Twilight has a remarkable destiny ahead of her, but first Celestia must let her go.
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Damn, that was... something.
I guess Celestia was her own evil door in this illusion, or maybe the door tried to save itself by giving Celestia what she wanted.
Either way its a great story.

Oh Celestia, the feels.
Can we expect a continuation for this?
And then Twilight grew wings and hope sprung anew!
I didn't appreciate the subtlety of the door's horror until I reread this. It knew how scared Celestia was of that situation and it used her own reaction against her, like an emotional Batman Gambit. If the Junction had been this clever on the show, Twilight would have been toast.
Quite well done! Lovely descriptions without being purple or unreadably dense. Celestia's fear isn't losing Twilight, it's gaining her - nicely done.
And Celestia, you pass — isn't that wonderful?
The biggest problem with this for Celestia will not be the memory that will linger forever onward but the fact that she can never share the memory.
Because Celestia is secretly the most interesting character in the show. Once you've got an immortal wallah like that walking around, everything else becomes background noise.
Which isn't to say this story doesn't kick more arse than a centipede in Doc Martens. Because it does kick. Hard. Right in the emotions.
It's always nice to read a story where Celestia is the one with hopeless romantic feelings for Twilight instead of the other way around.
2111915 agreed
fantastic imagery
Yeah. In a sense it almost did, TV shows are about more than realism though. It burned Celestia pretty good here, so to speak. From the headcanon of this story you might conclude that it misjudged Twilight in the show, rather than failing to scare her. That wasn't really her greatest fear, but it was deeply troubling and perhaps enough to derail her success. Remember that Spike had to save the day, in a sense.
So it seems. However, I would argue that the fear wasn't about gaining Twilight so much as about losing the real one to her, Celestia's, desires. After all, Twilight would probably do whatever she asked.
Sounds a good one for the comedy or random categories.
It's okay. I didn't my feels intact today anyways...
I read what i posted again and it sounds like i am making a joke about it but in all seriousness ...
Celestia is afraid to want Twilight because she can't have her (or at least having her would be bad for both of them) but what if that changed? Twilight with wings and an alicorn's lifespan is a whole different ball of wax... Love may not last forever but at least it would give them both a Chance at a future with love in it without the fear of age taking the other away from the other.
When Twilight becomes an alicorn (assuming that the does become a princess in your fic the way she will next episode) then she will end up in the same place that Celestia is in now. Eternally alone.
Assuming love lasts then a relationship (of equals not the teacher student relationship they have now) could be the best thing to happen to them both.
"This throneroom is a tomb, and her"
"She's just a speck at the throneroom door now, a melting"
Both should be throne room.
This is a very good story and really deserves a picture. Can I suggest this? (Note: I'm not the artist)
Anyway, very well done
2111724 that's what I keep telling people!
Conversations on ponies who need love usually go like this with me:
"So out of the cast who do you think needs a hug the most?"
I know, right? Best possible outcome for a monarchy.
(Although... Fluttershy? That much? Really?)
Short, sad, and thought-provoking. Well done.
A pictureless, vaguely described, non-clop story from a non-big-name writer, in the featurebox? Okay, that's about the strongest recommendation for a story's writing I can imagine.
... Yeah, this deserves its exposure.
What's most remarkable here is something the story itself only hints at: a darker tragedy to come. Twilight's greatest fear is losing Celestia. Celestia's greatest fear is keeping Twilight. Someday, unless they square that circle, something's going to break.
2113899 oh heck yeah. Sometimes it's more Lunas than Fluttershys. I am pleased with the people who go far enough to see that Twilight, Spike and Pinkie deserve a hug far more than they let on though. It's just that Tia deserves a hug most.
This is awesome. I actually didn't see the possibility that Celestia might get caught in the door's magic. That was done elegantly. I don't have enough good things to say about this little snippet.
I can't condone a good or bad rating of this from me.
Wow, that was pretty good. When Twilight mentioned the door I should've seen that foreshadowing coming a MILE away and it still surprised me.
Bravo good sir.
This does not fit my headcanon, but it was exquisitely done.
Finally got around to reading this. Excellent work! I love how you write Celestia, and portraying her worst fears was done exceedingly well. My only complaint is that I'm left wanting more.
Fucking magic doors, how do they work!
Awesome as always *-*
Very very sad, touching and romantic.
Bravo sir!
I didn't want to feel anything but misery today, anyways...
It's OK. I wanted to be sad.
Words are inadequate here, so I'll have to leave you a very heart-felt SIGH.

