• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 13 - Declaring Her Intentions

Meanwhile, Arc and Rarity rise from the table and sit on the couch front of the fireplace for a long time. Rarity is the first to speak as Arc uses his magic to toss another log onto the dwindling fire.

“It’s still rather cold these nights.”

“A good fire makes all the difference.”

Rarity looks up at him lovingly. “And a good companion.”

Arc smiles as he boops the tip of her horn. “That it does.”

Rarity gasps and shudders as Arc looks to her sheepishly.

“Sorry about that. I forgot a unicorn’s horn is rather… sensitive.”

Rarity rolls into his lap. “No, Arc. I liked it and would love for you to give me more.”

Arc smiles and strokes her mane. “That we really do need to wait on.”


“I wouldn’t feel right going that far with any of you until we’re properly married.”

“Is that a human tradition?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not as a whole, no. But it’s how things are done in my family.”

Rarity whispers. “I wouldn’t tell.”


Rarity giggles. “Alright. If that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do.”

“Thank you for understanding. But I want you to know that if I’m ever asking too much of you and the others please let me know.”

“Of course. But we’d like to ask the same of you.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you’d ever like to take things to the next level, you have but only to ask. Any one of us would be willing and able.”


“Is something wrong?”

“Not really. I was just wondering something?”

“What’s that?”

“Is all of this real?”

Rarity appears confused. “I beg your pardon?”

“Sorry, I mean… look, do you remember that incident quite some time ago where you and Applejack wanted me to bed you on your shop floor?”

Rarity blushes and looks away. “Yes. Thank goodness Sweetie Belle didn’t have to see me that way.”

“I was just thinking. Could it be possible that you and the others are just having a relapse?”

“That’s not likely, no.”

“But you’re saying it IS possible?”

“I don’t really know how things like that work, so I’m not the one to advise you on such matters.”

“That would be terrible.”

Rarity giggles as she nuzzles Arc’s belly. “Not for us.”

“Yes it would be.”


“I care for all of you very much, of course.”

“And we for you, Arc!”

“Yes, well… I’ve just been wondering lately if that’s really the case. Tell me, how much do you remember from that time?”

Rarity sighs. “Everything was a haze when we had an episode, so I couldn’t really say for certain. How bad were we?”

“All of you were to the point that I could have had my way with any one of you.”

“Thank you for not doing that to us then. But remember, things have changed. All of us honestly want you to…”

“…bed you?”

“Ultimately, yes.”

Arc sighs. “I’d really like that too if we’re being totally honest here.”

Rarity smiles slyly. “Then let’s do it.”

“Sorry, Rarity. But I need to know for sure that this isn’t being caused by the toxin from back then.”

“Very well. What should we do?”

“You and the others should probably have an examination by Doctor Horse in Ponyville when you get back. He can take some blood samples to find out for sure.”

“I’ll pass that on to the others tomorrow morning.”

“Sorry if it sounds like I don’t trust all of you.”

Rarity shakes her head and smiles. “Oh no, quite the opposite.”


“You’re so concerned for our feelings that you want us to make sure we’re doing all of this of our own accord.”

Arc groans. “I just don’t want to find out it was all due to some old plant no one remembers.”

Rarity sits up and puts a hoof on his cheek lovingly.

“There’s something I need to say to you, Arc.”

“What is it?”

“The love I feel for you, as well as that from my friends… all of it is real. We all love you and want to spend the rest of our lives with you.”

“I’d like that too. But we have to be sure.”

Rarity smiles. “If that would help, we’ll comply.”

She moves in and presses her lips against Arc’s for a light kiss. He wraps his arms around the mare in his lap and smiles.

“I love you, Rarity.”

“And I love you too, Arc. We all do.”

Sometime later they remove their formal attire and carefully hang them up. Climbing into bed, the pair hold one another and look into the other’s eyes.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening, Arc.”

“I just showed up. Our friends are the ones whom are deserving of thanks.”

Rarity giggles. “And I’ll mention that to them tomorrow, of course. But none of this would have been possible without your approval.”

Arc appears confused. “My… approval?”

Rarity nods. “Yes. My friends and I never thought you would be interested in the whole herd idea. Yet here we are.”

Arc shrugs. “I admit, it did make a lot of sense after I had time to think about it.”

“So… is that a ‘yes’ then?”

Arc shakes his head. “I need more time to be sure. Things need to calm down before anything more can be done about it.”

