• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,619 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Talking Through Trouble

Sometime later there is a knock at the office door. Arc raises his head from its place on the desk and calls out.


The door opens and Twilight sticks her head inside.

“Um... is this a good time, Arc?”

Arc nods as he motions for her to enter. “Sure, Twilight. What’s up?”

Twilight steps into the room levitating an envelope. “A courier just arrived with the copy of Natalya’s ownership papers.”

Arc sighs as he reaches out with a spell of his own to accept them. “Thanks.”

Twilight appears suddenly concerned. “You okay?”

“Kinda. Just... a bit... I don’t know.”


Arc shrugs as he tosses the envelope down onto his desk. “I guess. Just feeling really out of it right now.”

He pats the desk’s surface before continuing.

“Was kinda taking a few minutes to myself and lay my head down. Guess I must’ve dozed off.”

Twilight nods soberly as she speaks. “You really do need to rest more, Arc. Take time off to recuperate properly. And more often.”

Arc sighs. “Believe me, I would love to do that, Twilight. But at the moment we have two countries that may go into a full blown recession if we don’t handle this matter properly.”

“Yes, I understand that. However...”

Arc interrupts her. “Please, Twilight. I do recognize and understand that you are correct, Twilight. Not trying to argue with you over this.”

“I was just going to say that I do know what you’re going through.”

“You do?”

Twilight nods with a smile. “Remember, I too have a tendency to work too hard and forgo normal rest and relaxation.”

Arc chuckles. “I guess you do. Not sure why I was so surprised that you understood what I’m going through. And I’m sorry for kinda jumping on you for it.”

“It’s okay. I know that you’re kinda stretched thin at the moment.”

She gestures to the envelope before continuing.

“But you were right about one thing. We can’t put this matter off any longer.”

Arc nods as he stands. “Right. So let’s get this ball rolling.”

Picking up the envelope, Arc heads for the door. Twilight follows him out into the corridor and motions with a hoof toward the stairs.

“The others are in the cafeteria having lunch.”

Arc looks out a window and frowns. “Lunch?! How long was I out?!”

“About two hours, I guess. It’s a rather early meal though, as we assumed you and Natalya would want to get moving as soon as those papers arrived.”

“I suppose so. But I do kinda wish you had called me. You know how much I hate missing a meal.”

“We were going to. However, Natalya relayed your desire of wanting some alone time.”

“Ah... I guess that makes sense.”

A short time later the pair arrive at the cafeteria. Entering, they see the others gathered around a table together. As they approach, Gallus stands and storms out of the room with Gabby. Natalya bows her head as she addresses Arc.

“I’m sorry for that, sir.”

Arc sighs. “Gallus is still mad at me, huh?”

Natalya nods. “Yes, sir. And Gabby too.”

Twilight appears confused. “Why her?”

Natalya bows her head. “Because she thinks Lord Arc is going to take everything for himself.”

Hammer scoffs. “Yeah right.”

Celestia shrugs. “Legally, he is.”

Arc frowns. “Only on paper though. I’ll hand over whatever I can legally have transferred back to Equestria into your name, Natalya.”

Natalya smiles nervously. “Thank you sir. But please be sure to take something for your trouble as well. After all, this matter is going to be very complicated.”

Arc nods. “That it will be. However, I wouldn’t feel such a thing is right taking that which didn’t belong to me.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “Yeah! Stealing a kid’s lunch money ain’t exactly what I would call ‘okay’ under any circumstances.”

Ashe stands. “Very commendable of Lord Arc. Now then, we should make our way to the office that is handling this matter and inform them of your intents”

Arc grimaces. “Is there really such a big rush though? I mean... we do have all afternoon, right?”

Celestia looks to Arc evenly. “Indeed you do. However, who’s to say how long you will have to wait to gain an audience with the proper official?”

Twilight nods. “If they have a ‘first come, first served’ policy, you might not be able to get in at all today.”

Ashe looks towards the door. “And young Gallus, in his current state of mind, would most likely not agree to go along with our plan.”

Hammer groans. “He could mess this whole thing up for everyone!”

Natalya sighs. “Although I don’t want to be a burden, we really should take care of this right away, sir. But, of course, the final decision in this matter is up to you.”

“Alright. Let’s get moving then.”

Ashe turns to Arc. “Might I be allowed to come along as well? As ambassador I may be needed, as this matter includes both a griffon and Equestrian citizen.”

“Sure. That might help.”

Twilight motions to the door. “If you’d like you three could take the carriage.”

Ashe frowns. “Such a thing might draw unwanted attention though, Princess Twilight.”

Hammer points to a map lying on the table before her. “And according to this, the office really isn’t that far away.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “What shall we do, sir?”

“Walking would probably work.”

Celestia shakes her head. “You may want to take some guards with you then. It wouldn’t do for any of you to be harmed while here.”

Twilight grimaces. “Right. We really don’t want any trouble right now.”

Arc pats his ring. “I’ll wear my armor in lieu of soldiers.”

Natalya smiles nervously. “And I’ll do the same.”

Ashe clenches a talon into a fist. “If anyone attacks us, I’ll make sure the report clearly states that we were defending ourselves.”

Celestia looks to Arc. “The ambassador’s presence, along with your diplomatic immunity, should be enough to prevent anypony from coming after you I would think, Hero of Light.”

“Alright. Let’s get ready and meet at the main hatch in ten minutes.”

Heading out the door, they part ways. Ten minutes later they come together at the appointed spot. Arc motions to a guard whom presses the door release button. Stepping out onto the deck, Arc looks all around before turning to Ashe and Natalya.

“You two ready to do this thing?”

Ashe nods as she adjusts her armor. “I am, yes.”

Natalya sighs as she pats a sword and shield in her belt. “Let’s get it over with.”

Arc nods as they begin their walk. Half an hour later the trio approach a very well maintained building. A number of guards meet them at the gate and look the group over suspiciously. The one in charge approaches and looks to Natalya as she approaches first.

“State your business!”

“I, uh… I have business inside in regards to a...”

Ashe steps forward and interrupts. “...a very delicate, and private, legal matter.”

The commander looks to Natalya. “You contact’s name?”

Natalya looks over the paper. “It doesn’t list one. Just that we needed to speak to an official about it.”

“Do you have an appointment?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No. You see, we just arrived back in the country early this morning.”

The commander folds his talons over his chest. “All clients are required to make an appointment with scheduling prior to being seen. No exceptions.”

Ashe steps forward. “Excuse me, sir, but might I be allowed to speak with your superior officer? I’m sure we can find a way to come to a...”

Shaking his head, the commander motions for his troops to level their weapons at Ashe and Natalya as he interrupts Ashe.

“This matter is closed! Now begone, before I order my troops to take you into custody!”

Arc removes his helmet and looks to the commander. “And me?”

“Lord Arc of Equestria, I presume?”


“Griffon law does not allow us to raise a talon against a foreign noble, sir. However, I still cannot allow you or your entourage admittance without an appointment.”

“And I assume such a thing would take several days.”

“I am unsure, sir. Scheduling is very busy at the moment and behind on a number of legal appointments.”

“It is good to see you taking your position seriously. And I do not wish to try and tell you have to do your job. However, I do not believe it’s in your best interest to speak in such a tone to our nation’s ambassador.”

The commander looks to Ashe, confused. “Equestria’s... ambassador?”

Ashe nods as she removes her helmet. “Yes. I am Lady Ashe. Ambassador to Equestria and advisor to Lord Arc in this matter.”

The griffon rolls his eyes. “Even you... ambassador... cannot simply arrive without prior announcement. Please contact the main desk at...”

Arc interrupts him. “Do we personally have to call to make the appointment?”

“No, Lord Arc. It can be handled by your staff.”

“Or anyone else, I would assume.”

“Whomever you empower to do such things, yes sir.”

Arc reaches for his earring. “Then I suppose I’ll just have to call Lord Gestal and see if he can get this matter straightened out.”

“Lord... Gestal?!”

Ashe nods. “Yes, he told Lord Arc earlier that we needed to have this matter taken care of as soon as possible.”

Arc looks to the commander. “He was very insistent about it over breakfast this morning. Quite the spread he put on.”

“I’m not sure that my father is the right one to call though, Lord Arc.”

“You may be right, Ashe. If you recall, the last time we had some kind of a problem he just connected me directly to the king himself.”

The commander gasps. “The king?!”

Arc nods. “Nice guy. Was able to fix our little problem in a flash.”

“There is no need for that, Lord Arc! Please head inside at once! I’ll radio ahead and inform the main desk of your arrival and... special circumstances at once!”

Arc steps toward the gate. “Thank you, officer. You’ve been quite helpful.”

Motioning for the guards to step aside, the gates open and the trio walks inside. Natalya turns to Ashe.

“That was a lucky break. I can’t believe he bought that story though.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Story?”

Natalya nods. “About Lord Arc being referred directly to the king.”

Arc shrugs. “I was.”

Natalya stops walking. “Sir?”

“We had a bit of an... out of the ordinary special request a while back. Something that required someone really high up to approve.”

Ashe grins. “So I called my father and we were redirected to King Guto by him.”

Natalya gasps. “Immediately?!”

Arc shrugs. “Well, it was kind of a time sensitive issue.”

Ashe quickly chimes in. “But we should probably worry about THIS particular time sensitive issue right now.”


Coming to the building, the party is admitted by the guards stationed at the door. Walking toward the front desk, they watch as guards step forward and usher those ahead of them out of the way. Approaching the now cleared desk, Arc addresses a very nervous looking griffon on duty.

“C-can I help you, Lord Arc?”

“I hope so.”

He gestures to Natalya before continuing.

“My friend here has a rather pressing legal matter to speak to someone about regarding an inheritance.”

Natalya steps forward with the letter. “Here’s the information I was sent.”

