• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 24 - Even the Mightiest...

The council sends Arc and company back to the Lunar Destiny aboard one of their armored carriages. Flash Sentry looks out the window dutifully for signs of trouble as Rose sits next to Arc and holds his arm. She looks up at him.

“I hope the council isn’t too angry with us.”

Arc nods. A hand on his forehead.

“Who… who cares! We saved Princess Luna! That’s all that…!”

He winces again. Flash Sentry looks over.


“ARGH! What is wrong with my HEAD?!”

Luna turns to Arc. “Are you alright?”

Arc looks up, angrily. “NO, I AM NOT ALRIGHT! You’re welcome for the rescue by the way, princess!”

He puts both hands on either side of his head as Rose puts her arms around him.

“Feels like there’s something clawing around inside my brain! Hard to think!”

Rose turns to Luna. “Sorry, your highness. Arc’s not himself.”

Luna sighs. “I’m sure I wasn’t any better back then. The headaches will only get worse until the toxin takes full effect.”

Arc raises his head, confused. “Toxin?”

Rose does her best to comfort him. “Don’t you remember being shot, Arc?”

“It’s… kinda fuzzy.”

He looks down at his hand.

“What happened to my… what is this again?”

Rose appears confused. “Your hand?”

“Yeah, right! Hand!”

Luna frowns. “It looks like Arc’s condition is worsening, Rose! We need to get him to the Infirmary as soon as possible!”

“Is he going to be okay?!”

“Yes. This happened to me as well. Just much slower.”

Arc claws at his forehead again as another wave overtakes him. “So… much… PAIN!!!”

Rose pulls Arc down gently to rest his head in her lap. “Shhh… just rest now, my dear.”

Arc forces a smile as he takes her hand. “Th-thank you, Cherry.”

He closes his eyes and appears to nod off. Rose looks up to see Luna’s horn glowing.

“Sleeping should help alleviate his pain.”

“Your highness?”

Luna sighs. “I wish someone had done that for me when I was going through this.”

A short time later they arrive back at the Lunar Destiny. Rose stands up and carefully lays Arc’s head down on the seat as she turns to Luna.

“Flash Sentry and I will make sure the area is secure, your highness.”

Luna nods as the pair step out of the carriage and look around for several moments. Flash Sentry turns as he hovers a foot or so off the ground, his blades drawn.

“All clear over here.”

Rose nods. “My scanners aren’t picking up any movement.”

She turns toward the chariot.

“It’s safe to come out now, your highness.”

Luna nods. She turns to Arc and, using her magic, picks him up and places him on her back. His face buried in her long, flowing mane. Flash Sentry’s eyes grow wide as Luna steps out of the carriage.

“Y-your highness! Please let somepony else do that!”

Luna shakes her head. “No, lieutenant. Arc has protected me on several occasions now. It’s time I gave something back.”

She walks slowly up the gangplank and into the ship. Rose closes the hatch behind them.

“Would you like some help, your highness?”

“Yes. The commander can’t be light!”

“No. Run ahead and inform Chief Medical Officer Redheart of the situation.”

The pair hurry to comply. Luna looks over her shoulder at Arc and smiles as she slowly walks down the corridor.

“Thank you, my friend. For everything.”

She reaches the Infirmary and uses her magic to transfer Arc to a hospital bed. Redheart approaches and begins examining him.

“These two tell me the Hero of Light has been acting a bit… off.”

Luna sighs as Rose covers Arc with a blanket. “That is putting it mildly.”

Redheart nods as she works. “Please understand it’s the toxin doing this to him, your highness. He’s probably not even aware of what he’s doing or saying.”

Luna looks down sadly. “Yes. That much I understand.”

Flash Sentry walks over to Luna. “It must be very hard for you to see this, your highness.”

Luna nods sadly as she puts a hoof on the side of the bed. “It wasn’t that long ago that I myself was in this same position. The same… state of mind.”

She sighs.

“This is my fault.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “Begging your highnesses pardon, but I’m sure the commander doesn’t believe that for a moment.”

