• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 17 - The Riders

Arc and Ember ride Sereb down a back road outside Farburg as the sun begins to set behind them. Ember frowns.

“I just want to go on record as saying this plan is almost nonexistent! It shouldn’t even qualify as a plan!”

Arc looks over his shoulder. “You could’ve stayed home.”

“And let you have all the fun?! HA! Not happening!”

Rose calls out to Arc over the radio. “I would have been happy to go with Arc in your place, Ember.”

Sereb growls. “I too am looking forward to entering the field of battle!”

Arc frowns. “There won’t be any fighting until we talk first.”

“You know they won’t go for that.”

Arc shrugs. “Have to try, Ember.”

The trio continues on their way. Soon they come to an abandoned hospital. They look on from a distance, cloaked.

“Somehow this seems appropriate.”

Sereb lies in the grass as he watches. “How so, Ember?”

“They’ll need medical attention when I get through with them!”

Arc sighs. “Easy there, Ember. Let’s just play this one by ear. Maybe there’s a peaceful solution to all this.”

Sereb frowns. “Unlikely.”

Arc watches as a slew of motorcycles ride up and park under the ambulance awning.

“Well, in any case it looks like Minerva’s information was right.”

Ember clenches a fist. “I still don’t trust her.”

Sereb nods as he turns to Arc. “She may even be a member herself. In which case she’s warned them to be ready for us.”

“I doubt it. She doesn’t seem like the rebellious or reckless biker girl type.”

“Looks can be deceiving.”

“Agreed, Sereb. But I prefer to be optimistic.”

They watch as numerous other bikers ride up and park. Ember sighs.

“There has to be fifty thugs in there by now!”

Sereb turns to Arc. “Possibly more. Who knows how many were already inside?”

Ember frowns. “Still feeling optimistic, Arc?”

“Admittedly somewhat less than before.”

He touches his earring.

“You guys there?”

Viktor nods as he continues typing. “Yes sir.”

Max sighs. “We’re watching.”

Xenos frowns. “Kinda boring.”

Hugh shrugs. “True.”

Sereb growls. “I don’t think it will stay that way for long.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Not if I have anything to say about it!”

Arc shakes his head. “Well, if nothing else you guys watch our backs.”

“Yes sir.”

“We won’t take our eyes off them even for a moment!”

“You three just be careful over there.”

“The lights will be on when you get back.”

Rose giggles. “I’ll keep my sensors ready!”

“Thanks. Call out anything you see. Arc out.”

He touches his earring and looks to Ember and Sereb.

“Shall we get underway?”

Ember grins. “Thought you’d never ask!”

Sereb nods. “I am ready.”

Arc removes his magic robe. “Let’s go.”

Cherry gasps. “Arc?! Aren’t you going to keep your cloak up?!”

“No. This marks the end of the stealth part of the mission. I want them to see and hear what we do here next.”

“But why?!”

“To make a statement.”

Sereb looks confused. “Statement?”

Ember removes her own cloak and tosses it to Arc. “To them?”

Arc shakes his head as he puts away the robes. “Yes. But also to anyone else whom might want to cause trouble around here.”

He looks around a moment before turning to the pair.

“Follow me.”

Ember and Sereb turn to walk on either side of Arc. Two bikers just outside the door look up to see the trio approaching them. They quickly drop what they’re doing and run inside. Ember smirks.


Sereb nods. “They have no honor.”

“Those were just new and inexperienced members watching the bikes.”

“How can you tell?”

Arc shrugs. “They certainly looked a lot younger than the members I faced the other day.”

Sereb growls. “Indeed. However they will certainly return with reinforcements.”

“Right! We need to be ready!”

Arc looks at the rows of bikes all lined up. “I believe I have an idea in that regard. Give me a hand you two.”

Ember grins. “I think I know just what you mean!”

Meanwhile, Minerva and her cameraman peek out from the nearby foliage. Both are wearing full camo gear. The cameraman points at Minerva. She speaks softly into her microphone.

“This is Minerva Moore reporting to you live from The Rider’s hideout somewhere outside Farburg. Can you hear me in the studio, Tom?”

“We’re getting this loud and clear. Minerva what can you tell us about what’s going on over there?”