That was beautifully done. I didn't clue in for far too long that it was the door, but that just made it all the more painful, knowing that it wasn't the reality but Celestia's--a creature immortal and immeasurably powerful--worst nightmare. Not the return of her sister to the Nightmare's embrace, not the destruction of her world while she is powerless to help, but a single heart-cleaving conversation with her student.
Please don't spam-post a single story to all of a group's folders unless the tags on the story meet the same names of the folders, but no story can fit in 12 folders that are all named after a certain story aspect such as gore, humans, or comedy.
I saw Celestia getting hit by the door coming, or guessed at it, but then I forgot about that and was like AHAHA THE DOOR!
I can't think of much else to actually say than has been said, but I liked this--definitely deserving of being featured. Yeesh.
It's not that this isn't a good story, it is.
However, can't you give Celestia a happy ending for once?
The word usage in this one was a little off at times, but overall a good read.
*chuckles* Though this is a nice story for a Princess who hasn't had much time to learn of the feeble qualities of romantic love, for the true Celestia of more than 1,000 years, such a fear and weakness would no longer exist.
Love in its purest form needs no relationship. It simply exists in the mind of the one who loves, and is only pained when the one who is loved dies or rejects wholly the the one who loves. After 1,000 years and countless passing lives before ones eyes, the effects become more muted and reflective. The pain of loss still exists, but it is tempered by wisdom and weight of experience.
Of course, that's just one case. In my experience, the youthful mishaps never happened to begin with. Death and I came to understand each other very well quite early in my life. All my relationships and emotive states emerged tempered by the youthful epiphanies and my oddly perceptive mind. I was an old man before my time in some ways, yet by affixing every aspect of my personality in stone so early, I avoided the absolute foolishness so many fall into.
That being, at a tender young age I realized that I had to put away childish things... including the very childish notion of wanting to be so very grown up. For grown ups, I have found, are often very childish indeed.
It was ok, but it felt like I was getting bludgeoned by a thesaurus every other sentence. It would have been much more impactful if you'd just used more natural wording.
i read the top comments and the first thought was "what you you all thinking?" this was a marvelous story. i will admit the big words took me a moment, hehe, but once i got through them the story was better for it. twilight is a smart pony and celestia has had centuries to learn the english language and she is royal. put that all together and they were use the harder words in a thesaurus. at least that's my opinion. it made me cry, well tear up, but it was amazing. i will be faving, most definitely.
2155278 C.S Lewis? I'm not sure it was him, but I think so.
2603305 Yes... I am totally not CS Lewis, who was totally not immortal... >_____>
2608362 Oh, ok then.
2608377 *thinks to self* He knows too much... *plots assassination*
2608399 Look, it doesn't have to be this way. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. I have a t-shirt! It's a really cool t-shirt and it didn't shrink in the wash at all!
2608410 Does it have a sexy Gilda on it? (Alondro loves Gilda, thus proving how evil he is, since Gilda is clearly the most evil character ever, if we go by how many people hate her...)
What did Gilda do that was so horrible? I mean, sure she made Fluttershy cry... but so what! (evil) Making weak little dweebs cry is tons of fun! (super-evil) I mean, I'll bet she'd go catatonic if I stomped on a mouse in front of her! Delightful... (diabolically satanically evil) And then I could dine upon her liver... (Hannibal Lecter-level evil!)
Uhm... (can't recall what this was even about.) Oh yeah! So anyway, send me the sexy Gilda shirt. (you are saved because Alondro has a poor recall memory.)

2609978 Hypothetically, what if it hypothetically had Discord hypothetically placed upon it in in a hypothetical manner? Hypothetically?
You like Discord, right?
2611304 I like killing him, usually with a Vorpal Sword or some other OP powergaming weapon of absolute power. That's the same, right?