Placing the papers on the desk, Natalya steps back as the griffon picks them up and looks them over. Their eyes wide, they quickly walk around the desk and gesture down a corridor.

“Please follow me!”

Leading the group down a long hallway, they eventually come to a large set of double doors. The griffon stops and gestures to them as he speaks.

“Here we are. Magistrate Garner will want to personally oversee this matter. Please wait here while I inform him of your case.”

As the griffon enters the office, Arc turns to Natalya.

“Looks like we’ll be able to get this matter sorted out for you.”

“Y-yes sir.”

“Something wrong?”

Natalya shakes her head. “I’m just a bit... nervous, sir.”

Ashe smiles at her. “That is to be expected. After all, no one really knows what to expect when taking possession of an estate.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What to expect?”

Ashe nods. “Yes, Lord Arc. It’s kinda like a mystery box. You might open it to find untold riches, of course. Or, you could also find that your dearly departed relative was heavily in debt and that which you thought to be coming to you was actually mostly going to collection agencies.”

Arc chuckles. “Considering the size of the estate here though I’m guessing that won’t be happening.”

“One would assume not, no.”

Natalya sighs. “I kinda wish it was.”

Arc looks to her. “Oh?”

“Then there’d be nothing for Gabby, Gallus, and I to fight over.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll share what you get with them though.”

“Of course. But Gallus isn’t too happy about the way we’ll be handling it. And as I’m sure you’ve already heard, Gabby wants everything for herself.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “I’d like to point out that in griffon culture the inheritance is always left to one individual. Typically the oldest of the deceased. That can often lead to the rest of the family feeling left out and bitter.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why do it that way though? I mean... wouldn’t it make more sense to split a larger fortune up between all the siblings, or something?”

Ashe shrugs. “The way that the Griffon Kingdom does things is in an effort to keep the fortune together under one shareholder.”

Arc frowns. “Don’t they know that the first part of ‘shareholder’ is ‘share’?”

“It doesn’t make much sense to me sometimes either, Lord Arc. However, in the case of a business mogul, it kinda does.”

Natalya puts a talon to her forehead. “Breaking up a business empire in order to split it between multiple shareholders would be very confusing and time consuming I would imagine. Such a thing would probably end up before the courts to settle.”

Ashe nods. “Which is why a single shareholder is declared to hold full authority over the physical estate and its assets. However, it is traditional for them to financially provide for the relatives that the deceased cared for in the past.”

Arc frowns. “You mean siblings?”

“Or anyone else that was having their bills paid by the former shareholder, Lord Arc.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “So with Lord Arc as the shareholder, everything should be alright. Even if he doesn’t give us anything.”

Arc sighs. “Like I said earlier, anything I can have transferred to Equestria will be given directly to you, Natalya. One-hundred percent of it, that is.”

“Thank you, sir. But what about my siblings?”

“That will be up to you. I assume you’ll be sharing what you get with them though.”

Natalya nods. “We’ll split whatever you give us three equal ways.”

Ashe looks to Natalya approvingly. “Very admirable of you, as tradition doesn’t dictate that a recipient of dividends be required to share them with anyone.”

The griffon from earlier returns and looks to Ashe.

“Magistrate Garner will see you now, ambassador.”

“Thank you. We shan’t keep him waiting.”

Entering the resplendent office, they walk up to a truly magnificent desk with an equally well-dressed griffon sitting behind it. He smiles widely and motions to the posh looking chairs before him. As they sit the magistrate extends a talon as he looks to Arc.

“Welcome, Lord Arc! I don’t really know where to begin! It is such an honor to meet you!”

Arc chuckles as he shakes the griffon’s talon. “Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.”

“Such is the least we could do for such an esteemed member of the Equestrian court. Now then, I’m told that you have a very important legal matter to discuss with me.”

Arc nods. “Indirectly, yes. I’ve come here today with Ambassador Ashe and a friend of mine, Natalya, the latter of whom is the one in need of your help.”

Leaning forward, she holds out the letter to the magistrate.

“I received this in the mail yesterday.”

Handing over the official letter to the magistrate, Natalya sits back as to allow him time to carefully read it over. As he finishes he look over the page at Natalya before speaking.

“Very interesting. So you are the heir of the late Lord Goldstone, eh?”

Natalya nods. “Yes sir.”

“If I may... what took you so long to come forward with this?”

“Like I said, I only just received the letter in the mail yesterday.”

Garner frowns. “I shall have to mention this inexcusable delay to the proper postal authorities. That is far too long for priority mail.”

Ashe shakes her head. “It is about right for international mail though.”

Garner appears confused. “International?”

Arc nods. Natalya is an employee of the Little Hooves Orphanage in Equestria.

Garner looks over the physical document closely. “That does make sense then, yes. And this does appears to be legitimate.”

Ashe frowns. “Yes, of course it is. Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Forgive me, Ambassador Ashe. However, with the death of every powerful and wealthy figure we always see an influx of fake heirs bearing forged documents.”

Arc sighs. “Trying to take inheritances that aren’t theirs, eh?”

“Yes sir. And the bigger the estate, the greater the numbers trying to take them.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “Has anyone been here for mine yet?”

“Non-stop since the day after the Battle of Truth. In fact, probably everyone you passed on the way in here was here for that very reason.”

Ashe gasps. “Oh my!”

Garner leans back in his chair. “Under normal circumstances, I would have simply taken these documents and attached them to a case number to be investigated along with the hundreds of others.”

He looks to Arc before continuing.

“However, since you’re with one of Equestria’s greatest lords, I think we can skip a large amount of that red tape.”

Natalya sighs. “Thank you, sir. What must be done though?”

“I’ll need to see a notarized copy of your birth certificate showing Lord Goldstone as the father.”

Natalya grimaces. “That might be a problem though.”

Arc turns to her. “How so, Natalya?”

“My father kept such things hidden away with his other important documents assumedly. And I have no way of knowing where to start looking for it.”

Ashe looks to the magistrate. “Is there some other way to prove her identity?”

“A number, yes. However, I’d still have to verify their authenticity for security’s sake.”

Natalya nods. “How about this?”

She reaches into her bag and pulls out a piece of paper along with a plastic card before continuing.

“Here’s my old military identification badge along with my notice of discharge.”

Turning them over to the magistrate, he looks them over carefully. Nodding, he looks up and speaks.

“This should do nicely. I’ll just have to call the Aviary and authenticate the information on these documents to verify that they are indeed legitimate.”

Arc nods. “How long will that take?”

“Not to worry, Lord Arc. I should have the verification in just a few minutes.”

Reaching for his phone, the magistrate dials a number from memory. After being connected to the proper office, he reads the name, rank, and badge number to someone on the other end of the line and waits. A few minutes later he nods, thanks the individual cordially for their time, and hangs up the phone before looking to Natalya.

“It appears that your documents are in order, miss. I shall get right to work on filling out the paperwork necessary for you to be named as your father’s successor. However, you will have to sign additional documents agreeing to stay within the borders of the Griffon Kingdom for at least ninety percent of the year and relocate your permanent residence back to Griffonstone in order to accept your inheritance.”

Natalya groans. “Thank you, sir. However, this matter is a bit more complicated than that.”

Garner appears confused. “How so, Miss Natalya?”

Natalya bows her head. “In truth, I’m... actually enslaved.”

Garner raises an eyebrow. “You... you are?!”

Ashe nods. “It’s true, magistrate. She is the legal property of Lord Arc.”

Arc looks to the magistrate soberly as he pulls the new ownership papers from his ring. “That is correct. And here are the papers proving this.”

The magistrate takes them and quickly reads them over. Frowning, he puts them down on the desk with the other documents and sighs as he leans back in his chair.

“This does complicate things.”

Ashe bows her head. “Yes, I’m sure this is not exactly the norm.”

“To be completely honest with you, ambassador, I don’t believe there is any kind of legal precedent that I can turn to in order to advise you on this matter. Normally a shareholder is required to remain within the country at a bare minimum in order to maintain control of their assets. However, at the same time, it is against griffon law to require a foreign citizen to remain within our borders for any reason other than imprisonment.”

He looks Arc up and down before continuing.

“Forgive me, Lord Arc, but can I assume that you are a legal citizen of Equestria?”

“Yes, I am.”

Reaching into his ring, Arc pulls out a document and holds it out to the magistrate.

“Here is a royal decree, signed by Princess Cadance, declaring me a citizen of Equestria with all the rights and responsibilities that come with it.”

Garner accepts the paper and looks it over as he speaks. “Yes, sir. Forgive me for asking, but it is a necessary formality in order to try and come to some kind of an amicable agreement on this matter as a whole. After all, it’s quite complicated and will most likely require a decision by the Council of Lords on how to proceed.”

Arc leans back and folds his arms over his chest. “That’s roughly what Lord Gestal told us this morning at our meeting regarding this matter.”

Ashe nods. “He said for an estate the size of Lord Goldstone’s, along with the fact that Natalya is a slave, that the decision of what exactly to do about all of this may have to go all the way to King Guto himself.”

Garner sighs. “Such is not surprising. We are certainly in uncharted territory at this point.”

There is a knock at the door as a secretary enters with an envelope. Walking over to the magistrate, she speaks.

“Forgive me for interrupting your meeting, sir. However this missive has just arrived for you from the Council of Lords.”

Garner accepts the envelope. “Thank you.”

Nodding slightly to her boss, she turns to Arc and bows respectfully.

“Again, please excuse the intrusion.”

Arc smiles at her. “It’s fine. Thank you for bringing this.”

Keeping her head down, she slowly backs out of the office as the magistrate opens the missive and begins to read. His eyes wide, he looks to Arc.

“It would appear that the Council of Lords has already consulted with the king on this matter.”

Natalya gasps. “Already?”