“Well Tom, our Hero of Light appears to have it in for The Riders. He’s just arrived on the scene.”

Meanwhile they watch as Arc uses his magic to pick up most of the bikes. Ember and Sereb use their own powers to grab the rest of them. They follow him around the building.

“What is he doing?”

“I don’t know, Tom. But I don’t think The Riders will like it. It looks like we’ll have to wait and see what happens.”

“Be careful over there, Minerva. I don’t think the Hero and his allies came here to play.”

“Agreed Tom. And it looks like he has a new pet.”

“It looks like a wolf.”

“Yes, but a very large one with a saddle and what appears to be body armor. I’m going to follow them and see if I can’t get our viewers some better footage.”

Minerva motions to the cameraman. He cuts the feed as she grabs some of the gear.

“Come on! They’re headed around back! I want to get us set back up before The Riders get there!”

A short time later a horde of bikers rush outside, their leader at the front. He looks around angrily.

“Where are the bikes?!”

Arc calls out from the roof. “Behind the building!”

The bikers look up as Arc mock salutes them and turns away. They run around to the back of the hospital as Arc jumps off the roof of the three-story building and lands gently near the pile of bikes. Minerva and her cameraman resume broadcasting as he does so.

“That was impressive!”

Minerva nods. “I believe things are about to get very interesting here, Tom.”

Meanwhile, the Biker Leader seethes at Arc.

“You have three seconds to put those back, freak! And there better not be even ONE scratch on…!”

Arc interrupts him. “Light it up, Dragon.”

Ember walks out from around the back of the pile. There are two fireballs in the palms of her hands. She looks to the leader as she drops the flames onto the ground.

“Welcome to our barbeque, slime!”

A trail of flames snakes along the ground toward the pile. In moments the bikes are aflame. Arc nods to her.

“Now do you see why we dumped out those gas tanks, Dragon?”

Ember laughs. “Yes!”

The leader turns to his gang. “Get those bikes out of there, boys!”

His gang charges at Arc. Halfway to the pyre Sereb lunges out from behind the pile and through the flames. He lands between the bikers and the pile and roars loudly. Minerva jumps slightly at the sudden turn of events.


“What’s going on now, Minerva?!”

“It looks like the Hero’s pet is trying to keep The Riders away from their motorcycles.”

“Or is he just protecting his master?”

“Maybe both.”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to the pile of bikes and reaches out both hands toward it.

“Let’s turn things up a notch.”

Streams of white flame flow forth from his hands as the bike’s frames begin to melt. He looks over his shoulder at the gang.

“I guess you won’t be called ‘The Riders’ anymore, huh?”

Tom gasps. “What?! How… how is he doing that?!”

“No idea, Tom. I get the feeling that armor of his is hiding quite a few secrets though.”

The whine of an engine can be heard from the front of the building. The leader grins.

“It looks like our meeting’s guest speaker has arrived, boys!”

A motorcycle flies around the corner of the building at breakneck speed. They head straight for Sereb. The rider dives off their bike as it plows into the wolf. Tom grimaces.

“That looked painful!”

“Not to worry. It looks like the wolf is alright!”

The cyclist lands on their feet across the way. They take off their helmet and drop it. Hammer’s grinning face comes into view.

“That was a blast!”

She looks at the bikes aflame before turning her attention back to the leader.

“Bloodletter, why are you just STANDING there?! Use what we gave you, idiot!”

The leader reaches into his leather jacket and appears to finger an item within.

“…this stuff just don’t seem right!”

Tom gasps as he sees Hammer’s outfit. “A Shard member?!”

“Yes, Tom. It looks like I was right. The Shards ARE working with The Riders.”

Hammer looks at Sereb as he sizes her up. She grins and draws her gun. “I’ll take care of this one! You just handle the big armored freak!”

Arc calls forth his Spear of Righteousness as he turns to the newcomer. “Not happening, Hammer! You and I have a score to settle!”

Minerva frowns. “It sounds like our Hero has a past with this newcomer.”

“For the sake of her safety, I hope she’s tougher than she looks.”

“Our Hero will probably go easy on her.”

Arc turns to Ember. “Dragon, you and my stead take care of the gang. Hammer is mine.”

