• Member Since 25th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 9th, 2024


Hi, welcome to my corner of fimfiction! When not enduring my slavery, I like to scribble, sometimes with words, and sometimes with pictures. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

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Comments ( 21 )
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Thanks for the follow!

Hey, thank you! It's always nice to hear someone enjoys my stories, certainly including the...offsite works, yes, that's a good way to put it, haha. I had a lot of fun with Sunset Sushi, too. There are 2 other stories in that genre in my folder of incompletes, but none of them stimulated my imagination like that one, which is probably a part of the reason why they're still there. Even so, your comment is really nice, and kind of lights a fire to get going on them again, or one of them, anyway so who knows what will happen. I appreciate the fave, and if you decide to read any of the others, I hope they'll be just as enjoyable as SS was.

Hey! Huge fan of Sunset Sushi and your other off-site work, hadn't known you were on FIMFic as well: I'll have to check out your stuff here in the near future. Thanks a ton for saving your works from the Pastebin apocalypse, I'd been worried about not having copies saved until I found the archive.

Thing is, I actually do like Filly Anon stories as comedies. I just really wanted to examine the idea as seriously as possible and without the usual tropes the sub-genre does (making the Equestrians malevolent in some way, making Filly Anon a bombastic jerk, Filly Anon being completely masculine in mind with a feminine body, etc.). It's just a story idea I've only seen done sporadically and wanted to do my own version of it.

My pleasure. And a thank you to you too, for writing it, and putting it out there for us to enjoy. Anonfilly played straight was a pleasant surprise.

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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