• Published 14th Jan 2013
  • 2,192 Views, 18 Comments

The Fall of Discord - Blackbelt

The Final Day in the reign of Discord

  • ...

The finale

Twilight Sparkle walked across the scorched landscape, once the sight of a peaceful grassland, the sun and moon trading prominence in the skies as she walked. Her eyes never wavered from what lay upon the horizon: Canterlot. Its once pristine white towers which caught the sunlight and moonlight so beautifully, were now replaced by single dark tower, made up of obsidian and the remnants of the ponies who were forced to build it.

Twilight muttered a small prayer to the two princesses as she continued her march. She knew what would happen. She had prepared herself for the day for decades. And she was ready to pay whatever price necessary to ensure that peace would retrurn.


“Well well well, if it isn’t my favorite little party guest? How many years has it been since the LAST time you tried to dethrone me? Ten? Twenty? Doesn’t matter in any case. You don’t stand a chance Twilight Sparkle.” the king of Equestria, Discord, Lord of Chaos spoke evenly and calmly as he sat upon Celestia’s old throne. Twilight briefly wondered if she should be worried that Discord wasn’t resorting to his usual antics, but those thoughts were pushed aside as Discord spoke. “But sadly, Twilight, I’m afraid that you are no longer worth my time. You bore me.” Discord slowly stood up, and loomed slowly towards Twilight. “So, is with great sadness that I must, for the final time, bid you adieu. I wish I could say I was broken up by this, but I’m really not.”

“You should be afraid of me Discord.”Twilight said, resolutely. “I’ve been studying.”

A low chuckle resounded from Discord as he patted Twilight lightly on the head. “Oh Twilight, you really are such a bore. Always with those books. I made a world where, if you would only just give in and enjoy things, you could grow up dumb, idiotic, and ultimately happy.” Discord tsked. “And besides, what do you hope to do? Your friends are nothing but garden decorations now. And without them, the Elements of Harmony are worthless.”

Twilight glanced out the window, and she could see the garden. The place she first met Discord all of those years ago. And she saw five statues, each one depicting a mare wearing a necklace.

Discord noticed this. “And now you see the futility of your idiotic quest. If you ask me nicely, I can make room in my garden for one more statue. After all, what choice do you have? You can’t seal me away.”

“You’re right Discord. I can’t seal you away again....” Discord laughed evilly, waiting for what would inevitably come next. But even a God of Chaos could not predict everything.

“Luckily for me, I don’t plan on sealing you away.”


The throne room was in shambles, the old throne destroyed, the stained glass windows that depicted Discord’s various victories over ponydom were smashed, and burn marks marred the walls.

And lying upon the ground, broken and battered, was Discord, his various mismatched limbs bending in directions that were not intended.

And standing over him was a purple unicorn mare, a black amulet depicting an alicorn around her neck.

A surge of blood red magic began to spark from Twilight’s horn, a mad insane look in her eyes. And Discord knew fear.

“You....you can’t...” Discord weakly said, coughing as he did. “Killing me won’t fix anything. If you destroy me, my magic will persist. It is only by the Elements of Harmony that my influence can be cleared away....”

Twilight briefly considered what her prey had stated. And then duly ignored it. “I don’t care. You’re too dangerous to seal away. The only way this will finally end will be your destruction. That is what I have concluded after all these years. You brought me to this Discord. We gave you a chance to just go back in your statue. But you had to do those horrible things.... There’s nothing you can do to stop me.” stated in a flat, even, and ultimately unemotional tone.

Discord tried something else to plead for his life. “But what of Celestia and Luna, surely they-” and he was quickly silenced by a surge of magic from Twilight’s horn, causing him to writhe in pain.

“You haven’t earned the right to talk about them! Not after what you did! I saw it with my own eyes....not even a God has power to return life to somepony when it’s been taken from them by a MONSTER!” Twilight cried out, finished gathering the magic into her horn as she unleashed the spell.

There was a bright flash of light and and horrid scream that stretched to even the furthest reaches of Equestria.


A young pegasus colt walked through the lush green fields that stretched far from Ponyville. He carried with him a small basket of flowers, and he looked to the horizon: The Memorial Site.

It was a long walk, but eventually he came upon it: A giant crater, said to have long ago in ancient times held a mighty city. He walked calmly into the crater, following a path some ponies had carved into it untold centuries ago. This path led him to the center, where six statues stood. Each one depicted a mare, five of them wearing necklaces, the sixth statue who stood in the center wearing a beautiful tiara. The colt placed the flowers in front of this sixth statue, and spoke a short prayer as he bowed to the six.

He slowly got up, and walked back up the path. As he left the crater, he took a moment to look at the scenery around him. A lush beautiful field around him. In the distance, a forest. Above him, a beautiful sky, the sun delivering its light upon the land.

It was another peaceful day in Equestria. A peace that had persisted for untold centuries.

Author's Note:

This is an idea that's been stewing around in my head for awhile. Eventually, I just had to get it out.

Comments ( 18 )

Oh wow :rainbowderp:
I really like this, what an idea! ^-^ Good job! :twilightblush:

darn short and bitter... I like it:twilightsmile:

I like it.
I felt the drama of the story, with its bitter end and dramatic body.
And all in just over 1000 words.

You should feel good.



Very interesting, but I dun' get it. Is Discord dead, and Twilight sealed herself away, or is Discord still alive and dandy?

Fairly interesting. I always appreciate those who can tell a story with brevity. The grammatical errors made it somewhat difficult to read, though.

Very well done. I really liked the ending especially.

Touching and emotional, if a bit short and uninformative.

Not sure I really buy Twilight being able to overpower Discord with just the Alicorn Amulet alone, as implicitly I wouldn't expect it make the wearer any stronger than an actual alicorn, and we know that even Luna and Celestia combined were still no match for him without the Elements of Harmony. There's also the matter of the pony statues, when Discord explicitly stated in the show that turning ponies to stone was pretty much one of the few hings he doesn't do, although I suppose we can't entirely take him at his word on that.

Over all though an interesting AU take on events and an enjoyable read.


Thank you.


Yes. After all, what else would you have me write? (seriously, request something, or what you'd wanna see if anything)


All of the above, and a few things you haven't conseidered.


I shudder to ask, but which grammatical errors?


hey, like Twilight said, she was studying.

1960283 That's nice and vague... :rainbowderp:

its just the slightest bit short, thats all.

it is a good story though. its just kinda short :derpyderp2:

When all else fails STUDY!

I never felt like Discord was a bad guy. He just had a cruel sense of humor that nobody but him thought was funny. It was a little too dark for me, but it was an ok story. It was a little short but still ok.:pinkiesmile:

Damn...That's jus kinda evil. Amazing and beautiful in a twisted fashion but still. damn.:twilightoops:

Now I'm sad. I love Discord... :fluttershysad::heart:

I'm not sure what to think. What Twi did was wrong but as the last line said:

A peace that had persisted for untold centuries...

I find it a bit off that Twilight could have a magic strong enough to kill Discord, but through the power of suspension of disbelief i was able to enjoy the story for what it is. I like it!

Have a review. An interesting idea and I didn't see the end coming, but 1,006 words really isn't enough to do the setup justice. Needs an AU tag, too.

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