• Member Since 19th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 25th, 2016


Comments ( 5 )
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Thanks for the fav!
You are SO AWESOME :rainbowkiss:

You´re Welcome :pinkiehappy:

And yes, you should ask him, he´s so god damn talented that i could hate him for that ^^
But i certainly dont :scootangel:

And keep up your great work! Cant wait for the next chapter!


I just wanted to go so I could thank the person who linked my story: but that's you, so I can thank you here!

Also, that was very nice of you to ask about an artist. It would make me so happy if I found one! Maybe I'll talk to Nin-Jay :)

Hi Buchi, thank you for following me!

This may be a total leap, but are you from the Appledash.de website? I know you said that English was not your first language, and I've been getting a little bit of traffic from there. I just wanted to thank whoever linked my story on appledash.de, but the website is blocked for me!

If you aren't, ignore this comment... but, again, thank you for following me!

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