I'll see you starside, everyone. Through rain, shine, or clouds, and no matter what it takes...I'll carry you there if necessary.
I pretend to know what I’m doing and people fall for it. No one falls for it more than me :)
[He/Him]. Hello, I'm just some guy who forgets his own age half the time that writes stories. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
“Had a dream I was king. I woke up, still king.” - Eminem
Blazer is a fanfic author who talks about himself in the third person. What a snob!
Vini, Vidi, Volume Enim Mansi. (Translation: I came, I saw, I stayed for the stories.)
Fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic since 2012. I mostly do crossovers. Lots and lot of crossovers. Hey, don't look at me! He's the one writing a Ship-Fic!
"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice." ~ Dr. Sidney Freedman, M*A*S*H S3 Ep5
I'm Kama and this is my MLP fangirl friend, Hallie. I only created this account for her.
Not much tell about myself. I play dnd, work a pair of jobs, and leave my creative juices for my stories. (Bonus points if you can figure out which pony in my avatar is me)
Trying to get back into a bit of writing. Comments are welcomed!
I'm a misfit. I don't belong anywhere, but neither do any of you. We belong to eachother. It's been good to know you all!
We've been making butter since 1945, and we've been accepting all people since the last four months.
"No matter how many friends you do lose...you can always make more." - Michael J. Caboose
Self-taught writer originally from Las Vegas, Nevada. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it seems to be working out okay so far. (Enjoying my writing? How about a tip? https://ko-fi.com/type_writer )
I don't watch the show, but I love its stories - "Confound these ponies. They compel me to write," -Blank Page
Just a guy writing fanfics. I also draw and make music, which I try to include in my stories as well. They/them.
Character is what you are when no one is watching
Love to write original stories; along with possible crossovers from well known series.
Welcome to main page readers! my name is Floral Essence (aka NinjaMare), and here you will find mostly HiE fics, among other kinds of fics. hopefully you all enjoy what I have to offer.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
I am a fan of HIE fics and a lover of Starcraft, D&D, Halo, Destiny 2, and more
A fan who likes story about Sunset Shimmer, especially Anon-a-Miss, or FlashShimmer
Working on new stuff always, I'll be back before you know it.
Amatuer-tier fanfic writer trying to take his shots at writing...
Yo! Down with Chrysalis, or DWC for short here! I'm here to read great stories and write out my stories. DOWN WITH THE HIVE QUEEN! DOWN WITH CHRYSALIS!
The Man. The Legend. The World's Strongest Writer™
It's a dangerous business, putting words to paper. You write a sentence and, if you don't keep your hoof, there's no telling where you might be swept off to...
"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." --Toni Morrison