Ashe nods soberly. “For something this important they would certainly want to move quickly.”

Arc looks to the magistrate. “What is their ruling?”

“That the estate, as well as the businesses and their intellectual property, be sold at auction one at a time.”

Ashe sighs. “And the money from these sales?”

“Deposited in the state bank for safekeeping. Standard interest will, of course, apply to the balance.”

“And the withdrawal policy?”

“No more than one percent of the account’s balance may be allowed to leave the country per calendar year.”

The magistrate looks to Arc before continuing.

“Just to put that into perspective, that’s ten times higher than the standard limit, sir.”

Ashe frowns. “Can I assume that’s to maintain market stability?”

“Yes. An estate of this size would upset everything if it’s value were to be allowed to leave the country all at once.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “But it could be spent domestically, right?”

“Yes, miss. Investments, leisure, purchases of property and/or other tangible goods are permitted without limit.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Can the money be invested in other businesses or otherwise used to start a new business?”

“Yes, Lord Arc. There will be no limits on what it can be spent on within the Griffon Kingdom’s borders.”

Ashe frowns. “Then why does everything have to be liquidated in the first place?”

Garner gestures to the paper. “According to this missive, the Council of Lords and King Guto consider the idea of a foreign lord having control over a business network the size of Lord Goldstone’s to not be in the best interests of the Griffon Kingdom.”

He looks to Arc with a pained expression on his face.

“I’m sure they meant no offense, sir.”

Arc shrugs. “None taken. That and I do understand their reasoning behind this ruling.”

Garner looks at the bottom of the page. “There is one minor requirement from the king in order to allow this to go through as stated though.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “And that is...?”

“It says here that in exchange for Lord Arc being allowed to take possession of this estate over Miss Natalya, his slave, he is hereby required to abide by an upcoming change in the law regarding the contract between masters and slaves.”

Natalya appears confused. “A change?”

Ashe frowns. “That doesn’t make any sense. Once a griffon is declared a slave the matter is final and irrevocable.”

Arc gestures to the papers in the magistrate’s talons. “Does he give any indication of what it is that I will have to do?”

Garner continues reading. “Yes sir. Apparently, a new law is being drafted as we speak specifically for this purpose and will be added to the books as soon as it is signed by the king. The law will change the letter of the law to only allow a master to be able to take their slave’s inheritance for their own on the condition that they first marry them.”

Natalya gasps. “MARRY?!”

Garner nods. “Yes, ma’am. A secondary law is also being written stating that any and all ownership papers will be made null and void if a master and slave wed.”

Ashe grins. “So Natalya will be free again and have all of her former rights restored to her after the wedding?”

“I would have to read the letter of the law after it’s released, of course. But it appears that a marriage between a master and slave will fully annul ownership papers.”

Arc nods soberly. “So it would be as it they never existed?”

Garner taps the paper in his talon. “According to this that is correct, Lord Arc. However, that makes their new spouse next in line to inherit their estate when they die.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “What about in the event of a divorce?”

Garner shrugs. “Such a matter would have to go through the courts system. But in theory the former slave would be entitled to at least half of the assets of the inherited estate. And that’s only if they can’t prove that the marriage was just to take what was rightfully theirs in the first place.”

Ashe frowns. “That would be fraud, correct?”

“Correct. A case could then be made that the estate would go to the former slave in addition to the ownership papers being nullified.”

Arc sighs. “I... um... how long do we have before a final decision has to be made?”

“Until the law is finalized. Most likely by tomorrow with the urgency this matter is being given.”

Ashe looks to the letter lying on the desk. “And what of our timeframe for making a claim?”

“I will have my staff take a few minutes to write up papers stating Lord Arc’s intent to accept the inheritance from his slave. That will give you time to make a final decision on what to do while the legal aspects are being ironed out by us and the government. I estimate that we can have the proper paperwork written up by the time the Council of Lords and King Guto finish writing and publishing the new laws.”

Arc leans back in his chair. “Anything else we need to do?”

Garner shakes his head. “Nothing, sir. Other than make a final decision on whether or not you want to marry your slave, that is.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “I think we should return to the ship and... consider our next move.”

Arc nods as he stands. “Yes, I believe that’s probably for the best.”

Garner stands and extends the papers from the Council of Lords to Arc as he speaks. “Very well, sir. I shall notify you personally when we know more. Tomorrow morning at the earliest.”

The pair shake hands as Arc turns to Natalya with the papers.

“Are you ready to return to the ship?”

She wordlessly nods. Arc turns and leads the pair out of the office. As Ashe closes the door behind them, Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. They step through together to find themselves back in Arc’s quarters aboard The Equinox. However, as the portal closes behind them, Natalya suddenly grabs her stomach and runs into the bathroom. Slamming the door behind her, the sounds of her throwing up ring out from within. Ashe turns to Arc and grimaces.

“I... guess I should probably let you and Natalya talk this thing out.”


“Um... what exactly should I tell Princess Twilight about what was said back there? I mean, I’m sure she’ll want to know.”

“Simply say to her that I want to be the one to tell her that story. I just need some time to talk to Natalya first.”

Ashe looks to the closed bathroom door. “Very well. I hope your conversation goes better after I leave though.”

“So do I.”

Ashe turns and leaves the room. Arc sighs and sits down at the table to wait. A few minutes later the door opens and Natalya sheepishly steps out. She looks to Arc and bows her head before speaking.

“I... please forgive me for that... um... outburst, sir.”

“It’s fine. Um... but I think you and I need to have a talk about... this.”

Natalya nods sadly. “Yes, I agree.”

Arc motions to the chair across from him. Natalya slowly walks over to it and takes a seat. Arc clears his throat and begins.

“First off... are you alright now?”


“You sounded a bit ill from out here.”

Natalya blushes slightly. “I’m sorry, Lord Arc, but I was just... a bit overwhelmed at the sudden turn in conversation.”

“That’s... understandable.”

“Again, please forgive me for my outburst, sir.”

Arc waves a hand dismissively. “It’s in the past. But that does leave us with the matter of what to do now.”

Natalya shrugs. “What else is there to do, sir? We don’t really have much of a choice in this.”

Arc sighs. “Other than to leave everything to Gallus.”

“He wouldn’t want to stay here though. We both love our work and new lives in Equestria.”

“And you don’t want to be separated by an ocean, do you?”

Natalya shakes her head. “I really don’t. We don’t always get along, mind you. But I do care about Gallus and don’t want him to have to walk away from a life in Equestria that he enjoys and be forced to trade it in for one here in the Griffon Kingdom that he hates.”

“The only other option would be to leave it to Gabby though.”

“But I can’t let her do that. She’d just get hurt.”

Arc looks at Natalya evenly. “So what do you want to do?”

Natalya sighs. “I... don’t really have a choice other than to allow you to take me as your wife.”

“That’s something I’d have to clear with my fiancées first, of course.”

Natalya looks down at the table. “Will I... um... be added to your herd, sir?”

“First let me ask you this, Natalya. What is it that YOU want in this regard?”

“As your slave I can’t say no to you, sir.”

“That wasn’t what I asked you though.”

“I... um... don’t really know how I feel. You saved my life when the Griffon Kingdom wanted to execute me and gave me a new home in Equestria. Everything I’ve earned thus far was left in my care and every decision has been mine to make. No one has harmed me or forced me to do anything I didn’t want to do. You included, sir.”

Arc nods soberly. “Like I told you back then. You’re a slave in name only, Natalya.”

“And I appreciate that, sir However, I... I’ve never really given any thought to you romantically.”

“Then how about I make you an offer?”

Natalya appears confused. “An offer, sir?”

Arc nods. “Assuming that my fiancées agree to this, of course, I’d be willing to take you as my wife in name only.”

“I don’t understand.”

“We’d sign the paperwork to be declared married here in the Griffon Kingdom. However, it would be a marriage in name only. You wouldn’t have to have any kind of romantic relationship with me whatsoever. Kinda like how I treat you as my slave, you’d be allowed to do whatever it is that you want.”

Natalya puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully. “That does sound good, yes. But, um... what if I were to meet someone else in the future and want to marry them? We can’t exactly divorce without incurring the wrath of griffon law and causing trouble for both our nations.”

“Then I would ask Twilight to give you a royal decree authorizing you to form a herd.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Form a herd? But I’m not really interested in multiple pairings, sir.”

“That’s fine. The herd would just consist of myself, you, and your future husband then.”

“We’d all be married?”

“Again, you and I would just be married on paper. I’d still be your legal husband as far as the Griffon Kingdom was concerned, of course. But at the same time you would be officially married to the griffon you honestly loved as well. This would allow you to enjoy your life with the one whom you actually love versus being stuck with me forever.”

“That’s... um... actually very well thought out, sir.”

“Just a notion I had when the magistrate mentioned us having to get married to make this work.”

“Could I have some time to think this over, sir?”

Arc smiles and nods. “Of course. Even though this would just be a marriage of convenience, it’s still a big decision. One that we’d both have to agree on before moving forward.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ll talk to Gallus and Gabby about it right away.”

Arc stands. “And I’ll call an emergency meeting of the herd to make sure they’ll be willing to agree to this as well. We can then take the afternoon to think about it alone before coming together after supper to talk together alone.”

Natalya nods as she too gets up. “Alright. And thanks again for doing all of this, sir.”

Arc leads her to the door. “Good luck trying to convince Gallus and Gabby of this though.”

Natalya sighs. “I’ll do my best. But in the end the decision is mine to make.”

As she leaves the room, Arc turns and looks out the window at Griffonstone outside. Shaking his head, he mutters to himself.

“Crazy griffon laws. They make everything just so complicated and inconvenient for everyone not in their little circles.”

Clenching a fist, he continues.

“And right now, that circle has Natalya and I in it. Not that it makes things that much easier.”

