• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 19 - For the Greater Good

Early the next morning the squad arrives at Derpy’s house. Arc answers their knocks.

“Good morning, boys!”

“Reporting for duty, as ordered, sir!”

“Oh boy, at ease! Do you guys always have to be so... military?”

Max looks at him, confused. “Uh sir... we ARE the military.”

Arc sighs as he steps outside to join them in the cool morning air. “I suppose you're right. In any case, the others will be out in a few minutes.”

“We're all very excited to see the new Command Center, sir!” Hugh exclaims!

“As am I. Hopefully we can just use it as a base of operations. I don't really want to have to command a war from it. Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst, I suppose.”

The others emerge from Derpy's house and soon the party is on its way.

Sweetie Belle looks over at Arc’s squad. “You guys aren’t quite as scary in the daylight!”

Viktor chuckles. “Thank you miss! Please remember, we are here to protect and serve the Hero of Light after all.”

Apple Bloom approaches the four. “So, what's the most dangerous mission you’ve been on?”

Xenos thinks for a moment. “That would have to be our most recent one, where the Hero of Light led us into Tartarus.”

Upon hearing this, Apple Bloom runs over to Arc! “Wait a minute! Arc, you actually went BACK to Tartarus?! Why?!”

“Originally I went back to save an individual. However, I left with three more than I planned on.”

He turns to his squad.

“Don't worry. I'm sure we will have many more missions together of much greater difficultly.”

Hugh laughs! “We've already been to Hell and back with you sir. How much worse could it get?”

Arc stops walking and turns to his squad. “Listen to me. I haven't been doing this very long, but I've already encountered my fair share of demons and monsters. I've fought things the four of you have only ever seen in your darkest nightmares. Believe me when I tell you, it can and will get much... MUCH worse! Not trying to scare you. Just being Honest. Maybe we’ll have time to discuss this further later.”

The party continues onward.

“Back then, when you were in Tartarus, were you scared, Mr. Arc?”

“I was.”

Apple Bloom walks up to join the conversation. “What gave you the courage to fight on?”

“I fought so others wouldn't have to. That's what heroes do, Apple Bloom.”

The party arrives at the Command Center where Hard Hat is waiting for them along with the Mane 6.

Arc walks over to her. “Twilight? What are you doing here?”

“It's not every day we have such a grand building raised up almost overnight! That and we were hoping to talk more about the strange energy from yesterday. My friends are I are very concerned that there may be other foals out there with the same energies.”

“I understand. We will all get together and talk about it in the Meeting Room as soon as I finish inspecting the base. This shouldn't take too long.”

Twilight nods. “Alright.”

Arc approaches Hard Hat, who greets him warmly. “Ah welcome Hero of Light! It was a great honor to build your Command Center! Please follow me! I’m sure you will be pleased!”

The party enters the Main Hall, which is a large round room with a large receptionist's desk at the far end surrounded by many filing cabinets.

Sweetie Belle looks around the room. “Woah! This room alone is bigger than the Town Hall!”

Hard Hat turns to Arc. “I hope you like the mural! I designed it myself!”


Arc and company look up at the ceiling. Portrayed is the Battle of Tartarus showing Twilight and her friends along with the former Heroes of Light standing against the hordes of demons with Arc fighting some distance in front of them. Next to it is a mural of Arc fighting several dragons in front of the Dragon Lord himself, followed by a depiction of Arc receiving Dragon Magic from the Dragon Lord!

Derpy looks up, clearly amazed! “Breathtaking.”

Hard Hat gestures to the empty parts of the ceiling. “As you can see, there is plenty of room left for your future adventures!”

Ember laughs! “This ceiling should fill up in no time!”

“Canterlot should be sending a receptionist in a day or so along with a chef.”

Applejack and the others make their way deeper into the base. “The six of us will see y'all in the Meeting Room! Don't be too long though. We've got to get this whole thing figured out!”

Arc nods to her before turning to Hard Hat. “Give me a moment.”

He walks to one side of the room and calls forth Eidolon's Ward. Wasting no time, he plants a sigil on the floor before returning the armor to his ring.

“Now then, lead on. It appears we have pressing matters already!”

Hard Hat leads Arc and his companions deeper into the Command Center showing then the Training Hall for Arc and his squad. “As you requested, we have done our best to recreate Canterlot’s Training Center here.”

“I think it will do. What do you think troops?”

Max looks around the room. “We’ll make a few changes, but for the most part its flawless.”

“Good! Next is the Armory!”

Hard Hat leads them towards a large room filled with weapons of every type imaginable and different types of armors.

Arc looks around amazed! “This could outfit a small army!”

“Someday you may have to, sir! We‘ve also included a decently equipped blacksmith's forge for repairs and maintenance of these weapons.”