“When do you suppose that would be?”

“Twilight convincing Celestia that what she’s been told is a lie would do it.”

“Anything else?”

“Decimus’ permanent death would certainly help as well. Along with Admiral Gaston’s, that is.

“What about the ambassador?”

Arc appears confused. “Who?”

“The new arrival from the Griffon Kingdom.”


Rarity shakes her head. “Lady Ashe.”

Arc clenches a fist. “What?!”

“I’m sorry, I thought you knew.”

Arc groans. “Of all the griffons whom could have… who’s idea was that?!”

“Twilight says Lady Ashe approached Princess Celestia personally and was granted her request. The three of them have breakfast together most days as of late.”

Arc frowns. “Do they now?”

“Oh, yes. Twilight says she’s a very nice individual. Always trying to learn more about our land’s traditions.”

“I think she’s feeling us out.”

“Feeling… what now?”


Rarity gasps. “But Twilight’s already taken her on as a student! She spends several hours a day tutoring her on Equestrian history, etiquette, and geography!”

Arc groans. “Great. Can this get any worse?”

“It just might. Decimus promoted her protector, Admiral Gaston, to the position of Captain of the Royal Guard just before Hearth’s Warming.”

“It got worse.”

“Twilight says he’s a very kind individual and has shown himself to be a very good student.”


“He takes lessons from Twilight as well on Equestrian etiquette and history mostly. Well, when he isn’t doing his job, that is.”

Arc puts his hand over his face and growls.

“That slime.”


“He was there when Celestia tried to kill me. Trust me when I say that he’s up to no good.”

Rarity gasps. “Is Twilight in danger?!”

Arc shakes his head and pulls out the Dagger of Eternal Slumber. “No. He can’t kill her without this.”

“But he could hurt her!”

“Yes. However, if everything I’ve heard about Celestia is true, she’d immediately kill him with extreme prejudice.”

“She is very protective of Twilight, yes.”

“I’ve heard that too. But this whole thing needs to end soon.”

“Agreed. But why don’t we get some sleep now, Arc? After all, there’s nothing more to be done about it tonight.”

Arc yawns. “Yes, I guess you’re right.”

Rarity nods and snuggles up to Arc. For a time there is only the sound of their breathing. Eventually Rarity breaks the silence.



“You’re worried about Twilight, aren’t you?”

“I am, yes.”

“She’s a smart mare. If anypony over there tries anything funny, she’ll see it coming from a mile away.”

“Are you sure?”


Arc sighs. “I sure hope so. But I won’t be happy until this is over and Twilight’s out of there.”

Rarity sounds confused. “Out of… where?”


“But she’s a princess now, Arc. Her place is in the castle.”

“I disagree.”

“Where should she be then?”

“Wherever she’s happy.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “And you don’t think that’s Canterlot?”

Arc shakes his head. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Because she was always happiest when with all of us.”

“I’m sure she’s making friends over there too.”

“That would be for the best.”

Rarity nods. “After all, a Princess of Friendship with no friends is rather hard to imagine. Tell me something though, Arc. Did you see the coronation?”

“I was on a nearby balcony, yes.”

“How did she look?”





“That she did.”

“I would have thought that event would have been one of the happiest imaginable!”

“Most of the time she stood back from Celestia, alone. I imagine she had wanted you and the others with her.”

Rarity sighs. “We weren’t notified of the coronation. Nopony in Equestria was. All we heard was that Princess Celestia was going to address the nation.”

Arc clenches a fist under the covers.

“Celestia… loving ruler.”


“I’ve heard a lot about her since coming to Equestria, of course. But to date I’ve seen very little of what she’s supposedly supposed to be like.”

“Give it time. Remember, she went through quite a lot this past year.”

“That’s what worries me.”

“Oh? “

“She may have been mentally damaged beyond what is known.”

“Given how experienced she is, I trust she’ll be able to work through these problems. With the help of Twilight, that is.”

“I do hope you’re right.”

Early the next morning Arc and Rarity are awakened to the sounds of frantic poundings on the door. Getting up quickly, Arc pulls a set of his normal clothes out of the magic ring as Rarity groggily sits up.

“Arc…? What’s… going on?”

Arc grimaces as he pulls up his pants. “I don’t know. But it sounds important.”

Walking over to the door he opens it to find Trixie standing there trotting in place frantically. She salutes as best she is able.