Touching his earring, he speaks.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Lemon Heart here. Go ahead, sir.”

“I need to call an emergency meeting with a number of Ponyville’s residents at Light’s Hope. Have them meet me in my quarters.”

Lemon Hearts picks up a pencil. “What are their names?”

Reciting his friend’s names and locations, Arc puts a hand to his chin.

“Now then, I need a couple individuals from Canterlot Castle to be notified as well. Ember and Auriel. Tell them to meet me in my quarters in the castle. I’ll pick them up for the meeting via portal.”

Lemon Hearts nods as she writes. “Yes sir. What shall I say the meeting is about?”

“Tell them... that it’s a matter of great importance to international relations. Nothing more though.”

“I’ll take care of it, sir. Will there be anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, that should do it. But be sure to make clear to them just how urgent this matter is.”

“Yes sir. I’m on it.”

“Thanks. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection. Taking a deep breath, he heads for the door and walks quickly down the corridor. Going down to the Mid Deck, he comes to the Game Room. Seeing Twilight, Hammer, and Celestia walking out of it, he joins them.

“Hey, um... did Natalya come and get Gabby?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, she did. And Gallus was with her.”

Celestia frowns. “Is something amiss?”

“Kinda. Um... to tell you the truth, it’s a bit... complicated.”

Twilight steps forward. “How can I help?”

Hammer steps forward as she looks to Twilight. “You mean how can WE help.”

Arc continues. “By attending an impromptu herd meeting.”

Twilight appears confused at this. “Um... what?”

“We all need to get together and talk about something very important right away.”

Hammer shrugs. “Okay Twilight and I will be there. When is it?”

“Literally as soon as everyone can get to the meeting spot. We’re going to get together at Light’s Hope after I pick up Ember and Auriel from Canterlot Castle via portal. The others should already be in Ponyville though, so for them it’s just a fairly quick walk to the base.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Um... alright. But what’s so important that...?”

Arc interrupts her. “Let’s wait until we’re all together before talking about it further.”

Hammer puts a hand on Twilight’s shoulder before she can protest further. “We’re with you.”

Twilight nods. “Right.”

Arc holds up his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Then let’s go.”

The trio rushes through as Celestia shakes her head whimsically and muses to herself.

“Off on another adventure it seems. Such an... interesting life Twilight leads these days. Much like I did oh so long ago.”

She sighs before turning and walking away.

“While I wouldn’t trade the memories of that time in my life for anything in the world, I only hope Twilight doesn’t make the same mistakes as I did.”

Sometime later, the rest of the Mane Six, along with Derpy, burst into Arc’s quarters in Light’s Hope. Rainbow Dash is the first to speak.

“We came as soon as we could, Arc!”

Rarity nods breathlessly. “Yes, whatever is the matter though?!”

Arc looks to her. “It’s a very serious matter that I believe requires everyone’s immediate input.”

Ember taps her foot impatiently. “Then let’s get to talking!”

Auriel grins. “Agreed.”

Arc looks around the room. “First let’s all head over to my office. There’s a couple couches over there.”

Hammer frowns. “But it’s still not big enough for all of us to sit down though, Arc.”

Fluttershy raises a hoof nervously. “I wouldn’t mind standing.”

Applejack shrugs. “Me either. After all, I’m on my hooves all day anyways.”

Pinkie pulls out her party cannon from… somewhere and flops down on it. “I’m good!”

Derpy looks to Arc. “What about that room just outside your office though? What was it called again?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “The War Room?”

Derpy nods. “Sure. It has a number of desks and chairs all pointing one direction, after all.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “But ain’t that supposed to be used as a command post in the event of an emergency only.”

Arc sighs. “This kinda qualifies.”

Ember points a claw in the general direction of the War Room. “Then let’s move out!”

Grabbing Arc’s arm, she pulls him out the door and down the corridor as the others follow closely behind. Coming to the large double doors, she and Arc push them open as he gestures to the desks and turns to the others.

“Grab a seat and we’ll get this thing moving.”

Everyone picks a desk and takes a seat as Arc heads for the front of the room and looks around as he begins.

“Alright, here’s the...”

Twilight interrupts him and raises a hoof. “Wait!”

“What is it?”

Rarity giggles. “I think Twilight was going to say that you forgot to call the meeting to order.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh... why?”

Fluttershy smiles. “We try to keep things organized during meetings.”

Hammer frowns. “That whole mess still doesn’t make a lick of...!”

Arc looks around the room at those assembled. “Is that really how you all do this?”

Rainbow Dash laughs heartily. “Only when Twilight’s around!”

Applejack sighs. “She also tried to make a bunch of rules about who gets to talk, for how long, and how to start and end a meeting.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “Uh… did you implement Robert’s Rules of Order?”

Twilight appears confused. “Not sure what that means.”

Hammer smirks. “Oh yeah! To a ‘T’ with the rulebook!”

Pinkie pouts. “It was all boring and stuffy though!”

Ember nods. “We got rid of that straight away.”

Auriel looks over. “I still think it was a rather good idea though.”

Derpy shrugs. “It did keep things very... organized.”

Rarity giggles. “That it did.”

Rainbow Dash groans as she rocks on her chair. “Yeah! And made it really hard to talk through stuff!”

Twilight groans as she facehoofs. “Yes, yes. I suppose it did. So we dropped it.”

Applejack smirks. “Like a hot pie, yeah!”

Arc chuckles. “That sounds like it would make for nice and informal meetings.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Like we had in your Sanctuary on Hearth’s Warming.”

Auriel taps a claw on the desk before her. “Nice and organic.”

Rainbow Dash raises her hooves happily. “That was awesome! We need to do that again sometime!”

Rarity sighs. “It did have one unintended consequence though.”

Arc turns to her. “What was that?”

“Us getting off topic easily.”

Applejack taps the desk in front of her. “Which is what this is doing.”

Twilight clears her throat loudly. “Right. Arc called this meeting for a very important reason, I’m sure.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You mean you don’t know what it was, Twilight?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. He just came back and said we needed to have a meeting.”

Hammer frowns. “I’m curious to know what’s so all fired important too, Arc.”

“Alright. Then let me start at the beginning.”

Hammer grimaces. “Is this about that breakfast at Lord Gestal’s place?”

“It starts with that, yes.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Breakfast in a big mansion?!”

Auriel grins. “Sounds interesting!”

Twilight looks to the others. “We were trying to get some legal insight into the estate of Lord Goldstone.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs as she leans back and puts her hind legs up on the desk. “Just give it to his foals and be done with it.”

Arc frowns. “That’s not quite how things work over there, Rainbow Dash.”

Hammer nods. “Right. blue. Only one can inherit the motherlode.”

Twilight sighs. “But they would have to stay there and manage it.”

Derpy gasps. “Gallus and Natalya love their jobs though! Why would they want to up and leave Equestria?!”

Arc shakes his head. “They don’t. Which is why we were trying to figure out a way to let them keep their new lives here in Equestria.”

Ember raises a claw. “How about a cash out then? Just sell everything and move the money to Equestria?”

Twilight bows her head. “The Griffon Kingdom already has laws against that.”

Arc nods. “Right. The funds need to primarily remain in the Griffon Kingdom. And as such, every idea we came up with had major downsides to it. However, the one thing that made the most sense was for me to take the inheritance from Natalya.”

Twilight sighs. “As she is owned by Arc, he has the right to do so.”

Rainbow Dash falls over backwards in her chair. “SAY WHAT?!”

Auriel’s eyes grow wide. “Oh my!”

Applejack frowns. “That sounds an awful lot like stealing to me, Arc!”

Rarity grits her teeth. “Even if it is legal, Natalya deserves the money!”

Arc sighs. “Agreed. Natalya and her siblings should indeed get their father’s full estate. However, the reason it was suggested that I take it from her, at least on paper, was due to my place in Equestrian society.”

Ember grins. “You’re a big name over here, yeah.”

Hammer shrugs. “And as such, they couldn’t really force him to stay over there and babysit a bunch of businesses.”

Twilight nods. “Right. Arc would have to be allowed to return to Equestria, even if that meant leaving the bits in the bank back in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc looks around the group. “And that’s what brings us here today. You see, while Ashe, Natalya, and I were in the magistrates office taking care of tentative paperwork to make a claim to her inheritance, a message from the Council of Lords came through.”

Pinkie jumps up and down happily. “Wowie! That was fast!”

Derpy appears hopeful. “So they had the solution?”

Arc sighs. “Sort of. The message the magistrate received said that they were in the process of writing up amendments to give exemptions to the current law. As it currently stands, a slave owner can take their slave’s inheritance for themselves.”

Ember scoffs. “And they’re just now addressing this?”

Hammer jerks a thumb toward her. “I’m with Ember on this one. The whole thing just sounds like full blown thievery to me.”

Rarity turns up her nose. “Indeed. At that point they’ve already lost their freedom and probably everything else they own.”

Auriel frowns. “Then they are to be forced to forfeit that which their parents worked so hard to earn.”

Twilight bows her head sadly. “I read up on this aspect of griffon society a while back. While I don’t agree with the concept, slavery is perfectly legal over there. However, it’s generally only relegated to individuals whom have committed a serious crime or those heavily in personal debt.”

Applejack narrows her eyes angrily. “So it only applies to the poor folks, eh?”

Pinkie’s mane deflates. “That just sounds so MEAN!”

Fluttershy frowns. “I agree! There’s no reason for one creature to be allowed to own another!”

Rainbow Dash slams her hooves down on the table. “So the rich folks can pay their way out of trouble without getting made a slave, right?!”

Arc nods soberly. “Sounds like it, yes.”

Derpy sighs. “And that’s probably why it didn’t come up until now. Nopony whom was that poor had much to take anyways.”

Twilight nods. “Exactly.”

