• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Scanning

A short time later Arc and Rose reappear on the sigil in Arc’s basement. His squad along with Ember and Sereb walk over to him. Ember is the first to speak.

“So how did it go?”

Arc sighs. “Not… exactly according to plan.”

Rose looks away nervously. “I… may have had some… personal problems.”

Arc pulls the file out of his ring. “Well, we got this. So I’d say it went okay.”

Max looks confused. “Sir? I thought you drove there.”

“I did.”

Ember frowns. “Where’s your Jeep?”

“Someone will have to go back for it later.”

Xenos raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

Cherry calls out to them. “Let’s just say Arc and Rose should probably stay away from the hospital for a while.”

“Yeah. Things got a bit hairy.”

Hugh appears concerned. “You two are okay though, right?”

Rose nods. “Yes. I just… lost my nerve for a few moments.”

Viktor shrugs. “No one’s perfect.”

Max smiles at them. “We’re sure you did your best.”

Arc puts a hand on Rose’s shoulder. “Yes, she did.”

“Thank you, but I… um… I almost cost us the mission.”

Ember shrugs. “But you didn’t. Right?”

Arc nods as he tosses the folder onto the table. “Correct. Don’t beat yourself up over this, Rose. Just learn from it and keep moving forward.”

“I’ll try.”

Max gestures to the folder. “Sir, perhaps we should take a look at this and see if there really is anything to find.”

“Go ahead.”

Max picks up the folder and opens it. He reads over it silently for a time before looking up. Ember taps her foot impatiently.

“So? What’s it say?”

“A lot of things. Most of which I can’t understand.”

Xenos looks over Max’s shoulder.

“Uh… what language IS that?!”

Arc chuckles. “Probably a lot of words in Latin. A lot of medical terminology is based on it.”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “Why’s that?”

“No clue.”

Rose walks toward Max. “Might I have a look?”


He hands the folder to Rose. She looks it over and frowns.

“That’s strange.”

Viktor frowns. “What is?”

“I’m certainly no substitute for a real doctor. But these treatments seem a bit… odd.”

Arc stands next to her and looks at the file. “Can you expand on that, Rose?”


She points to an area on the chart.

“Look here. The records show a below average amount of nutrients being administered via IV.”

Ember frowns. “What does that mean?”

Arc clenches a fist. “That he was undernourished.”

Sereb growls. “This is… troubling.”

“I’ll say. Rose, is it possible there was a legitimate reason for this course of action?”

“Unknown. While my programming is certainly not complete in regards to medical knowledge pertaining to humans, it still strikes me as a bit… odd.”

Max looks to Arc. “What are we going to do about this, sir?”

“Well… I think we should have a real doctor look this over. No offense intended, Rose.”

“None taken. That would probably be for the best. However, it might be prudent to include a blood sample with this report.”

Viktor frowns. “You two probably shouldn’t venture back to the hospital for something like that.”

Ember nods. “Yeah. It sounds like they’ll be looking for you two now.”

Arc sighs. “Agreed.”

“Fortunately, that won’t be a problem.”

Xenos appears confused. “Rose?”

“We can simply go see Frank himself for a sample.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “That would probably be the best course of action right now.”

Ember grins as she looks Rose up and down. “You even have an alibi for that now.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Eh?”

Max nods. “That’s right. In that outfit, Rose here really does look like a legitimate nurse. The commander could just tell Frank she’s a friend and that she’s there for a sample.”

Arc turns to Rose. “How about it? Up for a little more legwork today?”

Rose looks away nervously. “I… I don’t know. The last mission didn’t go so well thanks to me.”

“It went fine. Now then, this won’t take long. And I won’t try to force you if you REALLY don’t want to do this. But I’m sure it would really help Doctor Whooves understand the notes in that chart.”

Rose sighs but nods. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

“Good. Do we still have that blood drawing kit around here somewhere?”

“I’ll get it for you, sir.”

Xenos walks over to a cupboard and pulls out the bag. He hands it to Rose as Arc pulls his keys from a pocket.

“Now then, let’s get moving.”


Arc and Rose head upstairs. Max turns to Ember.

“That was strange.”

“Which part?”

“Usually Rose is eager to help out.”

Viktor sighs. “Agreed. This time however she seemed to be scared of her own shadow.”

Hugh frowns. “She admitted to freezing up at the hospital. Letting someone down, especially the commander, would make me question myself too.”

Sereb nods. “He did not appear angry with her though.”

Ember shrugs. “Right. So it must not have been THAT bad.”

