• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - For the Betterment of All

The next morning as the first rays of light shine through Arc’s balcony window he awakens, sits up, yawns, and stretches.

“Another day.”

Ember and Auriel groan and sit up.

“Do we HAVE to get up this early EVERY day?!”

“This is why I just don’t sleep.”

Arc turns to Auriel. “Oh?”

“That way I don’t have to get up.”

Ember sighs. “Well… as long as I’m awake…”

She flaps her wings and takes flight. Landing nearby, Ember grins at Auriel.

“How’d you like sleeping with clothes on last night?”

Auriel frowns. “Truthfully, I’m not much for it.”

Ember shrugs. “I suppose Arc could have slept naked to help you feel better.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I’m not doing that.”

Auriel appears confused. “Why not?”

Ember grunts. “I don’t get it either. We all saw each other naked yesterday in the bathroom.”

“Yes. And ever since then I’ve been seeing you two’s eyes roaming.”

“I don’t know what you’re…!”

“My eyes are up here, Ember.”

Auriel giggles. “He’s got us.”

“In any case, let’s head back to the Infirmary and see if we can get the guys out of there.”

Ember chuckles. “Yeah. Sereb especially must hate it.”

Auriel appears confused. “Why him?”

Ember looks out the window. “The Forsaken prefer wide open spaces. Not being limited to a small room like the Infirmary.”

They head down the corridor together. Every guard they pass stops to salute. Auriel frowns.

“What’s going on?”

Arc returns the salute. “I’m not sure.”

Ember nudges him in the side with her elbow. “Well, there was what you did yesterday.”

“Completing the mission?”

“That too. No, I mean standing up to Princess Luna and making her eat something.”

“First, I just did what I had to. Second, I didn’t force her to do anything. I simply pointed out the facts of the matter, which she and Princess Cadance readily agreed with.”

Auriel smiles. “Those guards outside really took notice of the empty food cart though.”

Ember chuckles. “Yeah! Their eyes were bugging out and everything!”

Arc groans. “I’m sure.”

Arriving at the Infirmary they walk inside. Entering the semi-private area they see Arc’s squad as well as Sereb walking around. Arc nods approvingly.

“You guys look to be doing better.”

Max nods. “Yes sir.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah, it’s good to get out of that bed.”

Viktor sighs. “I felt like I was growing roots!”

Hugh groans. “Thanks guys.”

Sereb chuckles. “You will be up and about before long.”

Hugh lays back against his pillow. “The sooner the better.”

Arc walks over to Rose. “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Auriel giggles. “She’s still turned off, Arc.”

“Oh… I knew that.”

Ember raises an eyebrow suspiciously. “Did you really?”

“No. So how do I…?”

Auriel points a claw. “Press her mole.”

Arc does so and steps back. There is a slight hum as Rose’s systems begin to come online. He turns to Auriel again.

“So… do we need to start her up in Safe Mode, or something?”

He feels a small hand in his palm. Looking down, Arc sees Rose smiling up at him.

“Can I assume we made it back safely?”

“Yes. Thanks to you and the others, that is.”

Rose blushes slightly. “I was happy to be of service.”

Auriel walks over. “Can you run a diagnostic, Rose?”

“I currently am. All internal systems are functioning normally as are my sensors and skeletal system.”

She looks to Auriel.

“Thank you for repairing me.”

“Actually Sunburst did that. I was otherwise indisposed.”

“I shall be sure to thank him when next we meet.”

Arc looks down at her. “Good idea. Can you stand?”


Sitting up, Rose swings her legs over the side of the bed. Arc reaches forward to adjust her hospital gown as it rides a bit high up her legs.

“We’ll have to get you some new clothes, Rose.”

He calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal before turning to the others.

“Good work on the mission, everyone. All of you head back to Light’s Hope and get some rest.”

Xenos appears anxious. “Yes sir. But… might we know how Princess Celestia is?”

Arc sighs. “It’s… complicated. Rest assured we’ll get her the help she needs.”

