Spike and Tom's various adventures, starting from their first team up to who knows how long.
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Seriously, this is just plain fantastic in it's vibrant absurdity. It fills me with so much wonderfully whimsical joy! More, I demand MOAR!!!
I wonder if Sweetie can really carry through on that date promise...
To quote Bill and Ted: "Excellent!"
Let me guess -- the mirror pool only makes clones that are mares (from the rhyme), so when Tom falls in it creates a pony R63 Tom?
Man, I'm gonna' follow you, just because you're not a fat neckbeard, brother. *horns*
Metal never dies, my friend.
Oh dear god, this though.

Silly but doesn't sacrifice on writing quality. Great stuff
4144366 Hell yeah, brother!
Well, since Tom can't recite the incantation, he should be fine. Emphasis on the word "should." After all, Spike and he can't go on an excellent adventure if he's stuck in the bottom of the Mirror Pool.
Also, I was going to correct you on "secrete him away," but I actually checked first, and it turns out you're right. I'd thought that word would only apply if one of the Crusaders had a gland that produced dragons. (And God help us all if that were the case...) Who says fanfiction isn't educational?
In any case, looking forward to more.
YeAhhhHHHHH!!!!! My nigga!! Sepultura back when they didn't suck for your enjoyment.
We're talking about spine-crushing thrash metal on a website about widdle, cartoon horsies. Yeah...I feel pretty damn manly to be honest.
This is bad and you should feel bad.
Pretty enjoyable story otherwise, looking forward to the rest.
4144593 And for your listening pleasure, some COB.
Oh, Spike... *Turns and glares at the CMC* This should be... interesting.
In a glorious way, mind.
What 4140888 said.
Hmm... well, if the CMC had just finshed reciting the chant just prior to Tom coming crashing down, and then they all dive out of the way to avoid him as he rolls into the pool... well, just maybe that might count.
Now that's a rather clever idea.
Great story concept; I never thought of Tom being the rock lowered into the Mirror pool's entrance, but can totally buy it just because it's the sort of thing Rarity would do...
4144713 Children of Bodom RULE! \m/

Yes. This. Just yes.
Discord wrote a letter?
Curioser and curioser. Or...
Tom intercepted and modified the letter? Nah.
I am flattered to be recognized for my contribution, and slightly bemused that it was so small a thing
A curious little twist there...
Well, I'm equal parts terrified and intrigued. I'm also wondering if this entire story is going to be prologue and epilogue. (Not a complaint, mind you.) In any case, looking forward to more.
This could have used one or two proofreading sweeps. There's quite a lot of missing punctuation and some improper capitalizations.
4571753 feel free to point them out and I'll fix it.
Ooh, this isn't gonna end well, is it. *Grabs bowl of popcorn*
When are you going to update?
When it's ready