• Member Since 16th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Hi! I exist here to write different stories on MLP and other favorite universes!

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  • 19 weeks

    Hi guys, here I am! I know that you probably expected a new chapter on "Equestria Ninja Girls: Rise of Thira" and my full-fledged return, but I'm afraid that's not the case...bye! That's right, I'm coming home soon after serving in our mighty army! And I will say that during this time I have new plans for stories about my favorite crossover universe from Wild card 25 - Equestria Ninja Girls! And I will say that I have three new stories on my mind and I hope that one of them will affect MLP: FiM

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    4 comments · 154 views

ANNOUNCEMENT! · 8:36am March 11th

Hi guys, here I am! I know that you probably expected a new chapter on "Equestria Ninja Girls: Rise of Thira" and my full-fledged return, but I'm afraid that's not the case...bye! That's right, I'm coming home soon after serving in our mighty army! And I will say that during this time I have new plans for stories about my favorite crossover universe from Wild card 25 - Equestria Ninja Girls! And I will say that I have three new stories on my mind and I hope that one of them will affect MLP: FiM

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