“Trixie is sorry to disturb you, sir! But Princess Cadance has urgent need of you in the Audience Chamber!”

Arc nods soberly. “Alright. One moment.”

He turns and looks over his shoulder at Rarity as she gets up.

“I’m sorry, but I have to go.”

Rarity sighs. “It’s fine. I’ll go raise our friends. This sounds to be a very serious matter indeed.”

“Trixie thinks that’s probably a good idea!”

They leave the room and go their separate ways. Arc turns to Trixie as Rarity takes a different corridor.

“What’s going on?”

“Trixie is not at liberty to say. But it seems to have something to do with the sun not rising.”

Arc looks out the window at the moon overhead. “Dare I ask what time it is?”


“And everyone waited this long to come get me, why?!”

“Forgive Trixie, but she was under orders not to disturb you two during your… um… sleep.”

Arc sighs. “Thanks. But we need to do something about this, and soon. However, I need to take care of one thing first.”


“Where’s the nearest bathroom?”

A short time later the pair arrive at the Audience Chamber. Rarity and the others are already outside waiting. Applejack is the first to speak.

“Morning, Arc.”

Pinkie giggles. “Have a nice time last night?!”

“I did, thanks. Um… but it looks like all of you need the same help Rarity does with those tomato stains.”

Rarity shakes her head. “Perhaps later. Right now we need to see Princess Cadance!”

Fluttershy nods soberly. “Right. Is everypony ready?”

Auriel yawns. “Sort of.”

Rose puts a hand on her shoulder. “Maybe you should go back to bed.”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, I might be able to help.”

Hammer motions toward the doors. “Let’s go!”

Entering, Arc approaches the throne where Shining Armor and Cadance are gathered with Arc's squad and Sereb. They look over at the newcomers as they approach with bleary eyes. Trixie looks around before speaking.

“Trixie would say that everypony is present and accounted for, Princess Cadance.”

“Yes. Thank you for coming, everypony. I apologize for the short notice, but this matter is beyond me.”

Arc frowns. “What’s going on, Cadance?”

“I fear something terrible has happened to Aunt Celestia.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “As far as anypony knows, she’s never once failed to raise the sun on time.”

Hammer appears confused. “Raise the sun?”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “She literally has to use her magic to start the sun on its trip across the sky, cupcake.”

Rarity looks out a window. “Yes, she’s always very punctual on that matter.”

Pinkie shrugs. “Maybe she overslept?!”

Applejack sighs. “It’s not likely. After all, she has an army of servants to help see to it that doesn’t happen.”

Max groans. “And this is causing considerable panic amongst the citizens of the Crystal Empire.”

Xenos nods. “And Equestria too, I would imagine.”

Hugh turns to Viktor. “Do you suppose Captain Decimus has made his move?”

“It seems so, yes.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Oh my!”

Auriel turns to Arc. “Couldn’t you just raise the sun for her?”

Arc raises his hands and looks toward the windows. “I suppose so.”

Cadance cries out. “Arc, wait!”


Shining Armor frowns. “This might be exactly what Decimus wants!”

Rose sighs. “The use of such powerful magical powers could be linked back to either you or Princess Luna.”

“Trixie believes it’s possible that he’s looking to capture her royal majesty.”

Sereb growls. “Or confirm once and for all that you’re still alive, Arc.”

Arc groans. “So what should we do then?! Leave the moon where it is?!”

Rarity turns to the princess. “Could you do it, Princess Cadance?”

Cadance shakes her head. “Sadly, no. My magical powers are nowhere near that level yet.”

Auriel gasps. “Wait! Are you saying…?!”

Cadance smiles sheepishly. “Yes. Arc eclipsed my power quite some time ago.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Really?! Just how powerful do you suppose he is?!”

Shining Armor grimaces. “We were discussing that as everypony entered.”

Sereb nods. “It is likely that Arc is currently roughly as powerful as Princess Luna as it stands.”

Rose puts a finger to her cheek thoughtfully. “Perhaps more if we were to factor in his Dark Magic.”

Auriel gasps. “Dark… Magic?”

Sereb looks to Arc. “Your powers as a Crimson are indeed formidable, yes.”

Rainbow Dash appears relieved. “I’m sure glad he’s on our side.”

Hammer puts a hand on the pegasi’s head. “You and me both, blue.”

Rarity frowns. “So what is the plan then? Have Arc travel to Equestria and take on Decimus again?!”

Applejack grits her teeth. “I sure hope not.”

