• Member Since 1st Aug, 2020
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Comments ( 23 )
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HEEEYYYY!!! YOU!!!!! Thanks for the favorite!

I am glad you enjoyed the fic.

And yeah I agree about dark fics. Way to many tend to be dark for the sake of dark without the explanation of what caused the darkness as you said.

I enjoyed writing this fic a lot as it was interested to have it though hard to figure out how the characters would react to something we understand but they would have no concept of.

Glad it turned out this well. :twilightsmile:

I believe I have said this before but, I really like dark stories. The good ones, not the stuff that is half assed with practically no explanation on what is going on. I liked this story based off of the different point of view of someone listening to what was happening, it brought a whole different perspective. I just truly enjoyed this short fic for what it is, I look forward to what you write next!

Thank you for reading These Final Words.:twilightsmile:

May I ask what you enjoy about it?

Thanks for favoriting Tales of the Battle Foals!

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