• Member Since 13th Aug, 2013
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My name is John Philip Walaszek. My state of origin is New Jersey, USA. I have created a lot of fanfiction, but I want to show the creativity I have in my mind.


Skylanders X MLP Story Arcs · 6:16am May 5th, 2021

This has been on the brain for a while since Skylanders X MLP has a lot of chapters that separate into Echo Squadron's storyline. The separation happened after Raid, Test and Reunion and all the while I've been going back and forth from Equestria to Echo Squadron.

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Yes I know and I fixed it thank you

Hey, I like Battleships and the Iowa-Class are the grand old ladies of the US Navy. Iowa (BB-61), New Jersey (BB-62), Missouri (BB-63), and Wisconsin (BB-64). There were going to be two more Iowa Class Battleships, but were canceled due to the Battleship being obsolete.

Even though they are considered obsolete, those four ships firing their 16 inch guns is truly a sight to see.

(You made a mistake in Iowa's number. BB-61 is Iowa and 62 is her sister ship, New Jersey.)

Thanks for Tracking Lost at Sea: Iowa's Journey

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