Ember calls forth her own spear. “Fine with me! Just be careful!”

“You too.”

Minerva smiles. “They’re splitting up! Looks like an all-out brawl is about to happen!”

“Are there any police on the scene, Minerva?”

“No, Tom. There’s not a single strobe or siren here.”

Arc rushes at Hammer. She fires, but he deflects her shots with a Magic Shield. Minerva nods approvingly.

“It looks like our Hero is perfectly capable of defending himself.”

“What about the other two?”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t send them against a force they couldn’t take on.”

Ember hurries over to Sereb.

“You ready to do this, big guy?!”

Sereb nods and growls as he turns to The Riders. Ember raises her spear to battle ready position as she chuckles.

“Come on, boys! Let’s dance!”

Meanwhile, Arc dives at Hammer. She blocks his blow with her gun and roughly backhands him across the yard. Back at the station Tom winces.

“That looked like it hurt!

“Yes it did! But I don’t think he’ll let it keep him down, Tom.”

Arc hurries to his feet as Ember and Sereb rush headlong at the gang. Ember uses her spear like a club.

“Who wants some?!”

Sereb turns to guard her flank as Max calls out over Arc’s earring.

“Sir! Their leader doesn’t appear to be in the mood to fight.”

Xenos frowns. “He must be one of those leaders that lets everyone else get a black eye.”

Hugh nods. “Yeah, well he looks really nervous about something.”

Viktor waves a hand dismissively. “The commander has bigger problems right now though.”

Arc dodges as Hammer fires at him again. “Right. I’ll save him for last.”

Rose narrows her eyes suspiciously. “Be careful, Arc! Something about his body language leads me to believe he’s holding something back.”

Tom watches his monitor as the camera pans back to Bloodletter. “He certainly doesn’t look too confident in his gang right now.”

“This should be over any time now, Tom. Our Hero and his friends have them on the ropes.”

Arc knocks the gun out of Hammer’s hands. “So you’re helping trash like The Riders now, huh?!”

Hammer glares at him as she punches him in the faceplate. “You just don’t know when to give things a rest, do you?!”

Arc counters with a boot to Hammer’s gut. “Same to you!”

Hammer staggers backwards. She turns to The Rider’s leader, angrily.

“Any time now, Bloodletter!”

He frowns. “I… it’s just…”

Hammer grabs Arc’s spear and tosses him roughly aside. “Stand and fight or turn and run away! PICK ONE!!!”

Ember fells the last gang member with a gauntlet to the side of his head. She and Sereb turn to one another and fist/paw bump.

“That’s how it’s done!”

The pair turn to Bloodletter and slowly walk toward him. He backs away, his hand still in his jacket. Minerva grins.

“That’s the last of the gang members.”

“That was quick!”

“These three are quite efficient! Maybe they’ll take the Shards back in Angel Grove down a notch when they get back.”

“We can only hope.”

Ember jumps on Sereb’s back. Together they charge at Bloodletter. He turns to run away but they quickly overtake him. Ember uses her spear like a baseball bat and knocks him across the field to the opposite end of the yard. He does not rise. Minerva silently cheers.

“Looks like those two took down the leader! Now all that’s left is the Shard!”

Arc looks at Hammer as she dives for her weapon. “Give it up. You and your friends have lost.”

Hammer holds her gun and looks around. Ember turns to the woman and levels her spear.

“We can do this one of two ways. The easy way, or the hard…”

Hammer holsters her weapon as she reaches into her leather jacket with one hand and touches her ear with the other.

“Yes sir!”

She pulls out a grenade. Ember’s eyes grow wide.

“She’s got another one of those crazy bombs, Hero!”

Arc and Ember put up Magic Shields as Hammer, moving like lightning, pulls the pin and throws it toward Ember. She shakes her head as she and Sereb look through their barriers to see the grenade sail over them.

“Wow. Terrible throw.”

It lands in the middle of the field. However instead of exploding small jets burst out from the shell. It sprays the unconscious gang members with a strange gas. Minerva frowns.

“It looks like the Shand just threw some kind of smoke bomb.”

