• Member Since 20th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 43 minutes ago


Behold, the coming oblivion. 'Twas the end of our era, and the beginning of our great work. -Emet Selch


She thought that whatever world that lied beyond the Mirror had their own secrets. Something that her teacher refused to tell her and tried to keep hidden. Boldly, she leaped forward into the unknown, hoping to gain something to prove them wrong.

That is not what happened. And that is not this story.

Instead, the unicorn known as Sunset Shimmer finds herself in a unforgiving place where danger lurks around every corner, those who tried to harness power for themselves are never the same and tensions between the Undercity and Topside are at a boiling point. In order to have any chance to find a way home, she will need to quickly learn how to adapt and survive.

Fortunately for her, there's one person willing to lend a hand. Someone who leads the only group putting up a fight against the barons that run this chem fueled playground and the one in control of everything. And unless she wanted to take her chances on her own, they might be her best shot at surviving down here.

A crossover between MLP and Arcane, serving as an alternate take as to what happened when Sunset went through the Mirror portal. No knowledge on Arcane or League of Legends is necessary, but I would recommend at least going through the first season before giving this story a try. I will label chapters with Spoilers just in case when we dive into territory that goes into Season 2

Written as a personal project to shake off any writer's block as well as to celebrate ten years of storytelling here.

Also, depending on how it goes and as new chapters are added, there may be some events in this story that play out differently from how it's shown in the actual show. Updates will not be frequent, but much like the show it's based on, they will be released in acts of three chapters each.

Credits to everything shown.
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.
Arcane & League of Legends belongs to Riot Games, Netflix & Fortiche Animation.

Chapters (6)

The Multiverse is a vast and rather unpredictable place. Just when you think you know everything, there's always some particular story that makes you reimagine what you perceive. Events that you're familiar with can play out much differently than you expect. Twists in the narrative can unfold into alternative variants of reality. Some of them may even just be a pale reflection of a source.

Who are we, you might ask? Well, you may call us The Archivists.

What do we do? Well, one particular tree in the vast expanse of reality garners our attention the most. It goes by various names, but the amount of branches that split off from this single tree are mesmerizing. And the leaves that sprout from it all have a story to tell

We take it upon ourselves to tend to this tree... while also sharing tales from it that take our interest. No two are the same, but each one is enough to garner some attention.

Heed our words though. While we might be the ones telling the story, you shouldn't trust our words at face value.

For we know more than we're letting on and we tend to break a few rules from time to time.

This anthology contains a collection of story ideas that I had that either didn’t quite make the cut for writing and put on the chopping block or are short pieces of collaborative works that I’ve been doing with other authors on FimFiction. 

Each chapter will contain specific tags as to what type of story it is, but a majority of what you might find are crossover ideas that I never really will get the chance to write personally, but the concept of it is open for anyone to try.

As for how the story is presented, it’s in a format similar to the audio podcast that I’ve been enjoying over the last few weeks named Midst. With the complete first season being out on YouTube.

Feedback is appreciated, but this is mostly to serve as a place for me to leave loose ideas that happen to linger around in my head. Regardless, I still hope you enjoy it and perhaps it might inspire someone to expand beyond a base concept. My goal is to try and add an update to this once a month or so, allowing me to put together the ideas and make them presentable.

Despite being listed as ‘Complete’, I will still update this whenever a new idea comes to mind and I have the urge to write.

Cover image isn't mine, but found on Google Images.

Thank you for supporting me over the years. I hope you guys enjoy some of these loose ideas and thoughts that linger in my mind.

Chapters (8)

One weekend, Rarity invites Applejack to Canterlot for tea and the chance to catch up on things. Simple right?

Instead, they learned that the tea shop just so happened to have caught fire. And a familiar pair of kirin are somehow responsible. Surely, there's more to the story, right?

A random spur of the moment comedy piece based on another art piece from Icey. This one being based on the kirin version of the 'Barbie Mugshot' meme.

Credits to everything shown.
MLP belongs to Hasbro.

Featured- 6/4/2023

Chapters (1)

Ever since she was little, Fluttershy was always scared to talk to others. Now, on her first night after moving into ponyville, the young pegasus found it difficult to get a wink of sleep.

As luck would have it though, she would happen to find a kindred spirit in the woods near her home. One that would introduce her to new friends and new possibilities

A random one shot crossover I decided to write based on one of the members of the Hololive Council, Ceres Fauna.

Credits to everything shown
My Little Pony- Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro
Ceres Fauna and Hololive Council are part of Hololive.

Popular stories tab on 3/15/2023

Chapters (1)

After retiring from her post and leaving the Kingdom in the capable hooves of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Luna has found the life of retirement quite... lacking. Her days are mostly spent with her sister in their newfound home, with not much else to do. Even when she's asleep and seeing the dreams of her subjects, her people are more at ease and don't need help from her like they used too.

In another world, a young god is now able to help her people after being in a cage for so long. Yet, even after saving her home with the helps of those who freed her, some questions still remain on her mind and linger while she's in her dreams.

Then, one night, the two dream walkers happen to meet... and both of them learn much from one another

A one shot crossover fic with Genshin Impact. The idea of the story being 'what would happen if two people capable of walking through dreams happen to meet each other in one'.