Luna does not take her eyes off of Arc as she speaks. “That bolt was meant for me, lieutenant. A single dose of Sanguine Azolla wouldn’t have affected me in nearly the same manner.”

Rose shakes her head. “Please, Princess Luna! Arc wanted to protect you, and did his very best!”

“Yes, but I’m not like him! I CAN’T be killed! He CAN!”

Redheart listens to Arc’s heart. “He’s the Hero of Light, your majesty. Protecting others is just in his nature.”

Luna feels a hand on her fetlock as Arc speaks weakly.

“That’s right.”

She quickly turns to see Arc looking up at her.


“Commander! Are you…?”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “My head feels like a truck hit it. Other than that I think I’m fine.”

He turns to Rose.

“Thanks for carrying me to the Infirmary.”

“Actually… um…”

Luna blushes slightly. “I… I brought you here.”

Arc looks confused as he moves to sit up. “You did? Why aren’t you at the ceremony?”

Redheart puts a fetlock on his chest. “Woah there! Just lie back, sir! You’ve had quite a night on the town!”

Flash Sentry nods. “She’s right, sir.”

“Don’t you remember our evening, Arc?”

Arc thinks for a moment before speaking. “The last thing I remember clearly is Nurse Redheart bandaging my hand. What happened?! Why isn’t Princess Luna at the Aviary?!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “The rebels attacked, sir.”

“Anyone hurt?!”

Rose frowns. “Just the rebels.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief as he looks to Flash Sentry. “Good! So you two and the guards took care of it, huh?

“Not exactly, sir.”

Arc turns to Rose. “Natalya?”

Luna shakes her head. “I didn’t see here there, no.”

Rose smiles sheepishly. “You did, Arc.”

Arc chuckles. “I think I’d remember that, Rose.”

Everyone looks at him soberly. Arc raises an eyebrow.

“You… you’re joking, right?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “No sir. You were amazing back there!”

Luna sighs. “Yes you were, Arc.”

Arc turns to Luna. “What’s wrong? Did I do something… bad?”

Rose takes Arc’s hand. “The rebels took the Council of Lords captive along with the nobles and Princess Luna. You and I entered the Aviary and found them in a secret passage.”

Flash Sentry nods. “I protected Princess Luna as you charged forward and turned the rebel’s own weapons against them.”

Arc looks nervous. “Anyone hurt?”

“Six rebels.”

He sighs. “Well, I guess the council has them in custody by now. I hope they go easy on them.”

Flash Sentry removes his helmet. “Sir… they’re in the morgue by now.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide.


Redheart writes notes on his chart. “I’m sure they gave you no choice, sir.”

Arc turns frantically to Luna. “Did… did I really…?”

Luna nods her head soberly.

“Yes, Arc. You did.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “I… I don’t know what to say!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Nurse Redheart is right, sir. They really gave you no choice.”

“How… did I do it?”

Rose giving his hand a squeeze. “You used your magic to pull the blades from their talons. Then you… you pinned them to the wall with them.”

Arc does not look up. “Did they suffer?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “No sir. It was very quick and…”

“…and calculating?!”

“I was going to say merciful, sir.”

Arc scoffs. “Merciful? All they wanted was a better life! And I… I took EVERYTHING FROM THEM!”

Luna puts a hoof on Arc’s shoulder. “You were doing the right thing. They had already killed an innocent noble who tried to get away.”

“If I had just been sane, maybe I could have thought of some other way!”

“There isn’t a do-over button on decisions. Not yours, or mine. What’s done is done and over with.”

Arc turns to Luna, sadly. “Over? I probably just deep-sixed our chances at a treaty here!”

Flash Sentry puts a hoof to his chin. “Maybe not, sir.”

Rose nods. “Right! The Council of Lords asked us to stick around, after all.”

Arc sighs. “Great. Maybe they need some time to fill out the declaration of war.”

He turns to Luna.

“I… I don’t really know what to say. You sent me here to find justice, and instead I give you a conflict!”

Luna pats his shoulder with a hoof. “I’m holding out hope for a positive solution to this.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “That’s a rather tall order right now, your majesty. How can you…?”

Luna interrupts him. “Because hope is all we have right now.”

