Applejack and Rainbow Dash share a moment together before dawn.
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Beautifully done, I love the way you describe her feelings so perfectly....
Well done, you should be proud.
Delightfully descriptive. I had a longer comment written, but I lost it. Wish there was a bit more to it. Even though it is a short moment stretched out to more than a thousand words.
What am I even doing here.
Insert standing ovation gifs. T'was wonderful. And the downvoters should burn in hell!
D'aww.. So sweet and charming.
Dude that was beautiful!
I agree with Tcherno here.
How can someone be so stupid and dislike this awesome piece of writing art?
Awww, thats so cute <3 My heart is puking love at the moment
Such an adorable fic 
It had a nice tranquil, poetic feel to it. The words just flowed like silk; the simple beauty of a farm in a quiet early morning (well, it's not morning, but you know what I mean) and the romantic aura with being a loved one, cherishing all the moments they had together. I'd love to see more stories like this from you

A beautiful piece of art.
This is beautiful...
I mean seriously. The vivid way in which you describe Apple Jack's impressions of Dash is just flawless and very evocative. Her ruminations on how their relationship happened don't feel showy or forced. The whole story just works brilliantly. And in spite of all that it was this little line of dialogue from Dashy...
That brought me to tears.
Well done.
I'd say, do more of these, it's very much a great story.
Good job, please keep it up.
This seriously brought me to tears, dude.
It's just absolutely beautiful, I can't even desececribe how cute this masterpiece is.
Well done, I'd love to see more fanfics like this or from you
But for now I can go to bed with a smiling face and a heartwarming feel :)
Well done. Very well written.
That was beautiful. The part about opening up with the aspects of yourself that you normally don't share resonated with me. I can relate to all of the feelings an emotions in this. Truly well done.
Dat last line
That was incredibly beautiful.
I admit, I was pretty close to closing this when I realized it was 2nd person. I am glad I did not. This was beautiful.
This was so, so damn beautiful =) <3
Could you also write one out of rainbows perspective?
... A true work of art painted with a word an a flick of the tongue... It's stories like this that make this site worth visiting!
Be proud of your work.
So beautiful: raritycry:
Ohhh gosh. This is so sweet! It's gonna give me diabetes <3
Fantastic job, very well written. :D
To put it simply seems like a huge commenting faux-pas, but i really think that this fic was amazing, well written, thoughtfully put, and quite the tear-jerker
Many thanks for a great fic

hope to see more from you
please take a like and a watch as payment for a good job well done
also moustaches.
An excellent piece of prose.
I commend you with the highest of the moustachioed commendations:

The Five-Spikes:
For your incredible piece that sits quietly on its own quality.
Absolutely beautiful writing! Thank you for sharing your talent.
My favourite part of this is the irony - all this thought on Rainbow's other side - coming in beautifully posed verse from Applejack of all ponies. Intentional or not, that was a fine touch.
Nice job, I liked the story not much to say!
Hmm. This felt like the ending to a good epic length romance novel, yet didn't read like one. It had all the emotion and description of something two hundred thousand words long, yet said it all in just a fraction of that. The little tidbits of information that played a story in my head of the events leading to this scene were accurate and just enough in word count to make it beautiful without being, well, too wordy. This was poetic and concise, providing so much meaning behind the smallest of things that seemed to all blend together perfectly; from the flat out description of actions in the past to the more subtle attributes of Rainbow's character through her hazy mumblings.
It's been a while since I've read something like this. Thank you.
The only comment I have to make is that "Sugarcube" isn't capitalized in most works. Applejack uses it for pretty much everypony, and not a specific name.
Other than that, there's really not much to say. This could have been a novel-length romance. You could have stretched this to 100,000 words and you couldn't have done much better than this. Sometimes being concise is a sign of a gifted writer, and I have to say that the fact that you were able to squeeze Applejack and Rainbow Dash's entire love life into less than two thousand words speaks volumes of your skill. And truly, an author that can do this with so so little takes a lot more effort than someone with all the chapters and words and time in the world.
Happy writing.
Well, that was really good. :D
Damn mate, that is beautiful, your writing just exudes gentle love & happiness. Thanks for giving me a smile :)
This was the only error I found. This is a really great short story. A great little moment.
That was adorableness, ack, my teeth fell out.
Awesome job dude.
Finally got around to reading this.
I am tearing up.
This needs more upvotes.
Liked and faved.
This melted me.
A rare event, and it was thanks to you that I'm reminded why I need to be me and with the one I love.
Listened to Kagome doing the reading, worth every penny!
Made me think of my girlfriend a lot and how other people see me as a strong haveing no fears but she sees me and my fears of loss if I loos her I don't know what I would do she even calls me her little dashie
you done it really amazing getting true love in it form 
This story was absolutely beautiful. 5 years since it was published, and I have still come across few that are quite as good. Thank you for writing this story for us to enjoy!
I think it was a very nice short read. you displayed the feelings and thoughts so beautifully.
it was a nice read and made me happier before going to sleep ^^
Had to take a break a break from Appledashery. One can only hope it ends like this.
Teared up honestly, this was so so beyond the world beautiful. This was so raw and touching. Keep on writing! You could have such a beautiful writing career. You have inspired me. So much love, anonymous appledash lover.