Hammer looks to Arc. “So what would the exemption do exactly?”

“This is all tentative, as a royal decree hasn’t yet been signed into effect. But at the moment they are saying that the law will be amended to provide a bit of extra protection for slaves in such a position.”

Rainbow Dash appears hopeful. “Good! Tell us more!”

“A master will still be able to take a slave’s inheritance without their consent. However, before they will be allowed to do that they will have to, uh... have to...”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong, Arc?”

Ember taps her foot impatiently. “Spit it out! What do you have to do?!”

Auriel grimaces. “Yes, please just be straightforward with us.”

Arc bows his head. “I’d have to... marry her.”

There is a stunned silence for several seconds. After a few moments, Twilight speaks.

“Are you... serious, Arc?”

Arc nods soberly. “Very. The new law would require a master to first wed their slave in order to get their inheritance. But by the same token, that will also free her as well.”

Fluttershy puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well... I suppose if there’s no other way, I’d be willing to accept her.”

Rarity nods. “Tentatively, of course.”

Pinkie leers at Arc as she grins slyly. “Finally adding a griffon to your herd, eh Arc?!”

Applejack taps the desk with a hoof as she speaks. “While Natalya is a very nice individual, we should probably all get to know her better before making this official.”

Rainbow Dash jumps up on top of her desk. “Right. We can’t be letting just anypony into the herd!”

Twilight appears surprised. “Wait! So you’re all okay with Arc just up and marrying Natalya?!”

Ember shrugs. “It sounds like it just needs to be done.”

Hammer raises a hand. “I’m with Twilight on this one. None of us really know this griffon very well. We don’t want to be letting someone into the herd whom isn’t going to be compatible with all of us.”

Derpy makes a downward motion with her hooves. “Everypony, please! You’re all forgetting the most important thing here!”

Auriel appears surprised. “Oh? What’s that, Derpy?”

“No one here is thinking about what Arc wants. You’re all just talking about the herd as if it were just composed of us mares. But it’s so much more than that. It’s us mares, and a demon, and a dragon, and a human female, and... and Arc too.”

Hammer gestures to Arc. “Right. We need to hear what Arc thinks of this matter.”

“I already spoke to Natalya about this, and she’s in the process of talking it over with her siblings Gallus and Gabby as we speak.”

Applejack nods soberly. “And what were her thoughts on it?”

“She’s... willing to do what I suggested.”

Rainbow Dash moves her hoof in a circular motion as she speaks. “Which is...?”

“That I would be willing to take her as my wife. But only on paper. And just for the sake of protecting her and Gallus from having to choose whom has to leave Equestria.”

Rarity taps her desk with a hoof. “So you two would just be married for the sake on convenience then?”

Arc nods. “Right. We wouldn’t live together, comingle our finances, or be sexually involved with each other.”

Ember scoffs. “Sounds boring to me.”

Hammer frowns. “All things considered, I think it’s not something that should have to be done this way.”

Derpy pipes up. “Hammer’s right. Nopony should be forced to marry someone else. Inheritance or not. But I do understand his reasoning for this.”

Fluttershy raises a hoof. “Can I ask a question?”

Arc turns to her. “Yes, Fluttershy?”

“How do you feel about Natalya?”

“As a wife?”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “No. As an individual.”

Auriel looks to Arc. “I think what she means is, do you have any feelings for her?”

Arc shrugs. “Just as a friend. But just to answer your question, I’m not attracted to Natalya, no.”

Twilight raises a hoof. “But what if you were?”

Fluttershy nods. “Right. Would she potentially be allowed to be more than just a wife out of necessity?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well... should that happen, I think we would all need to have a meeting based just on that matter alone. However, I would like to reiterate here and now that at the moment I’m just friends with Natalya, and would like to keep our relationship platonic.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “If this is just a relationship for the sake of protecting a fortune, it seems a bit unnecessary. I mean... Arc already has plenty of bits.”

Hammer sighs. “Normally I’d agree with you on that one, blue. But there is so much more than just money at stake here.”

Twilight nods. “Right. Should nopony claim the inheritance, it would go to the various courts to be fought over by Lord Goldstone’s illegitimate younglings and their families.”

Arc groans. “Such a thing would cause insane amounts of turmoil for the nation as a whole.”

Hammer looks out the window to the east. “And mess up their economy royally.”

Twilight turns to the others. “Such a thing could also cause economic harm to Equestria as well. So it’s more than just Arc trying to preserve a fortune.”

Rarity giggles. “It sounds like he’s just trying to do the right thing by everypony, as usual.”

Ember nods. “Yeah. So... do we vote on this, or what?”

Hammer shrugs. “Probably should.”

Auriel frowns. “To be completely honest here, I don’t really like that idea of voting on whether or not someone can get married though.”

Arc chimes in. “I see it more as a showing of how many of you are in support or against this idea versus whether or not I can actually do it.”

Applejack holds up a notebook from her desk. “So... do we vote on paper, or what?”

Rarity smiles. “Secret or open?”

Pinkie holds up all four of her hooves, tail, and mane somehow. “We could all just raise our hooves!”

Twilight nods. “I like that idea.”

Pinkie appears surprised. “You do?!”

Arc nods. “So do I. If we’re all potentially going to get married someday, we shouldn’t be voting via secret ballot on what to do about this or anything else that might come up in the future. If at all possible, everything needs to be kept out in the open for all to see. And that includes everyone’s opinions.”

Hammer chuckles. “So a head count vote it is then.”

Arc looks around. “All those in favor, raise your hand. Er... hoof! Ah... whatever!”

Every hoof, hand, and claw is raised as Arc looks around the room. He nods approvingly before speaking.

“I guess it’s unanimous.”

Pinkie giggles. “Yup!”

Auriel smiles. “So it would seem.”

Ember smirks. “Just do us one favor, Arc.”

“What is it?”

“If you do start liking Natalya more than just as a friend, come talk to us.”

Arc nods. “That’s a promise, yes. And thank you all for allowing this matter to go so well.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Of course it did.”

Twilight appears confused. “Did you think it wouldn’t?”

Arc sighs. “I was a bit worried, yes. After all, it’s not every day that I randomly announce that I need to get married to someone outside the herd.”

Hammer grins. “We get it though, Arc.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Right. These are very special circumstances, after all.”

Arc looks out the window. “That they are. But now the proverbial ball is in Natalya’s court.”

Hammer frowns. “Ball?”

“What I mean is that because all of you are in agreement, it’s been approved on my end. However, Natalya herself still needs to come up with a decision with her siblings on whether or not she’s going to go through with this.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “So what happens now?”

Arc turns back to the others. “Hammer, Twilight, and I need to head back to The Equinox and wait for supper.”

Rarity giggles. “Always thinking about the next meal.”

Arc grins. “Normally, yes. However, that’s when Natalya and I agreed to come back together with our decisions on what we planned to do.”

Auriel smiles warmly at him. “Then we shouldn’t keep you here any longer, Arc.”

Applejack looks through a window at the sun’s position in the sky. “You’ve got plenty of time though. Wanna stick around for a bit? Maybe we could talk some more about herd ideas.”

Ember shrugs. “You all do what you want. But I have to get back to training with Sereb.”

Pinkie jumps up. “And I have a few cakes that need baking!”

Rarity sighs. “There are several upcoming dress orders that I still need to fulfil as well.”

Hammer shrugs. “Guess that settles it.”

Fluttershy looks to Twilight. “Go ahead and say it.”

Twilight appears confused. “Say what?”

Derpy smiles. “That thing from the first meeting.”

Rainbow Dash taps her hoof on the desk loudly. “I declare this meeting of the herd, adjourned!”

Applejack groans. “But Twilight’s supposed to say that!”

Ember laughs as she stands. “Guess she missed her chance.”

Arc leads the way toward the door. “In any case, thanks for coming out here everyone. I’m sure Natalya will appreciate this too.”

He kneels down to hug them as they pass. Ember is the first to approach.

“Finish up quick over there.”

Derpy giggles. “Tell Natalya that we all miss her at the orphanage.”

Auriel smiles. “I’ll keep working on my experiments while you’re gone.”

Applejack grins. “Don’t take any wooden bits over there.”

Rarity pecks Arc’s cheek. “Let us know if something changes.”

Fluttershy shudders. “Be careful over there.”

Rainbow Dash does a backflip. “Stay awesome!”

Pinkie bounces past. “Come by and have a cupcake at the shop when you get back! My treat!”

Arc waves after the group as they walk down the corridor. Turning back to Twilight and Hammer, he breathes a sigh of relief.

“That was kinda nerve wracking.”

Twilight appears confused. “How so?”

Hammer shrugs. “Yeah. I mean... everyone here is really chill about, well... pretty much everything.”

“I know, I know. But this request was beyond anything I thought I’d ever need to ask everyone.”

Twilight puts a hoof on Arc’s side. “You had your reasons for doing it though. The herd saw and fully understood that.”

Hammer nods soberly. “Agreed. But we should be getting back to the ship now, Twilight.”

“I suppose so. However, as somepony said earlier, we do have plenty of time before supper.”

Arc nods. “Assuming there isn’t anything else that needs doing aboard The Equinox, that is.”

Hammer smirks. “Oh, I got an idea.”

A short time later the trio steps through a portal back into Arc’s quarters abord The Equinox. As it closes, Arc turns to Hammer and speaks.

“Okay, we’re here. Now what’s your big plan?”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “It’s something I noticed quite some time ago about you, Arc.”


“Your idea of being a self-trained ‘problem solver’.”

Twilight giggles. “He does a very good job of it though.”

“I can’t argue with that. However, there is one problem’s solution that appears to be out of your reach.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I don’t understand. What problem?”

“How to just kick back and relax.”

Twilight nods. “She’s right, Arc. You really aren’t very good at resting. And bear in mind, this is me saying this.”