Hugh nods. “Please do, sir.”

Viktor wrings his hooves. “She’s the glue that holds Equestria together, after all.”

Sereb turns to him. “Shall I stay and watch your backside, Arc?”

Ember smiles wickedly. “Oh no. Auriel and I have that job covered.”

Arc groans. “Please don’t say it like that, Ember.”

Auriel grins mischievously. “But it’s the truth!”

“Not you too, Auriel.”

Rose clears her throat. “What should I be doing, Arc?”

“Get dressed and head to the Golden Oaks Library with Auriel. I’d like you two to check in on Aurora.”

“I’m sure she’s fine. After all, she really only needs water. Which the library has on tap.”

Ember shrugs. “Well, she’s probably getting lonely too.”

Rose smiles. “I will do as you say, Arc.”


She heads through the portal first. The squad says goodbye to Hugh.

“We’ll see you soon.”

“Right. Get well, buddy.”

“You did great, Hugh.”

“Thanks. But you guys need more rest too.”

They vanish as Ember and Auriel both give Arc a hug.

“Come home soon.”

“I will.”

Ember jerks a thumb toward the portal. “I’ll keep an eye on the guys for you.


Auriel appears suddenly wistful. “How long do you think you’ll be here?”

“No clue. Tell Derpy and Dinky for me too, will you?”

“Sure. Just do me one favor though.”

“What’s that?”

Ember winks at him. “Don’t go chasing the Hoof Maidens around now.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. Why would I do that?

Auriel giggles. “Some of them are pretty cute after all.”

Sereb grins toothily. “That they are.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Everyone’s a comedian these days. Go.”

Ember, Auriel, and Sereb laugh as they step through the portal. Arc groans as he closes it and turns to Hugh.

“You going to be okay?”

“Yes sir. Truth be told, I’m still pretty tired.”

“Rest up. I’ll come check in on you later.”

“Thank you sir.”

Hugh lays back as Arc leaves the Infirmary. He heads down the corridor toward Celestia’s room. As he approaches he spots Shining Armor and Trixie pacing nervously.

“Good morning you two.”

“That it really isn’t, sir.”

“Trixie agrees.”

“Something happen last night?”

Shining Armor groans. “Princess Celestia woke numerous time during the night screaming at the top of her lungs.”

“The first time it happened Trixie nearly jumped out of her skin!”

“I can’t imagine anypony in there got much sleep.”

“Or out here.”

Arc frowns. “Yes, well… shall we see for ourselves?”

Shining Armor appears suddenly nervous. “I… y-yes sir. But might we make one request?”

“What’s that?”

“Trixie was hoping you would go first, sir.”

Arc sighs. “Fine.”

Opening the doors the trio enters the room. They spot Celestia and Twilight lying on her large bed, asleep. Luna and Cadance lie on either side on the floor. Arc turns to Shining Armor.

“Do we have to wake them?”

“If they want any chance at breakfast before audiences, yes.”

“Trixie would also like to point out that Princess Luna still needs to start the sun on its way across the sky.”

Shining Armor nods. “That too.”

Arc looks to Shining Armor and Trixie. “Makes sense. So… who’s going to wake her?”

Shining Armor and Trixie respond in tandem. “Not it!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Seriously?”

“Trixie has faith in you, Arc.”

“But I’ve done it the past couple times.”

Shining Armor grimaces. “Which means you’re very good at it, sir.”

Trixie nods. “We’ll be right behind you.”

Arc walks toward Luna. “Thanks you two.”

Kneeling down, Arc gently pats Luna’s face.

“Um… sorry to wake you, but…”

Luna’s horn glows while her eyes remain shut.


“It’s Arc, Luna!”

She groans as her horn powers down and opens her eyes.

“Can I assume it’s morning?”

“Yes, it is. Sorry to wake you. I hear you had quite a night.”

Luna sighs as Arc helps her up. She stretches and limps slightly for a few paces before regaining her normal composure.

