Pony in new tiger hoodie with little to no idea of what she's doing
OG brony who really loves Crossover fics. Twilight is my waifu, and I'm not ashamed of it.
currently suffering from the curse of improving just enough to hate what i just wrote, then starting over again
Author and dramatic reader from YouTube. All your pony are belong to us.
Does anyone play the MLP mobile game? My friend code is a49657.
Brony and Champion of Athena's Fortune. Live Long and Plunder Lads and Lassies. Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/RegisStella1
I am fun like Pinkie Pie, I hard working like Applejack, and I get in your face like Rainbow. Thats why my pony persona is a Unicorn.
Hi! I exist here to write different stories on MLP and other favorite universes!
Backup account for AlphaToothless94, still love HTTYD and everything
Universe 010921: A story saga about Sunset being in MLP G5 series.
Ask-UnleashedTwilight.Tumblr.comAsk me anything!
A saga of Sonic the Hedgehog characters living in G5 Equestria.
My name is John Philip Walaszek. My state of origin is New Jersey, USA. I have created a lot of fanfiction, but I want to show the creativity I have in my mind.
I love to watch TOKU series shows and love to write fanfiction
Being a Wolf Psychologist surrounded by Pony kind can be quite the learning experience...
Behold, the coming oblivion. 'Twas the end of our era, and the beginning of our great work. -Emet Selch
I'm just someone who isn't much of a talker, but does like to share several ideas I've thought of.
I'm glad to be here and I hope we all can be great friends
I like to write, I like to read, and I've got a lot of story ideas floating around in my head. What more can I say?
I love writing both Original Fanfictions and Movie Adaptations, I also love all forms of feedback
Primarily an animator and game maker, sometimes dabbles in writing :D
I am basically a fanfic writer, love to right various fanfics of my personal interests, and I also draw sketches for fun.
Hey what's up everyone? I'm a video gaming brony geek who loves adventure and romance. My favorite thing to do is write stories for others across the world to read.
Hello Fimfiction Writers, I am Dalek-Galvo, EQG Fimfic writer, and Supreme Emperor of the New Imperial Dalek Empire!
Making stories of ponies is a lot of fun when you use your imagination
I’m Kibat Grenbuku, an artist, writer and a passionate Broodian vampire!
(He/They) Sometimes you just want to hear your favorite story told a little different
I’m an autistic boy who dreams to be a creative writer and loves wrestling, cartoons, anime, and video games.