Xenos sighs as he heads back to the table. “Yeah, well… we all know the commander is a very forgiving human. Maybe he just wanted to give her another chance.”

Max sits down next to him. “That’s probably it. He’s all about second chances.”

Arc and Rose return a moment later. Sereb looks to them, confused.


“Um… kinda forgot something.”

Rose smiles sheepishly. “Arc’s Jeep is still at the hospital.”

Ember facepalms. “And you can’t exactly be seen there at the moment.”


Arc turns to Xenos.

“I could portal you over there.”

“Yes sir. Should I pick you up somewhere?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. Just bring the Jeep home and I’ll take things from there.”

He opens a portal. Xenos steps through as Arc heads for a chair.

“I guess all we can do now is wait.”

A short time later Xenos returns. Arc and Rose head to the driveway and get into the still-running Jeep. As they head beyond the town’s limits Arc turns to Rose.

“You okay?”

Rose sighs. “Not really. What if I mess this up too?”

Arc pats her hand. “You’ll do just fine. I believe in you.”

“That makes one of us.”

A short time later Arc pulls into the drive and parks. They head up to the house and enter. Wolf meets them in the Living Room. He glares at Arc.

“What the heck are you DOING?!”


Wolf points to Rose. “Bringing someone here!”

“I needed her help. Is Frank up?”

“He wasn’t a few minutes ago when I sent Jackal in there to keep an eye on him.”

Rose sounds concerned. “Was he trying to leave?”

Wolf looks away. “I… can’t really say.”

“If you want my help, we have to know what’s going on.”

Wolf sighs. “Fine. The boss was acting a bit… off.”

Rose looks to him, confused. “Off?”

Wolf shrugs. “It’s… kinda hard to explain. Look, why don’t you just go see him yourself?”

“Alright then.”

Arc and Rose head for the bedroom door as Wolf groans.

“I meant just you!”

Arc turns to Rose. “I’ll see if Frank’s open to this. Can you please wait here?”

Wolf leers at Rose. “You do that. I’ll watch her for you.”

“Keep an eye on this guy, will you?”

Rose nods silently as Wolf frowns. He enters the bedroom to see Jackal sitting in a corner. The large man waves happily as Arc walks over.

“How’s he doing?”

“Sleeping most of the time. He must be really tired.”

“Can I talk to him? It’s kinda important.”

“Well… okay. But only because you’re boss’ friend.”

Jackal stands and walks over to Frank. He gently nudges him.

“Boss? Your friend here.”

Frank slowly opens his eyes and sits up.

“Arc? Is that you?”

“Yeah. How’re you feeling?”

Frank puts a hand on his forehead. “Strange. Not sure what’s happening to me. Sorry I’m not in better spirits.”

“It’s fine. Your guys mentioned you weren’t doing too well.”

Frank nods weakly. “Yes. They say you volunteered to get my file from the hospital.”

“I already have.”

Jackal appears hopeful. “Find anything?!”

“That’s actually what I came here to talk to you about. You see, I had a nurse friend of mine look it over. She says your treatment appears a bit… off.”


“We’d like to send it to a doctor I met in my travels for further study.”

Jackal gasps. “But what if he tells the hospital?!”

“He’s trustworthy. If I tell him to keep this quiet, he will.”

Frank nods. “Very well, Arc. If you trust him, I’ll do the same.”

“There was one other thing. My nurse friend suggested sending a blood sample along with the file.”

Frank narrows his eyes. “For what purpose?”

“To compare the past readings to your current state.”

Frank sighs. “Fine. But I certainly can’t show my face at the hospital.”

“I understand that. So I brought her here. She’s in the Living Room with Wolf awaiting your answer.”

Frank turns to the larger man. “Call her in, Jackal.”

“Okay, boss!”

Jackal sticks his head out the door and calls out. A few moments later Rose and Wolf enter the room together.

“You need something, boss?”

“I wanted to meet Arc’s new friend, Wolf.”

“Hello, sir. My name is Rose.”

Frank smiles at her. “A lovely name. Now then, Arc tells me you wanted something from me.”

“Yes. A blood sample.”

Wolf frowns. “I don’t trust her, boss!”

“Well, Arc does. He’s never let me down before, and I don’t see him doing that now or in the future.”

Jackal frowns. “Comon Wolf! She’s pretty!”

Rose blushes slightly. “I… um… thank you.”

Wolf rolls his eyes. “You trust everyone.”

“What wrong with that?”

Arc sighs. “Not everyone is trustworthy.”

“She is!”

Rose turns to Jackal. “How do you know that?”

“I can tell!”