“I don’t see how that’s going to help her escape. It much too far away to be of any…”

Suddenly the bikers begin to rise. Minerva frowns.

“That appears to have been some kind of… smelling salt grenade, Tom. The entire gang appears to be coming around now.”

As the gas blows away on the wind, Ember lowers the barrier protecting her and Sereb. She turns to a biker walking awkwardly toward her, angrily.

“So you want some more?!”

Ember lunges at him, hitting the man squarely in the gut. However instead of doubling over he backhands her. Ember flies across the field and lands roughly on her side.


He runs over to her.

“Are you okay?!”

Ember slowly gets up as Sereb rushes to her side. “I… what the… that felt like a train hit me!”

Hammer laughs. “That’s not far from the truth, missy!”

The rest of The Riders stand and head for Arc and his friends. Arc frowns as they lumber toward them.

“Something isn’t right here!”

Hugh gasps. “Sir! There’s no way those guys should all be on their feet right now!”

Xenos nods. “Yeah! Ember must’ve broken several of their legs and quite a few ribs!”

Viktor points at the screen. “Look at the way the ones in back are walking, sir!”

Max’s eyes widen in horror. “They’re legs ARE broken!”

Rose grit her teeth. “That grenade was no ordinary charge. I’ll try to analyze it.”

“Tom, I… I don’t really know how to describe what I’m seeing! The Riders… they’re… something is VERY wrong with them!”

“I see it too, Minerva! It’s almost like they’re possessed! Be careful out there!”

“That I will, Tom. But I’m not sure how our Hero is going to fight these… things!”

Arc turns to Ember and Sereb. “I’m open to suggestions!”

Ember stands up and readies her spear. “If this is it, I’m going down fighting!”

Sereb growls in agreement. He lunges forward to topple several bikers. They get up again appearing feeling no pain. Arc grabs Sereb with his magic and pulls him back.

“They’re too many for you!”

Ember turns to Arc. “Hero, I have an idea! It’s crazy, but it just might work!”

“What is it?!”

“No time! Just trust me and go for Hammer with your mount!”

“Okay. Let’s go, big guy!”

Arc jumps on Sereb’s back as the pair hurry toward the Shard lieutenant. Hammer fires her gun at them over and over again.

“Hey! Go after them, not me!”

Arc puts up a Magic Shield to deflect her attacks as they advance. He mutters to himself.

“I sure hope you know what you’re doing, my friend.”

Tom frowns. “It looks like the Hero is retreating.”

“I don’t think so, Tom. More than likely his partner is covering him while he goes after the Shard.”

“That seems like the least of his problems right now.”

“She started this with her grenade. Maybe the Hero thinks she knows a way to stop it.”

“Let’s hope so. For their sakes!”

Meanwhile, Ember looks over the mindless horde making their way toward her.

“I haven’t done this in a while. Here goes nothing!”

Leaping high up into the air Ember raises her spear above her head.

“Hope this works.”

She slams her spear into the ground. Energy explodes outward knocking back her opponents and blowing over Arc, Sereb, and Hammer. Arc uses the extra momentum to punch Hammer in the face. She collapses to the ground.

“What the…?!”

Minerva and the cameraman are blow to the ground. They lie there dazed for a moment. The cameraman is the first to speak.

“I… I need a raise.”

“Me… too.”

They get up and return to the broadcast as the dust obscures their view. Tom calls out over Minerva’s earpiece.

“Minerva?! Minerva, are you there?!”

She picks up her microphone as she stands. “I’m here, Tom.”

“What happened?!”

“It… looks like that spear of Dragon’s has some kind of power in it. The force behind that blow was massive! Hopefully it was enough to stop The Riders.”

“We can’t see much of anything on this end. Are you having technical difficulties?”

The cameraman shakes his head.

“No, Tom. The explosive force seems to have kicked up quite the dust cloud. Right now I can barely see the microphone in front of my face.”

As the dust begins to settle Arc raises his head slowly. He feels something soft under him.

“What… happened? Sereb? Is that you?”

Arc looks down to see Hammer lying on the ground under him, unconscious. Sereb walks over slowly and nudges him with a massive paw.

“I… I’m okay. Where’s Dragon?”