Takes place after 'The End of the End', but before 'The Last Problem' for MLP. For Genshin, this takes place after the main storyline for the Sumeru Archon quests, so there will be spoilers for them.

As a disclaimer, this story is not related to my other Genshin Fic, The Chalk Prince and the Clover. This is an entirely separate story, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Credits to everything shown
My Little Pony- Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro
Genshin Impact belongs to Hoyoverse
Cover Art by KAYA_ on Twitter

Featured on 1/4/2023-1/5/2023 and on the popular stories tab.

Chapters (1)

'What happened to Cloudsdale?'

It is a simple question, yet one that the greatest of scholars that have studied the Age of Harmony could not find an answer for. It is a city that did not leave a mark upon the world like with Canterlot and Ponyville. Yet, it was the home of many species before magic had disappeared and the sundering of everything that kept them together. A Forgotten relic of an age long gone.

That is, until now.

But what awaits a trio of friends could change how they think of the past... and it's something none of them are prepared for

My first attempt at trying to write a story set within G5. It takes place after the Movie as well as the Make Your Mark special, but is considered an AU since the explanations for events that occurred in the G5 Comics are not present here.

This story was influenced a lot by several different things and is the culmination of everything that I have tried to write over the course of the last two months. The main sources of inspiration were the Forgotten series by milesprower06, the Ancients from Final Fantasy XIV as well as the Critical Role miniseries, Exandria Unlimited- Calamity.

Teen rated because of the discovery of things that would be deemed as unsettling by many.

Any feedback for future G5 stories would be really appreciated. I hope I got each of the characters right. Yet, trying to write G5 is completely different compared to writing the ponies we all are familiar with in G4

Credits to everything shown
My Little Pony, My Little Pony- Friendship is Magic and My Little Pony- A New Generation belong to Hasbro

Made it to the Popular Stories tab on 9/14/2022

Chapters (4)

Some time after the Battle of the Bell, Discord receives a letter from an old colleague. However, they weren't really happy with the Draconequus pretending to be him over the course of a few months and want revenge for the damage to their reputation... not through normal means, but in court.

Much to no one's surprise, Discord chooses to fight the accusations against him.

The Equestrian Legal System will never be the same after this.

Based on an idea that Jade Dawn mentioned on Discord and I decided to try and make something silly off of it while working on another bigger project that just seemed too good to pass up. Takes places some time after 'The End of the End', but before 'The Last Problem'

Credits to everything shown.
MLP and its characters belong to Hasbro.
Artwork by Creepa-Bot Inc. on Derpibooru

Like with my other recent stories, it's just another bit of randomness. Nothing too serious.

Featured- 09/04/2022. You guys are the best

Chapters (3)

While on a trip to the town of Ponyville, Autumn Blaze and a few of her friends from the Kirin Grove find something peculiar. A contraption that's said to extinguish fires.

Each one of them react to it rather differently... Yet, all of them still find a way to get themselves in trouble.

Another silly one shot inspired by another silly art piece from Icey_Starr. Yet, unlike the last one, this one was a bit more spontaneous and doesn't quite have any structure to it.

Credits to everything shown.
MLP belongs to Hasbro.

Featured- 7/10/2022

Chapters (1)

When most ponies think about the Canterlot Wedding, they think of a few main things. The imposter bait and switch, the invasion that followed and how, against all odds, the love between the Bride and Groom was able to push back the invaders that stormed through the city.

Ironically, most of those things just so happened to be included with the event package Princess Cadance picked. And the queen herself? Well, when she says that she planned this, she meant it in more ways than one.

A funny one shot that came into my head after seeing this piece by Icey_Starr.

Also, it's been ten years since Canterlot wedding? Man time flies by fast.
Credits to everything shown
MLP belongs to Hasbro.

6/23/2022- Reached the Popular stories box and Feature box!

Now with an audio reading from StraightToThePointStudios! :pinkiehappy:
And a second reading by Lotus Moon :pinkiegasp:

Chapters (1)

Smolder has been through a lot in her first year at the School of Friendship. Whether it was the crazy field trips with her professors, the strange encounters that the dragon had faced with her friends or having to stop Cozy Glow from taking over the entire school, there was no creature that she could bravely stand up and not back down against.

However, even if she and her friends had saved Equestria before, unexpected things can happen. When one such thing could possibly set her back in her class and affect her plans for the summer break, Smolder is given a task by one of her teachers. One where she was to take what she learned in the classroom and apply it outside the school of friendship to help other creatures.

Of course, in trying to do this, the dragon ends up coming across a rather unfamiliar creature in need of dire assistance. When Smolder asks if it needs any help, what they and the rest of their tribe tell her that they need help with may be one that's a rather big undertaking... and test her patience.

For these creatures are the Namazu, and they need Smolder's help in preventing their extinction... through preparing a giant festival... No pressure.


A silly mini-project that I wanted to do for comedy purposes based on an idea I had as well as a crossover with one of my favorite games, Final Fantasy XIV. I plan to do this as a series of short mini chapters where the predicaments that happen only escalate the further along you go. Takes place between Seasons 8 and 9

Credits to everything shown
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro
Final Fantasy XIV belongs to Square Enix

Based on the Namazu Beast Tribe crafting questline, but with even more shenanigans and Smolder's patience being tested every step of the way.

Chapters (3)