Arc sighs. “That is true, yes. But with so much going on all the time...”

Hammer interrupts him. “Yeah, yeah. You don’t have the time. I get it. Taking a real vacation is totally out of reach for you, Arc. That’s why what I’m about to suggest should help.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “A way for Arc to rest?”

“Yes, Twilight. And you too.”

Twilight appears confused. “Me?”

Hammer nods. “You said it yourself a few moments ago. Resting and relaxing is also a weak point for you too.”

Arc chuckles. “We’re not the only ones, mind you.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Huh?”

“You’ve been working really hard since we came to Equestria as well. And while that is very praiseworthy, you too need to relax once in a while, Hammer.”

Hammer groans. “Fine, fine. Just trying to do my best here.”

Twilight smiles at her. “And we appreciate that.”

“So I have a plan to help you both... all of us, I guess, relax.”

Arc sighs. “What do we need to do, Hammer?”

“We have about three hours to kill before supper. So let’s make the best of it right here and now. I’m proposing three separate mini vacations.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Three... what now?”

“Mini vacations. It’s where we each choose what to do with the other two for one hour. Then we move on to the next individual. So it’s both restful AND relationship building.”

Arc appears impressed. “That’s actually a really good idea. What brought this on though, Hammer?”

“Well, I gotta be honest with you, Arc. We all really need to get to know each other better. Not just you. So I’d like to take this time to get to know Twilight better too.”

Twilight giggles. “This really is a pretty good idea. The only question now is who goes first?”

Hammer shrugs. “It doesn’t really matter, I guess. Just whomever has an idea.”

Arc raises a hand. “Then I’d like to start.”

Hammer grins. “Atta boy, Arc! Taking the initiative!”

Twilight nods. “So what would you like to do, Arc?”

Arc chuckles. “Okay, now I know that this might sound a bit weird, but please bear with me.”

Motioning to the table, he continues.

“We’d best sit down first though.”

Leading Twilight and Hammer over to the table, they sit down together around it as Arc continues.

“Now then, when I was younger, I used to like reading a science fiction series I found in the Farburg Orphanage’s library called the ‘Tom Swift Jr series’.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What was it about?”

“A young man whose father was a scientist and inventor whom made all kinds of extraordinary things. They owned a company called ‘Swift Enterprises’ where they invented and manufactured their designs.”

Hammer frowns. “So it’s about how they ran a business?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. Each book was about the development of a new invention. What went into building and testing it along with the various steps taken to create a working model.”

Twilight shrugs. “Sounds kinda interesting to me. But I don’t really see how that would make for a convincing story.”

Hammer sighs. “Me either. It just sounds like a business plan made into a fictional story.”

Arc chuckles. “Just like with inventing something for real, there’s setbacks. And not all of them are mechanical in nature.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“They had to deal with sabotage from other companies, international spies, and whatnot.”

Hammer grins. “So it’s like a James Bond movie?”

“Not quite so exciting, but sometimes, yes.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I wouldn’t mind taking a look at such a book if you were to bring a copy back from Earth someday, Arc.”

Hammer appears confused. “What does this have to do with your mini vacation though, Arc?”

“An audio book.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Audio what?”

“It’s where a book is recorded and read aloud by a narrator whom does all the voices. When I used to read Tom Swift, I would imagine all the characters had their own distinct voices, as everyone subconsciously does, I’m guessing. As far as I know though there’s no such thing here in Equestria. So my idea is to do it ourselves.”

Hammer frowns. “So your idea of resting is to do what exactly, Arc?”

“Read a book aloud.”

Twilight nods approvingly. “An interesting idea. But whom would do the reading?”

Hammer looks to Arc. “Would just you be reading or would we take turns?”

Arc grins. “That’s the beauty of it. We’d all be reading.”

Twilight giggles. “So we’ll pass a book around?”

Arc chuckles as he reaches for his ring. “I can do one better.”

Pulling out three books, Arc slides two of them across the table to Twilight and Hammer. Picking her copy up, Hammer reads the cover aloud.

“‘Daring Do and the Temple of Doom’?”

Twilight nods. “That one came out a while back, I think.”

Hammer sighs. “I remember blue talking my ear off one day about this whole Daring Do series.”

Twilight taps the cover with a hoof. “She’s a big fan of A.K. Yearling’s work on the Daring Do series. And they are very well written.”

Arc smiles. “Which leads me to my idea. I’d like to read the book aloud with you two.”

Twilight grins. “That sounds like fun, yes!”

“But it won’t be just regular reading though.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Is there another kind?”

Arc shrugs. “I dunno. But here’s my idea. I’ll read the narrator’s parts. Anything describing the location or whatnot. That along with the villain of this book, Doctor Caballeron.”

Hammer frowns. “What about us?!”

“Since you and Rainbow Dash are such good friends, I thought you’d like to read Daring Do’s lines, Hammer.

Twilight raises a hoof happily. “And me? Daring Do books are usually just her and the villain as the main characters.”

Arc chuckles. “Not this one.”


Arc holds up his copy of the book. “In this one, Daring Do goes on an adventure with a new sidekick named ‘Abagail’.”

Twilight gasps excitedly. “Really?!”

Arc nods. “Yup.”

Twilight appears hopeful “I wonder if she’ll be a recurring character!”

“Not likely, no. But what do you think of my idea?”

Hammer shrugs. “It might be kinda fun. Never tried anything like this before though, so I probably won’t be any good.”

Twilight giggles. “Neither have I. But it’ll be fun trying something new.”

Hammer looks to Arc. “One question though. How does this Daring Do character act? I mean, what’s her personality.”

“Just pretend she’s like Rainbow Dash and you’ve got it.”

Hammer looks at the book in her hand. “Kinda looks a little bit like blue too.”

Twilight shrugs. “They say everypony has their double somewhere in the world. I’ll just have to figure out how to read Abagail.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “Just think of her as you. She’s supposed to be the brains of Daring Do’s brawn in this one.”

“I can do that!”

Arc grins as he opens his copy of the book. “Then let’s begin.”

One hour passes. Arc looks at the pair as they close their books.

“That really was fun!”

Twilight grins. “I’ll say! From what we read that might have been her best book yet!”

Hammer smirks. “Maybe! I really wanna know how it ends!”

Arc chuckles. “You two can keep those books if you want.”

Twilight giggles. “Thanks! But I think I’d rather finish it with you two instead of reading it alone.”

Hammer nods fervently. “Me too! However, now it’s Twilight’s turn for a mini vacation.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “I... kinda do have something I’d like to do.”

Arc smiles at her. “How can we help?”

“Well... to be honest with you two, it’s... kinda out there in terms of normalcy.”

Hammer laughs. “Come on, Twilight! How bad could it be?!”

Arc looks to Twilight. “Right. Just tell us what you need us to do.”

“Alright. But feel free to say ‘no’ if it’s asking too much.”

Taking a deep breath, she continues.

“As I’m sure you both know by now, I’m a mare of science. Obtaining knowledge and facts are my main source of entertainment.”

Hammer appears confused. “Uh... so you actually enjoy studying?”

“Yes. Anything that helps me to gain insight or learn something is fun to me.”

“I don’t get that one bit.”

Arc chuckles. “Hammer?”


“How’d you feel about figuring out how to build me that new Jeep?”

“That was awesome!”

“Now do you get it?”

“Kinda, I guess.”

Twilight puts her front hooves up on the table. “Naturally some topics are of greater interest to me than others. Anything to do with magic or history are especially fascinating. But since meeting you, Arc, I’ve become very attracted to another subject.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”


Hammer grins. “Makes sense.”

“Since you came to Equestria, Arc, I’ve been gathering information on you in an effort to better understand your species. Now I know that probably sounds kinda cold and calculating. But my intentions were purely focused on knowledge for the intention of helping you, Arc.”

“And I do appreciate that.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Are you okay being a lab rat though?”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose so. Twilight’s always done right by me in the past.”

He chuckles before continuing.

“Well... most of the time, that is.”

Hammer groans. “Uh oh. What happened?”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Well... you see...”

Arc interrupts her. “It’s in the past. Let’s just leave it there, Twilight.”

“Thanks. And I’m really sorry for...”

“Leave it.”

Hammer clears her throat loudly. “Why don’t you just tell Arc and I what it is you want to do then, Twilight? I’m guessing it has to do with studying.”

Twilight nods. “That it does. Now then, like I said before, if this is asking too much just say the word and I’ll think of something else. But I would be interested in... um...”

She begins wringing her hooves before continuing.

“...examining both you and Arc.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow, confused. “What do you mean by ‘examining’ us?”

“I’d like to be allowed to study your bodies and take my own notes for later publishing.”

Arc nods approvingly. “You’re looking to write a book about humans?”

“Someday, yes. When I’m not so busy, that is. And when I’ve learned more about humanity as a whole.”

Hammer moves her hand in a circular motion. “So... can you explain exactly what it is you’d like to do?”

“Examine both you and Arc’s bodies and note the similarities along with your physical differences.”

She points a hoof to the bed before continuing.

“Ideally, you would both... ah... remove your clothes and lie down on the bed. That would give me the best vantage point so that I could look you two over. If that’s okay, I mean.”

Hammer shrugs. “I don’t mind. Check me out all you want, Twilight.”

Arc nods. “And I’d be willing to submit to your examination as well.”

Twilight grins. “Great! I just need some paper and pencils first!”

“I think I can help you with that.”

Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls out a pad of paper and a pen. Hammer appears surprised.

“Do you always walk around with that kind of stuff?”

Arc shrugs. “Only because I needed them a couple times and didn’t have them. Now that I do have paper and writing utensil, I’ve yet to have a use for them.”

Twilight giggles as she accepts the items. “Until now, you mean.”