Xenos nods. “That will come in handy after a hard day’s training!”

Hard Hat points a hoof at a very thick looking door. “Over against the far wall is where we have installed the vault you asked for sir! Its security is second only to the vaults in the Canterlot Palace! It is empty now, but should the need arise whatever you put inside will be kept safe.”

Next they are led to the Cafeteria and the adjoining Kitchen.

“State of the art food preparation! This kitchen was designed by top minds in culinary circles.”

Hugh looks around. “You could feed an army with this kitchen!”

“The way I eat, we may have to! I just hope the chef doesn't have an aversion to cooking meat for Ember and I.”

“Certainly not, sir. That was one of the main reasons she was chosen. You're getting one of Canterlot Palace's sous chefs. She has experience cooking for many different cultures. Several of which are carnivorous!”

Arc smiles happily! “Good! Can’t wait to meet her!”

Ember salivates. “Me too!”

Hard Hat leads the party to a large room with many rows of bunk beds. “The Barracks. For the enlisted soldiers, of course!

Arc looks at the number of beds lined up. “There aren't actually going to be this many soldiers stationed here, are there?”

“No sir! This is merely a precautionary measure in case such facilities are needed. Like if a war were to break out or some kind of other disaster. A small contingent of soldiers will of course be stationed here. However, their purpose will be mostly for keeping this building secure when you and your own troops are off on missions.”

“Right this way!”

The party is led down a nearby corridor to a smaller room containing four beds, a couple tables, bathroom facilities, and a couple couches.

“As you ordered, your troops will have their own living areas separate from the rest of the soldiers.”

Arc nods. “Good. It should help them to work as a unit. Contrary to their original training, that is.”

Hugh smiles. “It's definitely a step up from what we’re used to!”

Arc turns to his troops. “If you boys want to change anything, feel free to do so.”

Viktor nods. “Thank you sir!”

Arc turns back to Hard Hat. “Now about the Guest Quarters...”

“Right down the hall from your quarters, sir!”

A short walk finds the group looking into much more luxurious accommodations.

“Guest Quarters for VIPs and visiting dignitaries!”

Derpy looks around the spacious room. “As nice as these rooms are, I can't wait to see yours, Arc!”

They walk a few doors down the hall before stopping before a rather normal looking door.

“Here we are, the Hero of Light's living quarters!”

“Did you build my room EXACTLY as I drew it?”

Hard Hat nods. “Yes sir! Although I must admit, it wasn't what I expected a hero of your caliber would want. Would you care to inspect it?”

“Yes! Let’s have a look!”

Sweetie Bell turns to Apple Bloom. “I bet it has gold walls with jewel encrusted furniture!”

Apple Bloom shakes her head. “Nah! Arc isn't that kind of individual! But I bet it's still going to be really nice!”

They all enter the door and are stunned by what they see!

Derpy looks around, wide-eyed! “Why… this is…”

The quarters are an exact replica of Derpy’s small house! Even Dinky is convinced, as she looks around for her crib!

Ember looks to Arc, confused. “Arc? But… why?”

“Derpy's house has been my home for the majority of the time I’ve been in Equestria. These quarters will be a constant reminder of what it is I am fighting for! Excellent work on this Hard Hat!”

“Thank you sir! There are only a few more things left to see on our tour. The War Room!”

At the end of the hallway is a large double door.

Hard Hat pushes open the doors and allows everyone inside. “Welcome to the heart of the Command Center! On one end here, you have rows of desks for officers. Your office is through those doors if you need to work in private. Other than that, you have a large desk at the head of this room as well. You have your maps of Equestria and meeting table here as well as holographic communications up-links for up to six-way teleconferencing. I don't mind telling you sir, you really could run a war from this one room if you had to!”

“Again... I hope it doesn't come to that. But it's good to know we have options. What's in that door?”

“That’s your Meeting Room. Shall we?”

Hard Hat gestures toward it as Arc and company enter the Meeting Room. It is a spacious room with a long table and many comfortable chairs lining it. On the far end of the room is a small stage with a podium at one end of it. The Mane 6 have already sat down and are discussing recent events amongst themselves.

“In addition to being a private place to discuss sensitive matters, this room can easily be converted into a Press Room for making official statements.”

“I can't imagine who would care to listen to me ramble.”

Hard Hat pushes a button at the head of the table and mithril shutters slide over the floor to ceiling windows, the doors close and lock and a magical barrier covers them. “One last feature. For times where absolute secrecy is required. Sound proof walls along with reinforced windows and magically sealed doors! The princesses themselves could hold secret meetings here if needed with absolute security! Well, I suppose that concludes the grand tour, sir. How did we do?”