“Are you alright, Luna?”

“The floor was certainly not the best place to sleep.”

“Why didn’t you call for cots for you and Cadance?”

Luna looks away. “I…”

Celestia sits up and lets loose a blood-curdling scream. Arc instinctively jumps back as Luna stands there unmoving. Cadance sits up and looks all around before lowering her head and groaning as Celestia cries out.


Twilight sits up and begins nuzzling her mentor. “I’m right here, Princess Celestia. It’s okay. Everything is just fine.”

Celestia turns and nuzzles Twilight back as her eyes remain closed. “Twilight…”

Slowly and gently, Twilight pushes Celestia back down onto the pillow. She sighs contentedly as her breathing becomes rhythmic again. Cadance walks over to Arc as she rubs her eyes.

“Morning already?”

“Yes, Princess Cadance.”

Twilight looks over from her place on the bed. “I’m sorry I can’t keep her asleep.”

Cadance smiles sleepily at Twilight. “It’s not your fault.”

Luna looks to them indignantly. “Neither is it my sisters’.”

She sits down on her haunches and puts a hoof to her forehead as Doctor Whooves enters the room.

“Ah, good to see everyone already awake. Any more episodes since I was here last?”

Cadance nods. “Several, doctor.”

Twilight looks over. “Fifteen to be exact.”

Doctor Whooves frowns as he walks over to the bed. “That’s most concerning.”

Luna turns to him. “Why is that, doctor?”

“Well, every time she awakens and screams it interrupts her own sleep. I can only imagine what she’s dreaming about after such an ordeal.”

Cadance appears concerned. “What should we do about it though?”

“I’ve already been in contact with the therapist you recommended to me, Princess
Cadance. She’ll be here later this morning to perform her own analysis.”

Luna frowns. “I don’t like the idea of my sister being treated like a crazy pony!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Luna… she needs help.”

“I understand that. Which is the only reason I’m allowing such a thing.”

Twilight looks to the doctor. “Did she give you any advice on what to do in the meantime?”

“Yes, Miss Sparkle. Right now Princess Celestia’s body requires complete and total rest. However, that is only treating half of the problem.”

Cadance appears exasperated. “Well, what else can we do?!”

“Emerald Dream recommended surrounding her with proper mental stimuli from familiar sources.”

Arc nods soberly. “Like what?”

“Soft music, poetry, light conversation, anything that would bring back happy memories would be good for her at the moment.”

Twilight smiles. “She seems to respond well to my presence, doctor.”

“Good. You may be of great help in the future.”

“I’ll do what I can.”

Cadance appears hopeful. “And us, Doctor Whooves?”

“Miss Emerald Dream suggested that all of you should do your very best to administer the treatments I’ve already listed. She may not be able to participate at this time, of course. But we’re hoping that eventually she’ll come back to us. It’s just going to take some time.”

Luna turns to the doctor. “All of us?”

“Yes, Princess Luna. The therapist and I understand that you two have a country to run. However, it would be best if you could devote as much attention as possible to your sister in her time of need.”

Cadance looks to Luna. “Might I have a word with you privately, please?”

“Very well. Please excuse us.”

She and Cadance step behind the changing screen together as Twilight turns to Arc.

“What do you suppose they’re talking about?”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe a bit of a schedule. One of them needs to take care of the royal duties, after all.”

Twilight sighs. “This is going to be very hard on both of them.”

“You too.”

Twilight nods sadly as she looks over at Celestia. “It already is. She’s in so much pain! And there isn’t anything I can do to alleviate it!”

Arc puts a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “We’ll get her through this. I just know it.”

A few minutes later the princesses return. They appear sober as Cadance turns to Luna.

“I’ll take care of it.”

Luna nods. “Please do. We’ll wait for you here.”

Cadance sighs and heads for the door. She motions for Shining Armor and Trixie to follow her as Arc steps toward Luna.

“Is something wrong?”