Hammer grins hugely. “Yeah! So when do we start stripping?!”

Twilight smiles. “I didn’t realize you would be so interested in being studied, Hammer.”

Arc chuckles. “Are you sure there isn’t some other reason for that?”

Hammer nods as she looks at Arc’s pelvic region. “There sure is! The sooner I bare all, the sooner you do too, Arc!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I guess so.”

Hammer quickly begins unfastening her uniform’s belt as Arc starts unbuttoning his tunic. A short time later they carefully hang their clothes over the table and chairs. Smirking, Hammer grabs Arc’s arm and pulls him toward the bed.

“Come on! I wanna get started!”

Arc groans. “Give me a second! You’ll pull my arm off!”

Lying down side by side, Hammer looks over to Twilight as she walks over to them, already writing.

“So... are there any special positions you’d like to see us in, Twilight?”

Twilight looks up from her paper, confused. “Positions?”

“Like me on top of Arc, or anything?”

“Actually, I’d prefer it if you two just laid there in the anatomical position and let me look you over. That will allow me to more accurately examine your bodies and note my findings.”

Hammer appears hopeful. “Can we at least hold hands?”

Twilight nods. “I suppose so, yes. At least for part of the examination.”

She turns to Arc and continues.

“Shall we begin?”


Starting at the top, Twilight runs a hoof along Arc’s head. Feeling it for a few moments, she writes with her magic as she speaks.

“Round skull. Not spherical, but closer to such than an equine’s.”

Lowering her hoof, she pushes Arc’s cheeks slightly as she continues.

“Smaller and more rounded jaw. Chin protrudes down in a slightly square like manner.”

Arc nods. “Most males do, yes. Females have a bit different jaw shape though.”

Hammer appears surprised. “We do?”

“Yup. Let Twilight take a look.”

Stepping around to the other side of the bed, Twilight puts her hooves up on the side of it and looks Hammer’s face over. Touching her jaw lightly, she traces it with a hoof before looking back to Arc.

“It does feel a bit smaller. Is that normal?”

“For humans, yes. But it’s also not an absolute.”

Hammer frowns. “Not a what now?”

“Absolute. It means that everyone is different, and that there are women with larger jaws and men with smaller ones.”

Twilight giggles. “That’s rather interesting, as ponies are approximately the same measurements-wise.”

Arc nods. “But the stallions here do have more square-like jaws though. Just like mares have the smaller rounded ones.”

Hammer grins. “I noticed that too. They’re both kinda cute in their own way.”

Twilight shrugs. “Like I said, pretty much everypony in Equestria has nearly identical measurements. There are a few notable exceptions though. The princesses and Applejack’s brother, Big Macintosh, for example.”

Twilight’s eyes move down to Hammer’s chest as she continues.

“I do have some questions about your mammary glands though, Hammer.”

Hammer appears confused. “My what now?”

Arc chuckles. “Your breasts.”

Hammer frowns. “Why didn’t you just say that, Twilight?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “I thought I did.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “So what is it that you’re concerned with?”

“The differences between our two species mammary glands. Tell me, does a female human lactate during pregnancy?”

Hammer grins. “We make milk if we get knocked up, yeah.”

“Do they get bigger at that time?”

Hammer looks down at her chest and grimaces. “I sure hope not.”

Arc sighs. “They do tend to swell up at that time, yes.”

Hammer looks at Twilight’s chest. “Do pony mares even HAVE boobs?!”

Arc chimes in. “That’s human slang for mammary glands.”

Twilight nods. “We do, yes.”

Arc turns to Hammer. “They’re just not in the same place as on a human.”

Hammer blushes slightly. “Yeah, I know all about that, Arc. Blue accidentally taught me that fact a long time ago. What I guess I should have said was... uh... are they just... inside you, or do they come in when you have a foal?”

Twilight nods. “The milk producing glands are inside me, yes.”

Hammer groans. “That still came out wrong though!”

Arc chuckles. “Why don’t you just come out and say what I think you’re trying very hard not to, Hammer?”


She turns to Twilight and takes a deep breath.

“What I mean is that... I’d like to see your tits, Twilight.”

“My what?”

Arc facepalms. “It’s another human slang for teats, Twilight.”

“Oh! Um... okay.”


Twilight nods. “Sure. After all, I’m learning about your body right now. So it seems only fair to share knowledge on my own if you have questions.

Hopping up onto the bed, Twilight sits down on her haunches. Rolling backwards, she lays on her back and spreads her hinds legs. Raising her head, she points a hoof between her legs.

“You may now look at my mammary glands all you’d like.”

Hammer sits up and crawls forward on all fours. “No offense, but they’re, uh... kinda small.”

Twilight giggles. “Well, of course they are. I’m not pregnant, after all.”

Arc nods as he too looks between Twilight’s legs. “I’m guessing they get a bit bigger at that point.”

“Right. But not too big. After all, we’d have trouble walking if that were the case.”

Hammer appears hopeful. “Can I... touch em?”

Arc gasps. “Hammer?!”

Twilight nods. “That’s fine, yes. As long as you’re gentle with them, that is.”

Hammer reaches forward and touches the small mounds. Giving them a light poke, she looks to Twilight.

“So... I don’t see any nipples on here.”

“They’re there, yes. Let me help you.”

Taking Hammer’s hand, Twilight moves it down a couple inches before continuing.


Hammer frowns. “I still don’t really feel anything.”

“That’s just because there’s nothing in them.”

Hammer continues poking slightly. “No offense but this thing’s kinda... flat, Twilight. All mares are like this though, right?”

Twilight nods. “That’s correct, yes. We just have a very small amount of extra fat inside the mammary gland to support the teat. Hardly noticeable even when you’re feeling for it. However, if a mare becomes pregnant, they can grow significantly larger.”

“How big are we talking?”

Twilight points to Hammer’s chest. “About the size of yours I would say.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really? I mean... I’ve never actually noticed a mare that was lactating before.”

“That’s not surprising, as mares whom are still feeding a foal typically stay at home to care for them.”

Hammer turns to Arc. “What about Derpy?”


“She told me a while back that you discovered she was pregnant literally the day she gave birth. So you must’ve seen her full boobs when you delivered Dinky.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I guess I just never really noticed.”

Twilight smiles. “You were probably kinda busy at the time, granted. That and a pregnant mare’s belly can sometimes mask their larger mammary glands, as it just appears to be part of their stomach.”

Hammer grimaces. “Sounds uncomfortable.”

Arc shudders. “It must be. Derpy was walking really slow when I first met her. Probably due to her being so far along in her pregnancy and being so hungry.”

Twilight nods. “The mammary glands of a new mother, after delivery of course, are much more pronounced, yes.”

Hammer chuckles. “With the belly back where it should be, I would hope so.”

Arc looks away. “Yes, well... I guess I just didn’t have enough time to notice before... you know.”

Twilight bows her head. “Yes.”

Hammer appears confused. “Before what?”

“I... came in and saw all the blood covering the table, Derpy, and Arc.”

Arc groans. “And I was holding a spear too.”

Hammer shrugs. “That does look kinda bad, I guess. What’d you do though, Twilight? Try to arrest him, or something.”

Twilight sighs. “Kinda.”


“I... banished him to Tartarus.”

Arc nods. “It’s about what you think it is.”

Hammer frowns. “What the heck, Twilight?! Didn’t give him a chance to explain, or nothing?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, it was a snap judgement. And a clearly wrong one.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “One which, as you can see, Twilight feels very bad about too. So she mobilized nearly the entire town of Ponyville to come rescue me.”

“Well, I am glad it ended up working out.”

Arc chuckles. “Met Ember in there too.”

Hammer grins. “I gotta ask her about that time. Must have a lot of cool stories to tell.”

“We didn’t start off on the right foot though. It took some time for us to even become friends.”

He looks to Twilight before continuing.

“But we should probably continue the examination.

Twilight nods. “Yes, um... Hammer?”


“Feel free to say ‘no’ to this if you don’t feel comfortable, but... could I touch your mammary glands to ascertain their physical properties?”

“Sure, go right ahead.”

Arc chuckles. “No hesitation whatsoever.”

Hammer shrugs. “What’s wrong with that? We’re both gals, after all. And I did just get done feeling her up.”

Twilight looks at her targets. “Alright. Let’s see...”

Stepping forward, Twilight gently pokes Hammer’s breast with a hoof a few times as she writes via a Telekinesis Spell.

“They’re a lot firmer than I would have imagined.”

Hammer grins. “Yeah well… I’m in pretty good shape, after all.”

Moving her hoof inward, Twilight gently pokes at Hammer’s nipple. She moans slightly at this before blushing.

“Sorry about that.”

Twilight grimaces. “Did I do something wrong?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah. Human females usually like stuff like that.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Stuff like... what?”

Having their tits played with.”

She points to her nipple poking out and grins.

“It’s kinda a turn on for some of us.”

Twilight gasps and steps back quickly. “I’m very sorry, Hammer! You have my word that I honestly didn’t mean to...!”

Hammer laughs heartily. “It’s cool, Twilight! But just take a look what it’s doing to Arc!”

They turn to see Arc blushing slightly. Grimacing, he instinctively puts his hands over his growing member and looks away as he speaks.

“Um... this is awkward.”

Hammer smirks. “For me or you?!”

Arc groans as he facepalms. “Yes.”

Twilight blushes. “It was purely for science though. Rest assured that I’m not getting any kind of pleasure from stimulating you, Hammer.”

Hammer motions to Arc with a move of her head. “What about him?”

Twilight giggles. “Seeing what happened to Arc’s genitals, that I did enjoy, yes.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Guess it’s unanimous then.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “What is?”

“Us all getting a bit... warm.”

Twilight smiles. “For science!”

Sometime later she finishes her examination of their bodies. Looking up at the clock, Twilight sighs.