Sereb points with a paw to the center of the yard. Ember is lying face down on the ground. Arc returns his Spear of Righteousness to his ring and runs over to her as fast as he is able.

“Oh no…”

He pulls her helmet up enough to expose her neck and removes one of his gauntlets. Hurriedly, he checks for a pulse.

“She’s alive. That attack must’ve just drained all her energy.”

Sereb walks over slowly as Arc’s earring chirps. Max’s voice comes over the air.

“Are you alright sir?!”

Viktor presses buttons hurriedly. “We can’t see a thing!”

“I’m okay. Just a bit banged up.”

Hugh lets out a sigh of relief. “Last visual was of you hitting Hammer!”

Rose nods. “Even my sensors can’t pick anything up over there.”

Xenos chuckles. “At least there’s one less problem to deal with now. Ember did great!”

Max frowns. “Is she okay?”

“She’s out cold. I’m going to send her over to you guys.”

Viktor stands up with the others. “We’re ready when you are, sir.”

Arc raises his gauntlet to open a portal. He then carefully lifts Ember onto Sereb’s back.

“I’ll be home soon, my friend. Just have to take care of a few things.”

Sereb and Ember vanish as Arc closes the portal behind them. Max speaks into his headset.

“We got her, sir.”

Xenos frowns. “She doesn’t look too good.”

Rose looks her over. “My sensors show she is only sleeping. No internal injuries detected.”

Hugh breathes a sigh of relief. “Considering the kind of attack Ember just pulled off, she’s doing okay I suppose.”

Viktor nods as Xenos picks her up. “Xenos is putting her on one of our bunks for now, sir.

Sereb grins. “Ember fought bravely. She deserves a proper rest.”

“Good. Let me grab that Bloodletter guy along with Hammer and I’ll be…”

Arc is interrupted as something hits him from behind. Hammer stands over him, grinning.

“Didn’t your mother ever teach you to never turn your back to a lady?”

Viktor calls out. “Sir? What was that? You broke up.”

Hammer leaps over her downed opponent and rushes over to Bloodletter as Arc slowly gets up. She reaches into the leaders jacket and pulls out a large syringe.

“That coward! Even though he knew he couldn’t win as it stood, he didn’t even use this!”

“We’re finally picking your signal up again, Minerva. I… wait, what is that woman holding?”

“Looks like a syringe, Tom.”


“Most likely. Impossible to see what from here though.”

Arc looks over as a breeze clears the last of the dust. “What is that?”

Hammer grins. “Just a little something some friends of mine came up with. Watch!”

She jabs Bloodletter in the neck. Depressing the plunger he quickly comes around. Bloodletter jumps up angrily and turns to Hammer.


He sees the empty syringe in her hand.

“What did you DO to me?!”

Hammer grins. “Just a little something you didn’t have the stomach to do yourself. It’ll make you a better man!”

Bloodletter grabs his head and begins breathing heavily.

“I think she may have just drugged him, Tom.”

“Perhaps an overdose?”

“Somehow I don’t think so.”

Screaming out in pain, Bloodletter falls to his knees. Arc turns to Hammer.

“What the heck did you DO to him?!”

“Oh you’ll find out. Have fun!”

Hammer turns and runs around the side of the hospital. Bloodletter slowly raises his head and looks to Arc, clearly furious. His muscles bulge through the leather jacket tearing it to shreds.

“Minerva, what are we looking at?!”

Minerva appears horrified. “I… I really have no idea, Tom! This is just… something out of a science fiction novel!”

Bloodletter grows a full meter in but a few moments. His feet swell and burst through his boots as his body begins to grow hair at an alarming rate. Razor sharp teeth protrude from his newly extended jaw giving the biker the appearance of a wolf man. Max gasps.


Viktor turns to the others. “This situation went south FAST!”

Cherry calls out to him. “A-Arc?! What’s happening?!”

Arc takes a step back. “This… shouldn’t be possible! Rose, do your scanners show anything?!”

“Biometrics show him to be undergoing massive internal changes.”

Xenos frowns. “You mean he’s changing into something totally different?!”


Hugh raises an eyebrow. “How exactly?”

Max grits his teeth. “I don’t know! But we better figure it out in a hurry!”

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