Applejack needs a full night of sleep for apple bucking tomorrow. It's too bad that Rainbow Dash's restlessness isn't letting her get a single wink.
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Ah man, I really love your characterization of both. Sleepy Applejack is just adorable.
See, Look at her! 
Luv it
Whenever I read your stories in Applejack's POV, it just fits, and Dash's character about the subject is just adorable.

Well now, that was adorable. I really like the way this was structured, too. very nice, indeed.
Yes. Just yes. Amazing! Really lovely. Congratulations for being awesome.
Wow, I love your work! And I love this story!
Very good :)
Meh. I've said things that make less sense when I'm tired... I think, I don't really remember things all that well when I'm that tired.
Loved it. Big gold star for you!
Awww! That was so adorable! Wee hours Applejack is really cute
We've all been there. Sometimes you might feel you can make your way around your room, round your house with your eyes closed. Doing the same just after waking is another matter entirely. So vivid and real relatable.
You got Applejack's dialect down perfectly! Well done! I like these kinds of stories, especially featuring these two. They're so cute together! Hope to read more from you in the future. :)
You very well might be the best AppleDash writer on this site. This, along with all your other work, is fantastic. It's very rare that I see someone write inner monologues that aren't only perfectly in character, but are so consistently genuinely interesting and fun to read. You've got both characters down exactly. A believable conflict, great dialogue, and all around a very cute, sweet story. Just fantastic.
My god, this was cute. This is my favorite kind of romance story: short, sweet, and just... you know, real. No contrived drama. Just simple relationship stuff. With about a ton of sugar poured all over it.
I'm so glad I discovered this account.
Submit this to Equestria Daily...
The second person view makes it pretty confusing...but its okay
This has been on my To Read list for a long while, and... I'm really not sure what I can say about it that hasn't been said already. It's adorable, it's perfectly in character, it's well written, it's interesting, and the emotional conflict is simple yet feels very, very real for who these characters are. This is just about perfect in every way. I love it!

I am now kicking myself for letting this sit on my read later for so long.
You never fail to deliver some wonderfully emotional and poetic AppleDash.

I second the opinion of my esteemed colleagues HoofBitingActionOverload and Tchernobog.
*looks at comments*
Really? No one? Nobody's going to do it?
Fine. I guess it's my turn.
Your prose is just beautiful, man. So simple, yet so elegant.
And now I've gone through all this alt lemour's schtuff. Good deal, I enjoyed this story and all the others here.
That was such a sweet paragraph. I don't know I just felt the need to highlight it.