Luna shakes her head. “Cadance and I are simply carrying out our duties.”

Twilight nods. “We understand.”

“Yes. If there’s anything I can do to help though you need only ask.”

“Thank you, Arc. But as you’ve already done so much for Equestria and myself, we… cannot in good conscience ask more of you.”

She looks over to Celestia and sighs before turning back to Arc.

“I would however be very interested in hearing more on the circumstances that you found my sister in.”

Doctor Whooves quickly approaches. “Begging your pardon, Princess Luna, but I do not believe that is wise.”

“Oh? Why not?”

“Your sister’s condition is perilous at best. Hearing more about her recent past will only serve to force her to retreat deeper into herself.”

Twilight gasps. “Maybe that can wait, Princess Luna.”

“I… suppose it can. So instead let me inquire as to how you are, Arc?”

“I’m fine.”

Twilight frowns. “You fell over yesterday!”


Doctor Whooves clears his throat. “I believe that was due more to exhaustion than his injuries, your highness.”

“Yes. Some burns and lacerations along with hunger and fatigue were my only problems.”

Luna nods. “And you believe yourself recovered now?”

“More or less. Remember, I slept much of the day yesterday and only rose to eat and clean myself up at one point.”

Twilight shakes her head. “You really should take it easy for a bit though, Arc. Overworking oneself never helped anypony.”

“I’ll be fine.”

A short time later Cadance returns. Trixie holds the door open as Shining Armor enters with an ornate chest on a fancy cart. He pushes it over to Luna, carefully lifts the chest with Trixie’s help, sets it on the floor before her, and steps back respectfully. Twilight looks to Luna.

“What’s in there?

Luna sighs. “Something… that will finally be of some use.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Some kind of magical artifact?”

Doctor Whooves looks at the chest. “Or some kind of cure-all tonic?”

Cadance shakes her head. “Nothing of the sort. Arc?”


“What do you think is in here?”

“Well… it has to be either very valuable or important to deserve such a lavish looking box.”

Luna nods. “That it is. Cadance and I designed it together some time ago.”

“Is this a kind of welcome home gift for you sister?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No, Arc. But you were right that it is important. At least… to us.”

Luna steps toward Arc soberly. She turns and looks to Celestia for a long moment before turning her attention back to the man before her.

“Arc… as I’m sure you recall, it wasn’t that long ago that Cadance and I were in a very similar state as my sister. We worried constantly about the situation here on the homefront, but were unable to do anything about it.”

Twilight looks to Cadance. “I’m sure Princess Celestia feels the same way right now.”

“Yes, Twilight. However, ever since that time Luna and I have worried such an event might again befall this land.”

Arc sighs. “I suppose no one really knows what the future holds.”

Luna grimaces. “Certainly not. All we can do is make an attempt to prepare for whatever comes our way. Like my sister did alone for centuries during my imprisonment.”

Cadance gestures to the chest. “Yes, well… inside are the fruits of our planning.”

Luna soberly looks him in the eye. “Arc, would you please do the honors?”

“Oh, um… okay.”

Kneeling down Arc puts his hands on the lid. Taking a deep breath he gives it a push. With a slight creak the chest gives way and the lid stands fully open. Arc does not move for several moments as he gazes at the contents. Slowly he reaches inside and pulls something out. Twilight looks over to him.

“Arc? What… is it?”

Silently Arc stands and turns around to face Twilight and the princesses. In his hands lie an ornate golden crown. His eyes meet Luna’s as he speaks.

“Luna? Why does this crown have my Crest on it?”

“Because it’s for you, Arc.”

Twilight gasps. “Princess Luna! Are… are you suggesting…?!”

Luna nods. “Yes. Right now Cadance and I are needed here with Celestia. We will have little to no time to lead the nation. Therefore, as per the Order of Succession, Cadance and I are temporarily abdicating our power and authority to Arc.”

Arc gasps. “You… you are?!”

