• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 10th, 2016



My bio (I'll update about it) · 11:45pm Aug 23rd, 2012

I'm a revewer of sorts. I revew per chapter while the story is going.

Enough of what I'll do, I'll tell ya something that has been happening to me...

While I go to sleep, my soul/mind/spirit whatever goes to equestria and, whatever happens there, my body suffers irl, example: irl I got a cut (fresh one on the arm), in my dream or in equestria twi healed my arm, when I woke up my arm was healed too.
For me is fun to be there (although RD I think is trying to hit on me)

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thanks for the favorite!

Thanks for fav'ing "The Experiment" :D

Hi! Random friend would you like a follow for a follow?

Thank you for the favourite on Queen Chrysalis, Attempted Mind Thief! :pinkiehappy: It's very much appreciated.

Hey you! Yea You! Thanks for favoriting "The Girls"

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