash Sentry wraps his hooves around the smiling mare. “And I love you too Raven.”

Raven and Flash Sentry hold each other tightly. Flash Sentry kisses Raven on her cheek over and over again as he slowly makes his way toward her lips. As he brushes his lips against hers, she suddenly draws back!

“Raven, I'm sorry! Did I go too far?!”

Raven shakes her head but does not look back at him. “N-no. That's not it. It's my fault for not saying anything. Back then... when Lord Goldstone first... grabbed me... the first thing he did was... force me to kiss him!”

She covers her eyes with her hooves and begins to cry!

“He... he took my first kiss! I always dreamed it would be with a stallion I truly loved and respected! Not somepony I found vile and lustful!”

Arc nods and looks to her. “Raven... Lord Goldstone only wanted you for his own pleasure. But right now, there's a stallion who wants you... for YOU! He cares so much for you, and not just for your body. But for your heart as well!”

Flash Sentry takes both of Raven's front hooves in his. “It's true Raven. I want to be with you! Not because I want to bed you, but because I think you're a really sweet and special young mare! Hopefully the two of us can get to know each other even better in the coming days!

Arc smiles at the pair. “Sorry Raven, but with me in Canterlot until further notice you might have days when you have VERY little to do.”

Flash Sentry nods. “As the officer in charge of Light's Hope, I’ll need quite a bit of counsel from my aide.”

Raven smiles at Flash Sentry as she wraps her hooves around his neck. “I'll do my best to advise you... sir.”

Arc stands. “I'll leave the two of you alone to... get better acquainted. Raven, a counselor will come in a day or two to talk to you and Flash Sentry, if he's not too busy that is.”

“Thank you commander. I... I feel a bit better after confessing this to Flash Sentry, but I still need some professional help.”

“You'll get it! Flash Sentry, keep your blades and armor ready though! As soon as Sunburst figures out where a pony of interest is, you're going to be leading a mission into the Everfree Forest.”

“Yes sir. Don't worry about a thing! I'll make good use of my time until then.”

“I have to get back to Canterlot now. Call me if you two need to talk, okay?”

Flash Sentry nods, not taking his eyes off of Raven. “We will sir!”

Arc heads for the door.


“Yes, Raven?”

“Thanks... for everything.”

Arc smiles at her. “You're welcome.”

He steps out of the office and walks slowly down the hall toward the cafeteria. Partway there he stops and leans against the wall, sighing. Looking back at the door he came from, Arc shakes his head sadly.

“I'm so jealous of those two. Cherry... I wish... I hope I can say those things to you... someday.”

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