• Member Since 6th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 1st, 2021

Artemis Tao

Writer who loves world building and universe exploring. Discord: Magister Artemis Tao#7048


Story Progress: Cover Art · 5:00pm Mar 16th, 2020

The artwork for my story is done and I'm just trying to finish up some edits on the first three chapters in order to post this week. Just need to find some spare time to do it :flutterrage: Updates for the story should come weekly after this but this is subject to how my school year is going. I have a ton of projects on top of my senior thesis so for any who actually read the story, bare with me just a little bit :twilightsheepish:

Report Artemis Tao · 181 views ·

Story Progress: First Update · 8:55pm Nov 20th, 2019

So I currently have 11 completed chapters (roughly 120,000 words) completed for my Fallout: Equestria story! The question is, do anyone have advice on the best way to go about feeding this out? I have it mostly edited but this process has been going somewhat slow due to college stuff. Still, I hope to start posting in the next month or so. ^_^

Report Artemis Tao · 195 views ·

General Update (For Those Who Care) · 11:00pm Oct 8th, 2019

Hello all,

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Report Artemis Tao · 290 views ·

Pre/Proof Reader · 6:03am Dec 4th, 2017

Hello all,
Figured i'd pool from the people on here I know (Yes i'm still around, most days in fact) to see if anyone would like to be a test reader for a Fallout Equestria story? Merely PM me or answer here or whatever works.

Report Artemis Tao · 359 views · #pre-reader

4 Das Until Destiny! · 7:42pm Sep 5th, 2014

I'm greatly anticipate this game as it is very different from Halo. Everyone tries to say it is the same but those are usually only people who have yet to try it.
I made a clan for it dedicated to exploration and understanding the story of it and of course ponies because sure why not.

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Report Artemis Tao · 553 views ·

7 Days Till Destiny!! · 3:37pm Sep 2nd, 2014

So is anypony following me getting it? If so, which system??

Report Artemis Tao · 560 views ·

Over 100 watchers? How? · 1:53pm Aug 14th, 2014

Hello everypony I thought I'd drop in the say thank you for 100 followers. I'm not sure how I have massed this number with not a single story (Yet!) but im grateful. I do want to put out that I do have a story in the works and more information will be put out on that as it progresses.

Anyway so how is everypony??

Report Artemis Tao · 405 views ·