Frank clears his throat. “Yes, well… if it helps get to the bottom of this, go ahead.”

Rose walks over to the bed with the kit. She rolls up Frank’s sleeve and rubs a patch of skin with bit of alcohol.

“Are you ready?”

Frank nods. “Go ahead.”

Picking up an empty syringe Rose pricks Frank’s arm. A moment later it fills with blood. She removes the needle and covers the skin with a bandage.

“There we go.”

“Thank you, miss.”

“You are welcome, sir. The doctor can hopefully use what’s written in your file to compare it to your current bloodwork.”

Arc nods as he looks to Frank. “Yeah. Your guys were saying you were feeling sluggish.”

Frank sighs. “That I do. But it may just be residual effects of whatever was done to me before the Hero found me.”

“If you remember anything about that, or just want to talk, give me a call. I should be in town for some time.”

Frank nods. “Thank you, my friend. But I am curious about one thing.”


“Where did you go to meet such charming friends as Rose and Ember?”

“I… uh…”

“That and you disappeared so suddenly. Why?”

Arc sighs. “Well… to be honest with you, sometimes things just come up in the heat of the moment. One single choice can change everything.”

Frank pats his bad leg. “That much I do understand.”

“Yeah. I knew you would.”

“I’d be very interested in learning more about that place.”

“Maybe another time. Rose and I need to get this investigative ball rolling.”

“Of course.”

Frank yawns as Wolf walks over to him.

“Tired again, boss?”

“A bit, yes.”

Jackal watches his boss intently. “You need another nap? I keep eye on you for you, boss.”

Frank nods. “Thank you.”

Arc heads toward the door with Rose. “I’ll let you know if we find anything.”

“Yes, I appreciate the hard work… lieutenant.”

Arc grimaces. “Please don’t call me that.”

Frank chuckles. “You cannot run from your past, Arc. It’s what defines you.”

“I’m not running. Just… walking a different path these days. Take care.”

He leaves the room with Wolf and Rose. Frank rolls over.

“That may be. But I know you, Arc. And I can tell that you’re not being completely honest about your journey out into the world.”

Meanwhile, Wolf escorts Arc and Rose back to the Jeep. He gestures to the black bag in Rose’s hand.

“You really think there’s something to find in that?”

Rose nods. “Most likely, yes. We won’t know for sure until it’s analyzed by the doctor though.”

Arc turns to Wolf. “Take care of Frank. I’ll be in touch.”

Wolf nods as Arc and Rose get into the Jeep and drive away. The pair return home. Arc turns to Rose as they walk in the back door.

“Thanks for doing this, Rose.”

“It’s no trouble.”

“Maybe not to you. But remember, no one here knows how to take a blood sample.”

Rose giggles. “I’m sure you would have figured it out.”

“Maybe. But you’re very convincing in that outfit.”

Rose blushes slightly. “Th-thank you.”

The pair head for the basement. Ember looks over to him as they descend the stairs.

“How did it go?”

Rose holds up the kit. “As Arc would say, mission accomplished.”

“Yup. Now to have the sample analyzed.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Sunburst.”

“Go ahead, sir.”

“I have a medical file and a blood sample I need analyzed. Could you have someone run them over to Doctor Whooves?”

“Certainly, sir. I’ll take care of it personally. What shall I tell him to look for?”

“Any foreign substances in the blood and anything suspicious in the treatment of the patient. I need to know right away.”

“Yes sir.”

“Thanks. Arc out.”

Arc touches his earring, severing the connection as he turns to Max.

“So… anything happen while we were gone?”

“Um… there was an interesting call that came over the scanner.”

Ember grins. “Apparently someone broke into a secure room in the hospital and assaulted a nurse.”

Arc frowns. “Anything come of it?”

Viktor shakes his head. “No, sir.”

Hugh grimaces. “We’re assuming it was just hospital policy to notify the authorities of the incident.”

Rose looks away. “I sure hope that nurse is okay.”

Sereb nods. “If Arc used a standard Sleeping Spell she’ll be fine.”

“That I did. Just like that other nurse from the other day.”

Rose gazes down at her scrubs.

“I still didn’t like doing that.”

Arc puts a hand on Rose’s shoulder. “Neither did I. But it was the best I could come up with on such short notice. But why don’t we go upstairs? You can change out of that outfit and I need a bit of a rest.”

Ember looks worries. “Tired, Arc?”


Ember grins. “I’ll join you.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. But I’m really planning on using the time to think.”

Max turns to his commanding officer. “About what, sir?”

Arc turns to walk upstairs with Rose and Ember.

“Our next move.”

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