“That would be about an hour.”

Hammer appears surprised. “Already?”

Arc nods. “Yup.”

“Did you get all the data you wanted, Twilight?”

Twilight nods as she holds up the notepad. “Everything I could get without any equipment.”

Arc chuckles. “Like biometrics?”

“Yes. When we have time, I would be interested in running some more in depth tests on the two of you. If that’s okay, I mean.”

Hammer nods. “Sure, Twilight. You just let me know what and when.”

“Me too. It’s for the best, after all.”

Hammer grins. “You like getting naked for Twilight that much, handsome?”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t really mind it, no. But I was talking about our future medical needs.”

Twilight looks to them soberly. “In the event of a serious medical malady befalling either of you, the more information we have about your species the more prepared the doctors will be to treat you.”

Hammer smirks. “Ah! So it’s in preparation then?”

“Exactly. Um... that’s okay, right?”

“I guess so. I mean... you’re doing all of this to help us.”

Twilight nods. “That I am, yes. Um... and Auriel asked for this information as well.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “She did?”

“It’s for her... experiments. The one’s regarding mare eggs and human sperm.”

She looks at Hammer before continuing.

“She’d also like to do a full examination of you, as well as take some blood samples at some point. If that’s okay, I mean.”

Hammer grins and offers Twilight a thumbs up. “Whatever helps her find a way to make all of you lovely ladies into mothers is fine with me.”

Arc chuckles. “Anything I can do to help with that, Twilight?”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Uh... kinda.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What does that mean?”

“Auriel also asked me to try and gauge your willingness to give us some special... samples.”

Hammer appears confused. “You mean blood samples, right?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Something a bit more... intimate.”

“You mean...?”

Twilight nods and looks away. “Sperm.”

Hammer grins. “Can I get in on that?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Why am I not surprised?”

Hammer licks her lips seductively. “What? I could help you get in the mood! And maybe even do the deed if you’d let me!”

Twilight shakes her head. “That won’t be necessary, Hammer. The samples would need to be taken by a specialized machine.”

Hammer frowns. “That sounds a lot less fun though.”

Twilight bows her head. “And Auriel already volunteered the exact same services, Hammer.”

Arc facepalms. “Should have seen that one coming.”

Hammer appears hopeful. “Does she need an assistant then? I could tag team with her in whacking Arc off and save the need for an expensive machine in the process.”

“It’s necessary to keep the sample pure and as sterile as possible.”

Hammer shrugs. “Sure... that is, if you want to do it the hard way.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “I’d be fully willing to cooperate in any way you need me to, Twilight. Whatever you need of me, you and Auriel just say the word.”

Twilight giggles. “We’ll hold you to that, Arc.”

Hammer grins slyly. “I’m not sure that tone you used there was purely platonic, Twilight.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Is there more to it?”

“A bit, yes. Remember, science is all about forming a hypothesis, setting up an experiment, implementation, collecting data, and then interpreting the data.”

“What are you getting at?”

Twilight looks down at his pelvis and points a hoof. “Eventually we’ll need to test prototypes, Arc.”

Arc chuckles. “I think I get your meaning. But define ‘test’.”

Twilight turns and swishes her tail as she shakes her flank. “It’s exactly what you think it means, Arc.”

Hammer grins. “Oh, hell yeah!”

Arc nods soberly. “And when that time comes, I’ll... do my very best to be ready for you. Or whomever I’m with.”

Twilight sighs. “It won’t be for a long time though. Years probably. Decades possibly.”

Hammer rolls over and presses her bare chest against Arc’s side. “And in the meantime, you can work on putting a bun in my oven, handsome.”

Arc chuckles. “We should probably at least go out first before doing something like that, Hammer.”

Hammer appears confused. “But we have. Multiple times.”

“Not as a legitimate couple we haven’t.”

Twilight chimes in. “Maybe after we get back to Equestria you two could...”

Hammer shakes her head as she interrupts Twilight. “No way! Not until Arc has gone out with everyone else first!”

“But Hammer...!”

“No ‘buts’, Arc! I’m serious about this!”

Arc chuckles. “I was just going to say that Pinkie is the last one I need to date before such a stipulation is met.”

“Oh... right.”

Twilight smiles. “Then you should probably think about taking Pinkie out on a date, Arc.”

“I’ll give the matter some more thought when we’re done here.”

Twilight giggles. “Good. I’ll mention it to the others and we’ll see about trying to plan something.”

Hammer grins as she puts a hand on Arc’s thigh. “In the meantime, I do believe it’s my turn now.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You really don’t give up, do you?”

“Nah. But this time I actually meant my turn for a mini vacation.”

“Oh... right.”

Twilight giggles. “So what do you want to do, Hammer?”

“Well... first promise me that you two won’t laugh.”

Arc nods. “I promise.”

“Me too, Hammer.”

Hammer looks to them soberly. “Raise your right hands and promise! Well... right appendage, I guess. And say the words too.”

Arc raises his right hand. “Alright, I promise not to laugh, Hammer.”

Twilight shrugs as she raises her right hoof. “As do I.”

Hammer shakes her head. No, no! You have to actually SAY it, Twilight!

“Fine. I promise I won’t laugh at your idea, Hammer.”

Hammer grins. “That’s better.”

Taking a deep breath, Hammer continues.

“As you both know, I’ve always liked being with Arc. The feel of his skin on mine. The gentle touch of his hands. And even his smell just drives me crazy.”

Arc chuckles. “So what exactly do you want then, Hammer?”

“I’m getting to that! Just be patient! First I need to give you both a little backstory.”

She turns to Twilight before continuing.

“You see... I’ve never told this to anyone before, but... I used to have this dream some nights. In it, I was a little girl walking through a field of flowers. The sun was shining and I was wearing a light sun dress, bare legs, and no shoes. It was warm, but not hot and the sun was bright but not too bright.”

Pausing, she thinks for a few moments.

“Now, as I was walking along, I would come to a small brook. Along with the sound of the water I would also hear hooves running toward me. Turning, there would be a beautiful unicorn running toward me. They would stop in front of me, kneel down and allow me to get on their back. As they walked on, I could feel their body moving against my inner thighs, the warmth of their body, and even the smell of their fur.

Smiling as she closes her eyes, Hammer again speaks.

“It’s a really nice thing I’ve always remembered. Anytime I’m feeling sad, I just close my eyes and think of that unicorn. Which leads me to what I want to do.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You want to ride Twilight?”

Hammer shakes her head. “I’m a bit too big for that as it stands. In truth, I just want to remember the end of the dream.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“The sun would begin to set and I would lay my head down on their neck and wrap my arms around them as best I could. And as I fell asleep, yes while still in the dream, I would feel as if I was melting into them. Becoming one with that unicorn.”

Grinning sheepishly, Hammer looks Arc in the eye.

“It’s kinda like how I felt when you held me as I fell asleep back on Earth. Just kinda melting into you. So, I would like to take a nap with you two while holding onto Twilight from the rear. That is... if it’s okay.”

Twilight nods happily. “Sure. That actually sounds really nice to me too.”

She motions to the pillow before continuing.

“Shall we give it a try?”

Hammer nods happily. “Yeah! Let’s do it!”

Laying her head on a pillow in the middle of the bed, Hammer rolls over onto her side as Twilight walks across the mattress and lays down next to her. Turning to look away from the young woman, Twilight allows Hammer to put her arms around her belly and hold her close. Hammer sighs contentedly.

“This feels nice. Like holding a stuffed animal.”

Arc chuckles. “A living, breathing one, yes.”

Twilight giggles. “I do like being held. It kinda reminds me of how Arc did that on our date.”

Hammer looks over to Arc. “Come on over here and join us, handsome. We’ll see if I can melt into both of you.”

Twilight nods as she raises her head slightly. “You could probably get your arm over both Hammer and myself.

Arc chuckles. “Then let’s give it a try.”

Lying down behind Hammer, Arc presses his body against hers. She grins as she feels his warmth combined with Twilight’s.

“I like this! It makes me feel like a Hammerburger!”

Twilight giggles. “Arc’s the only one I’ve ever gotten into bed with, so this is a new experience for me as well.”

Hammer looks down at the mare. “How am I doing, Twilight? Not holding you too tightly, am I?”

“Not at all. But you’re forgetting something.”

Hammer appears confused. “What’s that?”

You said that in your dream you put your face in the unicorn’s mane.”

“Oh, I know. But I just thought that’d be going too far.”

“It’s fine. Go ahead.”

Doing as Twilight suggests, Hammer buries her face in Twilight’s mane. Smiling widely, she speaks.

“It’s just like in my dream. Soft and sweet smelling.”

Twilight giggles. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Hammer smirks slyly. “That along with Arc’s schlong pressed against my backside makes this absolutely perfect.”

She looks over her shoulder before continuing.

“Not going to say anything about that, Arc?”

Hearing no response, Hammer chuckles as she whispers in Twilight’s ear.

“I think he’s asleep.”

“Are you sure?”

Hammer nods. “Positive. His breathing is slower and he didn’t say anything about what I just said.”

Twilight smiles. “Then why don’t you and I follow his lead and see about... how did you word that feeling?”

“Melting into one another?”


“Alright. But what about an alarm clock? We don’t want to oversleep and miss supper, after all.”

“If we don’t come, the ship’s crew will call us on Arc’s earring, or something.”

Hammer looks down at her naked body. “As long as they don’t just burst in here and see this.”

Twilight shakes her head. “They can’t. We locked the door earlier, remember?”

“Oh... right. Gotta stop forgetting stuff like that.”

“Get some rest and feel free to enjoy me as much as you want.”

“I will, Twilight. Thanks.”

Twilight giggles as both she and Hammer close their eyes. “Who knows. Maybe one day this will become a regular thing. For all of us.”

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