Fluttershy gasps. “The entire Council of Shadows might come after him!”

Max turns to Arc. “That may be what they’re planning. Drawing you in for the kill, sir.”

“Wish you hadn’t worded it like that.”

Cadance sighs. “I wish Luna was here right now. She’d know what to do about…”

The doors to the Audience Chamber fly open. Scootaloo runs in breathlessly wearing her traditional cloak.

“Big Brother! We’ve got trouble!”

“What’s wrong?!”

“You see, when the sun didn’t rise I decided to come over here and see if I could help out somehow! Or more accurately, the Scarlet Filly did!”

She reaches into her saddlebags and pulls out a scroll.

“A messenger was pacing in front of the Audience Chamber doors when I arrived. He had wanted to deliver this, but the guards wouldn’t let him in.”

Shining Armor nods. “I gave orders that we were not to be disturbed, yes.”

“Trixie wonders how you were allowed entrance though.”

Scootaloo sighs as she allows the scroll to be taken from her hoof by Cadance’s magic. “I… may have manipulated their minds.”

Rainbow Dash squeals, trots in place, and gushes. “You can DO that?!”

“Y-yeah. I’m not too proud of it, but…”

Arc interrupts her. “It’s fine, Scootaloo.”

Auriel looks to Cadance. “What does the letter say?”

Rose frowns. “Can we assume it’s from Princess Celestia?”

Cadance grits her teeth. “Yes. Aunt Celestia has… decided to send troops here to the Crystal Empire.”

Rarity gasps. “What?!”

Fluttershy looks out the window nervously. “Oh my!”

Rainbow Dash shadow boxes. “Bring em on!”

Applejack grimaces. “But why?!”

“She claims to be after stolen Equestrian property.”

Shining Armor stomps a hoof angrily. “The Equinox and the papers you took from the castle, Arc.”

“We can’t let her have either!”

Cadance nods. “I agree.”

Max straightens up. What are your orders, princess?

“This matter is… unfortunately… out of my hooves.”

Trixie appears confused. “Princess Cadance?”

“The Equinox was presented to Arc by Luna. While it is technically still the property of Equestria, I cannot order Arc to turn it over to either myself or Aunt Celestia due to his status as the Hero of Light.”

Hammer grins. “So, let’s fly it out of here!”

Sereb motions with a paw. “We could head for the Dragon Lands.”

Scootaloo grins. “Right. I don’t think anypony would be able to follow us, as we took out their new warship.”

Cadance nods. “And the Lunar Destiny is still here in my possession.”

Rose appears thoughtful. “Removing the objects she desires from the Crystal Empire would certainly deter her from attacking it.”

Auriel shrugs. “After all, why try to conquer it after we’ve left?”

Shining Armor frowns. “Cadance and the Crystal Heart may also be their targets as well.”

“Trixie thinks we should evacuate them at once!”

Cadance shakes her head. “No. The Crystal Heart is needed here to protect the empire. As am I.”

Shining Armor sighs. “Cadance…”

“My subjects need me. I will not turn tail and abandon them.”

Rose nods soberly. “Very commendable, your highness. I must also point out that the worst thing Decimus could do would be to capture you, as he is unable to kill a princess as it stands.”

Applejack groans. “But that would give him a powerful bargaining chip!”

Rarity bows her head. “Two if you include the Crystal Heart.”

Cadance looks to Arc. “What should we do?”

Arc sighs. “Sadly, I think we need to meet this aggression head-on. Show them that we won’t be intimidated by either Celestia or Equestria.”

Auriel gasps. “What are you saying, Arc?”

“I think Cadance understands.”

Cadance nods soberly. “Yes. Trixie, bring me a blank scroll and a quill please.”

“Right away, your highness.”

Bringing forth the items, Cadance begins to write. Beads of sweat form on her forehead as she grits her teeth and does so. With a final strike, she puts down the quill and rolls up the scroll. Shining Armor takes it and puts the empire’s seal on it before turning to Scootaloo.

“Take this back to the messenger. Tell them to fly as hard and fast as they are able to get this back to Princess Celestia.”

“Yes sir.”

She grabs the scroll and runs out the doors. Rarity looks to Cadance.

“If I may, your highness, what did you write?”

Cadance grimaces. “A message stating that we would meet any and all aggression with appropriate force.”

Fluttershy shudders. “You… you mean…?”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes. The Crystal Empire… is going to war.”

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