They are silent for a time. Redheart clears her throat as everyone turns to her.

“It appears the toxin is affecting Arc’s brain in waves.”

Rose frowns. “Waves?”

Redheart nods. “Yes. Think of them like contractions in a mare about to give birth. They strengthen and weaken.”

“So when they strengthen I… do what now?”

“You act a bit… odd.”

“How odd?”

Flash Sentry sighs. “You stating saying ‘everypony’ for starters.”

“And you thought I was Miss Cherry.”

“Sorry Rose.”

Rose blushes slightly. “I’m not.”

Luna nods. “And when they weaken, he returns to normal?”

“So it would seem.”

Flash Sentry turns to Redheart. “Can you give him something to… keep him level?”

“No. I recommend rest though. It’s the best thing for him right now.”

Rose nods. “My scanners show that when Arc slept his brain waves seemed to return to normal. At least somewhat.”

Arc throws off the covers off and sits up. “I can’t just sit here! I…!”

He grabs his head as a wave of pain shoots down his spine.


Redheart gently pushes him back down onto the bed. “Please keep calm, sir. Getting emotional will only trigger such a response. ”

Arc holds his head. “I… but… have to do… SOMETHING!”

Luna nods. “You can, Arc. Rest now.”


Rose looks up at a clock on the wall. “It’s quite late, Arc. I doubt anything’s going to happen tonight.”

Arc looks confused. “It is?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes sir. Tomorrow has already become today.”

“I… really was out of it, wasn’t I?”

Redheart puts the chart down on a nearby table. “Sir, if you’d like I can keep you here and monitor your condition.”

Arc shakes his head. “Thank you, nurse. But I think I’d like to rest in my room.”

“Very well. But you shouldn’t be alone.”

Rose raises a hand. “I’ll stay with him.”

Flash Sentry nods. “That’s probably for the best. Rose stands the best chance of stopping the commander if he… has another episode.”

Luna helps Arc sit up. “I’ll see you to your room.”

Arc slowly rises and the group walks down the corridor together. He sighs and turns to Luna.

“Sorry. I… I really messed up this time.”

Luna shakes her head. “You saved me, the council, and quite a few noble’s lives tonight.”

“But I…!”

“Arc, no one is perfect. Leaders make mistakes. Even those of us who aren’t affected by Sanguine Azolla. Now I want you to get some rest. We’ll deal with the fallout of this in the morning.”

They arrive at Arc’s room. Luna turns to Rose and Flash Sentry.

“Rose, wait inside for Arc. I’d like to have a word with him alone.”

“Yes, your highness.”

She enters Arc’s room as Flash Sentry steps forward.

“I’ll guard your room tonight Princess Luna.”

Luna shakes her head. “Let the other guards do that, lieutenant. You’ve already had quite a full night. Get some sleep.”

“Yes, your highness.”

He turns to Arc.

“Try to get some rest, sir.”

“I will.”

Flash Sentry walks away. Luna turns to Arc as he hangs his head.

“Go ahead. I deserve it, Luna”

“I just wanted to say that I… I’m very proud of you, Arc.”

Arc looks up, surprised. “You are?”

Luna nods. “Yes. Even though you were out of your mind, it was still your first instinct to find and protect me.”

“I don’t remember any of it though!”

“That may be. But you still did an amazing job. I’m very happy to have a Hero of Light I can count on in all things.”

“Yeah? Like killing griffon civilians…?”

“I believe we can make amends for that in the morning. Trust me.”

“I really sorry for…”

Luna puts a hoof to his mouth.

“Stop apologizing! You did the right thing and I’m grateful to have you by my side in these trying times!”

She sits down on her haunches and puts her hooves around his neck to give him a hug.

“I’m very proud of you, my friend.”

Arc returns the hug.

“I… thanks.”

Luna leans forward and whispers in his ear. “Thank you… for saving me, Arc.”

She turns her head and gives Arc a small kiss on his cheek before sitting back.

“I’ll let you get some sleep now. We can deal with this in the morning.”

Arc nods as the pair part ways. Luna returns to her room and Arc to his. He sits down on the bed as Rose walks over to him and sits down. She puts her arms around him.

