read it for the errors; enjoy for the story
Doctor of physics who enjoys the technicolor cathorses. :P Wrote No Longer Displaced and No Longer Alone with Sober.
Avatar was a work in progress... then I never completed it. So I guess it's completed?
Massive nerd brony with enough of a screwed up mind to create stories.
Everyone Needs A Creeper, A Personal Space And Privacy Grim Reaper. Also Hail Minty p.s. I'll steal yo gurl, yo husbund, yo house, yo cids, yo dawg, and yo side bae
Just a person that reads, writes, and reviews stuff. Oh, and draws(now practices animation).
Some aliases I go by are Eru Iluvatar, and Melkor. Sometimes Lavender Frappe.
Writer who loves world building and universe exploring. Discord: Magister Artemis Tao#7048
"It's Meta. He hates everything. That's just his purpose; in denying it he would deny himself." -Officer Hot-Pants. "MetaKnight145, somewhat friendly misanthrope who lives on pornsites." -Mr. Grimdark
"If I desire to possess everything, does that not make everything mine by right?"
[2/19/2014 9:24:53 PM] Merlos The Mad: Turtle, word on the street is your being you [2/19/2014 9:24:56 PM] Merlos The Mad: stop that
Help, I have too many ideas and I don't have the will to make them a reality. Every day of my life is agony.
I love donuts and ponies, therefore i am a dony.
Smile, even when you're breaking up inside
Derpy, Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle, Chrysalis. Myself, summed up in four MLP characters. I'm a deeply flawed individual, but if you can get past that, I'm sure we can be the best of friends.