Arc nods. “Very nice! This should more than suffice as a base of operations. In fact, Sweetie Belle here has come up with a better name for it than ‘Command Center’.”

“We’re going to call it Light’s Hope!”

“Very well sir! I shall inform Canterlot upon my return. Now if you will excuse me, there’s more work to be done in Canterlot. Busy, busy, busy…”

Hard Hat presses the button again to disengage the security measures. He then leaves the room as the party holds back in the Conference Room to chat amongst themselves.

Arc walks to the head of the table. “Alright, we already have a mystery to solve here it seems. About this strange energy within Dinky and Apple Bloom. Twilight, have you heard back from Canterlot yet?”

“Yes. The princesses say that they can think of no explanation for this, but have forwarded the matter on to their scholars and historians for further review. Have you learned anything on your end, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Very little. We took Apple Bloom and Dinky to Ponyville Hospital yesterday to see if we could learn anything about any physical changes that may have occurred. Dinky checked out all normal, however... Apple Bloom's lab results showed traces of magiplasts in her blood sample.”

“I'm no expert but, aren't those only found in unicorns?”, Rarity inquires.

“That’s roughly what Dr. Horse said. He’s inquired of some of his colleagues. Hopefully they can shed some light on this matter.”

Applejack begins to tear up. “Arc... please... you've just GOT to help my little sister! If there is ANYTHING I can do to help, just tell me! I don't care how crazy or dangerous it is!”

Arc stands up! “Applejack listen, we are GOING to help Apple Bloom! There's an answer out there somewhere. We just have to find it!”

Derpy nods fervently! “If anyone can figure this out, it's Arc!”

Ember looks to Applejack. “Your sister is in good hands.”

Arc walks over to the window and looks out at the forest that borders the base. “Another piece of the puzzle, Twilight. After we left you the other day, we spent some time at the park. Dinky and Apple Bloom were playing together with a group of other foals. Rarity joined us in our talk about the morning's events, when Apple Bloom came to tell us she had found another filly whom seemed to be putting out the same energy!”

“What?! Who was it?!”

Arc turns to looks at Rarity’s little sister. “It was Sweetie Belle here. She can also feel the energy from Dinky and Apple Bloom and explained the sensation about the same way as Apple Bloom did earlier.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head as if to try and make sense of the whole situation. “Just how many foals are out there like this?!”

Rarity sighs. “There's no real way of knowing, as it seems only Arc, Derpy and Ember can feel their power. Other than the fillies in question, of course!”

Pinkie jumps up! “It's an epidemic, I tell you!”

Fluttershy looks at the foals, sadly. “So, what do we do about this?”

Arc sighs. “I haven't a clue at the moment. If this continues though, I’ll have to report an epidemic to Canterlot!

Applejack appears worried again! “Do you suppose they’re somehow contagious?!”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin and thinks. “That seems rather doubtful. These three hadn't had any contact with each other before yesterday.”

Arc sits down heavily in his chair at the head of the table. “So... are we back to square one then?”

Ember shrugs. “Unless the doctor or the princesses can come up with something on their ends, I think we are.”

Arc looks around the table. “Does anyone have any ideas? I don't care how crazy they are. Let's hear them!”

The assembly is silent.

Derpy puts a hoof to her head. “Ugh…”

Arc looks over to her. “Derpy? What is it?

She runs over to the window and peers outside. “I... I think... it's happening again!”

“What is?!”

Twilight runs to join Derpy. “I feel it too, it's the same as last time! Look at the trees!”

The tree branches outside the window seem to be moving in slow motion and the light outside is dimming slowly. Arc calls forth his armor and holds his spear at the ready.

“Stand ready to protect the fillies, troops! Twilight, talk to me! What’s happening?!”

“This happened once while you were in Tartarus! We were in Derpy's house when time seemed to slow to a stop and the light dimmed away into nothingness! Then a strange looking... bright creature appeared and gave us the crystal we used to lower the barrier and enter Tartarus! It helped us the last time it was here, but who know what it wants now!

Just like last time, the light from outside fades away until even the inside lights cannot illuminate the space around them, a bright figure appears in the center of the room.

“Hello again, Derpy.”

“It's you! You helped us in the past, but... who or what are you?”

The being pulsates with an inner glow as it speaks. “What I am is... a friend. As to who I am... I have been called many things throughout the ages. Names mean little to me, but if you must call me something, you may refer to me as Kronos.”

Twilight steps toward the creature. “Well Kronos, I wish to thank you for your help in liberating our friend Arc here from Tartarus. But it seems we have need of your help again.”

“Yes. That is why I have appeared before you today. Derpy, you have no doubt felt the power coming from your daughter, and also from these two other fillies.”

Derpy nods. “Yes, but only Arc, Ember and I can sense this power! Why is that?”