“I’m here for you, Arc.”

“Thank you. Tell me, did I really think you were Cherry?”


Arc blushes slightly. “Did I… um… do anything inappropriate?”

Rose shakes her head. “You didn’t. But I was fully ready to do whatever you asked of me.”

“No, Rose. Don’t ever let me, or anyone else do that to you.”

“What? But I…”

Arc interrupts her. “I mean, someone out of their mind! If you and I were to do it, I’d want it to be because we care for one another. Not because I’m not thinking clearly.”

Rose looks confused. “That’s what I’m for, Arc.”

“No you’re not! Rose, you happen to be a very sweet, pretty, smart young lady! That and you’re… special to me.”

Rose happily takes his hand. “I am!”

“Yes. You’re my friend.”

“I can be so much more!”

Arc pats her hand. “You’re enough as-is, my friend. Thanks for keeping me company.”

Rose silently nods and smiles as she whispers happily.

“I’ll always be here for you, Arc. I promise!”

Arc pulls her into an embrace.

“Thank you, Rose.”

They sit there for a long moment silently. Eventually Rose breaks the embrace.

“We really need to get you to bed, Arc. You look exhausted.”

Arc yawns as he stands. “I am. Just let me take a quick shower and change out of this getup.”


He steps into the Bathroom, removes his formal attire, and steps into the shower. Arc sighs as he lathers up.

“I can’t believe I did all that! Killing civilians? What was I THINKING?!”

He rests his head on the tile wall.

“I only pray the Council of Lords can forgive me.”

Arc steps out of the shower and puts on some fresh clothes. As he leaves the Bathroom he finds Rose sitting in a nearby chair waiting for him. She stands and takes his hand.

“How about we get you to bed now? You’re asleep on your feet, Arc.”

“Y-yeah. I need some rest.”

Arc lies down as Rose covers him up. She leans down and gives him a kiss on the forehead as she turns off the light.

“Rest now. Things will look better in the morning.”

He sighs, turns to face the wall, and shuts his eyes as Rose looks down at him and shakes her head.

“Arc… you need to relax. It won’t be possible for you to fall asleep with your mind racing like this.”

“I can’t help it!”

Rose thinks for a moment. “Maybe I can help with that.”

Unfastening her armor, Rose lets the two-piece custom chainmail fall to the floor in a pile, exposing her undergarments.

“What are you doing over there?”

Rose removes her boots and sets them to the side. “Just trying to help you relax.”

“Well, can you keep it down?”

“I will.”

Rose walks over to the bed and looks down at Arc. The moonlight from the porthole being the only illumination in the room. She smiles as she thinks to herself.

“At the very least, I can help you in your time of need, Arc.”

She slowly climbs into bed with him

“What are you…?”

“Comforting you, Arc.”

She slips in behind Arc and presses her body against his back.


She puts her hands on his shoulders. “Just… let me do this for you. Please?”


“I know you’re hurting right now.”

Arc sighs. “Can you see into my mind like Cherry can now?”

Rose shakes her head. “I can’t. But your brainwaves are a mess right now.”

“Yeah… I… I just feel so bad for those I…”

“Stop thinking about what you don’t remember. It won’t help you now.”

“Thanks Rose. This… this does help.”

Rose smiles. “Physical contact should always be a comfort. Now you just let me hold you and I’ll…”

Arc turns over and looks at Rose.

“Rose? I… thanks…”

He wraps his arms around her and pulls Rose into an embrace. Arc’s hands feel the skin of her back.

“Um… Rose?”


“You… aren’t wearing any clothes, are you?”

Rose shakes her head. “Just what I had under my armor. Don’t worry, I locked the door.”

“Uh… okay.”

Arc squeezes her tightly.

“Thank you, Rose.”

“I’m here for you, Arc.”

In a few minutes he is asleep. Rose pats his cheek lightly.

“Sleep peacefully, my dear Arc. You’ve certainly earned it.”

Rose closes her eyes and enjoys Arc’s chest pressed against hers. She snuggles into him happily before closing her own eyes for a well deserved charging session.

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