Cadance smiles sheepishly. “Yes, Arc. We of course cannot force you to take up this role, however…”

Twilight looks to Luna. “But… but I thought you said Arc had done enough! That you couldn’t ask him for more!”

“You are correct, Twilight. Therefore, I am not asking.”

Luna turns to look Arc squarely in the eye.

“Arc… as I said… I cannot force you to do this. However, right now I am begging you! Please lead and protect this land as Cadance and I care for Celestia.”

Arc stammers. “I… don’t really know what to say.”

Cadance nods sadly. “We know you didn’t enjoy your time as Lord Regent before. So if this is asking too much, please give the crown to Shining Armor.”


“Trixie believes you are the next in line for the throne, captain.”

“I… would certainly do my best! But… I’m not a princess, nor am I the Hero of Light!”

Luna nods. “That is correct. However, the choice is up to Arc to either accept or decline the mantle of Lord Regent.”

Shining Armor straightens up and salutes Arc. “If it pleases you, sir, I will take this temporary position. However, I do believe you are the right stallion for the job. After all, you have the respect of the princesses, citizens, and international community.”

Nodding soberly, Arc looks at those assembled one at a time before turning his attention back to the crown. Slowly but surely he raises it to his head. Taking a deep breath he lowers it into position. Luna smiles and nods as she and Cadance remove their own crowns and hold them out to Arc.

“As The Princess of the Night, I hereby relinquish my position and power to the Hero of Light. He shall have full authority to act as Equestria’s supreme ruler until such a time comes to pass that I can again take my place on the throne.”

Cadance speaks as she holds out her own crown. “Following in the stead of Princess Luna, I too relinquish my position as the Princess of Love to the Hero of Light until further notice.”

Arc nods silently as he accepts the crowns respectfully. Shining Armor motions to Trixie to follow his lead. They approach the chest and remove new pauldrons, boots, and gauntlets. Stepping forward, they place them on Arc before returning with a new cape and royal scepter, which Arc accepts. Luna nods approvingly.

“Lead the land as you see fit, Lord Arc.”

“Yes. We will not and cannot intervene. Please watch over Equestria as you always have.”

“Um… Princess Cadance, I…”

Cadance shakes her head. “I’m not a princess any longer, sire.”

“But what do I call you then?”

“Just ‘Cadance’.”

Luna and Cadance both kneel. Shining Armor and Trixie gasp momentarily before quickly following their leads.

“I, Captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armor do hereby swear to defend you to the best of my ability, sire. Even if it should cost me my life.”

“I, Lieutenant Trixie also promise to follow and serve you and the captain, sire.”

Twilight sighs as she bows her head. “The Element Bearers also stand with you, sire. I know I speak for all of them when I say that we would be honored to serve.”

“Thank you everyone. But, please… stand up. Remember, this is temporary at best.”

They do so as one. Luna is the first to speak.

“Yes sire.”

“Can you please not call me that?”

Cadance appears conflicted. “But, Lord Arc…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Please. Luna… Cadance… just call me ‘Arc’, okay?”

Luna smiles. “Very well. And thank you for doing this… Arc.”

Cadance appears relieved. “Yes. It’s good to know there’s somepony we can entrust our power and authority whom will use it wisely and judiciously.”

“Thank you for putting such faith in me. But I don’t really know what to do right now.”

Luna gestures to the balcony door. “It would appear the sun needs to be raised.”

“But I don’t have that amulet from last time.”

Cadance smiles at him. “You’ve learned so much since that time. It’s unlikely you need it at this point.”

Twilight nods approvingly. “Yes, Arc. You can do this. I… we all believe in you.”

Nodding, Arc respectfully places the princess’ crowns in the chest before walking over to the door and looking out. Closing his eyes, he reaches out with his magic. A few moments later the sun slowly rises and shines across the land, bathing it in its warm light. As it spills across the marble floor and reaches the bed Celestia stirs slightly. Feeling the warmth of her sun on her skin she grimaces and shudders slightly.

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