“You three are able to feel their power as you are all 'Bearers of the Spears of Balance'. Their power is quite similar to your own. But at the same time different enough from the Elements of Harmony that the Element Bearers themselves cannot feel it.”

Arc looks at the creature suspiciously. “This power inside these fillies... will it hurt them?”

“It will not. Someday, when their destinies are clear to them, they will be able to realize, harness, and control the power that for the moment lies dormant within them. When united, they will be a nearly unstoppable force!”

Ember moves to stand next to Arc. “Are there other fillies we should be on the lookout for?”

“There is one more who possesses this power. But do not search for the fourth. Your paths will cross soon when the time is right.”

Applejack regards the creature angrily. “Is there some reason these fillies were chosen?”

“The only reason I can give is they were chosen by destiny. Nothing more or less. The world will soon have need of them, and their power. Dinky however... is an abnormality.”

Arc rolls his eyes at Kronos as he recalls his armor. “An abnormality?! Says the talking ball of light!”

“Traditionally, the four are born fairly close together, both in proximity and chronologically. Dinky really should have been born years earlier! It seems fate has been... whimsical, of late. This puts the balance of all things greatly at risk.”

Derpy looks at Kronos quizzically. “What must be done to make things right?”

“Bring Dinky to me and I will use my magic to bring about the required balance. While she will not be harmed, I know this is quite a difficult decision to make. However, for the safety of all, please... make the right choice.”

Derpy slowly walks over to Dinky and picks her up before turning back to Kronos. “Is there no other way?!”

“I am sorry Derpy. There is not.”

Uncertain of what to do Derpy looks to Arc for help. He steps toward her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

“Derpy. As Dinky's mother this choice must be yours, and yours alone to make. I just want you to know that whichever path you choose, I will stand behind you all the way.”

Derpy looks into Dinky’s sweet face for a long time. “... I love you so much Dinky! I always have, and no matter what happens here today, I always will!”

She looks to Kronos and as she walks towards it, begins to cry!

“Please... take Dinky. Restore balance so that our world may be saved!”

Arc winces. Several members of the Mane 6 open their mouths to protest, but Arc holds up a hand for silence. Kronos uses its magic to carry Dinky towards itself. It ‘looks’ at Dinky for several moments silently.

“Derpy... I am greatly impressed at your selfless act to save this land! I will remember this day, always.”

Derpy collapses to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably! Arc kneels down next to her and take her in his arms. “Kronos, remember this as well! Take a long look at Derpy and remember... the face of a mother who let her only child go for the greater good!”

“Your words have touched me deeply Arc. I will never forget the moment this choice was made...”

A light from Kronos surrounds a giggling Dinky. The tiny filly waves a tiny hoof at her parents. “Bye-bye mamma… daddy!”

The light intensifies until the party can no longer look at it! Derpy collapses crying hysterically! Arc falls to his knees with her, tears of intense sadness stream down his own face! Ember and the Mane 6 draw near to the pair and put their hooves and claws on them as a sign of silent support. After what feels like an eternity, the light slowly subsides to tolerable levels. At last only an orb of light floats in front of Kronos.

“Balance has been restored!”

Arc looks up at the creature angrily! “WHO CARES?!”

“Arc, step forward now. Claim what was lost!”

Arc slowly gets to his feet as the rest of the Mane 6 try unsuccessfully to console Derpy. As Arc nears the orb of light he reaches inside and pulls out a sleeping Dinky, who is now roughly the size of Apple Bloom! He looks to Kronos, tears still in his eyes as he holds Dinky close!

“But… how…”

“As I said... balance has been restored. Take care of them Arc! The fate of Equestria hangs in the balance! Farewell for now... we will meet again one day.”

As before, the darkness lifts and things are again as they should be. Derpy looks up through tear filled eyes to see Arc walking slowly toward her, carrying Dinky.


Arc reaches Derpy and she rises to her hooves. The Mane 6, Ember and Arc's squad stand aside to let them pass. The two of them slowly walk out of the room together.

Ember turns to the others. “We should probably leave them alone for a while.”

Applejack nods. “Yeah... Apple Bloom, it's time for us to go home now.”

Apple Bloom, bordering on tears, looks to her big sister. “Is Dinky going to be okay?”

Twilight looks after Arc and Derpy walking slowly down the hallway. “I'm sure she'll be fine! She has the finest parents I've ever seen!”

Rarity walks slowly toward the door. “Come along, Sweetie Belle. Let's give Arc and Derpy some privacy.”

Xenos turns to face the other three. “So… what should we do now?”

Max heads for the door. “I’m going to assume we’re dismissed.”

They leave the room with the others as Arc, slowly but deliberately, carries Dinky back to his quarters.

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